暮光之城系列 Club
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posted by twilightlover13
chapter one

As I lay 由 the sea, the wind whispering in my ears, a smell of sea salt wafting through my nose. I thought to myself, "Does he truly 爱情 me?" I wandered along the shore, the sun peaking out over the horizon. "No one has ever loved me before." I murmured, picking up a shell, intricately designed with its curves and angles. I knew one thing and one thing only, I was deeply in 爱情 with Eric. Eric with his mysterious disapearences, broad shoulders, warm, pale skin, and calm brown eyes. No one had ever made me feel this way. Ever since I saw him at the Windsors' party and danced the night away, hugged close to his body, I had known what true 爱情 felt like. As I strolled toward the town, I glanced towards the meadow far off from the town in the west. Here, my 心 stopped, for there was Eric, sitting as still as a statue, ever so still, as beautiful as a thousand roses, and as pale as the clouds drifting overhead. I stopped and stared, after a moment Eric stood up and walked towards me. Eric's face remained expressionless, and ever 更多 beautiful. I started to say something, but was motioned to be quiet 由 Eric. Everything was silent. No one moved, my mouth agape before I quickly snapped it shut as a figure moved into the clearing. The figure was a man, no older than 21. When he saw Eric and me, he stopped, eyes fixed on Eric. The man was as beautiful and graceful as Eric, but something still seemed different. I saw Eric shudder and turn towards me, his eyes fierce. "Elizabeth, go back into the town," he ordered in his melodic wonderful voice. I looked at the man who was now looking at me with a coveting gaze. The man seemed to be strangely sniffing the air. I took a step back, and then started running. I saw the man smile and start to chase after me. Eric lunged for the man as soon as I was out of sight.

Chapter 2

I was confused and terrified all at once. At that moment I had two 图片 etched into my brain. When the man had smiled, I could have sworn I saw fangs, and when Eric lunged at the man, did I see him sink his teeth into the man's chest? Something was going on. I was in shock as I rushed into my room and slammed the oak door. My mind was racing, and I feared that Eric might not be okay. Maybe I was just imagining things. I was too tired to think about it when I heard something behind me. I turned, and there was the man, sitting casually on my bed.

I stared at him, unable to look away. There was blood all over his shirt, but yet, no wounds 或者 openings in his chest. He looked at me as if I was food, meant to be eaten. Then he smiled, two pearly white fangs glistening behind his perfect lips. When he spoke it was like a million song birds singing. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. He said, "You know he truly cares for you." I continued to stare, my eyes wide with terror. Then he continued, " I've never seen such a strong connection in my life, too bad 你 can never be together. Different species never mix." I was confused. What did he mean different species? Eric is human isn't he? Finally I found my voice and asked, " Who are you? Where is Eric?!" "Hush now.", he said, so casually that i found myself at a loss for words once again. "Eric will be fine, he can fend for himself I'm sure." I had never been 更多 confused in my life. What was this man? Why was he in my bedroom? Where was Eric? Then the man continued, "I've never smelled anything as wonderful as 你 before. As soon as I caught your scent, I knew I had to have you. Of course, we blood drinkers always get our ways." Then I froze, finally realizing what this man was.

At first I thought I had miss heard him, but then I understood. He was a vampire, I was his prey, nothing could change that except one thing. A werewolf. I stopped myself for a second, realizing how crazy I must sound. I had always been into 吸血鬼 and 狼人 and the supernatural. But it had never occurred to me for a 秒 that it all could be real.

I could feel myself fainting before it already happened. I felt him grab hold of me and sink his perfect teeth into my shoulder. My blood started draining from my body. I wanted to scream out, but couldn't. Just as I was sinking into unconsciousness, I saw a great silver 狼 the size of a lion jump through my window, shattering the glass and splintering wood, and tackling my attacker, ripping him to shreds while I felt the ice cold venom pushing its way through the rest of my body as everything went dark.

Chapter 3

And then I woke up. I was breathless and terrified once again. When I finally gathered my senses I realized where I was. For I could smell that strong aroma of sea salt stronger than ever. I must had fallen asleep when I lay down in the sand. It was all just a dream. I sighed and 说 to myself, "Thank god it wasn't real."

The moon was high in the sky, leaving its luminescent reflection upon the dark and powerful waves. I looked at my watch and cursed myself for being so careless. It was 12:30 in the morning and everyone was probably wondering where I was. My parents had told me to be 首页 at 8:00 for 晚餐 and now I was probably in a lot of trouble. When I though of 晚餐 I stopped for a second, half-expecting my stomach to complain about its lack of food. Instead I felt this horrible itch and burn at the back of my throat. It was incredibly strong and I felt this.....undeniable thirst.

I didn't feel right. I didn't feel...human. After a few 秒 of taking this is I realized that I wasn't breathing. Yet I couldn't feel my lungs begging me for air. That horrible itch at the back of my throat was getting 更多 irritating 由 the minute. I was horrified as I slowly lifted my trembling hand to feel for my teeth.

There, as stunning as they could possibly be, were two perfectly placed fangs.

I drew in my first breath and realized what had truly happened this night. The dream was real. The silver 狼 was real. The vampire was real.

I just sat there, my mind racing. How could this be happening? It must be some sort of joke...but it wasn't. The unbearable thirst at the back of my throat proved it.

I was a vampire.
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