吸血鬼日记-电视节目 Club
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This 文章 isn't meant to offend anybody, but just to enlighten certain individuals. I'm not forcing 你 to convert so don't leave hate comments. Ship who 你 wanna ship.

#1 Because they're unique - A witch and a vampire have never been done before

While certainly a shallow reason it seems to be a huge one. It's true that supernatural/folklore TV shows/books tend to do the same things over and over again, but whose to say The Vampire Diaries hasn't done something 'unique' already in regards to the two mains in their ship? Lets look it over..

Damon - Fell in 爱情 with a doppelganger, who is in 爱情 with his brother.

Vampire/Doppelganger/Vampire triangle. I've never seen a 三角形, 三角 with two brothers before, and I'm certain they're not through exploring Elena's 'doppelganger' side (you can bet she's not all 'human')

So what makes a vampire/doppelganger any less interesting then a witch/vampire?

If anything it'd be 更多 SO, considering doppelgangers are much less rare then witches (Two doppelgangers in existence, that we know of, compared to hundreds of witches in TVD world)

Bonnie - Involved with a vampire-ghost whisperer.

Not exactly sure at this point what Jeremy is but I think 你 know where I'm going with this....a witch/ghost whisperer pairing. Have 你 ever seen that on TV? I sure haven't.

Now of course theirs 更多 to these characters then their 邪恶力量 traits, and tbh, I don't think that's ever any reason to ship anybody. It should be because of the PERSON, not because of what makes up their DNA.

#2 Because of their 'connection' in the 图书

While this would work for, say, Damon/Elena, and Stefan/Elena, it would not in this case. Bonnie is completely different in the books, and has a COMPLETELY different relationship with Damon then she does on the show. This would not transfer.

#3 Because of their 'love-hate' relationship

Love/hate relationships. Ah, everybody loves 'em. I'm guilty of that, but what qualifies what Damon/Bonnie have as a love/hate relationship?

The 'love' - Damon has proven over and over again that he DOES NOT CARE about Bonnie. He's made jokes about her dying, and pushed everybody including her to go with the plan to sacrifice herself for Elena's life. There is no 爱情 there. No lust. No nothing.

The 'hate' - Damon doesn't hate Bonnie. Sure he's tried to kill her, but mostly because of other circumstances (but that doesn't undermine the fact that he did try to kill her)

When Emily possessed her, he tried to kill her because he was upset with Emily. Now I'm not saying that he didn't mean to try to kill Bonnie, just that she was the only target at the time that would make an impact on Emily.

He tried to kill her - but it was indifference. Not because of any direct feelings he had for her. INDIFFERENCE. He did not care if she lived 或者 died, she was merely a catalyst to get to Emily.

#4 Because Bonnie could control him with her powers

See, this is one of the reasons I'd never be able to get behind a DB relationship. It's just..inhumane. From what I gathered people want to see Bonnie set Damon on fire/give him aneurysms every-time he acts up. Basically like one of those electric collars they put on 狗 and when they do something wrong and they hit the buzzer, to train them.

A relationship is all about being equal in every sense of the word. Building a trust, and not trying to change them into something they're not. Damon isn't a homicidal maniac around Elena because HE doesn't want to be.

你 can't kick him into shape, and form him into this unrecognizable person to try to fit him with Bonnie. It just doesn't work.

#5 Because Damon wouldn't have to be an 'emo whipped coward' around Bonnie

Right. This one is kinda complicated. I hear completely different things from DB 粉丝 so I'll go through each one regarding this.

The 'Damon wouldn't have to change to be w/ Bonnie' thing

This is QUITE contradictory to what *most* DBers want (which is for Bonnie to whip him into shape 由 using mind control) but lets go at it..

He wouldn't have to change...meaning he'd be what he was in S1, if he'd never met Elena 或者 found his humanity. He'd be a homicidal maniac with no redeeming qualities. Now, I'm pretty sure this is what Bonnie is against. This is what she's threatened on many occasions to kill him for. 'If another drop of innocent blood is spilled...I will take him down' so how exactly wouldn't he have to change to be with her?

It would be impossible, and go against everything Bonnie is about, completely destroying her character.

