日本动漫 music! Pop Quiz

"saa mabuta wo akete sono namida to hikikae ni tobitatte ikeru sono te ni todoku 你 ni" is from an OP of bleach. It's 标题 is... (Uryu got his own version.)
 "saa mabuta wo akete sono namida to hikikae ni tobitatte ikeru sono te ni todoku 你 ni" is from an OP of bleach. It's 标题 is... (Uryu got his own version.)
Choose the right answer:
Option A asterisk 由 橙子, 橙色 range
Option B velonica 由 aqua timez
Option C chu-bura 由 kelun
Option D shoujo S 由 《丑闻》
 hiraite posted 一年多以前
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