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Trapper Part 5

Dakota City

13:47 EST, March 3,

"Batman to Static!"

"Yo, Bats!" Virgil yelled, throwing a 垃圾箱, 垃圾站 at a group of terrorists. "I could use some help!"

"So could New York. We need 你 to-"

"In case 你 didn't grasp the picture, I'm busy dealing with a detachment of Trapper's goons. I can't help."

"The entire Justice League is trapped on the Watchtower, 超人 is offworld, and the only one who can get to New York in time besides 你 is Impulse. He doesn't stand a chance!"

"What about the rest of your guys? Robin? Batgirl? Huntress?"

"At the Cave. And Helena is overseas!"

Static yelled an exclamation as he fell from his flying disk and landed in a dumpster.

"Why is it always a dumpster?" he muttered.

New York City

14:23 EST, March 3,

"Suit Activating."

Revenge sighed. "About damn time." he said. Lights, his HUD, oxygen, weapons systems all came back online. Trapper thought he had killed the Black Hero, but he had really only shut down his suit for a few hours.

Revenge stood, the sand and dirt on the bottom of the river swirling about him for a 秒 before becoming 迷失 with the current. He fired his jets and approached the shoreline. After scans for life forms came up negative, he crawled out of the water and radioed his jet to his current position. He hopped in and took off.

Revenge flew above the cloudline and circled about the city. He had two hours before the End of the World. He was the only one who could stop it.

Revenge turned on the tracker he had placed on Trapper's gun. It blinked for a moment before locking in the position.

"And here we go." Revenge said, rocketing to the pre-determined location.


翠, 翡翠 sighed and leaned against the wall. She had stopped crying about an 小时 以前 and put her mind to devising a strategy to get out of her hand and feet cuffs, break out of her room, defeat who knows how many guards without weapons 或者 protection of any kind, and stop a terrorist master-mind who had completely stopped the Justice League, the United States Army, and prevent the end of the world.

"Joy." 冬青, 冬青树 said.

The door to her cell creaked open and Nightingale walked in. She had switched from 街, 街道 clothes to her normal skin-tight navy blue uniform. 冬青, 冬青树 remembered the yellow bird symbols on her wrists doubled as weapons with a slight ping to her backside. The hispanic girl's dark hair was tied back in a ponytail. Her yellow 带, 皮带 was meant for fashion, though 冬青, 冬青树 wasn't too sure about the blue-white domino mask.

Nightingale pointed at the shadows 下一个 to 冬青, 冬青树 and her 翠, 翡翠 suit plopped 下一个 to her. 冬青, 冬青树 shot a questioning look at the female.

"I 说 we need to look for the light. Plus the end of the world wouldn't help my billion dollars." Lexi said.

"No, I meant the teleportation of my suit. That's new."

"Been working on it."

"Thanks." 冬青, 冬青树 said. She quickly changed into her outfit and the two slipped down the hallway.

"Wait!" 冬青, 冬青树 whispered. "What about cameras?"

"I set them all on a loop." Nightingale replied. She spun as a guard walked around the corner. Thinking fast, Nightingale grabbed the man, covered his mouth, and pressed her palm against his stomach. His eyes widened and he fall to the ground, his body smoking.

"Let's go." Nightingale said.

"What did you-?"

"Electrocuted him. A little 更多 than the human body can handle."

翠, 翡翠 gulped and followed the villainess down the 下一个 hallway. In no time they were in the dark briefing room. No one seemed to be around. Looking for the control panel for the 导弹 launchers, 翠, 翡翠 stumbled.

"Shh!" Nightingale hissed.

"Yes," Trapper said, flicking on the lights. "Wouldn't want 你 to get caught."

翠, 翡翠 tossed smoke bombs and they detonated. The smoke was vented before the two girls could cause any damage. Trapper fired at the girls. Nightingale leaped out of the way and 翠, 翡翠 flattened, rolling under one of the computer panels. 冬青, 冬青树 waited a 秒 before leaping at the terrorist leader. He caught her around the throat and pressed his pistol to the middle of her chest.

