《少年正义联盟》 Club
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"Where's the first pearl at?" Fang turned around to look for danger. 
"Great." Volt rolled the map.
"What? Where is it?" Fang snapped for the map, Volt blocked him 由 sending a shock of electricity through Fang's body.
"Agh!" Volt smirked.
"If 你 must know so much it's at Waverley Hills Sanatorium." Fang just looked at Volt.
"Isn't that a 'haunted' closed down hospital in Louisville Kentucky?" 
"Yep, c'mon let's get moving." Volt leapt up into the air and took off.
"What do 你 want from me?" I stared at Darien.
"C'mon. Switch over, we could use someone with that kind of power."  he smiled at me. I just laughed
"What power? I'm weaker then my brother. I'm probably the weakest link."
"You're only as strong as you're weakest link. And you're team is pretty strong." 
I laughed again.
"Sorry, that's obviously not working."  he frowned and drew his hand back, slapping my face. My head jerked to the side and grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the wall.
"You're just like you're brother. Different looks and different personalities. 你 may think you're total opposites, but you're wrong. You're alike in so many ways it's scary." he let go of my shoulders and walked away.
posted by Mclovin_69
The teens stood in a line infront of the fireplace and listened to what Nabuu had to say, " i want one of 你 plain and simply..." Nabuu echoed. Everyone stayed silent they were scared 更多 then anything, " I will read your minds one at a time and then make my decision " Nabuu said, " Andrew step foward...." Nabuu echoed, Andrew stepped foward and gasped as he felt Nabuu's presence begin to read his mind and he saw his life flash through his very own eyes. He shook his head and closed his head tightly as Nabuu left his mind and opened them again and stepped back. " Artemis Crock...." Nabuu...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Willow gasped and sat up rubbing her head, " Willow!!" Becca scareamed hugging her sister tightly, Willow smiled and hugged her sister back. The sheild went down and Dr Fate stood infront of them, " Nabuu release Wally now! " Willow screamed running over to Dr Fate, " noo...." Dr Fate said, " Nabuu!! release him!! im the one 你 want take the 头盔 off him! " Willow screamed, " if i put 你 back in the helmet... 你 could die... and im not the one to let another kill themselves.." Nabuu said, " but taking Wally wont solve anything release him! " Willow screamed, Becca went up to Nabuu. " Relase...
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posted by killer24
秒 oc i may post a 预览 chapter



codename:blade/dark blade

powers 或者 abilities:can go invisible & is a weapons export & can run as fast as flash & is a expert at stealth

personalty:funny,cool,shy,optimistic,dutiful,but don't 显示 much

dark blade's personality:angry,funny in a crul way,darkness

looks:blond hair,black eyes,cut on upper lip

dark blade's looks:black hair,pure black eyes,cut on upper lip

history:comes form different dimension where he got cursed came throw a portol to find cure. lived on streets till 3 do not know parents found 由 Dr.fate
and has beaned...
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posted by Obscurity98

A delicous smell wavered into the living room from the island and the ktichen right 下一个 to it. Kid flash looked up form his 任天堂 Dsi, along with Robin who looked up confused. Wally stared at the counter with his tounge lolling.Kaldur looked up form his book, leaning on one end of the couch. And SuperBoy looked away from the staci screen television, and up to megan, and the lrage cake that was 下一个 to her. Artemis dropped her arrows and ran over, even she couldnt resist that lovely looking cake.
Megan called out, "Guys! I made a cake. But 你 can tell right. Of course they...
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"Weakest people on this Earth, most definitely not 你 and I, is those who stalk on like a 狼 without a pack." My brother, with not an once of blood that runs the same in our veins, whispered to a bottle that glistered brown. His eyes unfocused. It never occurred to him that his pupil was flickering from shades of crystal blue to the darkest brown that I've ever seen. 
"It is because they are alone is what make them weak.  Those with a company of people like a bee in a hive, are strong. They are strong because they can drop all armor we, well not me, built up in defense. They allow them...
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posted by Obscurity98
I watch 你 stand,
你 enjoy,
你 spinn my head,
I know your name, Roy.

你 cant hide,
I will find you,
A guy like you, should wear a warning.

I can see 你 now,
I can see 你 there,
Watching me,
But maybe, i dont care.

