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posted by 2bearz
I'm copying a bit from a story called Northern Lights! Hope 你 like it!

Hey, my name is Nizhoni Begay. Typical name 你 would hear out on the Navajo rez, but it's better than nothing. I'm about 16 and just had to do one of the most devestating things in my life. Moving from sunny, sandy, beautiful Tuba City to cloudy, leafy, dreary town of Forks, in Washington! I've always loved the sun and now here I am. My mom just had to go and throw herself at the first wealthy man she could get, but whatever, he's realy nice and young, and she actually seems happy.
Anyways that's not the most crazy thing...
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posted by Twilight_F
Here is the fourth chapter. I am SOO pleased that people like it. It makes Me REALLY happy!!!!!! I got my ideas from the Twilight 图书 [Obviously] and so there are connections! Please read, rate and comment. Enjoy!

Chapter Four


That evening we went out to look for houses (this meant running around and looking for the nicest one). I found this funny.
We couldn’t stay here because there was a risk of someone recognising me. So Carlisle wanted to buy a house in Australia. But Esme had other ideas. She loved renovating...
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posted by Twilight_F
Here is the 秒 chapter, hope 你 like it. It's a bit longer than the first one. I got my ideas from the TWILIGHT books. So there are connections. Enjoy.


He asked me my name. This 天使 was talking to me.
“I’m Bella” I replied in a feeble voice.
“How do 你 feel?”
“Disorientated, Scared, Frightened, Confused, everything all at once. Where am I? Who are you? What am I doing here?”
    I shouted a whole load of things at this angel...
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posted by dinosteph
嘿 guys, when posting this on FanFiction.net I decided to change the ending a little bit, add 更多 on. Just in case 你 didn't want to be left out I thought I would post it again with the corrections.

I opened my eyes slowly, noticing the time was 5:34. Early. I closed my eyes again rolling over to my other side. I could sleep for another 小时 before I had to get up and start my morning routine for school. I could hear Charlie moving around the house downstairs, probably making himself breakfast, and then I smelled burnt toast. Yup. Definitely making himself breakfast. I turned a few times...
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I tried to be differnt, and it worked.
All my life I have always blended into the atmosphere and the people around me. I was nothing special. I was ordinary.
My chance to be different and my chance to be free came with a cost... one I was sure I was willing to take.

"Turn away from the past, and follow me." were the words I recieved.

"Do 你 want to be different?" He asked me, and of course what sliped out of my mouth was a simple,
"Yes." But was I going to follow through with what he had in store for me?

Based on the hit series Twilight comes a new romantic twist...
One Way 或者 Another
created 由 Emma
posted by team_edward_
Chapter Three-Flashback

I swallowed hard and turned around. “How do 你 know?” He kept his hand on my shoulder as he spoke “Bella 1) I think 你 kept your shield down when we were walking to the car. 2) I can`t filter the thoughts I hear so I’m sorry but I had no choice but to hear them. So is it true do 你 爱情 me?”I looked at the ground nodded then I looked into his eyes and 说 “I 爱情 you” his hand moved from my shoulder to the back of my neck and he pulled me in closer to him. “I think I 爱情 你 too.” I closed my eyes and pressed my lips against his. I put my arms...
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Good news about New Moon from director Chris Weitz:

I'm very happy to announce that Taylor Lautner will be playing Jacob Black in New Moon and that he's doing so with the enthusiastic support of Summit Entertainment, the producers, and Stephenie Meyer.

The characters in Stephenie's 图书 go through extraordinary changes of circumstance and also appearance; so it is not surprising that there has been speculation about whether the same actor would portray a character who changes in so many surprising ways throughout the series. But it was my first instinct that Taylor was, is, and should be Jacob, and that the 图书 would be best served 由 the actor who is emotionally right for the part. I think that 粉丝 of Twilight the book and the movie will be surprised 由 the Jacob Black that Taylor will bring to the screen in New Moon; and I'm looking 前锋, 期待 to working with him and the rest of the cast in realizing the film.

