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posted by AmberrBlueeyes
 This is DayBreak
This is DayBreak
This is a fanfic of Renesmee and Jacob's struggle to be together. Please tell me what 你 think :)


It felt like I was having my 心 ripped out, how could they make me leave him, Jacob? He was my whole life, and I his. We were inseperable, always together, I couldn't understand why she was doing this. Hadn't my mother, Bella, gone throught this years 以前 before I was born? My father left her for her own safety, after my Uncle Jasper had tried to kill her, and it completly crushed her, she's told me how the weight of it hurt to carry around. My Grampa Charlie had told me she had been catatonic in those first few weeks. How did they expect me to survive without Jacob? I would be worse than my mother had been, that I was sure of.

"Mother, 你 can not make me 移动 to Alaska! I WILL NOT GO! My place is here with Jacob. Father, please don't make me choose, I hate this! Why can't we stay in forks? Give me an answer DAMN IT!" I screeched at my stunned Father, Edward. "Sweet-Ness, we have to 移动 on, Grandfather Carlisle is out of work and depressed, Grandmother Esme is anxious about the Volturi making another apperance and Uncle Jasper and Aunt Alice are on edge all the time searching for any sudden changes in the future, this is no life for us sweetheart. It is decided that we will 移动 to Alaska, that's final!" His stern voice made my retaliation catch in my throat. I glared at him with clentched teeth. I finally looked away and stormed off to my room, slamming the door in the process almost taking it off it's hindges.

My phone began bleeping as I lay on my bed, annoying, hot tears staining my face. I got up and crossed the room to where my 钱包 lay.

"Hello?" I asked

"Nessie? It's me Jacob, meet me tonight in our place at 12:30 am. I'll explain everything then, I 爱情 you." Before I could respond the line went dead but the sound of Jacob's voice soothed some of the over whelming tears escaping my eyes. I gasped a jagged breath and wiped my eyes with my hands, feeling very disgruntled, I marched out of my room translating the Greek alphabet backwards so that my Father couldn't be alerted 由 my plan to go and see Jacob tonight.

"I'm going to see Grandpa Charlie, I don't know what time I'll be home, I'll call if I need anything. Don't wait up" I called on my way to my car. I saw my Mother look longingly after me as I sped away towards my Grandpa's house.

I arrived at Charlie's in five 分钟 flat thanks to the hand me down red 宝马 m3 可兑换, 可转换, 敞篷车 my Aunt Rosalie had 给 me. I bounded up to his front door and grabbed the key from under the eave, unlocked the door and went into the front porch. "Hello Grandpa Charlie! It's only Renesmee! Sue?! Are 你 here?" I called ahead of me.

"In the living room dear! Come on in, Jacob's here too." Sue called back, my 心 skipped a beat and for a moment I completely forgot I was faster than any normal human, I streaked in to the living room almost gasping for breath.

"Hey honey, isn't it nice of Jacob to bring Billy to visit me? Come and give your Grandpa a hug, I've missed 你 kid." His eyes crinkled at the edges when he smiled and it was a homey kind of sight, one that made 你 feel safe. "Yes Grandpa, it's very kind of Jacob, how are 你 feeling today, I mean apart from that hip, of course." I smiled widely at him and took a 座位 on the end of his bed, which had had to be moved into the living room due to Charlie not being able to walk up the stairs properly, to hug his torso gently and in that moment I got closer to his chest I smelled something so horrifyingly destinct that I froze.

"What's the matter honey? I'm not that breakable." He chuckled to himself, then wheezed.

"Grandpa Charlie, have 你 got lung cancer?" I choked suddenly upset with him, why did he have to hide things from us? "How did 你 know?" His bemused expression angered me. I relinquished my hold on him and stood half a meter away from him then did something I hated to do, I called my Grandfather Carlisle.

"Hello Renesmee, what can I do for you?"

