Amy & Rory Wall

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TARDIS-Granger 说 …
I miss Amy and Rory so much!Clara's cool to of course but....I don't know i just like these to 更多 then her 发布 一年多以前
TARDIS-Granger 评论…
these two 一年多以前
PondandOwsin34 说 …
Who cried when Rory and Amy jumped from the building and got touched 由 the weeping angel? 发布 一年多以前
TARDIS-Granger 评论…
I did deffinatly 一年多以前
abbysingsforgod 评论…
Me 一年多以前
fansfunsz 说 …
wow 发布 一年多以前
no1drwhofan 说 …
It's been exactly 25 months since Amy and Rory married each other. Congratulations! :) 发布 一年多以前
Wholockian 说 …
Today, June 26th, is Amy and Rory's wedding anniversary! :D Congratulations, Ponds! <3 发布 一年多以前
no1drwhofan 评论…
:D 一年多以前
TheKingsWard12 评论…
Yeah!!!!! 一年多以前
Dearheart 说 …
“You know when, sometimes 你 meet someone so beautiful, and then 你 actually talk to them and five 分钟 later, they’re as dull as a brick? Then there’s other people, and 你 meet them and 你 think, ‘Not bad; they’re okay.’ And then 你 get to know them, and their face sort of becomes them, like their personality is written all over it. And they just turn into something so beautiful. Rory’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever met.” --Amy, 6x10 发布 一年多以前
Elistia 评论…
Beautiful! 一年多以前
XxXrachellXxX 评论…
<3 一年多以前
MrsFinnick 评论…
i 爱情 the way she talks about him 一年多以前
Dearheart 说 …
Okay, I've always been a HUGE 粉丝 of Rory. But after watching "A Good Man Goes to War", I've officially been turned into a bona-fide, shameless, stark, raving mad RORY FANGIRL!!! EEEEEEEEEE RORY IS SO AWESOME AND AMAZING AND DANGIT, AMY IS SO LUCKY AND HOLY TARDIS, I 爱情 THIS COUPLE SO FREAKING MUCH *RANTRANTRANT...* <3333333 发布 一年多以前
momo0231 评论…
你 put my thoughts into words <3 一年多以前
TVjunkie7598 评论…
Well Amy chose him over the doctor he must be pretty frickin awesome!!!!!!!!!! 一年多以前
no1drwhofan 评论…
I used to like Rory but he's an absolute wuss. 一年多以前
scarxtardis 说 …
The chosen picks make me feel awkward being here. 发布 一年多以前
Alexi95 评论…
What do 你 mean? 一年多以前
ladychazabc 评论…
i know what 你 mean .... 一年多以前