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Ever wanted to know which TD Character 你 are? Well now 你 can! Just copy and past this into the comments, erase the X's and there 你 have it.


( ) You're Latino

( ) You're manipulative

( ) You're evil

( ) 你 fall for King/Queen Bees

( ) You've been severely burned/injured

(X) 你 have an annoying brother/sister

( ) 你 speak 更多 than one language T

Total: 1


( )You are a wannabe at sometimes

(X) 你 have a best friend

(X ) 你 wear/used to wear braces

( ) 唱歌 is one of your hobbies

( ) 你 easily fall for the eye candy

( ) One of your 收藏夹 颜色 is pink

( ) 你 work on a farm

Total: 2


( ) 你 surf

( ) You're a vegetarian

( ) 你 care about the environment/Mother Nature

(X) Animal Cruelty is wrong to you

(X) 你 usually wear your hair in a ponytail

( ) 你 have a boyfriend/girlfriend

(X) 你 get along with everybody

(X) Everything should be natural to you

Total: 4


(X) 你 爱情 technology

( ) Most of the time 你 flirt and hit on girls/guys

( ) 你 are a quick healer

(X) 你 easily get sun burn

( ) 你 have a gap between your front teeth

( ) A poor diet scares you

( ) 你 play the keyboard

(X) BBQ Chips is the King of all Chip Flavors to you

Total: 3


( ) 你 are/were a CIT

(X) 你 want everything right

( ) 你 get mad easily

( ) Everything is important to you

( ) 你 are/were on the Student Council

( ) Everything turns out wrong for you

( ) 你 fall for the delinquents/criminals

( ) You've once been out of a game/challenge unfairly

Count: 1 (thank goodness).


( ) 你 爱情 animals

( ) Everybody loves you

(X) You've been raised right

(X) Everybody is your friend

( ) 你 are happy most of the time (MOST, not all)

( ) 你 never get mad

( ) 你 get scared easily

(X) Group hugs are cuddly

Count: 3


( ) 你 have/had a mohawk

( ) You've been to jail/prison

( ) 你 爱情 skulls and crossbones

( ) 你 have piercings

(X) Green is one of your 最喜爱的 colors

( ) Punk is one of your 最喜爱的 音乐 genres

( ) 你 pick on dorks

( ) 你 have a smug facial expression sometimes

Count: 1


( ) 你 often lift weights

( ) 你 wear knee high socks with gym clothes

( ) You've been through anger management

( ) 你 are competitive

( ) 你 can lift anything

( ) Happiness is not your forte

( ) 你 often don't fall in 爱情 too easily

( ) You're never happy

Count: 0


( ) You're homeschooled

( ) You're a sexist

( ) 你 have/had/wear a toque

( ) 你 often say "eh"

( ) 你 wear a 运动衫 almost everyday

( ) 你 pick your nose often

( ) 你 have no friends

(X) 你 are pale

Count: 1


( ) 你 爱情 parties

( ) 你 have the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend

( ) 你 often make out most of the day

( ) 你 wear a cowboy hat

( ) You're the youngest sibling in your family

( ) One of your nicknames is "Party Girl" 或者 "Party Boy"

( ) 你 are invited to all of the parties

( ) 你 skateboard Count: 0


( ) You're goth

( ) 你 have highlights

( ) 你 wear blue lipstick

( ) 你 wear fishnets and black

( ) 你 make the first move

( )Preppy things piss 你 off

(X) Annoying things irk 你 up

Count: 1


( ) 你 can be a pervert at some times

( ) 你 often say "Booyah" 或者 "Yes"

(X) You're a dork ]

( ) 你 fall in 爱情 with the ghetto girl/boy

( ) 你 read comics

( ) 你 breathe loud

(X) 你 get picked on most of the time(do siblings count?)

( ) 你 save chewed gum

Count: 2


( )You're the 皇后乐队 Bee

( ) 你 are/were a cheerleader

( ) 你 often lie about being nice sometimes

(X) 你 often get embarrassed

( ) Weird people make 你 mad

( ) 你 break couples up

(X) 你 often call people "losers" (calling that do your siblings count?).