"Sleep tight."

"No!" Nightingale exclaimed, tackling 翠, 翡翠 from Trapper's grip.

The pistol fired, and the damage was done.

"SHIT!" Lexi yelled, clutching her ankle. As far as 冬青, 冬青树 could see, the bullet had gone straight through her ankle. Blood poured from the wound and 冬青, 冬青树 could see white.

"Are 你 alright?" she asked.

"Damn that hurts. That mother hugging son of a bitch!"

"Well it wouldn't have happened if 你 had let me kill her." Trapper said, strutting forwards. "But no matter. Traitors first."

Glass shattered and a black figured landed in the room. "You really don't have the best record with that."

A dagger impaled itself in Trapper's gun and detonated. Trapper yelled and clutched his bleeding and blistered hand.

The other terrorists backed up in fear of the figure still hidden in the shadows. "But-but-we killed you!"

"Be careful." Revenge smirked. "I bite."

The terrorists ran from the room as the Black Hero emerged from the shadows, his suit covered in mud and debris from the bottom of the river. His eyes glowed red and he made quite a fearsome sight.

"Get back here 你 wusses! Shoot him! Kill their asses!"

"Yeah, about that." Revenge said, picking Trapper up from the floor 由 his throat and slamming him into the wall. "Never saw much sense in trying to kill something that was already dead. Even in video games."

Trapper yelled and yanked a sword from Revenge's belt. He pressed a button and the three foot blade folded out.

"Fight me like a man. Without your precious suit." Trapper taunted.

Revenge frowned but slowly obliged, taking off his titanium suit. He was left in a fire-resistant under-suit. He re-buckled his belt, cape, and gauntlets before pulling out his own sword and standing in a guard position.

Trapper struck first, his sword aiming towards Revenge's arm. Revenge countered and struck at Trapper's neck. That attack too was parried and the two stood still for another moment, studying each other carefully before launching at each other with a flurry of parries, swipes, stabs, attacks.

Revenge was getting several blows in on Trapper, scraping him, a short stab wound here, a cut there. As much damage as Trapper was taking, Revenge was taking just as much. The billionaire vigilante wasn't used to actually having to fight, 或者 taking a hit and it hurting for that matter.

"C'mon Red Revenge! I picked out this city because I thought 你 a worthy competitor. Don't prove me wrong!"

Revenge yelled and stabbed at Trapper, sliding his sword through the terrorist's collarbone. Trapper yelled and leapt backwards, clutching his shoulder with his blistered hand and holding his sword with his other hand. Revenge pulled his sword out and slammed it down with all his strength on the blade. It dropped to the ground and Revenge's final sword strike went to Trapper's blistered, burned hand.

The terrorist leader who had driven fear into so many others shrunk before the Black Hero in his own fear.

"The fight isn't over, yet." Trapper said, licking his lips and pulling out a pistol. He squeezed off a shot and Revenge collapsed to the ground.

"Sam!" 冬青, 冬青树 yelled, running 前锋, 期待 and bending down 下一个 to the black hero. She rolled him over to see his knew completely shattered. Flesh and bone were mixed with the pool of blood on the ground. Revenge winced and clutched it.

"Holly." he said, tears flowing on his face.

"You're not dying 你 idiot." 冬青, 冬青树 said. "It's just your knee."

"I'm so, so sorry for everything."

"Shut up until we get 你 to a hospital."

Trapper had taken this moment to start sliding from the room. Nightingale noticed and picked him up, slamming him into the wall.

"Time to go to bed." she said. "Let me sing 你 a song."

The Hispanic opened her mouth and started to sing. Sam and 冬青, 冬青树 stopped, looking at the girl as the beautiful 音乐 flowed from her mouth. She was talented, she truly was. The words made no sense, but 冬青, 冬青树 found herself swaying to them.

"No." Sam whispered, grabbing her arm tightly and shaking her back into reality.

Lexi finished her song and Trapper stood up. He picked up his pistol, put it to his head, and pulled the trigger.

