孤岛生存大乱斗 Club
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posted by nocofangirl218
Yep...is finally updating this! XD

Anyway, I wanna quickly say Happy New Year, and...yeah; hope it's going great! :3 So, without further rambling, here's the 下一个 TDR!!!!


-The 下一个 morning outside the cabins-

*everyone is sleeping peacefully, but then Kate and Crystal come in between the two. They then take out two mikes from no where, test them, and start to sing out of tune*

Kate: Wake up, wake up, on a Saturday night!

Crystal: Could be New York, maybe Hollywood in Vince.

Both: London, Paris, maybe Tokyo! There's something going on; everywhere I go tonight! Tonight! Yeah Tonight! *a few moments later; everyone slumps out of the cabins looking drowsy*

Crystal: Hello all!

Destery: *yawns, and starts to struggle to keep his eyes open* To...tired...to even...remind you...about...the...recap... *his eyes shut, and he falls to the ground – snoring loudly*

Kate: Looks like someone had a fun time at the party last night! *chuckles*

Crystal: Yep! XD Aw, don't worry Destery; I'm gonna do the re-cap right...now! Last time on Total Drama Rama; the cast had to endure a harsh winter snowball fight that ended with almost everyone buried in the snow! Seriously...it was crazy. .__. Then the cast got to settle down and enjoy a special holiday party; courtesy of yours truly. But did the drama stop there? NO! There was TONS of arguments, 糖果 trails that lead to a trap, and, most of all, good old fashioned 圣诞节 mistletoe kisses! XD So, what's in store for the cast this time? Find out now on...Total Drama Rama! *theme song plays*

Destery: *snore* Thank *snore* you.

Crystal: No problem buddy! ^-^ Now, if 你 would all follow me to Craft Services, I have a very special announcement to make! *goes off to CS*

All: *groan and follow*

-In Craft Services-

*everyone is sitting down, and Crystal steps up on a table*

Crystal: Good, everyone seems to be...wait. *does a quick head-count* We're one short. *looks around and sees Destery isn't there* Anyone seen Destery?

*at that moment, Destery slumps in, and plops down in the nearest seat*

Crystal: Good, everyone's here! Now I can finally make the announcement that...all eliminations from here on out are gonna all gonna be double!

All: *suddenly sober up, and gasp*

Crystal: That's right! From now on two people will be going home! We're nearing the end people, and that means it's time to kick it up a notch! That means harder challenges, bigger prizes, and so much 更多 we haven't even planned yet!

Mirra: So...does that mean...we're all in the running for the finals?

Crystal: That's right Mirra! All of 你 are now eligible to be in the final two, but, sadly, only one of 你 can win the Million!

All: *start to talk excitedly*

Crystal: Well, my announcement here is done. So, I'll just leave 你 to your food. Crab-walk! *hops down from the table, and start to 螃蟹 walk out of the Tent. On the way; she flips over a 随意 table* Should have played ball. *leaves*

Noah: ...reference much? (A/N: If 你 can tell me what, I'll give 你 props!)

-At a little 表 named one-

*Noah, Cody, Alejandro, Mirra, Destery, and Rayla are sitting here*

*At the beginning of the table; Cody it talking to Alejandro and Mirra, but is unaware that the two are making-out while he's talking*

Cody: So...that's basically the whole story. I mean; why would he just 吻乐队(Kiss) me and run off like that? Does he...not really like me? *sighs sadly* I know I'm sounding pretty girly right now, and...I just wanna thank 你 both for listening to me ramble about my problems. 你 guys are real- *looks over, and see's that their making out* Uh...guys? Hello? Are...are 你 even listening?

Alejandro and Mirra: *continue to make-out*

Cody: -__- I take that as a no. *gets up, and goes further down the table*

Alejandro: *pulls away from Mirra* Did 你 hear something?

Mirra: Nope. *they both then shrug, and go back to making out*

*further down the table; Destery and Rayla are gazing lovingly into each others eyes from across the 表 when Cody awkwardly walk up, and sits 下一个 to Destery*

Cody: Hi guys...so...can I talk to 你 about something?

Both: *in a love-struck voice* Yeah.