( ) 你 are never trusted

Count: 2


(X) You're crazy/psycho

你 were once wanted 由 the police/RCMP

) You're a redhead

( ) 火, 消防 is your addiction

(X) 你 爱情 表演 silly

( ) 你 run a lot

( ) 你 want to be called 由 your nickname

( ) You've camped out in the woods

Count: 2


( ) You're the eye candy

( )People often stare at you

( ) People faint when they see you

( ) 你 lie to most people

( ) Beauty is a talent to you

( ) 你 once/often get 照片 shots

( ) 你 don't care about anything but beauty

( ) You're gorgeous Count: 0 (Thank goodness)


(X) 你 have a BFFFL

X) 你 have big hips, but skinny body

( ) You're pretty

( ) You're often sweet

(X) 你 blush easily

( ) 你 wear pigtails

( ) 你 listen to Pop Music

( ) You're skinnier than your friends

Count: 3


( ) You're the ghetto girl

( ) 你 wear baby T's

( ) 你 easily get pissed off

( ) 你 爱情 winning

( ) 你 have a great taste in style

( ) 你 know how to dance

(X) Rap is one of your 最喜爱的 音乐 genres

( ) 你 often wear hoop earrings

Count: 1


( )You are/were a blonde

( ) You're dumb

(X) 你 take Gymnastics (used to do it, for a long time then I quit).

( ) Your boobs are big

( ) You're a "Daddy's Girl"

( ) 你 fall for the jocks

(X) Your eyes are blue

( ) Makeup looks pretty on you

Count: 2


(X) 你 are a bookworm

( ) Your IQ is off the charts/high

( ) You're in Honors classes

(X) Sports aren't your forte

(X) 你 are often sarcastic/cynical/cocky

(X) You're quiet

( ) You've accidentally kissed someone of the same sex

(X) 你 don't like parties (Yep, I admit).

Count: 5


( ) You're overweight

( ) 你 fart a lot

( ) 你 can burp the ABC's

( ) Everyone loves you

( ) 你 爱情 adventure

( ) You're out of shape

(X) 你 爱情 to eat

( ) 你 often say things about historic people such as Alexander the Great and David and Goliath

Count: 1


(X) 你 have a BFFFL

( ) You're chubby

( ) 你 cry without your best friend

(X) 你 accidentally do things wrong

( ) 你 do everything with your best friend

( ) 你 easily cry

(X) 你 爱情 to squeal

( )You often do things wrong

Count: 3


( ) You're a stalker

( ) 你 dye your hair

( ) You're obsessively in love

(X) You're a huge fan

( ) 你 have stalker parent(s)

( ) You've been unfairly out of a game

( ) 你 wear your hair in a braid

Count: 1


( ) 你 play/played the guitar

( ) 你 often wear green

( ) You've been heartbroken

(X) Your 最喜爱的 number is 9

(X) 你 care for the people 你 love

(X) You're still looking for that special someone

(X) 你 act weird sometimes

( ) 你 easily fall in love

Count: 4


(X) 你 suck at sports

( ) 你 often wear red

( ) 你 wear a head bandana

( ) 你 wear sweat clothes

( ) You're tall

( ) 你 have brown hair and brown eyes

(X) 你 have a fear of an animal

( ) 你 think you're strong when 你 really aren't at sometimes

Count: 2

Anne Maria:
() 你 are from New Jersey
() 你 speak with an accent
() 你 add so much product to your hair
() 你 have/had a fake tan
() 你 look down upon those who are not as pretty as 你 are
() 你 like only one side of a person, not the person him/herself
() 你 wear a lot of make-up
() 你 can't sing

Total: 0 (XD)

() 你 don't talk much
() You're a bit on the chubby side
() Despite the aforementioned, 你 are very athletic
() You're skilled in mechanics
() 你 are embarassed of your first name
() 你 like using initials
() 你 have multiple items in your coat
(x) Every time 你 try to speak, 你 get cut off (all the time -_-)

Total: 1

() You/your family has a military background
() 你 follow a moral code
() 你 are dedicated to protect 老友记 and family
() 你 are rather athletic
(x) 你 STINK at Fashion design
(x) 你 are willing to sacrifice yourself for the safety of others.
() You're scared of the dark, as well as it's noises.
() 你 have the "need to be dominated"

Total: 2

() You're under 100 pounds
() 你 have lived in a bubble
(x) 你 have overprotective parents
(x) You're not the most athletic person out there
(X) You're a bit nerdy (read my 用户名 XD)
() 你 can be counted as an "expendable player"
() 你 wore diapers until a late age
() (IF A GUY) You're mistaken for a girl

Total: 3

() You're addicted to fame
() 你 爱情 pink!
() 你 are a major fashion phonon
() 你 usually wear sunglasses
() Your parent(s) are majorly rich
() You're attracted to nerds
() 你 and your phone are inseparable
() 你 hate feeling sorry for others

Total: 0 (XD).

