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posted by Twilight597
a/n umm...yeah someone 评论 and it made me happy..thanks! so heres chapter 5, and the 下一个 one isnt done yet, but it will prolly be done 2maro this ones kinda long too...

Chapter 5

Laurent grabbed me, and I gasped in shock. The 下一个 thing I knew we were standing 下一个 to the end of the clearing following the one named Carlisle and Esme. I don’t know what we were doing, but I was scared. Laurent followed them up to a giant house. Once again, I was thrown over his shoulder and on my feet. I screamed and fell down again, because it was so abrupt and it scared me.

“You 说 你 were a doctor?” Laurent asked Carlisle.

“Yes, I am,” He answered.

“Can 你 check her out? I think James threw her around a little, and he has been really harsh with her,” Laurent asked.

“Oh, sure,” Carlisle said, and walked over to me, “Can 你 stand up and walk?”

I tried, and ended up standing, but I didn’t know if I could walk yet.

“Uhh, I don’t know,” I said.

“Okay, what’s your name?” he asked.

“Becky,” I replied. For some odd reason, I felt like I trusted him, 更多 then I trusted Laurent.

Carlisle picked me up gently and walked inside at a normal pace. Esme and Laurent followed him in. Carlisle set me down on a nice white couch, that I didn’t want to get dirty, because I was probably covered in filth. Carlisle walked up the stairs, saying he will be right back.

“Would 你 like anything to eat 或者 drink, dear?” Esme asked me.

“Oh, sure I haven’t eaten anything in like four days. I guess I haven’t realized how hungry I was,” I said, after my stomach growled, thinking about it.

“I’ll fix 你 something, what would 你 like?” she asked as she was walking out of the room.

I shrugged and I immediately regretted it, because I pulled at my ribs, and I cried out in pain. Suddenly Carlisle and Esme were both in front of me. It seemed weird that these people that I just met, cared for me that much. I grabbed at my chest, and leaned back on the couch, crying.

“What hurts?” Carlisle asked.

“Hmm, I don’t know, I’m kind of grabbing my ribs, maybe my foot,” I said, “Sorry, bad habit.”

“Esme, can 你 run upstairs and grab some morphine?” he asked his wife. She suddenly disappeared, and I began breathing heavily. I think I was going into shock, because I’m not used to this whole vampire speed thing. I 下一个 thing I knew, I felt a sting in my arm, and a few 秒 later, I blacked out.

When I finally came to, I found myself in a large bed, covered in all white. I thought I was at the hospital, but it was too 首页 like to be a hospital. I heard the beep of the machines 下一个 to me, and I was wondering where I was. If I wasn’t in the hospital, then where was I?

The door opened and I saw Carlisle and Esme, and two other people walk in behind them.

The one person following them was kind of scary. He was lean, but built. The girl had spiky black hair and was literally bouncing off the walls. I’ve never had anyone so happy to see me. That was quite a surprise. I was scared of everyone in the room. I didn’t know what was happening, but I suddenly felt calm. That was weird. I couldn’t make myself feel scared anymore. Something was wrong.

“Whoa,” I whispered.

“It’s okay,” Carlisle 说 to me, “Alice, come back later with Jasper, I think she’s fine now.”

I took a deep breath, and the two left, following Carlisle’s orders. Alice seemed mad that she had to leave.

“How are 你 feeling?” Carlisle asked me, and then went over to check out the beeping thing. I just realized, I had a needle stuck in my arm.

“Uh-uh, n-no, I don’t like needles. Not at all, c-can 你 take that out? Please?” I asked, closing my eyes and taking another deep breath, though this time, I stuttered.

“Well 你 seem fine; I just need to take one 更多 x-ray for your ribs, and then, I’ll fix them up, which if there are bad enough, I might have to conduct surgery,” He said.

“Well can we do that now? I don’t like this,” I asked.

“Okay. Esme, can 你 watch her while I set up the machine?” he asked Esme.

He left, so I asked Esme, “Is Laurent still here?”

She came over and sat on the edge of the bed, “No, did he need to be?”

I sighed, “Well I don’t know where we are, and I don’t know where my family is. Victoria just kind of took me from my home, and took me somewhere, making me drink her blood. She bit me too, literally drinking my blood. She says I am a vampire now. Well turning into one, in a few days more. I never believed any of that when I was a kid, and I still don’t, please tell me she was kidding.” I hadn’t noticed, but in my speech, I had started crying. I also hadn’t noticed Carlisle standing in the doorway.

“I’m very sorry for your loss, and I am very sorry to say that Victoria wasn’t kidding. I’d be honored to have 你 stay at my house, until we can find out about your parents,” Carlisle said, “I’m sure Rosalie can take care of 你 until then. She loves children. I’m also ready for 你 down the hall.”

I wiped my eyes and pulled the blanket off and pulled my legs.

I held up my arm, and looked at Carlisle.

He walked over to me and told me to look away. I felt him peel off the tape, and the needle slowly slid out.

