魔法俏佳人 Club
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posted by lovebaltor
AN: So here is chapter six. For those who complained about their character not getting enough parts in the 前一个 chapter, I am sorry, they will have a bigger role in this part. Anyways, sorry a later update then usual, I have been rather busy and school has taken up my time from 写作 this. Enjoy this chapter readers.


The Palace of Twilight

Everyone just stood in front of the large black and ornate door of the Twilight Palace, no one trying to make a sudden movement in fear of disrupting some strange force. "Do we just walk through, 或者 is there a certain way at entering?" Ros asked, keeping her distance away from the door, and the black roaring waterfall behind her.

Midna didn't respond to Ros' question. Instead, she walked closer to the door and it simply opened up for her. "How did 你 do that?" Layla wondered, walking up to get a closer look. "You don't need to do anything special. All 你 have to do is stand near it and it opens." Midna 说 casually, making her way into the 城堡 - the others following slowly behind her.

The inside of the 城堡 was dark, and only a faint light came from small little light orbs that floated in several areas of the room.

"So, which way to we head Midna?" Hula wondered, squinting her eyes as a mean of getting them 更多 quickly adjusted to the darkness. Midna created a small orb of light in her hands, similar to ones around the room and held it above the head. "Do 你 see anything?" Ruth asked, moving closer to their only close 来源 of light. Midna turned in several directions, but couldn't see much: the light orb was only a small and temporary 来源 of light. Where had all of the sols light gone off too?

"Is it usually this dark, Midna?" Glitter asked, walking closer to her friend as well. "Something doesn't feel right..." Midna mumbled, bringing the orb back down. "What do 你 mean?" Angela asked, jumping slightly. "I don't know, it just doesn't feel like - home." Midna 说 her voice low and steady. "I see what she means, I can feel something dark in here." Hula whispered, everyone turning to face her. "Really, where?" Alysa hissed, transforming from fear. Hula shrugged. "How am I supposed to know where's it's coming from? All I know that this place is coated in it."

"Do 你 really think that it's 安全 to stay in here?" Jo snapped at Midna, pulling her gun out. "Don't get jumping humans. I'm pretty sure it's nothing - probably just another stupid Bulbin." Chimera hissed at Jo. "You think one of those green idiots could make a place full of dark magic?" 茉莉, 茉莉花 hissed back at Chimera. "It's not like 你 could tell for certain any better, human! The best 你 can do is shoot that pistol and 你 know that magical beings can easily block the bullets." Chimera snarled back.

"Alright that's enough." Lolline snapped at the two, going in between them. "Fighting will solve nothing. The best we could do right not is to try and find Midna's mom." 茉莉, 茉莉花 and Chimera stopped talking, but the two seemed rather at each other's throats. "That's a good idea Lolline. I think we should try and find your mother Midna." Flora suggested kindly, Midna nodding in agreement with the girls' suggestion. "But, this place is huge! How are we supposed to find one women in this large place?" Rochelle sighed, folding her arms to her chest. "Uh, Rochelle, I think 你 seemed to have forgotten; Midna's lived here all of her life." Kristina 说 smugly, Rochelle rolling her eyes in reply.

"I still don't like this." Midna mumbled, 更多 to herself then to the others. "Just take us to your mother Midna, okay? If something happens, 你 know we've all got your back." Musa stated, smiling lightly. Midna sighed and rubbed her eyes: might as well try to go looking for her mom. She nodded her head in approval once 更多 and snapped her fingers, making the light orb begin floating in front of them and she began leading them through the palace.

It was quiet between the large group for the whole way Midna led them through the palace. It's not that they didn't want to talk to anyone, it's just that they didn't know what to say. What could any of them say?
Well - the members of section D could certainly complain that this mission of "protection" was a complete waste of their time. The Winx girls were clearly concerned about the level of dark magic in this castle. The girls were just - well, they were all worked up from just being in this strange and creepy place.