"Grandfather Carlisle, bring mother and Father to Grandpa Charlie's. He has something very important to tell them." I snapped my phone shut and glared at Charlie, his face a calm mask of serenity. He knew what was going to happen to him, he was going to die. My Father came dashing into the room followed closely 由 my Mother. "Dad, what's up? Carlisle 说 it was urgent..." She trailed off as she fully took in the room and my stance and expression

"Isabella, don't feak out but I've got cancer, the doctors have 给 me six months to live. I've known for about three months now, I need to start making plans to make sure 你 and Sue are looked after once I've gone. My will is already done and the house is in Sue's name, I didn't think 你 would mind too much. You've got your life with Edward and Renesmee and a house, you're sorted out but Sue hasn't got anything left after me, Seth and Leah are grown and live alone. Please don't be angry 或者 upset that I didn't tell 你 sooner I didn't want 你 worried. Bells, I 爱情 你 always have always will." His voice was thick with emotion and his eyes wet with tears. I suddenly realised he was saying his goodbyes and I felt my body convulsing with sobs.

"Dad, I'm so sorry, I should have been here with 你 to look after you. Is there nothing that the doctors can do? " My Mother choked, Charlie shook his head wiping his tears away. My Father looked distraught for my mother and whispered into her ear "Bella, tell him about us. It doesn't matter now, let him know you'll always be ok and Renesmee."

"I'd like to speak to my Dad alone if 你 don't mind Sue, and 你 too Jacob, Billy, please?" All three filed out of the room and into the kitchen, Jacob would hear but it didn't matter he already knew everything. "Dad, 你 already know that there is something special about me, Edward and Renesmee and the rest of the Cullens but 你 need to know the truth behind my secret, the pale, ice-cold skin, the eyes that change colour, the never changing face, the reason behind it all. I'm a vampire Dad. I couldn't tell 你 before but it doesn't matter now, I'm immortal too I'll live forever and 你 won't." She took a deep breath to steady her voice and control the choking sounds eminating from her throat.
Charlie stared wide-eyed at her for a moment then his voice was menacing. "You did this to her didn't you? I knew your lot was weird, thanks to 你 my daughter can never tell her mother goodbye, 或者 lead a normal life! How dare 你 显示 your face in my house! GET OUT, GO AND IF I EVER CATCH 你 HERE AGAIN I'LL KILL 你 WITH MY BARE HANDS!" Jacob, Sue and Billy came to see what my Grandpa was yelling about. "I can't believe 你 told him Isabella! He is a sick man, very sick! Shame on you!" Sue scolded my mother and I felt unbearably hostile towards her. "How dare 你 speak to my wife that way! 你 could have told him about it all but decided not to!" My Father's voice was still velvety smooth and that made him anger all the 更多 menacing. "Edward don't, just go 首页 I'll meet 你 there. I have to sort this out." She kissed his lips, he turned and ran, forgetting the human chirade.

"Dad that was out of order, I wanted to be this way. Understand that please, don't blame Edward it's not his fault, it was either this" - she gestured to her perfect body- "or death. When I got pregnant with Renesmee, she grew at an alarmingly fast rate, I gave birth to her four weeks after I conceived. I was human and my body wasn't compatible with her, she is half vampire biologically Edward's child, and at first he wanted me to have her removed, but how could I? She is my child, my beautiful Renesmee, I couldn't 熊 to think about it and so Rosalie guarded me to stop Edward, I knew I wasn't going to make it through human. It was my doing dad, I promised him and Jacob I was going to keep my 心 beating."