I guess 你 could fight that he would change for himself and she'd bring out his humanity but what we've seen in the few scenes we've had of them (Plan B; she literally helped him kill) it's quite the opposite.

He's how he is with (mostly) everybody when he is with her. He has his facade up, and emotions in check.

With that 说 everything the actors and writers have 说 is that Elena is the one that brings out Damons humanity. I very much doubt they would underplay that SL and connection 由 allowing DB to have the same thing.

The 'Damon never acts like the way he does around Bonnie the way he does around Elena. He's his true self around Bonnie' thing

This is pretty much continuing from the former answer regarding his facade. See, Damon is a clearly layered character but 你 don't really see 'Damon' when he's with all the characters, especially in S1. In the start of S1 we've seen the facade at full force. Killing without remorse, 表演 like he didn't care, hiding behind his snarky attitude and using all the defenses he could muster.

Now, in S2 he's progressed a LOT. Some of those defenses have faltered and he's let a few people in (Stefan and Elena)

So when people say he's 'himself' this could not be 更多 far from the truth.

We've seen Damon, the REAL Damon, with Elena, with Stefan, with Rose/Andie even, but no we have not seen the real Damon with Bonnie.

So there 你 go. Five reasons people ship Bonnie/Damon that make no sense. Again this is not meant to offend anybody, so don't leave spiteful 评论 because I won't reply to them anyway :]
Though there was no clock in the room and Tyler couldn’t check time he could feel the evening fell. Tonight was the night. They were going to set him free to go kill people. Maybe Klaus would try to turn him into a Hybrid as well. But that didn’t make any sense. If Klaus wanted to turn him he would’ve done it 由 now. A voice woke him from his thoughts. “Tyler? Tyler, what’s going on? Everything’s quiet here. Suspiciously quiet. Where have they gone?” Caroline hissed agitated.
“It’s a full moon tonight” Tyler said.
“So, what, they’re getting prepared?” Caroline said....
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An 象, 大象 was walking between Kelsey and Amber, while they headed to an unknown destination. “Where exactly are we going?” Amber asked. “We’ve been walking for hours. I’m hungry” she complained.
“There’s plenty of 食物 around” Kelsey said, waving her arm. “You mean like a rabbit?” Amber asked disgusted. “Yes, Am, like a rabbit” Kelsey confirmed. “Come on, we have to get moving”
“Where are we going?” Amber repeated her most urgent question.
“To a 安全 place” Kelsey answered, with a whiff of fear in her voice. “I need to get 你 somewhere safe”
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Derek Janders. The name sounded familiar, but try as he might Damon could not figure out where he had heard it before.
“Let me buy 你 a drink” Derek said. It 更多 sounded like an order than a friendly gesture. He conjured his wallet and paid two whiskeys, after compelling the bartender not to ask his ID.
“Who turned you?” Damon asked, not touching his drink.
“Does it matter?” Derek answered with a question. “Look, 你 wanted me to tell 你 what I wanted, so here it is. I want 你 to train me, educate me in the world of vampires”
Now Damon drank to wash away that information....
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Stefan walked downstairs, Katherine following him. When he was downstairs she grabbed his arm and forced him to turn around. “Do 你 now finally believe me?” she 说 pissed off and shocked. “If your Bonnie sweetheart is so kind that wouldn’t have happened” she pointed upstairs.
“I know, Katherine, I know” Stefan said. “I was wrong. I’m sorry, I should’ve trust you” “You should’ve trust Damon” Katherine pointed out.
“I know” Stefan repeated. He paced through the room. “Is there anything we can do to make it stop? And what exactly is wrong with Elena? Because...
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After he had gotten breakfast and his guardian had left he crawled to the 墙 on the opposite side of the room. He had to be very quiet, because he knew she wasn’t the only one who could hear him. The other 吸血鬼 had a very good hearing too. He lay his hands on the 墙 and whispered: “Caroline?” No response. “Caroline” a little harder, but still soft.
Caroline lifted her head and opened her ears. No way! That was not possible. When Amber 说 there were others Caroline assumed she was talking about vampires, not werewolves.