"As much as 你 deserved." Nightingale spat on the corpse and walked back over to Revenge who was standing under his and Holly's combined power.

"Let me see your ankle." Revenge said, leaning down 下一个 to Nightingale.

"Back off Grant. You're the last person I want to see."

Revenge stood up stiffly.

"Hey," 翠, 翡翠 说 softly. "You can 加入 us. You've proven you're capable of being good."

"Never." Nightingale 说 bitterly, turning towards the door on her good foot. She turned to Revenge a last time and glared at him. "You turned my brother against me, 你 allowed him to die, and 你 haven't avenged him. For that, I will never forgive you."

Revenge nodded coldly and watched as Nightingale departed from the room.

"What was that-"

"Don't ask." Revenge 说 icily and turning away so his girlfriend couldn't see the expression on his face. "It was my darkest hour. My biggest failure."

Revenge walked down the 街, 街道 of New York. It was ravaged, war-torn. It was desperate for help. Desperate for hope. Hope he knew he couldn't deliver.

The Justice League and Team arrived soon after to help with the civilians. Revenge stayed out of the fight, not 展示 himself to anyone but Artemis. He nodded to her look and disappeared from the ruined corner of his 最喜爱的 building.

Sam walked out of the elevator and into his penthouse. 冬青, 冬青树 looked up and Sam sat down in a plush chair rather quickly and roughly.

"How did it-?" 冬青, 冬青树 asked, gulping down her own fear.

Sam sighed and pulled up the leg of his pants right above his knee-

-or at least where his knee used to be. A black robotic shape was where his knee should have been, green light shining faintly from it.


"My knee was completely shattered. There was no chance to repair it. It was either my experimental robotic neural knee 或者 a wheelchair. Guess which I chose."

"The knee." 冬青, 冬青树 gulped.

"I've got to use a cane in public and the suit's gonna need an upgrade." Sam stood up and slightly limped to the bedroom. He pressed a button and the clothes in his closet slid aside to reveal a secret compartment which he tugged open.

"Um.. The titanium suit isn't in there." 冬青, 冬青树 started.

"I know." Sam said. "This is the one I'm using."

冬青, 冬青树 gave him a questioning glance.

"I'll integrate the technology, 或者 some of it, to the old suit, upgrade it for my knee, etc." Sam replied, holding the suit before him.

"That's not what I meant." 冬青, 冬青树 said. "This suit puts 你 in a greater danger than with the titanium."

"Exactly." Sam said. "I'm a man, not a god. Not a Titan. I'm a mortal fighting for freedom. Key word is fighting. I'm not shoving my weight around anymore. From now on, I take down people man to man."

冬青, 冬青树 smirked.

"...or woman." Sam 说 uneasily.

冬青, 冬青树 laughed and kissed him, hugging him. As soon as her face was gone from his sight though, she looked out at the storm brewing, the snow and ice ready to fall. She frowned and slightly loosened her grip on Sam.

WRITTEN BY: 66Dragons

IDEA BY: 66Dragons

Rebecca Stevens/Shade/Becca is property of Robin'sLove/Robin_Love.

( /fans/Robin_Love)

All DC Comics Characters are property of DC Comics. They are used without permission for 粉丝 purposes only. No profit was made from this.

Red Revenge, Samuel Grant, 冬青, 冬青树 Green, Emerald, Trapper, William Fowling, Nightingale, Lexi Eldovado, and all other characters related to Red Revenge are property of 66DragonAnimations 2012.

SUPPORT BY: Robin_Love, and many, many other people I'm not going to mention at this time.



Christopher Nolan

posted by XxKFforeverXx
I know, I have a quite a few, but this one, is a REALLY important key to Sifts past.