() 你 are a wicca/witch
() 你 can read auras
() 你 爱情 nature and communicating with animals
() 你 are very short
() 你 can levitate
() 你 know how to levitate
() 你 don't really care about money
() 你 are able to detect positive/negative energy

Total: 0 (XD)

(x) You're a tomboy
() 你 are EXTREMELY athletic
() 你 don't think anyone is better than you
(x) 你 aren't the most attractive person
(x) 你 HATE the beauty queen
() 你 would rather sacrifice others to save your own skin
() Your 最喜爱的 accessory is a whistle
() (IF A GIRL) You're mistaken for a guy
Total: 3

() 你 talk in the third person
( ) 你 can't tell the difference between genders sometimes
(x) 你 tend to add something before words.
( ) You're apparently attractive to the opposite gender
( ) 你 are an overachiever
( ) 你 have protein powder
() 你 believe in teams of one
(X) 你 often call people "losers" (siblings).

Total: 2

(X) 你 have a mental disorder (OCD)
(X) 你 have 说 你 are an actor (I do drama).
() 你 like two people at the same time
() 你 talk in your sleep
(X) 你 have a therapist/psychiatrist (used to :|)
(X) 你 are agile and graceful, but also tough and scrappy
(X) 你 have trouble telling the one 你 爱情 how 你 feel
(x) You're willing to risk your life for the one 你 love

Total: 6 (Whoa!)

(X) 你 爱情 video games
( ) 你 have embarrased yourself on your only date
( ) 你 have cat-like reflexes
() 你 are in 爱情 with someone TOTALLY out of your league
(x) 你 are a 长椅, 沙发 potato
() 你 have a "circus thumb"
( ) 你 sometimes speak in video-game talk
( ) 你 sometimes see stuff in video-game mode

Total: 2

( ) 你 爱情 manipulating people
( ) You're a poser
( ) 你 like to whittle
( ) 动物 don't like you
( ) 你 don't like animals
( ) 你 have a lucky item
( ) You're a ginger
( ) 你 have freckles covering you

Total: 0 (XD)

( ) 你 have a long ancestry
( ) 你 are a compulsive liar
( ) 你 talk incessantly
( ) 你 are rather overweight
(X) 你 are annoying to most people (Tee-hee)
( ) 你 have trouble swimming
( ) 你 have been bald at one point
( ) 你 don't have many friends

Total: 1

() 你 wear stuff in your hair
() You're an only child
() 你 don't have many friends, but wish to make friends
() 你 like retro fashions/music
(X) 你 enjoy the theatre
() 你 have seen your crush go out with someone else
(X) 你 are generally nice, but have a tough side
() Someone else has called 你 the "prettiest person in the group"

Total: 2

Old Cast: I'm like Noah! >W<

New Cast: I'm like Mike! >W<

Both my favourite characters XD
added by DandC4evacute
Source: DipziShan
added by DandC4evacute
Source: CourtG
added by DandC4evacute
Source: CITPrincess
added by DandC4evacute
Source: comicstrip2000
added by CamilleTDFan
Source: Me
added by poptrop300
Source: Me
added by poptrop300
Source: Me
added by colecutegirl
added by DandC4evacute
added by noahnstar1616
Source: ME
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: lordakiyama
added by TDIlover226
Source: TDIlover226 (moi)
added by Courtneyfan785
Source: Base:obssesedTDIgirl
added by i_love_music
Source: BrownHairBeauty
added by GwenFanxxxx
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: Fckn
added by GwenFanxxxx
added by CamilleTDFan
Source: Me
added by CamilleTDFan
Source: Me
added by TDItwin
Source: me