“Tyler? Is that you?” she asked.
“Yeah, but keep...
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Elena felt how someone caressed her cheek. She smiled and took the hand. She opened her eyes and her smile faded away when she looked in Stefan’s brown eyes. She blinked and scribbled back until she hit the edge of her bed.
“Oh” she let out. “It’s you” she said. Stefan laughed. “Well, of course it’s me. Who else did 你 expect?” he asked rhetorically. He took Elena’s hand and pulled her out of bed. He took her face in his hands. “I’m sorry for being such a jerk yesterday. I was… awful. I almost got 你 killed” he 说 soft.
“Oh, well, I’m still alive” Elena...
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Kelsey poked her sister to wake her up. Amber opened her eyes and looked around. They were still in the woods and seemed to have spend the night there. Kelsey pulled her sister up and dragged her with her.
“What’s the rush?” Amber asked surprised 由 Kelsey’s speed.
“We need to get 你 somewhere safe” Kelsey 说 agitated, not slowing down.
“Why? Okay, I know I have to be careful for the sheriff and vampire hunters, but I’m not going to get myself caught” Amber said.
“Trust me, the sheriff’s the least of your worries right now” Kelsey said. She ran even faster. “What...
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When the door slowly opened Stefan raced to the door and as soon as Elena got in he slammed it. Elena started breathing fast when she saw the fury in his eyes. He’d been drinking human blood again. “Where the hell have 你 been?” Despite her fear Elena felt some anger too. “You have no right to act like a jealous boyfriend! 你 don’t own me!” she yelled. Stefan gripped her shoulders and shook her. “Where 你 with Damon? Answer me!” Tears rolled over Elena’s face. “Stop it, Stefan, you’re hurting me!” she sobbed. He let go of her and went with his fingers through his...
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“This morning the body of deputy Greg Ferrel was found on a parking lot. Investigators say the death cause is yet unknown, but the body seems to be drained of blood. Looks like that 流行的 vicious beast has returned”
The camera was pointed at the corpse which was covered in a black body bag and a 照片 of a mid-thirty 年 old man with blonde hair was shown.
Bonnie shut the 电视 down and sniffed. She turned around and headed to Damon’s ‘bedroom’. She entered the space, but before she could say anything Damon said: “I didn’t do it. It wasn’t me” Bonnie sharply looked...
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He was sleeping. He was lying on the ground and he was sleeping. Until he felt a dull pain in his waist. He slowly opened his eyes.
“Get up”
He felt how someone threw something solid to his head. He lifted up his head and looked at it. Drumsticks. Cold drumsticks. But since they hadn’t been exactly generous with 食物 he didn’t complain. He picked up one of the drumsticks and ripped a piece off with his teeth. The person who had awakened him left the room. He sat up and looked at the walls. Small, white lines ran from halfway the walls to the floor. The window frames were ripped off and...
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“Okay, open up” Elena said. She held a spoon with 草莓 ice cream in front of Damon. “Come on, 你 fed me that pancake, now it’s my turn” She pushed the spoon against his lips until he had to give in. “Good boy” she 说 motherly. Damon swallowed and looked aside him. The couple at the 表 下一个 to them glanced at him and chuckled.
“People are going to think we’re a couple” he 说 soft. Oh, how he wish.
“People can think whatever they want” Elena 说 and she had a bite of her ice cream. “We’re friends, we can hang out without being talked about”
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Hi :) 你 voted for mariatsaltaki7 to be TVD's October FOTM, and here's the interview. Enjoy!


1. How do 你 feel about being nominated as TVD 粉丝 of the Month?
Extremely happy. Extrememy surprized and extremely AMAZING. The first time I got into this spot and I didn't know anything I was seeing people being nominated and I couldn't imagine that I could be nominated even being thewinner!!!!! Thank 你 so much guys for voting me unless I don't think I deserve it so much :D and I think that 你 all guys are big TVD 粉丝 and 你 all deserve to be the 下一个 FOTM :)