Name: Blake Douglas
Alias: Kid Devil
Age: 16
Occupation: Villain
Powers: Blood bending, acrobatics, hand-to-hand combat
Past:Blake was introduced to crime at the age of 4, when his parents gave into robbing for money. At age 7 Blake joined Riddler in his fight against Batman, at age 9 Blade watched and helped his new teammate Jessica, train. Now, at age 16, Blake hopes for the 日 that Jess returns to villainous side of humanity.
Other: Riddlers first apprentice
-Keeps a 刀 in his boot
-Dated Jess before she left.
-DON'T ask him about his's a bad idea.
 Jess and Blake
Jess and Blake
posted by Robin_Love
Name: Mera
Alias: Frost
Occupation: Unknown to the JLA and all authority
Powers: Ice, water, able to breathe underwater, can control anything under the water, excelles at any type of combat, unfazed 由 weapons, seems to have no weaknesses nor fears, Siren's Call, wings, unlimited endurance, “Infinity” touch
History: Nothing is known about Mera's past. (But for 你 guys, I'll leak out info!) Mera is a Nephilim. In other words, she is a demonic entity that looks angelic. Her words are like a siren's; she can force 你 to do anything she wants without ever touching you. Her looks are deceiving...
continue reading...
posted by VictoreYJ
Name: Victore

ID: Confidental

Age: 25

Occupation: Assassin and villian

Physical Appearance: light brunett, bronze colored eyes, 5'6"

Clothing: varies, but always wears a scarf that she can bring up to hide her identity.

Powers: 由 looking into her victims eyes, she can command them to do as she pleases.

Weapons: Doesn't always carry one, but she is skilled with a sword.

Personality: vengeful, focused, feisty

History: Unknown.

Relation to Team: actual relation is a secret, but she seems to have a hate for fire-casters...
posted by Robin_Love
Her heels clicked loudly on the floor. All eyes turned to her as she walked in and she waved one of her minions over.
“How far away are we?”
“We await the last arrival and all will be finished. My lady.”
“Good. Start it up. She'll be here within the 小时 and I want them here when she is. I don't care what 你 must do to break them, just keep them alive and get them in here.”
“As requested.”

“You going to tell me what this does? 或者 what the heck it is you're doing?”
“Shut up. You'll find out soon.”
Lizzie sighed.
“What about Terror?”
“He's fine. The bleeding has stopped...
continue reading...
posted by SilverWingsYJ
It was surprising how awake and alert 你 could be at 3am when 你 were risking your life. Like when you're crouching on roof across from an abandoned warehouse. That was clearly not abandoned.
Or maybe, to the average citizen, the dark building appeared empty. Maybe Silver had spent too much time looking for the deseption beneath the blanket of innocence.
She laughed under her breath. Innocence. Was there really such a thing?
Her train of thought was derailed when she saw the flicker of a flame appear and disappear in a corner of shadows below. Silver brushed a finger over her 天使 pendant...
continue reading...
posted by The_Writer
Still WIPs, but how would 你 like to see these girls in action?

New Characters

Alias: Nightingale
Real Name: Lexi Redio
Alliance: Criminal
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 118 lb.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Navy Blue (glows yellow while using powers)
Costume: Navy-blue skin-tight bodysuit. Black stripes and bright yellow bird symbol on wrists. Blue-white domino mask.
Powers: Control over darkness; can sing songs that can control people and seduce them.
Known Relations: Isaac Redio (Eagle)
Weakness: Bright Lights, is very emotional and distracts her from concentrating (which is required for)...
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posted by Obscurity98
Name: Sy

Gender: female

Species: Tiger

Relationship to team: Harleys pet

Super strength, change color from white to orange, Sonic roar, can grow to extreme sizes. agile, all the Tiger like abilities.mental link with Harley within a 5 mile radius.