Cody: Well... *explains everything that happens* And that's basically it. So, should I take his running from me badly, 或者 a nervous reaction?

Both: *in a love-struck voice* Yeah.

Cody: *gets a confused look* ...huh? *realizes what's going on, and gets a “are 你 serious” look on his face* Let me guess; 你 guys probably don't even realize I'm talking right now because you're both so wrapped up in each other.

Both: *in a love-struck voice* Yeah.

Cody: -_______- *groans* Just what I thought. *gets up, and goes even further down the table*


Cody: …okay, what the f*** is with all these couples?! It's like Cupid got bored, and decided to make every other person here fall in love! It's getting really awkward...tens times worse since I don't have anyone yet....he-he....yeah...

**End of Confessionals**

*at the end of the table; Noah is sitting alone – 阅读 a 随意 book. Cody then awkwardly takes a 座位 下一个 to him, but Noah fails to notice. Cody just stays silent, but, after a moment, clears his throat, and Noah turns to look at him with a surprised expression*

Noah: Oh...Cody...it's you. *sighs in relief* 你 scared me there.

Cody: Really? He-he...sorry. *they both then fall silent, but then Cody speaks up* Um..so...Noah, I've been thinking. Couldn't we talk about out...you know...ki-

Noah: Uh...I...I gotta go! *closes book, and runs off*

Cody: …kiss. .__.


Noah: *sigh* Okay...I know I can't avoid talking to Cody about the 吻乐队(Kiss) I gave him, but...I can't bring myself to face him. I know it's cliche, but...I'd be somewhat dead inside if Cody actually was mad at me for 接吻 him. Whoa...since when did I start feeling like this? It fells unnatural... *shivers*

**End of Confessionals**

-At the fortress of 表 2-

*Melody, Riley, Robin, Gladys, Gwen, Duncan, and Alex*

*at the beginning of the table; Robin and Riley are talking to Alex from across the table*

Robin: So, Alex, I see your looking rather...chipper today. Did something happen last night to make 你 so...er...not gloom and doom twenty-four seven?

Alex: Well, something did happen! Something magical, wonderful, and full of pie!

Riley: *smiles* Really? So I take it you, and Gladys finally got back together then?

Alex: *gets a confused look* Huh? No. I just found the great and mighty powers of my...... *makes a Spongebob Imagination rainbow* Imagination!

Robin: *frowns* Oh...so; your not back together?

Alex: Nope. :3


Robin: Okay...something's up. Someone just doesn't go from clinically depressed to super happy like that – epically as quick and depressed as Alex was! He must be doing something to act like that...I just hope it isn't harmful to him...

Alex: *has a derp-ish face* What can I say? Just got up in a good mood! :)

**End of Confessionals**

*further down; Gladys is talking to Duncan and Gwen – who are sitting 由 each other and practically have “I wanna make-out” plastered on their faces - from across the table*

Gladys: I mean; what do 你 guys think?

Duncan: *in a love-struck voice* Sounds great.

Gwen: *in a love-struck voice* Yeah...sounds really great.

Gladys: … *sighs sadly* Well, I guess 你 two won't be much help. *gets up, and leaves. As soon as she does; Duncan and Gwen start making-out*


Gladys: *groans* I feel so alone. Everyone is being all kissy this morning, and...it makes me miss Alex even more. *gets teary eyed*

**End of Confessionals**

*further down; Melody is sitting alone until Gladys comes and takes a 座位 由 her*

Melody: Oh, 嘿 Gladys.

Gladys: *in a sad tone* 嘿 Melody.

Melody: *get's a confused look* Everything okay there Gladys?

Gladys: Well...actually...no. I've really been missing Alex, but...we'll never be a couple again. He made that perfectly clear when he threw the mistletoe in the trash can and locked himself in a janitors closet instead of 接吻 me. *sighs sadly*

Melody: *pats Gladys on the back* There, there Gladys. I know a little 更多 of what your going through than 你 actually think I do.

Gladys: *gets a surprised look* Really, 你 do?

Melody: *smiles reassuringly* Of course. 你 see...I...I really miss Justin. Even though I repeatedly 说 I didn't like him...I was lying. I really do care for the guy.