2. Who is your favourite...
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Bonnie was in the guest room of her house. A suitcase was lying open on her 床, 床上 and she threw clothes in it. Damon’s clothes. She had unpacked them, because she believed she could keep him longer in prison. But that vampire 婊子, 子 Katherine had ruined her malicious plan. Damon was as good as free, he would drink human blood again, so he’d be stronger again. It would be just a matter of time before he came back for her to kill her.
When she was done she put her hand above the suitcase and let it float out of the room, downstairs. She opened the front door and unlocked her car. She opened...
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Katherine stared at him, not able to move. She didn’t know what to say, so she focused on the girl behind Stefan. Stefan followed her eyes and pushed Amber in front.
“This is Amber” he introduced the girl. “Amber, this is Katherine” he pointed at Katherine.
“Katherine” Amber said. “So, she’s not Elena”
Due to that retarded conclusion Katherine came back to senses. “Yeah, he just 说 that, dumbass” Her eyes fell on Amber’s wrists. “Hey, that’s my bracelet! What are 你 doing with my bracelet? Give it back, bitch!”
Ambers eyes turned red and she growled, showing...
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Footsteps told Amber the 吸血鬼 were back. She ran outside and saw them heading her way. She stood on her toes and looked for Stefan. When she noted him she noticed he was dragging someone with him, just like all vampires. Only difference was that the person Stefan dragged was alive and kicking. She struggled and slapped Stefan to get away. Amber ran towards him. “Why didn’t 你 bite her?” she asked. “Hello to 你 too” Stefan replied. He pushed Lauren in Ambers arms. “Here, she’s all yours” “You caught someone for me?” Amber asked slightly flattered. Stefan gave her a...
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The 下一个 morning
Jeremy stumbled off the stairs; he probably would’ve fallen down if he hadn’t hold on to the banisters. Coffee, he needed coffee and lots of it. He staggered to the 厨房 and opened the cupboard to get out a cup. He managed to take three out and watched them shatter into pieces on the floor.
“Damnit” he 说 and he ducked to collect the fragments. He picked one and naturally cut his hand. “Shit” he cursed.
“It’s never a good idea to swear in the very early morning” Alaric entered the 厨房 and noticed the glass and the blood. “Does it hurt?” he asked...
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“What do 你 mean, couple?”
Amber was back from her mission. Stefan had asked her to keep a distant eye on Elena and Damon and now she was bringing information.
“As in couple couple. Damon and Bonnie are a couple. I heard Bonnie say ‘That’s my boyfriend you’re clinging on’ and ‘Damon loves me’ and he 说 ‘Till death do us part’. Though he didn’t sound very happy” Amber said.
Stefan shook his head, confused. “But I thought Bonnie was seeing Jeremy. Did they break up?” he asked surprised. They seemed to be a solid couple. “Well, I suppose” Amber chuckled. She...
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Bonnie and Damon were walking down the path leading to the front door of the Salvatore Boarding House. Bonnie ironed her 衬衫 with her hands. “Listen, Damon, it took me a lot of work to make everyone satisfied with the situation. It wouldn’t do much good if 你 start spouting out the wrong things, 你 know what I mean? And Katherine doesn’t like me that much” she said. Damon looked at the sky. “Now, why would that be?” he 说 sarcastic. Bonnie knocked and five 秒 later the door was opened 由 Katherine. She flew in Damon’s arms. Bonnie pursed her lips and tapped her arm....
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A large bag of chips, a two liter bottle of cola and a television. 更多 did one not need to get over a heartbreak, right? He let himself fall in the 长椅, 沙发 and grabbed the remote controller. He pushed a button and the Simpsons came on. Homer Simpson was strangling Bart Simpson. “Ha, don’t 你 just 爱情 a classic?” Jeremy looked aside and saw Anna lying 下一个 to him, her feet comfortably on the coffee table. She put her hand in the bag and took some chips. “I hope 你 don’t mind. Paprika are my favorite” she 说 and she put the chips in her mouth. “Is this your new strategy? Acting...
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One week later

A corrosive, burning pain spread across Caroline’s face and with a shriek she woke up. She wanted to wipe the vervain of her face, but her hands were tight. She was sitting in some kind of room. There was a 床, 床上 and a desk. There were curtains and a carpet. 你 couldn’t say Klaus was no good host. But despite the nice room, Caroline would 爱情 to get out of it, after spending a week in it. A hand holding a napkin stretched to her face and cleaned it. “I’m sorry I had to do that” Caroline opened her eyes and looked at the girl. “Yeah, I bet you’re sorry” Caroline...
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