Note: Doesn't like men. likes other cat girls,and will like guys with Cat DNA , doesn't like Skylar, 或者 any other canine/meta human

Harley found the large cat while on a mission in India, where she found it being tortured 由 men, and receiving experimental drugs to enhance its molecular structure's. Harley saved her, and 由 accidently touching her while unhooking her, they gained a mental/ telepathic link.
posted by AislingYJ
“Of course we’re alone!” Chandler said, slightly irritable at Nathan’s sudden detachment. “It’s the middle of the freaking night!”
Nathan ignored the boy’s irritation, resuming his brisk manner. “They had to make sure.”
Lily crossed her arms. “They? So there’s more. It’s not just 你 two, is it?”
Nix nodded, smiling slightly. “No, it’s not just us.” She turned away from the children, calling over her shoulder to someone they couldn’t see.
“It’s safe!”
The three children looked at each other, perplexed, but they didn’t have long to wonder, because at that...
continue reading...
posted by SilverWings13
The clang of forks and knives was the only sound to fill the silence. The four of them sat together, eating a normal dinner. Like a family.
The hot-head, blind telepath, winged girl, and energy manipulator. All under the age of 18. The most normal family 你 could think of.
None of them pretended the fifth place was supposed to be empty. Their knife-wielder, ex-thief and ex-conn. Youngest. Smartest. The first to grow out of the squad. Of the Double Helex.
Each teenager glanced at the empty 座位 multiple times. But neither had the insensibility to say anything, to call each other out. Not until...
continue reading...
posted by SilverWings13
 Saber Tooth
Saber Tooth
These three are all members of the Pack (Dunno what that is? I'm getting to it...). They are the only three (at the moment) that I'll be doing for this 文章 (I say this cuz I do know there are three not on here that are in the articles. First person to guess why, gets a shiny prop!) They for Before the After purposes only! No accounts, no using in other 文章 for 你 peeps. I'll stop being bossy and make the bios now.

Hero name: Saber Tooth

Alter Ego: Marquez Alto

Gender: Female

Age (BtA time line): 12 years

Physical Description: 5', long brown hair, brown eyes

Race: Human/ Meta, cocasian

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posted by BloodyMascara_

Name: Melissa Wellings

Hero name: Coaxoch

Hair: Black.

Eyes: Hypnotic green.

Relation to the Team: ((*Snikers* R_L and KFF are going to kill me...)) Devin and Fangs child from the future. ((SHHH!!!! They dont know it yet....))

Powers: When hugged 由 the opposite sex 或者 under to much stress, transforms into a small dragon(Willingly 或者 unwillingly. SO I EXPECT ONE OF 你 GUYS TO TRIP ONTO HER!), (When dragon) Flight, (Human) levitation(Self and other objects/people).

Skills: Black 带, 皮带 in martial arts, Cooking, pick pocket.

Personality: Never gives up, (OVERLY)protective of friends, never backs...
continue reading...
At LexCorp.: Batgirl sat silently in the vent, no movement was heard, and found it 安全 to come down. She slipped out of the vent, onto her feet, and then closed the vent back up. She stood up walking backward, facing the corner turn in the wall, to make sure no one was following her. Batgirl turned around, and her face went right into a well created bosom. Batgirl stepped back with a gasp. There stood Lex Luthor’s Amazonian, literally mechanically armed assistant, Mercy.
“looks what we have here…” she started and then attacked Batgirl. Swinging her leg out to whack Batgirl in the head,...
continue reading...
posted by Robin_Love
Thought 你 should know this about Cat. She's a hopeless romantic, she is sensitive about cheating, she hates cheater, and here's why. ;)

The sounds of the park filled her ears. Laughing, crying, talking, singing, playing, chirping, screaming, arguing. All these things filled her senses and sent her into overdrive. The past week had been emotionally draining on her. She hadn't done a single thing right! So she'd taken the 日 off. She sat at a bench and watched as a young couple kissed. Her eyes became distant and she spotted a broken hearted girl come up to the couple. The tears and shouting...
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Hey guys! It's rachele_X here, Aisling's creator. I finally decided to sign back in to this account! Anyway, these are the bios for 2 OCs that I've had for quite a while, but never introduced to the club. They'll never RP here, for a number of reasons, one main one being that I have WAYYY too many OCs already and the whole place is super crowded. The reason I'm posting their bios is that I want 你 guys to know them, because I'm probably going to write an 文章 series about them when I finish Broken Wings, as a little break from Aisling..
Anyway here they are!