Chris: *jumps form his hiding place* Knew it! And, to make it sweeter...I have it all on film! XD

Melody: OoO … D< Chris, I'M GONNA KILL YOU! *hops up, and begins to chase Chris around the Craft Service tent*


Melody: Ugh! This is why I don't tell this 显示 anything! From now on I'll be a little 更多 cautious of what I say on – and even off – camera. 你 never know who's gonna twist your words, and make it seem like 你 说 the total opposite of what 你 meant!

Chris: We'll still get it out of her. *smiles, and gives a thumbs up*

**End of Confessionals**

-One 小时 later-

*Everyone is chatting when the PA system clicks on*

Crystal: Attention all ladies in the CF except for Riley and including Cody; I'm requesting your presence immediately in the field 由 the flag pole. Don't ask why I'm calling you; just come down here and all will be revealed then. Thanks! *PA system clicks off*

Riley: ...wait...why does Cody get to go and I don't?!

Cody: I...honestly have no idea. But, whatever it is, I'm sure it's just gonna be some huge prank constructed 由 Chris 或者 Crystal – maybe even both of those evil little hosting weasels. So count yourself lucky 你 don't have to go.

Riley: ...Good point. I never thought of that to be honest. .3. So...have fun!

All who have to go: *groan, and walk out of CS. They then go to the flag-pole, and, when they do, this spray comes out of no where. Soon; they are all sleeping, and interns are dragging them somewhere*

-a few moments later in the CS with the boys plus Riley-

Noah: ...hey, what happened to the girls and Cody?

Riley: Yeah, it's been, like, ten 或者 some-odd 分钟 since they left. Hm, maybe their- *she is then cut off 由 loud trumpet noises from outside*

Duncan: ...what the heck?

*all the boys – plus Riley – then head outside, and see Kate, dressed as a duke, playing a long, mid-evil looking trumpet with a blue flag on the neck with the letters “TDR” stitched into it. After a few 更多 分钟 of playing the trumpet; she then stops, puts it behind her, and pulls out a scroll*

Kate: Here thy, hear thy: The good princess Crystal has a message. *gestures 下一个 to her*

Crystal: *walks up beside Kate – dressed in the same thing Courtney wore in TDA during the Fairy-tale movie challenge* Good 'morrow, noble knights, and Riley, of the kingdom!

Noah: ...Crystal...why are 你 dressed and talking like your from Camelot?

Riley: And why is everyone adding: “And Riley” when their addressing this certain group? I mean...am I that out of place here? .___.

Crystal: ...er...darn. I couldn't think of a come-back in mid-evil speak. :P Anyway, the reason for all of this is because....it revolves around today's challenge! :D Now, before anyone asks anymore 问题 *fake cough* Noah and Riley! *fake cough* let me explain today's challenge! So, as 你 may have guessed, today it's all about mid-evil times; where knights in shimmering armor, high towers, life-threatening quests, bad breath, and fire-breathing 龙 galore!

Alejandro: But...where's my Mirra?!

Duncan: And Gwen!

Destery: Don't forget Rayla! D:

Noah: What about Cody?! 你 know...because we're 老友记 and all...

Crystal: -__- I was getting to them! *groans* Anyway, another thing mid-evil times had was...damsels in distress! Or, as it so happens to be, the girls! >3 ...and Cody. .3.

All: o__o

Crystal: There's those smiling faces! -w- So, before your first task, of 《勇敢传说》 knights, 你 all need to put on your armor! A good knight NEVER goes into battle without armor!

All: *groans, and do as they're told*

-a few 分钟 later-

*all the boys, and Riley, are in silver armor; have shields; and carrying fake swords*

Crystal: There! Now your ready to go on your quest for the girls!

Alex: *puts on sunglasses* OOOHHH YEAH!

Crystal: Glad your so enthusiastic about it! :D So, to find the girls, 你 must venture forth to the lair of the evil dragon to get your 下一个 task! *whispers* Go to studio 22, and instructions will be 给 at that time explaining what to do next.

Noah: Huh...doesn't seem to hard.