Midna finally stopped in front of a large black door, with spikes around the edges. "This is the entrance to the 王座, 宝座 room," She walked up towards the door, but instead of it opening, a low hissing noise filled the air and five black stones fell from the sky, encircling the large group. Before any of them could react, a bright 粉, 粉色 barrier like cage was created from the rocks, and five black monsters appeared out of nowhere.

These monsters were huge, black and walked on four legs. They had strange, shield shaped heads and 粉, 粉色 markings all over their bodies.

 A Shadow Beast
A Shadow Beast

They thrashed out at the group and hissed, making some of the girls scream out of fear. "We musn't panic. We need to transform and work together to get rid of these things." Tecna 说 sternly, everyone (But section D) transforming into their fairy form. "Midna, do 你 have any idea what these things are?" Angela wondered, trying to injure one 由 tossing an orb. The creature hissed, but simply shrugged off the pain it had felt. "Their called Shadow Beasts, and they are pretty powerful," Before she could continue with her explanation, three gun shots echoed through the room.

The 精灵 looked down to see Ruth trying to protect herself and Jo from three of the beasts ganging up on them. "We need to help them," Layla 说 firmly, flying down and creating a shield around her, Jo and Ruth. "Did the bullets do anything?" Jo asked timidly, her gun clicking again. "I don't think so - they seem to be pretty strong." Layla flinched slightly when one of them smacked her shield rather forcefully. She saw Flora, Tecna and Musa go behind the three blocking her and the two section D members from escape.

The other two monsters were preoccupied with Jasmine, Lucas, Ros and Tariq. "Is this thing affected 由 bullets?" Ros asked rather quietly, raising her gun to one of the beasts. "Who knows, we'll just find out, won't we?" 茉莉, 茉莉花 hissed, and fired five shots at the one nearest to her. The beast hissed, but then shook simply, as though nothing happened. "Crap." Tariq 说 simply, Lucas turning around and trying to figure out a way to get out. "Think we could just break this and get out?" He whispered to Ros, who shrugged. "Lucas, I'm fighting a giant black thing that isn't killed 由 bullets - do 你 really think I give to shits about what 你 do to get us out?" Lucas rolled his eyes and kicked at the 粉, 粉色 wall, shouting in pain after he did so.

"Lucas!" 茉莉, 茉莉花 shouted, running over to his aid. "Don't anybody touch that wall!" Midna shouted, landing near the remaining section D members. "Now 你 tell us?" 茉莉, 茉莉花 snarled. Midna waved her hand for the other girls to land and they did, landing in a 圈, 圈子 around the members. "Midna, is there anything else 你 need to tell us before we continue?" Hula asked, magic seeping through her hands. "Yes; we need to kill them all at once otherwise, the last one standing will screech and bring the others back to life."

"What?!" Ros screeched, Midna sighing. "How are we supposed to defeat them, then?" Glitter asked, putting a shield around herself. "That's a good idea," Alysa mumbled, putting a shield around herself as well, and soon all the girls had shield blocking them from the Shadow Beasts. "Should we ask the Winx for help?" Angela suggested, Chimera scoffing at the idea. "What?" Alysa snapped back at her. "Why does she have to suggest we take an easy way out? "Let's ask the Winx!" They've always been the heroes, can't we try and do something on our owns for once?"

"Chimera, now is not the time to try and play heroics, okay?" Rochelle stated, Chimera rolling her eyes. "She's right Chimera. We need to focus on getting rid of these monsters - their stronger then they look and if the Winx can get rid of the three they're dealing with, I'm sure we can take care of the two in front of us." Midna stated, Chimera sighing and nodding her agreement. "Alright, Kristina, fly out there and tell the Winx our small plan." Kristina nodded, and put her shield down, taking flight quickly and flying towards Stella.

"Stella," The fairy of the sun whirled around when she heard her name being called, and flew over towards Kristina. "What is it?" Kristina took a deep breath and flew up higher to reduce the risk of getting grabbed 由 those things. "We've made a small plan. Before 你 ask what it is, this is basically what we've come up with," Kristina quickly explained the plan the girls had come up with and Stella nodded once it was finished. "Okay, I'll go and tell the other girls. Once we've defeated those three, try and get rid of those two." The two nodded, and flew back towards their proper groups.

