Anima Club
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added by OceanAzureHill
added by OceanAzureHill
added by OceanAzureHill
added by OceanAzureHill
added by OceanAzureHill
added by OceanAzureHill
added by natsume98
added by Sacred_Love1550
added by Sacred_Love1550
added by Tamaki199
added by OceanAzureHill
added by DestinyGirl
Source: Photobucket
added by OceanAzureHill
added by loolamcloo
added by OceanAzureHill
posted by Sacred_Love1550
 Cooro, the black-haired boy
Cooro, the black-haired boy
Here 你 go and thx for 阅读 and liking +Anima!:)

"What is that?!" A woman from the crowd shouted as people were screaming.
"A bird, a bird!" A little boy shouted excitingly.
"G-get him! Don't let him escape!!" Mr. Ring Master ordered, pointing to the flying boy.
Two of Mr. Ring Master's big guards men went after the boy.
"Wah!!" The boy frightfully exclaimed as he flew away from them.
"Oh no 你 don't...!!" The guards man 说 as they chased him to the far wall. The boy grabbed onto the tent 墙 as they neared and accidentally pulled it too roughly--causing the big circus tent to collapse!
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added by OceanAzureHill
added by OceanAzureHill