Alejandro: I agree amigo! We can totally win this!

Riley: Right on!

*they all then head off for studio 22*

-a half-hour later-

*all the boys, and Riley, come crawling into the studio – panting heavily. Once inside; they all let just lay there, and catch their breath*

Noah: I. *pant* understand. *pant* Why. *pant* These. *pant* Went. *pant* Out. *pant *Of style.

Riley. Seriously. *pant* I don't understand why *pant* they had to make *pant* these stupid things *pant* so freaking *pant* heavy!

*everyone then finally catches their breath, and stands up. They then go further into the studio, and, soon, they come face-to-face with a huge fake 城堡 that's basically a giant cage. All the girls – and Cody – are inside wearing long, one colored dresses – including Cody. Eveyone – except Noah – starts laughing at Cody's dress, making him blush*

Duncan: Ha! Nice dress there Caroline!

Cody: *blushes a deeper red* That's not my name! And I didn't choose to wear this stupid thing! We were knocked out, and, when I woke up, it was on me! *tugs at the dress – which is baby blue*

*everyone then continues to laugh at him, until a loud roar cuts through the studio*

Alex: What was that?!

Crystal: *comes from behind the 城堡 – still wearing the princess dress* Ah, I see the knight's of old have finally arrived to the castle. Now, it is time for....the 秒 task of your quest! *groans* Okay, I hate talking like that! Anyway, the 秒 part of your challenge is to free the girls from their 城堡 prison – which, last time I checked, easy to do.

Riley: Wait..if their just saving the girls...why aren't I in there?

Crystal: A very good question! 你 see; after 你 save your “Princess”, 你 must go around the back of the 城堡 and navigate the small obstacle course we've set up. And, Riley, the reason your here is because we thought it would be fun to have a boy rescue a boy and a girl rescue a girl. :3

Riley: Oh..I see...

Kate: *suddenly appears 由 Crystal's side – still dressed as a Duke* That's right! Now, the color of your shield is matching to the color of your “Princess” dress. If 你 so happen to take the wrong “Princess”; her and her “knight” will win the challenge instead, and that wouldn't be very snazzy.

Melody: *speaks up* Crystal, Kate, I've counted and there's an odd number here! One of us doesn't have a Knight to save them from here!

Crystal: Very observant Melody! And, that one who doesn't have a Knight is...well, you.

Melody: What?!

Kate: Don't worry! We noticed the odd number to, and fixed the problem! So, coming back just for this one episode, please welcome TD's own.... *the person then walks up beside her*

Melody: JUSTIN?!

Justin: That's right Mel! Glad to see me? ;)


Melody: …Justin? Really? Out of all the eliminated, and non-competing boys, I get Justin?! Hm...well...I guess it isn't so bad having him back here. After all, I guess I...maybe...sorta did miss him... *blushes deeply*

Justin: So, it's good to be back! Plus...I think Melody is a little into me now. ;)

**End of Confessionals**

Crystal: Yep, Justin is back! And, as a bonus, if 你 two win today, he can officially come back onto Total Drama Rama to try and win the Million! :D

All: What?!

Crystal: Thought 你 all would like it! XD Anyway, before 你 all continue with today's challenge, *song 钟, 贝尔 goes off* I think a tune is in order! This is only for the knights, so, everyone in the cage, 你 can just sing back up when nessesary!

Everyone in the cage: Yay! :D

Everyone else: -__- *music starts*

Noah: It's too late baby, there's no turning around
Alex: I got my hands in my pocket and my head in a cloud
Duncan: This is how I do
Justin: When I think about you
Riley: I never thought that 你 could break me apart
Alejandro: I keep a sinister smile and a hold of my heart
Destery: 你 want to get inside
Duncan: Then 你 can get in line
Noah: But not this time

All: Cause 你 caught me off guard
Now I'm running and screaming
I feel like a hero and 你 are my heroine

Alejandro: I won't try to philosophize
Alex: I'll just take a deep breath then I'll look in your eyes
Destery: This is how I feel
Riley: And it's so surreal
Justin: I got a closet filled up to the brim
Noah: With the ghosts of my past and their skeletons
Duncan: And I don't know why
Alex: You'd even try
Destery: But I won't lie

All: 你 caught me off guard
Now I'm running and screaming
I feel like a hero and 你 are my heroine
Do 你 know that your 爱情 is the sweetest sin?