"Well?" Tariq asked Kristina, once she had re-entered the shield. "Stella's going to tell the others. She told me that we should be ready to attack those two once they have defeated theirs." The girls nodded, and then waited for the Winx to do their work.

They saw Bloom cover up Ruth and Jo in a strong shield, and then they began to make their moves on the beasts. Tecna and Musa did a small combination and made a ring of magic around the beasts, which prevented them from going anywhere else. Layla and Flora then stepped in, combining two of their attacks to make vines 包, 换行 around them, that were coated in morphic magic, making the plant much stronger. The three beasts were now trapped, and squirming under the pressure the pant was giving. Stella and Bloom now stepped up to give the final blow, combing two of their strongest attacks, causing the beasts to hiss and fall to the ground in a heap.

"They did it...." Ros 说 quietly, everyone watching in quiet amazement as the Winx landed, making sure that the Shadow Beasts were truly defeated, and that Ruth and Jo were alright.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go kill the other two!" Rochelle snapped, impatient for the fighting to begin. "Wait - shouldn't we create a plan of some sort before going into action?" Kristina suggested, some of the girls now hesitating to fight. "Kristina's right. What if someone gets hurt since we're all just going from instinct? Shouldn't we make a plan first?" Angela suggests. "We don't really have time to make up a plan, do we? What if those remaining beasts awaken the other two?" Chimera snarls. "But, we should have a plan! What if one of us gets hurt?" Alysa hisses back at Chimera. "Okay, this bickering will not solve our problems, so just shut it!" Hula snarls, everyone shutting up.

"Our best tactic is to work together and stick in groups to as not get singled out easier." Hula informs the girls, most nodding in agreement with her small pep-talk. "Okay, all we need to do is stick together in two small groups, does everyone understand that part?" Lolline asks the girls. "Good, everyone gets that part. Now, I think it would be best if we all combined our strongest attacks into a convergance for each beast and kill them at the same time," Glitter suggests, everyone nodding in agreement.

"Alright, we'll 分裂, 拆分 into two groups and then prepare our convergance and hit the two remaining at the same time. That's our plan, anyone have a plan with it?" Midna asks, looking around and sighing when she saw Ros walk up. "Yes Ros?"
"And what will we be doing while 你 go off and do this magnificent plan of yours?" Midna didn't know what it was, but she was being put off of Ros every time she spoke rude at them. "You four will be staying put while we work this out." Clearly, the four members of section D in front of them did not like this answer.

"What? I thought we were supposed to be the ones protecting you? 你 can't just let us sit back and let you protect us!" Tariq spat, Midna rolling her eyes. "No one asked for 你 humans to come along with us, 你 know?" Chimera snarled back. "Actually, your brilliant headmistress was the one who insisted on us coming to protect her precious school." Lucas hissed back at Chimera. "Oho, big man standing up for himself in front of a teenage girl. 你 humans are all the same; egotistical and rude. Thinking that 你 all are so big and interesting - well here's a little information for you: no one gives two shits about your species." Lucas looked as though he was about to slap Chimera, before Midna and 茉莉, 茉莉花 intervened.

"Lucas,этого достаточно!"

"Chimera, that's enough!"

The two stopped fighting, and Midna and 茉莉, 茉莉花 gave both of them deadly looks. "So, 你 four will stay here while we take care of the monsters. Got it?" Midna hissed, everyone slowly nodding their heads in agreement. "Alright then, let's go." Rochelle stated, and soon the shields were down quickly and the 精灵 flew out.

Hula flew back towards the section D members and created a shield around the four, and then she re-focused her attention on the Shadow Beasts.

The girls had quickly 分裂, 拆分 up into their two groups: Kristina, Lolline, Rochelle, Alysa and Angela were all in one group. While Hula, Chimera, Midna and Glitter were in the other.

"You lot, take that Shadow Beast over there and we'll take the other." Midna shouted over to the other group, and the flew over towards the beast they were assigned. The girls in Kristina's group quickly got assembled in front of the Shadow Beast that they had to kill, and then Midna's group followed, getting ready to destroy the monster in front of them.