"The 日 Renesmee was born, Jacob had come to see me, I needed to use the bathroom and Rosalie normally took me but I hadn't walked on my own in so long I decided to give it a try and the Klutz that I am I spilled my cup of blood everywhere," -Charlie gasped and looked disgusted- "I bent to pick it up and Renesmee's placenta detached, she was thrashing and it was suffocating her, with her strength my human body couldn't cope, nearly every bone in my body was broken, including my back. Edward preformed the C-section, he had to bite through my womb with his teeth to get her out before she suffocated. I broke my promise to both Edward and Jacob that day,Jacob performed CPR to keep me alive while Edward injected his venom directly into my heart. Jacob left Edward with me believing me to be dead, that's when he imprinted on Nessie. Edward saved me from death he gave me the gift of life."
"If Edward is no longer welcome in this house then me and my Daughter will not come here again. Goodbye Dad, I 爱情 你 too." My Mother fled the house without waiting for Charlie to speak.
"I'm sorry Grandfather but my Mother is right, my Father saved her life and if 你 want someone to blame, blame me. I did it to her, I broke her 识骨寻踪 and fed from her blood I crave human blood. Do 你 know how long it took for my Mother to get my Father to agree to this, this damned existance? I hate what I am, but I was born this way. And my Father he never asked for this, He never asked Carlisle to change him, none of them did, but Carlisle is a doctor and saves lives it's what he does. 你 can't honestly tell me that you'd prefer my Mother to be dead? She's still your Bella, what 更多 could a parent want than their child never to die? To live forever and be happy? Because if there's one thing I know Charlie, my Mother is happy." I turned and fled to my car. I wasn't going to see my dying Grandfather again. This fact I was utterly sure of.
I didn't notice the gigantic russet coloured 狼 flying through the trees, keeping pace with my car, until he yelped softly. I skidded the car to an abrupt halt feeling the tears on my face and in my eyes for the first time. I waited for Jacob to change back to his human form before I looked in his direction again, I wasn't disappointed at what I saw, his beautiful skin so smooth and supple, his shaggy hair flopping over to cover his face and his warm dark eyes brimming with concern over my anguish and my tears.
"Nessie, I know 你 didn't mean to be so angry back there, at Charlie, he was just doing what he thought was best. Did 你 know he came up with this rediculous idea that Bella had turned albino and that the rest of them were already, he seriously didn't think about them being a bunch of vampires. He asked me to come apologise to 你 and Bella, he won't budge on the Ed situation though. He feels cheated that he didn't know about the Cullens before your parents got married, he wishes he could have talked Bella out of it, some how. Ness, Charlie hasn't got much time left he needs 你 and bella around him at the moment and in truth this is where my genius plan comes into it." He smiled at me.
"And what would this genius plan be then? Some how blackmail my mother into staying until Charlie is dead then kidnap me 或者 something?" My words were harsher than I'd meant them to be but from the look on his face I'd just foiled his plan. "Get in the car Jacob." I sighed knowing that every moment was precious with him now. He jumped into the car without hesitation looking at my tear streaked face. I sped off at an alarming pace in a hurry to get 首页 before my Mother could work herself into a panic and send out the 搜索 parties for me.
I pulled the car into the big 车库 which stored all the Cullen vehicles and broke down. I couldn't help it, my body had some sort of water overload and it came pouring from my eyes and began making puddles on my lap. "Renesmee? What is the matter dear?" My Grandmother Esme had heard my sobs and come to investigate as was her nature to do so. I couldn't answer her, my mind was in complete dissaray, I sat clutching the steering wheel sobbing. "Jacob, get her into the house, Edward is on his way back now, it won't do anyone any good to see her so upset." Esme's spoke quickly and urgently to Jacob. I felt strong hands envelope mine and prize them from the 栖息, 鲈鱼 I'd clutched at to stop myself utterly imploding. "C'mon Nessie, let's get 你 into the house before Edward 或者 Bella see 你 like this." Jacob's voice was pure 金牌 to me, I needed the sound daily to stop myself from going Insane. "Jacob..." I whispered before the dreary 日 disappered into blackness.