Justin: And I feel a weakness coming on
Alejandro: It never felt so good to be so wrong
Alex: Had my 心 on lockdown
Noah: And then 你 turned me around
Riley: And I'm feeling like a newborn child
Duncan: Every time I get a chance to see 你 smile
Destery: It's not complicated
Noah: I was so jaded

All: And 你 caught me off guard
Now I'm running and screaming
I feel like a hero and 你 are my heroine
Do 你 know that your 爱情 is the sweetest sin?

(Girls: I feel like a hero and 你 are my heroine)
Destery: And I feel a weakness coming on
Riley: It never felt so good to be so wrong
Duncan: Had my 心 on lockdown
Noah: And then 你 turned me around
(Girls: Do 你 know that your 爱情 is the sweetest sin?)
Alejandro: And I'm feeling like a newborn child
Alex: Every time I get a chance to see 你 smile
It's not complicated
Destery: I was so jaded

(Girls: I feel like a hero and 你 are my heroine)
Justin: And I feel a weakness coming on
Destery: It never felt so good to be so wrong
Duncan: Had my 心 on lockdown
Noah: And then 你 turned me around
(Girls: Do 你 know that your 爱情 is the sweetest sin?)
Alex: And I'm feeling like a newborn child
Alejandro: Every time I get a chance to see 你 smile
Riley: It's not complicated
I was so jaded

Crystal: Great job guys – and Riley. Now, a hint for getting the cage open: Look for the key guarded 由 the monster who's sounds may deceive! Oh, and 你 know that sound 你 heard earlier? Yeah...that's just our dragon! *laughs, and a loud roar is heard close by* Have fun! *grabs Kate's arm, and runs off*

Riley: O_O Uh..so...I take it we look for a key?

Duncan: Y-yeah, I guess. Hey...why don't we look for the key together. Not that I'm scared of the dragon; it's just...we'll be able to get the girls out sooner.

All: *nod in agreement, and go looking for the key*

-fifteen 分钟 later-

Gwen: Have 你 guys found the key yet?

Melody: Seriously! I'm getting a little claustrophobic in here with all these other people being crowded around me like closed-in animals...

Justin: Hang in there Melody! We'll find the key soon!

Alejandro: Same for you, Mirra!

Duncan: Don't worry pasty; we've almost found the key! *all continue looking*

Alex: *stops looking, and gets a thinking look on his face* Hm...okay; Crystal 说 the key was guarded 由 a monster who's sounds may deceive. What on earth could she have meant by-*another loud roar runs through the studio* *suddenly gets it* Hey..I think I know where the key is! *runs in the direction of the loud roaring*

Gladys: *sees Alex running off, and runs up to the bars of the cage* Alex!


Gladys: Oh, Alex was SO 《勇敢传说》 going toward the roaring like that! I would have just stayed behind – cowering like a puppy! Maybe he did it to save me...

Alex: Yeah, I'll admit, I was a little scared to go running toward the sound like that. But, then I though to myself: “What would Chuck Norris do?” Then it hit me; Chuck Norris would go in there, and kick that 龙 freaking *beep*!

**End of Confessionals**

*everyone is now waiting breathlessly for Alex to come back. There is no 更多 roaring, and everything is silent. But, just when all seems calm, a rustling is heard from the nearby bushes*

Gladys: A-Alex, is that you?

*more silence follows, but then, out of no where, Alex pops up*

Alex: 嘿 everyone! So, I went looking for the key, and, wouldn't 你 know it, I came upon the dragon. Although, the only thing I found was this! *comes out of the bush; dragging a dragon-like costume that noticeable had someone in it but the person couldn't be made out*

Duncan: ...wow.

Noah: Who's in it?

Alex: I checked, and you'll NEVER guess it! The person in the costume is.... *fakes a drum-roll, and lifts the head off the suit. It is then revealed that...Demetry was the on inside the costume*

All: Demetry?!

