
艾伦·里克曼 问题

If the door 钟, 贝尔 ringed, 你 opened the door and 你 saw Alan Rickman at the door step...

What would 你 do!
 LoveforSeverus posted 一年多以前
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艾伦·里克曼 答案

lilith84 said:
We seriously need to add the NC-17 warning to this spot :P I hope he'd catch me right out of the shower...and I'd make sure my 长袍 wasn't tied properly ;) And the rest... well, let's say it would involve lots of sweat and moans :P
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posted 一年多以前 
We REALLY need that NC-17 warning. I'd be wearing a towel... all of the ones i use are very short. Very short... hehehe
LoveforSeverus posted 一年多以前
subtle... 哈哈
lilith84 posted 一年多以前
I'd rather find him in his 长袍 that wasn't not tied properly. ;)
NamkcirNala posted 一年多以前
Vixie79 said:
I prolly wouldn't recognize him right away..lol then prolly I would be mortified, because i would prolly be in my boxers and with no bra. Just being honest. LMAO
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posted 一年多以前 
vskparaimer said:
*sighs* i'd faint, fall to the floor and probably never wake up. Just until i smell SOMEONE eating MY chocolate. the Wedel one with raisins.

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posted 一年多以前 
ohhh, that's some good 浓情巧克力 :P if you're lucky, maybe he'll eat it off 你 ;)
lilith84 posted 一年多以前
^LILITH!!!!! Don't do that do me!
LoveforSeverus posted 一年多以前
*hangs head in shame* sorry :P
lilith84 posted 一年多以前
MaiseRandom said:
Okay, while the FIRST thing that came to mind was along the same lines as the previously 发布 答案 *swoooon!*, my OFFICIAL answer would be: I would smile like a dork, shuffle my feet around a bit, look into his eyes, blush (because I would be SURE he could read my naughty thoughts!!) and then invite him in to find out to what honour I owe his visit :) After that, yeah, well...you can fill in the blanks 'cause I'd be on him like white on, um, whitER 白饭, 大米 *LOL* :D
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posted 一年多以前 
rickmanrenthead said:
I've thought about this a lot... only it didn't involve him knocking on my door. I was knocking on his, 或者 he was walking into my bedroom. I would automatically assume that he was there because he'd been thinking about me for so long. and wanted to meet physically. (I am convinced that he knows how much I 爱情 him, and we are just waiting for fate to let us meet, lol) Then i would just invite him inside, and we'd take a little nap, just like cuddiling. THEN dinner, and we'd take it from there...
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posted 一年多以前 
HA! If only, if only. X) This is of course what would happen. He's a classy man; if 你 guys had something planned, he'll be there.
LadyLilith posted 一年多以前
He is a classy man. Very classy... But shit I'd like to fuck him
LoveforSeverus posted 一年多以前
你 an half of the female world population :P
lilith84 posted 一年多以前
Fuck the classiness right out. ;D 或者 have a fun time trying, anyway.
LadyLilith posted 一年多以前
LadyLilith said:
If the doorbell 'rang.' :) I'm an English major, don't hold it against me.

First off...I'd be pinching myself and wondering if I had been involved in a car crash, and then had slipped into a coma and I didn't remember it. But then I would probably shrug and think, 'Oh well, I've got Alan for sexual fantasies during my coma, why would I complain?' I would graciously invite him inside, fix him something to eat 或者 drink 或者 whatever and say that he can watch TV, and then I would be right back out.

After that, I would be sure that everything was in place: I would be shaven in all the right places ( ;) ), had deodorant on, teeth were brushed, my breath and myself smelled nice, etc. etc. Do up my hair and makeup, dig around for a sexy outfit...then slink back in seductively and have my way with him. ;)

And if it was all actually real, who cares? So I have a restraining order, big deal.
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posted 一年多以前 
Sorry, I kinda coppied and pasted this from the Johnny Depp spot and just put alan's name there. and i'd certainly have my way with him.
LoveforSeverus posted 一年多以前
Everyone here would, most likely... ;)
LadyLilith posted 一年多以前
jbduenweg07 said:
I'd be like "why are 你 here in the middle of the sticks?" I live on a golf course in the Great Northwest with my parents and 5 年 old little girl, so he'd end up meeting them first. Yeah...getting 'friendly' with him would be 下一个 to impossible with my folks around... =( If I lived alone...invite him in... give him coffee (or tea) and something I baked. Exchange phone numbers/email addresses. And then let things happen from there.
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posted 一年多以前 
Then again, that would happen if I didn't live alone, either.
jbduenweg07 posted 一年多以前
I live with my mom and step dad but they're at work and it's summer break so... X) I'm 14 so it's normal for me to be at home!
LoveforSeverus posted 一年多以前
seuris said:
I agree that think we need NC- 17 xD
but I would do...
*look him and suddenly glomps him* x3
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posted 一年多以前 
ILuvSweeneyTodd said:

"How the bloody hell did 你 make a door 钟, 贝尔 ringing noise if we don't have a door bell?!"
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posted 一年多以前 
X) It's cuz he's magic!!!
LoveforSeverus posted 一年多以前
ILuvSweeneyTodd posted 一年多以前
alanRickmanIAc said:
What I would do???? 由 hell, who knows?!?!?!
I guess I would starring at him for minutes, my glance would tell him:"Erm...what...to...hell...??? Got I sick 或者 crazy???"
Then when I'm going on with my nuts gazing, he would smile and open his mouth... However he want to say something I would tell him: "Erm,... Could 你 please wait a second. I've got a pot with 牛奶 in it on my cooker and I think it's overboiling now... so please wait here, I'm back in a minute!"
Then I'll turn myself, closing the door behind my back, starring over and over... but then... Haha, I'll jump to the air, would laugh crazy and scream a little bit... like Sarah in Love...Actually ;)
Then I'll open the door standing there seductive and would let him into my house. He'll smile like an angel. At that moment the door is closed I'll provide to him he could sit on the 长椅, 沙发 and I'll bring him 茶 EARL GREY :D
We'll talking a lot about everything... Up till that moment I'll ask him... why he is HERE?!?!?! And he'll answer: "I read your book and I want 你 to become my co-star while screening that book... So please say YES"
I'll gaze again like WHAT???????? but I say: "Yes, yes... erm, yes... why not?!" and then he comes nearer and nearer to start a softly but passionating kiss... and then...
my alarmer rings loudly and I wake up... >.<
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posted 一年多以前 
Bhahahaha >.< "and then my alarm goes off"
LoveforSeverus posted 一年多以前
That's mean... :-(
alanRickmanIAc posted 一年多以前
Nope, just a joke ^___^ But 你 have to be in my opinion: it would be too good to be true ;-)
alanRickmanIAc posted 一年多以前
milla_indie said:
My 心 would beat so hard 你 could really hear it!!! And I would be mute for a second. And then quietly say "hello. Do 你 want to come in?" And we have 茶 and a nice chat and I get his phone number and address!!
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posted 一年多以前 
ozlynknightmoon said:
ask him if he was hungrey becouse i have something good to eat!
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posted 一年多以前 
alanRickmanIAc posted 一年多以前
popo6 said:
If i could just stop fixing his face and be talking normaly, i would invite him in 或者 ask him if i could touch his hair :)(they look so soft)
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 If i could just stop fixing his face and be talking normaly, i would invite him in 或者 ask him if i could touch his hair :)(they look so soft)
posted 一年多以前 
I live with my dad and mom soo but i'm actually the ONE who MUSt open the door
popo6 posted 一年多以前
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