"She's fine Bella, I think her mind had a minor overload that's all, she's just sleeping don't worry about it."
"How long has she been like this Jacob? Esme? Carlisle? I may just wake her up soon."
"Isabella, she is fine, I checked her over she is just sleeping. She has been out for about half an hour."
"Will everyone stop talking about me like I'm not here please?" I whispered my voice hoarse with sleep.
"Renesmee, sweetheart are 你 ok? 你 had me so worried!" My Mother asked, her sprano sweet voice ringing with parental authority. I sighed and sat up, pulling myself into a sitting potition I looked at my parents sighing again, my Father's expression annoyed me and I'd had enough, I still hadn't forgiven him.
I turned to find Jacob, he was leaning casually against the podium that was normally reserved for my Uncle Jasper. "Mother, do 你 mind if I go out with Jacob for a while? We're only going to La-push, I promise 你 I'll be back before dark, Jacob will bring me home." I looked pleadingly at my Mother, while reciting mine and Jacob's song at the 最佳, 返回页首 of my mental voice so my Father couldn't get the gist of my thoughts. "Ok Renesmee. But before dark! Jacob." I nodded got up and ran to my car, I waited till Jacob had followed and hit the gas. I drove through the thick woods up to our little cottage, I launched myself out of the car and into the cottage, I ran straight to my room and dived under my 床, 床上 to retrive the little black backpack with mine and Jacob's fake ID's, I'd collected two 更多 over the years so now I had six fake ID's, and the $5,000,000 that my Mother had packed for me so long ago. I grabbed a suitcase and shoved whatever clothes touched my hands into it and fled the little cottage that for so long had been my home. I reached the car and shoved my things onto the back seat, hopped into the driver's 座位 and sped off into the growing twilight with my Jacob.
"Jacob, Think about the Weather, concentrate on that harder than anything, just until we get out of Forks, ok?" I whispered to him. He nodded and his face set into hard planes of concentration. I pushed my foot down harder on the gas pedal and sent the car shooting forward, I thanked my Aunt Rosalie for the alterations she'd made to this car before giving it to me. I began to think up a false conversation that me and Jacob would have, I pictured La-push and the place setteled inbetween two huge sycamore trees where me and Jacob always went. I phoned Alice, she was my 最喜爱的 Aunt.
"Hello Renesmee, what is the matter?" Her voice was mesmerising
"Hello Aunt Alice, I need 你 to do something for me, Can 你 tell my Mother that I'm, I'm going to be late tonight, only about an 小时 或者 so, it's just that me and Jacob have alot of things to talk about and I need to do it before we all 移动 to Denali." I waited as she processed my words it took her half a second, "of course Renesmee but why didn't 你 phone her yourself? Is there something wrong?" Her 问题 had alot of meaning behind it.
"No, no, nothings wrong I just didn't want another lecture on how to be responsible for myself and how I'm half vampire so I don't have an excuse to be late." I chuckled to her, like my Father before me I was an acomplished liar. "Ok then, be 安全 sweet-Ness and remember we 爱情 you, me and your Uncle Jasper 爱情 you. Goodbye Renesmee."
"Goodbye Aunt Alice, I 爱情 你 and Uncle Jasper too. So much." I shut the phone before my emotions could break through my carefully constructed lie. I pushed my car to it's limits I needed the speed to clear my mind, it worked and my mind was clear for the first time since I'd been told we had to 移动 on away from Forks, I laughed a little hysterically at the thought of going to Denali.
"Are 你 ok Nessie? Do 你 want me to drive?" Jacob barely breathed the words but I heard then as if he'd spoken them into my ear. I took a jagged breath and nodded my head, "I'm ok Jake, 你 don't have to drive it's ok. I just need 你 to keep thinking of the weather 或者 something boring. Think about one of our 前一个 conversations, keep your mind busy. It's not 安全 yet." My words must have confused him but that didn't matter. All that mattered now was getting away from Forks and onto a plane as quickly as possible. I shoved the thought from my mind and switched the headlights off, so I wouldn't be seen speeding through the winding roads.
posted by Alex_XcullenX
“Wow.” Bella whispered.