Demetry: *groans* Yeah, I know, I look stupid. Crystal made me wear it, and, believe me, I would do anything NOT to be in it.

Alejandro: So...wait; that was 你 we heard earlier?

Demetry: Yeah. The costume has some sort of voice distorter. Sorry if I scared 你 guys...

Riley: Wait...Crystal 说 the key is guarded 由 a monster who's voice may deceive! Demetry IS dressed as a dragon, and those noises he was making DID deceive us!

Destery: So...you think that-

Duncan: *cuts him off* That little nerd has the key! *grabs Demetry 由 the 衬衫 collar, and pulls him so that their nose-to-nose* Okay 你 little creep, hand over the keys and you'll be spared...maybe.

Demetry: *gulps* But...but I was told to keep them...

Alex: *taps Duncan's shoulder* Let me handle this. *takes Demetry 由 the 衬衫 领, 衣领 form Duncan, and slaps him hard* *in a Chinese accent* 你 give me key now! *slaps* Now! *slaps* 你 give me key now! *continues this, and, finally, on the fifth slap, Demetry breaks*

Demetry: Okay! I'll give 你 the keys! Just PLEASE stop that!

Alex: *in normal accent* Okay. :3


Alex: *sighs in relief* Man, 你 don't know HOW good it feels to slap something. -w- Even 更多 so if that something is a annoying little nerd who everyone seems to hate! 8D

**End of confessionals**

*Demetry hands over the key, and Alex drops him. All the boys – plus Riley - then rush over to the cage, and slowly puts the key in. He then turns it, and, as soon as it clicks, the floor beneath the group outside the cage seems to vanish. They all then fall through, and the cage door swings open. The girls stay where their at, but then slowly surround the hole*

Mirra: ...Alejandro? 你 okay sweetie?

Gwen: Duncan? Hey, babe, 你 alright down there?

Rayla: Des? 你 alright?

Cody: Noah...buddy? Say something cynical if 你 can hear me!

*there is silence for the longest time, but, finally, the group below lets out a groan – saying they were alright. Suddenly, Crystal comes into the studio, and giggles*

Crystal: Oh, did I forget to mention that this mid-evil looking 城堡 has a few modern 日 traps and surprises to it? XD Oh, well, too late now! Anyway, ladies, and Cody, it is now YOUR turns to save your Prince's form distress!

Mirra: Wait...your serious?!

Crystal: Yep! It's some good old fashioned role-swapping! But, before 你 start saving your Prince, *songs 钟, 贝尔 goes off* Let's here a little song about princess empowerment!

All: *shrug, and the 音乐 starts*

Rayla: Once, far away and long ago
Gwen: Was a tale , my daddy told to me
Gladys: He said, there´s a land of fantasy
Mirra: There’s a prince who´ll fight for me
Cody: Till the end...

All: This isn´t how I thought It will supposed to be
你 were the one who I imagine 下一个 to me
But sometimes 爱情 will fell-
in the hands of the wreck less
´cause this is no fairytale, and i´m, i´m no princess
No princess

Melody: Now, were living in the strangest dream,
Robin: But I don´t know what to believe
Gwen: ´Cause when 你 said
Cody: I´m the one who fight for you
Gladys: I´m the one that 你 never loose
Rayla: That was just to tell

All: This isn´t how I thought It will supposed to be
你 were the one who I imagine 下一个 to me
But sometimes 爱情 will fell-
in the hands of the wreck less
´cause this is no fairytale, and i´m, i´m no princess
No princess (x3)

Gladys: If i´am a prisoner
Robin: And there is my captor
Gwen: And I´ll never know
Mirra: happily ever after
Cody: I´m no princess
Rayla: That´s just how it is, but now i´m wiser
Melody: And 下一个 time I´ll write my own last chapter

All: This isn´t how I thought It will supposed to be
你 were the one who I imagine 下一个 to me
But sometimes 爱情 will fell-
in the hands of the wreck less
´cause this is no fairytale, and i´m, i´m no princess
No princess (x2)

Crystal: Great guys! So, anyway, I'll just let 你 guys get to saving 你 Prince!

