
Baby Bunnies 问题

My bunny walks around my house and eats the dog 食物 is it bad for her?

 webkinzandAG posted 一年多以前
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Baby Bunnies 答案

aubreyyy_ said:
I can't 确认 that it's really bad for your rabbit, but I don't think it's positive. Think of this: dog 食物 is simply made for dogs, and not rabbits. Dog 食物 contains meat (think chicken, beef, pork etc), and rabbits aren't supposed to eat meat, they're herbivores. Please don't let your bunny do this anymore. When he's getting his exercise, just put the dog bowl up on the counter and make sure there's no little peices on the floor either. 你 don't want your bunny getting sick.
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posted 一年多以前 
poniesaremybffs said:
i'm not a rabbit expert, but if a cat (im a cat expert) would eat dog food, it would eventually go blind... i may be the same for bunnies
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 i'm not a rabbit expert, but if a cat (im a cat expert) would eat dog food, it would eventually go blind... i may be the same for bunnies
posted 一年多以前 
bunnyhavoc said:
keep your dog and bunny in different rooms, 或者 only feed your dog at certain times. dog 食物 is bad
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posted 一年多以前 
Sweet_Angele said:
That is very dangerous because it can kill them! 你 should go and check with the veterinarians!
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posted 一年多以前 
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