I got up from the 钢琴 and ran to her side. I placed my arms around her waist and my chin on her shoulders. It felt so incredible to have her in my arms. “You took the word right out of my mouth.”

“Edward, I did it!”

“You did. 你 were unbelievable. All that worrying over being a newborn, and then 你 skip it altogether.” I couldn’t help but chuckle. I knew how worried she was about being consumed with thirst in the beginning, but I had to admit myself that I was worried that she wouldn’t feel as strongly as she did for me when she was a human. Now...
continue reading...
posted by twilight-7
I couldn’t believe this. He’d only just met her. They hadn’t even conversed for 更多 than fifteen minutes. How can this be true?! Well, I wasn’t letting him make some moronic mistake and actually 日期 her. No way. Not a chance. No –
I couldn’t do that. I would be a hypocrite. I would contradict everything I was trying to prove to Charlie 由 refusing to let him see the vampire again. But it was....wrong...it was.... I couldn’t explain it but it wasn’t right for Charlie to 日期 her. What if she hurt him? What if she broke his 心 like in my dream? What if he was killed?
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posted by cici1264
I promise to remember Bella Each time I trip for no reason.
And I promise to remember Edward Whenever I covet something.
I promise to obey traffic laws For Charlies sake of course

And I promise to remember Jacob When I see a smile that lights up my whole day
I promise to remember Carlisle

Whenever I am in the Emergency Room

And I promise to remember Emmett Every time there's a huge boom

I promise to to remember Rose Whenever I see something that holds pure beauty

And I promise to remember Alice When I'm at a mall and a cute outfit spots me

I promise to remember Nessie When I see my child for the first time and tell it i 爱情 it

And I promise to remember Esme When someone tells me they care

I promise to remember Jasper Whenever I see someone constantly in pain =)

And I promise to remember the Volturi When someone speaks of dominating the world

I swear i will 爱情 Twilight everyday of my life for the rest of my life
On her website, Stephenie Meyer 说 that this is the 音乐 playlist that she envisioned for Twilight. She also 说 that she would always listen to these songs WHILE 写作 Twilight!=

1.    "Why Does it Always Rain on Me?" — Travis
2.    "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" [video edit] — My Chemical Romance
3.    "Creep" [radio edit] — Radiohead
4.    "In My Place" — Coldplay
5.    "By Myself" — Linkin Park
6.    "Dreaming" — OMD
7.    "Please Forgive Me" — David Gray
8.    "Here With Me" — Dido
9.    "With You" [reanimation remix] — Linkin Park
10.    "Time is Running Out" — Muse
11.    "Dreams" — The Cranberries
12.    "Tremble for My Beloved" — Collective Soul
13.    "Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel)" — Billy Joel

There 你 have it! :D
 Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
I spent the whole night thinking about the note warning me about the Volturi and who could have sent it. And who was in my room. But I came up with nothing. I read the note again to see if I recognized the handwriting but I didn't. One thing was for sure that who ever it was knew me way to well. Specially now that they had all my stuff from the future. "What are 你 thinking about?" I jumped off my 床, 床上 ready to run if it was the Volturi and gasped.

Out of no where Aunt Alice shows up in my room. "Sorry. Did I scare 你 Taylor? she asked "Ya 你 did. But it's fine. I thought 你 were Edward...
continue reading...
2 Avoiding

When I saw postive on the test , I didn't know what to think. So many fellings crossed in my mind .Happiness, surprise,and Hopefulnees.Still there was was one still 问题 ,what would Edward think ??

There was a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"Alice" "Come in"
"So what did the test say?"
"I'm gonna be a aunt!!!!" She started jumping up and down.

I sighed
"what's wrong?" she asked. "I don't know what Edward will think".
"Bella he will be just happy as the baby's aunt"
then she left .