Melody: But...but how?! How can we possibly get all the boys out, AND make sure that their the person we're supposed to save?!

Crystal: Well...that's for 你 to find out! *runs off laughing*

Mirra: ...well then.

Gladys: *sighs* Alright everyone; let's 分裂, 拆分 up, and see if there isn't anything we can use to help get the boys out. Sound good?

All: Yep. *start to search*

Gladys: OoO …


Gladys: Wow. Okay, I know this sounds stupid, but...no group of people have taken my advise before. Felt kinda nice to be the one to suggest something than be the one to have to wait for someone to suggest something 你 probably don't agree with. :3

**End of confessionals**

*they all start to look for something to help them get the boys – and Riley – out of the hole*

-a couple 分钟 later-

*all the girls, plus Cody, are still trying to find something to help the boys*

Cody: Has anyone found anything yet?!

Rayla: *sarcastically* Of course we have, captain turd! That's why no one has revealed it! *serious voice* Now stop being stupid, and actually look!

Cody: ...you don't have to be all crappy about it Rayla. A simple no would have been fine.

Rayla: *gives him the middle finger*

Robin: Oh, come ON 你 two! Can't 你 just pretend to be 老友记 long enough so we can help the boys, and...Riley, out of that hole?

Cody: ...fine.

Rayla: Whatever.

*everyone then continues to search, but winds up empty handed. All the girls are about to call it quiets when Demetry walks cautiously through*

Demetry: Hey...is Alex around?

Melody: *has a confused look* Uh...no. He fell into a hole with the other boys – and Riley – awhile ago. We're trying to find something to help get them out.

Demetry: *sighs in relief* Good...I was afraid he'd come out, and slap me again.

Mirra: *has a confused look, like the rest, but then gets an “”I have an idea” face* Hey...Demetry; 你 wouldn't happen to have some rope 或者 something would you?

Demetry: Actually...I think there's some rope in the dragon head...

Mirra: ...well, can we please have it? It would be SO nice if you'd let us borrow it to help out the boys! *bats her eyes-lashes a little*

Demetry: ...uh..okay, sure. 你 guys can have it.

Mirra: Thanks Demetry! :D

*Demetry then gives the girls the rope, and they all rush over to the hole. They then lower the rope down to the boys, and tell them to climb it. Soon, all the boys had successfully climbed the rope, and they were all finally free of any cages and holes*

Duncan: Okay...is everyone finally out of any traps?!

All: *nod, and, suddenly, the intercom goes off*

Crystal: *through the intercom* Congratulations all 你 contestants! Your all finally out of traps, and, since we're almost out of time, I wanna speed this 下一个 task along! So, of 你 would, please go around the back of the 城堡 and we can get this over with quickly!

*they all go to the back of the castle, and see a obstacle course just like Crystal said. The course begins with 你 having to 交叉, 十字架 a narrow board, goes through a tire run, and, finally, ends with long stretch of road that leads to a fake hoarse*

Gwen: Okay...what that hell is this?

Crystal: It's your all's last challenge Gwen! *laughs slightly* Anyway, it's pretty self-explanatory. Go through the obstacle course and then mount the fake horse!

Alejandro: Is that all? *scoffs* Piece of cake!

Crystal: Oh, and, did I mention the knights have to run through the obstacle while carrying their saved princess bridal-style? He-he, have fun! And don't forget that, if 你 carry the wrong princess through the course, she and the guys who was supposed to be carrying here are the winners instead of you!

Alex: *glares at Alejandro* Nice going...Al!

Alejandro: *his eye twitches*


Alejandro: *has a pissed-off expression* I can't BELIEVE he called me Al! I HATE being called Al, and I promise 你 Alex, 你 will PAY like all the others before 你 who ever DARED to call me Al! And I shall not rest until you've been gotten back!

Alex: *has a totally relaxed expression* Eh, Al will get over it eventually.