I felt like I was going to puke. That was nasty. I looked back, and Carlisle was cleaning it off in a sink 由 the back window. When he was done, he walked back over to me, at a slow pace, not to frighten me again.

I saw him stick out his arm, and put it around my shoulder, and put his other arm under my knees, and I was being lifted from the extremely white bed. I closed my eyes, and then suddenly felt cold on my back.

The cold metal on my back started moving, and I was pulled into the machine. I didn’t even feel myself being pulled out, because I woke up back on the bed, with another needle in my arm.

I looked at it, and saw water moving in it. I gagged and almost puked, I didn’t want to get any in the room because it’s so white. I saw someone come over to me, as I was trying to get up to run to the bathroom. They had a bucket in their hand. I took it and sat up. I felt it come up in my mouth before I even realized it. The person handed me a glass of water, and took the bucket. After I was done drinking the whole thing, she took it and set it on the 表 下一个 to me. I finally looked up at her. She was the prettiest girl I have ever seen. Beautiful, wavy, flowing, blond hair and the same color eyes as Carlisle.

“T-thank you,” I 说 and lay back down, because I had a headache now.

“That’s okay; I’m Rosalie, I’m going to be taking care of 你 until Carlisle comes 首页 with Edward, Emmett, and Jasper. with James and Bella,” the beautiful lady said.

“Umm, do 你 know if 你 can take that out? I asked Carlisle before and he did,” I asked.

“I don’t know; he did something, after the last x-ray. I’ll call him now,” she replied. She pulled out a cell phone, and dialed a number. She walked away, towards the door.

I waited until she walked back to say thank you. Again, I didn’t watch as she slowly pulled it out. When she did, I looked over to her, and asked, “Can I eat something? It’s making me feel dizzy that I haven’t eaten anything in so long.”

“Of course, do 你 want me to bring 你 up something?” she offered.

“No, can I walk down to see what there is?” I asked.

“Sure. Do 你 need help getting up?” she asked.

“No, I think I’m fine,” I replied. I pulled the blanket off of me, and slowly stood up. I’m surprised I didn’t hurt, when I walked. Carlisle must’ve been a really good doctor, because I’ve broken a rib, falling out of a 树 before, and the 下一个 day, I walked on it, and it still hurt. At first, I limped, but after a few steps, I was walking fine.

We walked down the steps, and Rosalie waited patiently for me. I didn’t really look at their house, when I first came. There was too much of a shock. Now when I really look at it, it’s really nice. I wished I had a house like this back home. Then I thought of my house, which brought up so many memories. Mostly about my parents, and my sister, I really loved them.

Rosalie interrupted me, “Alice told me what 你 would want, she can see the future, and she knew exactly what 你 would want.”

I sat on the couch, until Rosalie walked out with something. I looked at the plate. It was my 最喜爱的 kind of 哈希 browns, with some 浓情巧克力 chip 薄煎饼, 煎饼 and some 浓情巧克力 milk. I chuckled, “Ha, I’m a 浓情巧克力 kind of girl. It’s my 最喜爱的 out of anything.” I kept laughing, and walked over tot he 表 to eat.

After I finished eating, Rosalie asked me to come outside.

“Becky, I’m very sorry, but Jasper was searching for your parents, and he found that they were murdered, and another girl, I think he 说 it was your sister. She wasn’t found, and they think she’s held hostage, 或者 dead.” She told me, after we sat down on the swing.

I couldn’t say anything. The whole world just collapsed onto me. “H-how is that possible, w-what? This can’t be. V-Victoria must have done this, after I was gone, because she 说 something about me being the last half lamina in the world, and I was going to be a queen, and she was going to kill me, 或者 turn me into a full one, but I didn’t think it would be my parents. I have to find Rachelle, she can’t be dead, and Victoria has to be willing to trade her for me, she’s only 6 years old,” I started crying in my hands, my parents never took care of me, really. I mean I loved them, but Rachelle, I promised to take care of her, and I will not, repeat, will not let her die.

“I won’t let 你 trade yourself for your sister, but I will do anything I can to try and find her. I promise 你 she will some 首页 alive. Carlisle was talking, and 说 that if I wanted to keep you, and if 你 wanted to 加入 our family, I could adopt you, because Emmett says I seem quite attached. He loves 你 already, says 你 seem fall a lot. He 说 it would be funny. I don’t think so. He laughs at anything, so if 你 say yes, then it’s something to get used to,” She pulled my head out of my hands, and made me look her in the eye, “Would 你 like to 加入 my family?”

I didn’t really know what to say. This is such a big offer. “Are 你 really sure, I won’t be a hassle I mean seriously, I can go live with one of my,” I took a pause, “Scary aunts.”