Your red hair,
Your eyes i can watch,
你 爱情 me,
Kick it up a notch?

Babe 你 cant have me,
I like to play hard to get,
你 cant catch me,
I'll take my chance, its a bet.

I slip through 你 fingers everytime,
I 吻乐队(Kiss) your lips,
I run through your hair,
With my finger tips.

And as my tohuge touched you,
I stood on the ledge, and fell back,
你 try to catch,
But i slipp through.

Your face is stone cold,
But i know your mourning,
A guy like you,
Should wear a warning.
posted by Obscurity98
I'm standing, i'm hiding,
你 can't see me, invisible,
But i'm fighting.

I'm fighting on the inside,
I'm fighting with my heart,
你 see me, whole,
But I know,
I'm falling, falling,

Memories are going,
We are fighting, on the rooftop,
Close to falling, way up high,
Our silhouettes, shadows for,
The night sky.

You're tired, as am I
But one must win,
We won't give up,
Fighting, in pain, I
must end,
Now cry.

You've won, that's fine,
But 你 take pity, forget the fight,
你 helped me, 你 saved me,
Gave me my light.
posted by Obscurity98
Artemis scaled the roop tops mumbling under her breath, "How in the word can I lose him? GA will kill me! How could I loose him, and so brightly colored?" She paused then as a voice came into her earpeice, "We just got a Cheshire sighting on Grant and Fourth." It was Robin. "You need back up?" Artemis asked pressing her index finger to the earpiece. Robin on the other line shook his hea, "No, we arent near there. I just want 你 and wally, to check on Cheshire. Then get back to searching for Red Arrow." Artemis hesitated, "You want me to go with Wally?" the line was silenced for a moment than...
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posted by 66Dragons
The First Ever Duo-Author Fanfiction 由 Robin_Love and 66Dragons!


Becca landed a 迅速, 斯威夫特 kick to Revenge's chest and threw him into the wall, leaving cracks where he had landed.

Revenge growled, leaping at Becca. Becca blocked his blows to her torso, but overlooked the movement of his legs until it was too late.

Becca landed square on her back as Revenge stepped back, gasping for air.

Robin looked on with a professional batface. No emotion showed as he watched Revenge activate his anti-gravity boots and walk up the wall.

Becca was about to use some mystic power of hers, but at that moment,...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Zeus sat in his chair across from Volt and Fang. 
"It looks like he's holding her in Hades." 
"Do 你 think 你 cou-" Zeus stopped Volt in mid-sentence. 
"That is a journey 你 must take. If I did release her, she would not be able to return to the mortal world." 
"Can 你 help in any way?" 
"There are three pearls in the United States. Hermes will help 你 from here." Zeus pointed towards Hermes standing 下一个 to a table. 
"Alright. You'll probably need this." He handed Volt a map. 
"This will give 你 the locations of all the pearls, then the entrance to Hades. 你 might need this too." He...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Lucas Scott Story

Alias: GravityBoy

Age: 15

Powers: can lift things and control gravity with his hands

Personality: Lucas is very immature at times, he often gets himself into trouble with his 评论 或者 actions on missions and at the mountain, he often remarks on how crazy Willow is for liking Wally and often annoys her. Though his life seems completely normal and happy 由 the way he acts he actually had a lot going on for him. He is currently in a relationship with Artemis

Appearance: Dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.

Past: When Lucas was 5 his parents died in a car crash, he was raised...
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posted by NekoTheif
OK so I finally finished my story for Young Justice! it's called Birds Of A Feather and if 你 haven't seen my 文章 for it already before I wrote it check out my page and it will be under 收藏夹 so everyone can find it!
I believe I wrote this story in one night and half a 日 and it is long and well written (in my opinion) please check it out! It is on my quizilla account LunariAssain 1 but here is the link to the story!