**End of Confessionals**

Crystal: *still over the intercom* And the race begins...now! *intercom clicks off*

(A/N: Okay, since I'm lazy, I'm just gonna tell 你 who was with who, and who made it past the first stage. Alex was with Gladys; Alejandro with Mirra; Duncan with Gwen; Noah with Cody; Riley with Robin; Justin with Melody; and Destery with Rayla. At the board crossing – only Alejandro and Mirra; Alex and Gladys; and Noah and Cody made it across. The others fell to the sand trap the board was over. Now, their all at the tire run-through with Alejandor and Mirra in the lead)

Mirra: Hey...we're ahead Alejandro! But I think Alex and Gladys are on our tail!

Alejandro: Yes...it seems as though we are. And, don't worry Mirra, I've got it covered. *smirks, and slyly slides the tire he was currently passing through backward. It then slides back, and winds tripping up Alex – who was only a few paces behind them*

Alex: AH! *falls onto his butt, but is able to hold onto Gladys* Don't worry Gladys...I got you...

Gladys: *blushes deeply*


Gladys: *still has the blush from earlier* Whoa...I never thought that Alex would still be there to catch me when I fell...even when I broke up with him... *smiles*

Alex: *groans* Man...now the AxG 粉丝 will be expecting a make up from us.... *smiles slightly*

**End of confessionals**

*Noah and Cody then pass the fallen Alex and Gladys – stopping for a moment to make sure they were okay – and then speed up to Alejandro and Mirra. The two then race against each other down the path, but Noah winds up tripping, and falling onto his butt. Alejandro and Mirra then get to the end, and mount the fake horse*

Crystal: *comes in from behind the fake horse – still in the dress* And the winners of this challenge are...Alejandro and Mirra!

Alejandro and Mirra: *cheer, and hug each other*

Noah: *groans, and turns to Cody* Sorry about tripping Cody...are 你 hurt? I didn't mean to drag 你 down with me like that...

Cody: *smiles and blushes* Yeah...I'm perfectly fine..thanks to you. *kisses Noah's cheek*

Noah: *gets a beat-red blush*

Crystal: *comes in front of the screen - still in the dress* Aw! How sweet was this ending? Anyway, it's...question time; it's of so fine! It makes me wanna rhyme! When it comes time I wanna chime, 问题 TIME! ….sorry, I feel asleep during the Blues Clues marathon my little cousin made me watch last night... *clears throat* SO, will Alex and Gladys REALLY get back together? Are we gonna let Justin stay – even though he didn't win? And, finally, did 你 catch all the fluffiness of this episode? All of these 问题 and 更多 will be put in the 拱顶, 保险库, 跳马 and gewt taken out in twenty years time 下一个 time on...Total Drama Rama!


And THAT'S how 你 make a come-back! :D

For those of 你 who were kept waiting, sorry, and, for those of 你 who missed me...here's a cookie! *hands 你 all cookies* So, please tell if Justin should come back, (which is totally up to you) two 或者 one (one if 你 don't want Justin back) and, finally, if I should make the Valentines 日 special (yes, even though I personally think it's the most idiotic holiday, I'm still gonna make a special) should be an aftermath episode 或者 regular episode. (I'd prefer it be a normal episode, but, hey, it's up to 你 guys)

Also, the thing about the 支持 and the Blues Clues marathon are true! (I was kinda kidding on the 支持 thing, but, if 你 CAN tell me what it's from, 你 will get a few props) The song was a parody of the mail song, and, since it was stuck in my head, (thanks cousin. -__-) I HAD to use it! XD

So...see y'all 下一个 time!
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Source: Flo
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Source: Many Differant Places and people
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When 你 come back from a loss, when 你 beat the odds, and never say never. 你 find a champion...
Today was the surfing competition. Bridgette and Katie went over to Trent who was skating on his skateboard. "Hey, Trent" Bridgette said. "Oh 嘿 girls," he said. "Maybe when 你 get tired of the pipe, come surf some real waves," Bridgette said. "Hey, were all going night surfing tommarrow night, wanna come?" he asked. "Sure, as if we have nothing better to do," Bridgette replied. "Okay, I'll pick 你 up. Bye girls," "Bye" Katie and Bridgette said.
The competition began. All the surfers paddled...
continue reading...
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Source: neonwalflower
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Source: me, windows 7 paint, and Mrs_Beckett
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