"Ready?" Midna shouted, and soon all the girls were concentrating all of their magic in the form of their strongest attacks, to hit the monsters with a strong convergance attack. Midna looked around and saw that all of the girls were ready to attack, and she was ready as well. "Now!" She shouted, and all the girls released their attacks on the beasts at once. In a blast of bright magic, the Shadow Beasts collapsed into a heap and soon all of the five disappeared into black squares and vanished. "Are they gone?" Glitter asks, landing to the ground, slightly exhausted. "Yes, they're gone." Midna says, landing to the group exhausted slightly as well.

One 由 one, all the girls landed, slightly tired from using so much magic. They say the Winx make their way towards them, and then the members of section D as well. "Well done, girls." Tecna said, smiling. "Thanks, that took a lot out of us though." Angela said, sighing. "You all did great, at least we got rid of those things once and for all." Musa said, grinning. "That's true - where to now, Midna?" Glitter asked, rubbing her arm. Midna turned around and saw that the door they had tried to enter previously was now open. "Through there obviously. If everything is the same as it was before, that should be the thrown room."

Everyone nodded, and followed Midna through the door, only to stop from the utter shock of what was in front of them. "YOU?!"

Alfea - Headmistress Faragonda's Office

Miss Faragonda sat at her desk, looking at the faces of two witches she had never seen before. The only thing that she had to go on, were that these two had attacked some of her students and that their names were Veronika and Angelica. They had been brought to her 由 Rochelle Carter, and another witch; Zakkalise. She had thanked and dismissed the two, and was now left to deal with these witches.

"So, explain to me how 你 two ended up in the woods near my school." Veronika just rolled her eyes at Faragonda asking the question, and continued to inspect her finger nails. Angelica on the other hand, looked rather nervous for being caught and in the office of Alfea's headmistress. "Well, if none of 你 will answer my 问题 - I might as well get a few students to answer them for me." Veronika looked up at this, and delicately put a strand of her hair behind her ear. "And who might these students be?" Faragonda smiled lightly. "Oh 你 two are very well acquainted already," She pressed a red button on an intercom and spoke, "Mackenzie Moonswing and Zakkalise, please come to my office."

Veronika looked up at this and gave the "evil-eye" in the direction of Miss Faragonda. "What are 你 getting them up here for? They'll just lie about us!" Veronika hissed, Faragonda putting her hand up to silence the witch. "That will be enough out of you. I will have these two girls determine your fates, whatever it may be." Veronika looked like she might protest, but Angelica gave her a look which made her think otherwise.

In a short period of time, Zakkalise and Mackenzie had arrived inside the office and were now standing behind Miss Faragonda's desk, as to make sure nothing physical would happen between the witches and the two. "So, could 你 two please explain to me what had happened in the forest?" Zakkalise opened her mouth to begin, but Veronika interrupted her. "Why are 你 letting these biased bit - I mean girls, tell the story?" She hissed. "Veronika, could 你 please shush? 你 talking like this will only get us into deeper trouble." Angelica hissed, Veronika sighing and rolling her eyes.

"Now, could one of 你 please tell me what happened in the forest?" Micky this time was the one to step up to speak. "Well, Zakkalise and I were in the 图书馆 before those two girls - Rochelle and Kristina showed up and threatened to tell that Zakkalise was here. So, we started talking and before the two of us could comprehend, Rochelle was leading us out of the 图书馆 and out of the school. Eventually, we ended up in the woods and that's when Zakkalise heard those two. Veronika was bossing Zakkalise around, and being really rude to us so we decided to get them in trouble anyways."

"What? That's not what happened at all -" Veronika snarled, Angelica elbowing her. "Shut up Veronika! Do 你 want to get into any 更多 trouble?" She hissed, but Veronika rolled her eyes. "I don't care if we get in trouble for this, but I'm certainly not getting another severe punishment for doing what I was told." She snarled, Miss Faragonda giving a deadly glare in Veronika's direction. "I've had enough of 你 already," She hissed, and with one 迅速, 斯威夫特 movement of her hands, Veronika's mouth has sewed shut.