Very Best

Chris Weitz
posted by team_edward_
Chapter Two-Death

“What the hell do 你 want?” He looked straight ahead as I drove a good 60 miles over the speed “Do 你 have to drive so fast? And I just wanted to see if 你 had a good first 日 at your new school. So did 你 have a good day?” Why do people ask me so many questions? “Not until the start of lunch. Then I called 你 as 你 know and then I sat with the Cullen`s and then the rest of my 日 was wonderful.” I bite my lip remembering what had happened before trigonometry. “Why did the rest of the 日 go so wonderful?” UH! “God what is it with 你 and everyone...
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posted by mandapanda
It's 9.30 on a Friday at bliss HQ. Normally we'd be out celeb spotting but we're staying in for a reason. A good one!

We have a phone 日期 with the hottest movie man of the moment, Robert Pattinson. When he finally rings, he's unexpectedly shy, but once we get past the nervous hellos, Rob opens up and his boyish banter and flirty charm ring through our ears to much delight. We.Love.Him

Twilight is a vampire romance movie. Now, we know you're not really a vampire but are 你 romantic?

''I try to be. I've never really fallen in love, but I try to be as romantic as possible.''

Wowsers! We find that...
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posted by team_edward_
I closed my eyes.I hated when he did this.Why not just walk we could talk even more.I put my arms around his neck.He smelled really good,not like any cologne, but just really nice and inviting.I buried my nose in his 衬衫 and inhaled deeply.

When we got to the meadow.I looked around and remembered our conversation the other 日 and many just a few years ago.It was beautiful and it hadn`t changed that much.

"So what do 你 want to talk about?"I looked at him hopeful I didnt know what we should talk about but I hopped he did."Nothing really."No luck,wait I know."How about how am I going to tell...
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posted by team_edward_
The 吻乐队(Kiss) lasted only a 分钟 thanks to Alice who was standing behind Edward trying to force him to go with her."Lets go Edward 你 have a call."Edward sighed and let me go."Why are 你 blushing Bella."I looked at her."Ed and Carlisle where talking and I sorts walked out here in this,I`m not sure which he was 更多 shoked 由 me in his house 或者 me looking like this walking out of Edwards room."I smiled and pointed to the 衬衫 I was wearing.She smiled at me and grabed my hand.

"Do 你 like to wear shorts and a top,a little dress,or just a 最佳, 返回页首 to bed?"I blushed and I told her"I wear nothing but...
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posted by mjbe
Out of all the people whop think they know about the pictures on the book why and how are they linked to the book in any way? I have read the 图书 thousands of times and i still dot get the pics on front plz awnser me so i dont have to keep wondering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One other thing, is S.M. going to write some new books? After 阅读 twilight i can't find a good book any 更多 and my English teacher is yelling at me becuase i keep 阅读 the twilight book over and over again.?????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've gotta say, when I walked into the theater, I kept saying to myself, "it's a low-budget film. It's a four hundred whatever book crammed into two hours..." 你 get the point. I wasn't expecting the movie to be as great as the book (Duh!). However, the movie turned out better than I expected! I actually loved it and I'm planning on seeing it again!

The Characters

I loved how Robert actually portrayed Edward. It was exactly how I pictured him. He was defiantly creepy. I mean, appearing in her room and just standing there, but it was how I thought of Edward. I remember 阅读 the book...
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posted by laureng114
Midnight Sun

Ever wonder how Twilight would be if it was told from Edward's point of view? Did 你 ever wonder what he was thinking in biology class as his pale white fists were clenched, 或者 when he broke the boundaries between himself and bella in the meadow? It turns out Stephenie Meyer has been working on a book called Midnight Sun that is completly in Edward's perspective, and follows the same exact story as Twilight. The only problem is that people were illegally putting her rough draft on the internet and now Stephenie Meyer is most likely not going to 发布 the book. I had read the...
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Twilight co-stars and BFFs Nikki Reed and Kristen Stewart stick close together at the their 秒 stop on the Twilight Hot Topic Tour in Garden State Plaza on Friday in Paramus, New Jersey.