Well I didnt know if Alice was right about Edward. So I avoided him . LIke when we go to bed....
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posted by bella01
[while unpacking]

I am absentmindedly arranging my books.I have many books,i 爱情 reading.actually it takes 4 bib boxes for all of my books.

"you have many books" edward said.that brought me back to reality.

"what?" i asked

"i 说 你 have so many 图书 and it looks like 你 have a beautiful book collection"he said

"ahhhh......ok" i said

"bella,bella 你 have so many clothes ,ten boxes so far"alice 说 while jumping up and down.

"what?!"i asked confused,i told mrs. meyer before i leave not to send all of my clothes.

"we will be best 老友记 ,because 你 are like me i can see it now we will go shopping...
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 Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
Nessie comes back from the future and pretends to be Bella's sister. But she can't tell anyone that she is from the future, and that she is Bella's and Edward's daughter. But it will be hard because Edward can read her mind and find out who she is. Alice can't see her and might think that Nessie is a werewolf. And Nessie also looks like Bella and Edward and that might give the secret away. Jacob might see her and imprint on her. And she acts like a vampire.

"Taylor come on hurry up we are going to be late for school!" mom shouted while I was sneaking back into my window after a full night...
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
Hey everyone... Thnx so much for your comments! And I'm sorry for being super late! Sorry... I was upset and... So,here's the 11th chapter! Don't forget 2 rate and comment!

“He’ll wake in one minute”

Alice 说 with sad eyes. So, He had attacked me but it was nothing for me. Really, NOTHING!


He called my name with his perfect lips. And then when his eyes saw me, he jumped.

“What did I do to you?”

He analyzed me and then he took his face in his hands. I hadn’t seen him this upset till that moment. I tried to touch his hand but he took it out of mine and looked at Carlisle....
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posted by bella01
"I think she is hiding something from us"Esme said
"What do 你 mean?"Carlisle asked
"When I lead her to her room and i ask her if she is hungry and we have 食物 downstairs she just laughed"she 说 confused
"It's like that she didn't believe that there is 食物 here?"Emmett asked,laughing
"Why are we talking about this stupid human?"Rosalie said
"Shut up"Alice 说 angrily 'who is stupid here?maybe 你 are talking about yourself'Alice thought
""And she don't want touching her"I said
"And when someone touch her she's always in pain"Jasper said
We stopped talking when we heard a scream from upstairs."She's...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
(end of chapter 4)
    I ran as fast as I could deep into the jungle and to my surprise I didn’t even tripped once I continued running when I saw a boy he was 16 或者 17 with blond hair he came closer when I noticed his red eyes I gasped and took a step back
-hello I'm matt
He 说 with a musical voice he took a step closer I didn’t know what to do I just stood still and looked at him I didn’t want to die I wanted to face edward someday and take my……………………..
-you don’t look scared ,now why is that?
Does always vamps want their victims to be scared? I shuddered...
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posted by twilighter-1

“BELLA, WAKE UP. . . WAKE UP! IT’S ALREADY 8:30 AM --- YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE IN school” Charlie 说 loudly as he woke me. “Hurry up”. I shuddered from his loud voice.

    “Yes dad” I sighed. I dreamt of that guy again but still I can’t see his face --- since I was a child, I’m dreaming of him. This horrible dream is never going to be ended.

    Facing this new morning, I arrived in school late. You’re really such a klutz Bella, I thought. I felt so cold. It’s raining again. I am wearing thick clothes to keep my body lukewarm....
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
“In this Shakespeare’s story, we see that…”

I stood up at once and said:

“Can I go out? I’m not feeling…”

“Of course miss Swan! Do 你 want anyone to come with you?!”

“No, I can handle it”

I went out of the class and then I ran to the main door which had a view to parking lot. I heard the voice of his car, the old one. Then I saw the shiny Volvo in the corner and then Edward came out of it. I ran toward him, and he did too. He got me in his cold hands which made me uncomfortable for a 秒 and then when I was on my feet again, he was staring in my eyes.