Angelica swallowed and looked nervously to Miss Faragonda, who was giving her a deadly look as well. "Now, if 你 do not want to have that happen to you, I suggest that 你 tell us truthfully what happened. If 你 tell the truth, then your punishment will be less severe."

Angelica bit her lip and her eyes darted around the room, trying to focus her mind on something else to calm her nerves. When she found nothing, she just looked down to her hands and began fiddling with a sting from her gloves. "Well?" Miss Faragonda snapped, Angelica becoming 更多 nervous 由 each passing 秒 in this room.

"W-well 你 see - Miss Griffin had asked Veronika and I to go and 搜索 for Zakkalise. She had noticed her missing during the assembly, and picked Veronika and I out of the group to go and look for her. Honestly, we really didn't know where to begin, so, we searched her room, the 图书馆 and then ended up in the forest of Cloudtower. We never knew we ended up in Alfea's forest until we saw those 精灵 and Zakkalise...."

If Veronika's jaw could drop, it would have right at this moment. But all she could do was go wide-eyed at Angelica's confession. "Is this the truth?" Angelica nodded "yes" fairly quickly, but continued to look at her hands: she couldn't stand to see the look of surprise and betrayal on Veronika's face. Faragonda simple nodded after this, and murmured a few things to Micky and Rochelle. After a few 秒 of silence, she spoke again, "Thank 你 for telling me this Angelica - your punishment will not be as harsh as Veronika's."

Veronika began clawing at her sewed mouth, as some form of releasing the spell that had handicapped her ability to talk, but nothing she did worked. Faragonda clicked on a blue pad on her desk, and a holographic form of Miss Griffin appeared. "Griffin, I am afraid to inform 你 that the two students 你 sent off to find Zakkalise, are now in my office for starting a fight with my students." The image paused, and cocked her eyebrow. "Angelica and Veronika? Well, 你 should send them down here immediately." Griffin replied sternly. Faragonda nodded, and the image disappeared in a green zap.

"Well girls, 你 heard your Headmistress, off 你 go - oh, and Veronika: I'm sure that Miss Griffin would 爱情 to rid 你 of that horrible spell," She 说 smirking, before creating a portal and leading the two witches out.

The Palace of Twilight

Everyone in the large group, stood there in complete awe at the scene in front of them. There stood Zant, sitting upon the 王座, 宝座 as if it were his, Midna's mother no where to be seen.

"Well, look who's finally come back," Zant hissed, grinning maliciously. Midna stepped forward, everyone else keeping a close eye on Zant to make sure Midna would be alright. "Where is my mother?" She snarled, her voice laced with venom. "Oh don't 你 worry your little mother - she has been, taken care of."

Midna didn't like the sound of that, and anger bubbled up inside of her. "You tell me where she is now, 或者 we'll all take 你 down." She snarled, Zant just laughing cruelly in reply. "What? A bunch of 精灵 and some humans? 你 mother couldn't even get rid of me, what makes 你 think that 你 can?" He hissed, Midna saying nothing in response. "Ah, no response as usual. I 爱情 the hesitation before the surrender." Midna rose an eyebrow. "Who 说 I was surrendering?" Zant just smirked cruelly and vanished in an instant, sending everyone's nerves on the edge.

"Where did he go?" Lucas snarled, raising his gun. Layla and Musa had orbs glowing in the palms of their hands, and some of the girls were looking around carefully. "I'm up here, 你 bumbling idiots." Zant snarled, everyone's heads whirling up to the ceiling. "Time to see how well 你 all can do, when dealing with your fears." Zant then began spinning rapidly, and then, shouting, a large black cloud, similar to the waterfall outside fell the ground, coating it in complete darkness. The shouts of harsh of laughter of Zant the only noise that could be heard inside the room.


AN: HA HA! Cliffhanger! Anyways, I'm just adding this to put the translation of what 茉莉, 茉莉花 had 说 earlier;

"этого достаточно" - That is enough!
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