Nikki, 20, recently told InStyle magazine about how she likes to be comfortable: “I feel comfortable in this [her clothes] because it’s loose-fitting, and I get to sit down in a chair! They put me in 12-inch stilettos [in the movie] because I am supposed to be taller than my sister… It was the running joke that we might not be able to shoot because I might not be able to walk. I was like, ‘Can 你 just have us sitting and put me on a pillow?’”

The Twilight soundtrack is currently in the #1 spot on Billboard.com and iTunes! The film opens in theaters 下一个 week.
posted by mandapanda
 "I couldn't live with myself if I ever hurt you. 你 don't know how it's tortured me..."
"I couldn't live with myself if I ever hurt you. You don't know how it's tortured me..."
***Contains MINOR Spoilers***

So, all the Rome and Madrid footage being released really got me thinking... are there two meadow scenes in the movie? I remember a Twilight Tuesday, when Larry Carroll asked Rob about a shot they were filming. Larry asked if it was the famous meadow scene. Rob replied that it wasn't the meadow scene, and that it was sort of a 日期 scene. But both take place in a "meadow"-like environment. I've been speculating over this the entire weekend 或者 阅读 through chapter 13 over and over again, and I just thought I would share with 你 guys.

I've read the DRAFT of...
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posted by mandapanda
 "I'd rather hear your theories..."
"I'd rather hear your theories..."
Ever since the Thatrical (final) trailer came out, I've been hearing alot of complaints 或者 disapproving remarks about Rob;s accent. And frankly, I 爱情 his accent. He is doing a great job. A few people 说 they can't understand him when he says, "I'd rather hear your theories." They 说 they couldnt understand the word "theories". They also 说 he sounded irish? I dont understand. I didnt see any flaws in his accent. Maybe they were too distracted 由 his eyes that they were unable to understand him? i mean that could happen cuz he's just so good. Still, we have yet to see alot of his accent, but I think its fantastic so far. Anyways, what do 你 guys think? Have 你 heard these 评论 too?
posted by thebellacullen
ok people, i am sick and tired of people who tell me 吸血鬼 don't exsist and ask me how is edward hot if he is imaginary? first off, this is my rant.......
second, edward cullen can not be counted out of anything, real 或者 imaginary...it is just impossible.....
no one can slam edward cullen without me hunting them down like james does
third, i don't care that he is fake, edward is probably the only man i will ever love, and since no one can ever be so awesome i will end up the old cat lady
fourth, i will turn all 你 non-believers into 吸血鬼 so 你 finally believe i was right and 你 were all...
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As some of 你 may have heard, my partial draft of Midnight Sun was illegally 发布 on the Internet and has since been virally distributed without my knowledge 或者 permission 或者 the knowledge 或者 permission of my publisher.

I have a good idea of how the leak happened as there were very few copies of Midnight Sun that left my possession and each was unique. Due to little changes I made to the manuscript at different times, I can tell when each left my possession and to whom it was given. The manuscript that was illegally distributed on the Internet was 给 to trusted individuals for a good purpose....
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posted by jacob_is_amazin
Ok so I understand completely why everyone absolutely loves Edward...I 爱情 him to.Through the whole middle of New Moon I was like Bella stop talking about ur "hole" I want Edward...I even flipped ahead until I found when Edward would come back so I knew how long I'd have to wait and when I got there it turned out to be Alice's reappearance...I literally through my book out of my window(only to retrieve it 秒 later begging for its forgiveness).I mean how can 你 not 爱情 him,he's a gorgeous,perfect,amazing,crooked smiling god.But then I started 阅读 Eclipse.I didn't really like Jacob...
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