Thank 你 and have a nice day!
posted by Robin_Love
Roy narrowed his eyes at her and Becca stared at him calmly. He smiled and turned to Artemis.
“She's definatly a keeper. Don't let this one go.”
“I won't!” Artemis exclaimed proudly.
“Okay smarty,” Wally stated. “If 你 can pin point people so well, do him.”
Wally pointed to a black haired boy smaller than the last.
“Easy. Gymnast. 星, 星级 of the team, mathlete as well. Excels at just about everything. Hides behind a mask of kindness to keep people at arm's length though he never use to. His father is a rich man and his son gets whatever he wants. But it isn't enough and he has to...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Shade, 你 have some explaining to do,” 蝙蝠侠 said.
Becca stood with New Justice and Young Justice in front of Batman.
“Yes sir. I guess I should start 由 apologizing. Not just for the recent...problem, but also for lying. The first time I got here, I was still working for Talia Al Ghul. I should have told 你 sooner, but I never thought this would happen. I was sent to collect DNA from Young Justice. Since I was an old friend of Robin's, Talia expected me to do it. I did what I was told. I 偷了 DNA. But I also did much worse. I cloned Young Justice and turned them into New Justice....
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posted by Robin_Love
They stood around calmly, waiting for the others.
“So Tach's going to be our leader?” Speed asked.
“Yeah. It's time 你 got on your feet and time I go back to my other friends.”
“You're worried, Shade.”
“I know. But I have reason to be.”
“Care to share?”
“Not really.”
“How much longer?” Talon asked.
“Not long now. I say...five 分钟 at most.”
“Shade, will 你 visit us?” Echo asked.
“Of course. I just...can't work with teams anymore. I'm better off on my own.”
“Ever since Talia, huh?”
Speed looked down at the burglars they had snagged...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca's fingers hovered over the keys. She had only played the 钢琴 a few times but was willing to try again. She couldn't remember who had taught her, but Becca couldn't care less. She put her hands on the keys, her hands instantly playing a haunting melody. It was the only thing she knew. But she also felt like she needed to play it. Something about the way it called made her want to find out how she had remembered it. The 音乐 was eerie, sending chills down the spins of all who heard. But for Becca, it seemed 更多 like a balm to her 心 than a chill down her spine. The 音乐 seemed to...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Have 你 guys seen Willow?”
“Not since 你 yelled at her, no.”
Wally glared at Artemis, who was sitting in a chair with a book. She looked up at him, eyebrows raised.
“I'm serious Wally. We could all hear 你 yelling at her. Why can't 你 just leave her be? She's probably flirting because she misses Becca. People act out when someone goes missing. Well, most people do anyways. And Willow did nothing wrong.”
“So everything is my fault?!”
“Between 你 ad Willow? Pretty much.”
Wally turned away from Artemis with another glare.
“Where's Rob?”
“His room,” Megan answered.
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posted by Robin_Love
“I don't know why you're complaining,” Willow said.
“You don't know WHY?! Them let me tell you! My girlfriend decided to FLIRT! With someone other than me! 你 may as well have kissed him!”
“I only kissed Billy once!” Willow defended. “But that was when we broke up!”
“So 你 like him?!” Wally shouted.
“No! What-that's completely irrelevant to the subject!”
“Then tell me WHY 你 flirted with IF 你 didn't like him!”
“Don't yell at me,” Willow whispered.
She looked away from Wally's gaze, feeling scared and hurt. She hadn't yelled at Wally, just raised her voice a small...
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posted by Robin_Love
“What do 你 think?” Becca asked, 展示 off her new hair style.
“Whoa! Becca 你 look...hot!”
Becca smiled.
“Thanks Billy! Would 你 notice me on a first glance?”
Becca put her hands on her hips, a huge smile plastered on her face. She looked at their faces, happy they approved of her style. She had taken the red out of her hair, and had 给 herself 更多 side bangs. She had also layered it, wanting 更多 flow than anything else. She shook her head playfully before going to sit on the floor at Beck's feet. She leaned against him and he teasingly moved his legs...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca entered the gym a little over three hours later. She watched them exercise for a few 更多 分钟 before blowing a sharp whistle.
“Time's up. Go cool off and have a rest.”
“But it's only been three hours!” Billy said. “You ordered five.”
Becca smiled.
“It's funny. Time flies when you're waiting for five hours instead of three, doesn't it?”
“Reverse psychology,” Beck said. “Nice.”
Becca smiled, giving a playful bow.
“Now go 淋浴 and get relaxed. And I expect 你 to obey orders 下一个 time.”
All six heads nodded before they disappeared. Becca smiled. She looked around...
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