Name: Tristan Blake Ross
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posted by AislingYJ
I decided to make a few minor 更新 to Aisling's bio.
Name: Aisling Carter
Alias: Dimension
Age: 15
Occupation: Hero
Affiliations: Kaos (former), Young Justice Team
Appearance:Aisling has a solid build, and she’s about 5’8’’ and still growing. She has short, wavy dark brown hair that she wears in a messy ponytail, blue-green eyes, and freckles.
Civvies: Aisling wears a purple 或者 gray hoodie sweatshirt, baggy black sweat pants, and black vans.
Costume: Aisling wears a purple domino mask (like Robin’s but it shows her eyes), a purple sequined shirt, green pants, combat boots, and elbow-length...
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Even as the sun began to set, shadows beginning to grow and claim the day, the two continued. Back and forth, using the roof-top as a sparring-deck. Every advantage he could find over her, he took. And vice-versa. The flash of a blade, the sparks of a flame, both weapons that barely touched the opposer.
The elder had height, strength, and years of experience on his side. He didn't, however, have the stubborn upholding of the Fox.
The Mutt tossed a 冲床 her way. She ducked, taking the bait, and he thrust a fist into her side.
Fox stumbled back, losing her balance and falling onto the gravel that...
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posted by Obscurity98
Real name: Alana Venture
Agility:95% Intelligence:88% Speed:76%

Powers:Anything she sees 或者 touches can be brought into flames of explode at her will. She owns a dragon that can transform into a large dog, and when needed Alana's very large dragon-Twilight. Alana has enhacned speed and strngth compared to human physique. Long lived.Good close quarter combat.

Note:Alana has red hair and cannot speak english fluetnly. She has a thing for art, and loves her Blade of fire. One of things the king gave her as a trophy of trust.

Relationship to team:Wally found her forzen and...
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posted by Robin_Love
I'm not responsible for hostile reactions coming from Eclipse-YJ. Thank you! XD

She looked around, her eyes covered. Shouldn't be hard to find him. I know he's back. She sighed and moved into the room more. She spotted him. Ah. Found you. She headed over to him and pulled the sunglasses off, revealing her magenta eyes.
“Hello Dylan.”
He looked up at her, annoyed.
“What do 你 want Rylan?”
She slid in across from him.
“How were the shadowlands?”
“Dark. Dismal. Just like the last 分钟 of my life has been.”
She smirked.
“I don't like your tone. Change it. 或者 I will.”
Dylan looked at...
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posted by BloodyMascara_

Hair: White

Eyes: Red((Im facinated with Red eyes ok!?))

Skin: Covered in white scales

Height: 6'5

Weight: 115

Race: Dragon/humaniod

Powers/Skills: Can morph into a dragon, but only when is very needed. Breaths fire((Yeah, yeah I know there are many firecasters, but this is a basic dragon atribute)). Skilled with bows and melle wepons.

Weapons: Fond of a sword but makes weapons out of anything she can.

History: Xiuhcoatl has grown up with dragons. She has never seen another human. She has fended off enemies of her homeland, she speaks a forign launguage not known to humans. She has been very isolated her whole life, and now she is traveling to find a 首页 for the Dragons. Their 首页 was invaded and taken over 由 enemies.

Personality: Curious. Many things fasinate her because she has grown up in a valley without technology.
 Xiuhcoatl as dragon
Xiuhcoatl as dragon
posted by SilverWingsYJ
Don't kill me! I just got bored of making OCs that I have to kill off soon (non that I've presented to the club yet).

Name: Crystal Adams

Hero ID: Can't think of a good one, so Crystal.

Age: 12

Physical Appearance: 5'2", dark hair, dark eyes, fair skin, black wings (14' wing span)

Race: Avian-hybrid

Relation to YJL: Fang's little sis. Surprise!

Abilities: mild martial arts, flight (wings), ability to change her appearance

Bio: Escaped from the School when she was 8. She hung around other mutants. A group of mutants, calling themselves the X- Genes, manipulated Crystal into helping them conn the rich...
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