“No, I don’t think I could let 你 go. I barely know you, but it seems like, you’re already my daughter. I feel this weird connection towards you, like I know 你 already too. Jasper even knows it. So please, I don’t think I could live without you. It was so worrying when 你 were asleep.” She told me, with so much emotion, I heard someone groan inside. The door slammed open and a scary looking guy came storming up to us. I was scared; it looked as if he was going to kill me, 或者 both of us.
posted by Edward_lover101
I was really tired, It was so hot in here. Like my body was on fire. No it was just my hand. My eyes flew open, looking around the room. Searching for Edward. He was the only person that I wanted to see right now. I saw Jacob with his head on the edge of the bed, holding my hand. He hand was coverd in sweat. I gently moved my hand, and his head shot up faster than a bullet. He had a worred look on his face. Then suddenly everyone was in the room in a matter of seconds. My body was coverd in sweat, it wasn't from Jacob. My temp. was getting to high, it was 104 now. My breathing was becoming...
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posted by Brown_x_Eyes
Jacob Black is Bella's best friend. He is a Quileute Native American and a werewolf, later revealed to be a shape-shifter as he doesn't transform on the full moon. In Twilight, Jacob plays a minor role, being a forgotten childhood friend of Bella's. In an attempt to learn 更多 about Cullens, Bella flirts with Jacob, and he tells her tribe legends about them being "the cold ones", 或者 vampires. After Edward leaves Bella in New Moon, Bella spends much of her time with Jacob, trying to heal her broken 心 and 移动 on. Though at first only a friend, Jacob later falls in 爱情 with Bella. Although he spends most of his time in Eclipse trying to win Bella, in Breaking Dawn he imprints —an involuntary process in which a werewolf finds their soul mate— on Bella and Edward's daughter, Renesmee.
posted by foreveryours
Chapter One:

I sighed. Another 日 of school… when will it ever end? I mean, when 你 graduate, 你 go to college and when 你 graduate from college, all 你 do for the rest of your life is work to earn money and then spend it on things 你 didn’t even really need. Ugh.

Well, not me. I’m taking off as soon as I’m done with college. I don’t care what my parents think of me. I’m going to start a garage. Hah. I bet that surprised you? Well, I’m not exactly one of the average materialistic teenage valley girls that dominate your high school. I’m just me and that’s all I’ll ever...
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-Edward bought Bella a small silver phone. The kinds everybody has when there's an emergency. I wonder what's so special about the small silver phone.

Bella holds small sliver phone 由 it's edge. Almost dropping it.

Bella: Euw. It's small. and silver. and it's a phone. Omg its a small silver phone!!

Edward: Silver is sexy. Would 你 prefer a green giant phone instead, Bella?

Bella: No. Not green. I hate green. Green is wet. Green is damp. Green is Forks. I hate Forks.

Edward: If 你 haven't come to Forks then 你 wouldn;t have met me, your sexy, gorgeous, perfect boyfriend who's also a vampire...
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posted by meeek
Esme: So Carlisle, hunnybunchsugarpiebubblegumyumyumbabyhuggybear,
as I was saying, i really think that Rosalie should dye her hair red.

Carlisle: And why is that Esme, myonetruelovesentfromheaventosavemefromthepitsofhellinearth?

Esme: Cz i 说 so. *holds knife*


Bella: *sits between them* i thought 你 couldn't kill a vampire with a knife.

Esme: *hides knife* what knife? do 你 see any knives here muffincakes? *glares at muffincakes, ahem, Carlisle*

Bella: you're very forgetful Esme. The one 你 hid just now, silly silly Esme *shakes head. Look! Edward's gracefully skipping...
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Blood Lust
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I watched as Ili left the room, and felt the lights go dimmer. And then everything went black. And I then realized...my life...is now over.
"I'm sorry. . . .Bella!" I choked out and my head slumped to the side. And I heard the door open just as the bar went into a straight line. The door closed, and someone was at my side. There hand was cold. They hooked me back up, and air rushed into my lungs. And I could start to see spots! 颜色 of sorts....
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Chapter Five: Making A Run For It! Part One...
Mandy came to my bedside and smiled an evil smile at me. I studied her face to remember and descript when I get to the police. She had curly, shoulder lengthed, redis-orangy hair (like Victoria from the Twilight saga!) and I saw the clear butter-like skin she has. She wore leather pants and a short sleeved 衬衫 with a thin see through over-jacket. I kicked Mile a little telling him to make a run for it to go get help but he was solid. And Mandy sort of saw me do it....
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posted by angiehomas
long 以前 i followed you
into the woods will crumbling into
you 说 你 were leaving
you had to be on your way
said 你 didnt want me
that i would have to stay
your no good for me
but take care of yourself
he 说 i'll be ok
i have destractions for myself
i reached for him .he put my hands down
said he didnt want me
he left me and i searched for him
i could not give up could not give in
said it will be like i didnt exist
what a lie that is
i have the memory of that mouthwatering kiss
shall i lay here and collapse within myself
no strength to go on
there was nothing left
i grabbed my sides tried to catch my breath...
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"I haven't read all four yet," Fanning told E! News while promoting Coraline over the weekend. "I'm working on it. Getting there. I'm just about to finish the first one."

Not even on New Moon yet? Does she know how bad this Jane can be? Well...

"The character is what I would be excited about. It's kind of evil,...
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