“Alice 说 that...
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posted by Rose22882
I didn't know why I came here to Forks, but I felt like I has been here before. I had long brown curly hair and choclate brown eyes. I found a mirror, guitar, and a lamp. I was actually gratefull for the guitar. I loved to play and sing it made me feel happy. I didn't have a lot of money I only brought my savings which was a total of $300. I bought a blonde wig even thought it didn't go with me. I tried to go to 床, 床上 early for school tommorow but the floor was uncomfortable. I didn't even have a alarm clock how was I supposed to know to wake up. So i kept waking up in the middle of the night...
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posted by lilred96
Mysterious love

-chapter one-

It was my first 日 of 11th grade.My alarm clock went off I stayed in 床, 床上 for a little while I didnt want too get up.But after a miniute 或者 two I just got up.I went too my closet and pick out some clothes really it was just what I seen first.After I dressed my self I went down stairs too see my father in the 厨房 makeing coffee.Soon he would be on his way too work, just like every day.My father is a lawyer for the town of Bartonville,Arkansas. Every body liked him thoughs who didnt did not know him very well,but he is very queit kinda like me.Him and my mother...
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posted by anna0789
bella's pov

edward sigh heavily took my hands between his and started to talk

"it all started one 日 at the hospital a couple months ago.." he 说 slowly he look at my face my face was curious and interest in hearing 更多
he touch my cheek and continue 更多 quickly
"so i lied at the party when i told 你 i didn't knew 你 "

" I was workin in the hospital as a helper of my brother i was organizing some papers when i heard that all of the young male thoughts turn excited and extreamly happy"

wait the thoughts he heard????
but i didn't 说 anything i thought that maybe if i interrupted he wouldn't...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
The car is warm and as we drive off the reservation, my mind can only think of my dreams. They were so real so life like. They felt like the were really happening . My future couldn't already be set 由 my nightmares, could it?

"What are 你 thinking about?" Jacob ask's me, never removing his eyes from the road. He is so good at setting the mood.

"Life, in general." I answer, not wanting him to worry. His face looks emotionless.

"I'm a good listener." he turns to me and smiles. "Really whats up?" He ask stoping the car.

"I'm just worried thats all."

"Do 你 want to go se Carlisle?" His expression...
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posted by Rose22882
I watched my Aunt pack my bag. She barley told me that I was going to stay there a whole year. " Do 你 want to take this Ipod" she asked. I didn't say anything. " 你 know this silence treament won't do 你 any good" She said. "Ok grab your backpack and let's go" she whispered. I followed her to the car. We arrived at the airport and she hugged me and cried." Be good and listen. The sonner 你 start to talk the sonner 你 get to come home. I didn't want to come 首页 and pass 由 the empty lot that once held my home. "Bye. 爱情 you. 你 better leave the plane to Arizona is about to leave" she...
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To vote for your 最喜爱的 Twilight fairy tale, go to link

Disclaimer: The world of Twilight belongs to the wonderful Stephenie Meyer. I just want to play with her toys. Limited dialog and text from the Twilight saga appear within the following text. No copyright infringement is intended.
In days gone by, there once was a land where the moss and vines grew thick, and the trees hid the forest floor from the sunlight. This was a place where gray-billowed clouds covered the sky, sucking the shadows from the Earth and spewing them back as fog and rain.

It was the perfect...
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posted by stepphy-rox
Chapter 4: I Knew It Was To Good To Be True!!!
After I had a good chat to everyone, Bella called me over to her.
“Let’s go for a walk” she grabbed my hand gently and we walked outside to the edge of the little shimmering river near the border of the forest.
“How are you” she asked
“Great, how about you?”
“Good how is Renee I really miss her”
“Actually she is in Australia at the moment so I haven’t seen her since we moved.”
“Wow that’s amazing” she laughed.
“You and Edward are amazing. I hope me and my boyfriend have a good relationship.”
“You have a boyfriend! What’s...
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