披头士乐队 Club
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posted by Rubyrings
“Vanished?” repeated Susan, going pale.
Jenna frowned. “The Beatles can’t just vanish! They’ve got to be somewhere.”
Susan shook her head furiously, tears threatening to spill. “I knew it! Those terrible women took the Beatles away, and now Paul could be....” She couldn’t finish.
“Hang on.” Emma had a happier thought. “The Beatles have to be somewhere. We know they’re not anywhere Karen could find them....”
“And since I do know where they’re not, that should help us figure out where they are!” Karen finished, looking pleased. “Good one, Emma.”
“But we still don’t know where to start looking,” Susan added sadly. “Unless they’re still near that restaurant 你 说 they went to....”
“We’ll start there,” Karen decided. “Maybe somebody left a clue. Those fakers can’t hide our Beatles from us!”

Karen knew her way around town remarkably well, and she had a car, having gotten her driver’s license the 前一个 year. She was able to drive the other girls and Butch to the right place with no problem.
“No pets allowed, young lady,” 说 the doorman out front. “You’ll have to leave your dog outside.”
Jenna ignored him.
“Where were the Beatles sitting last night?” she said, approaching the maitre’d with Butch at her side. The other girls were right behind her.
“They were here last night, weren’t they?” Emma put in.
“With those – females,” added Karen, in a tone that suggested she wanted to call Morag, May, Emily, and Natalya something far worse.
“It’s urgent,” finished Susan appealingly.
The maitre’d looked down at them, eyebrows raised. “I’ve heard of teenagers asking where 名人 are sitting while they’re still here....”
“We need to know,” Karen supplied, in her most grown-up-sounding voice. “Those women are dangerous. They’ve done something to the Beatles, and we don’t know where they’ve gone.”
The maitre’d didn’t look convinced, but he smiled indulgently. “Of course. The Beatles’ girlfriends must be up to something, mustn’t they? Take a look at their 表 if 你 must. I don’t see the harm in it; we’re not very busy this time of day. But you’ll have to leave that dog outside, miss,” he added to Jenna, who ignored him.
“Butch can spot a clue,” was her opinion. “He’s a smart dog; I trained him well.”
Jenna was right; as they reached the 表 the maitre’d had pointed out to them, Butch began barking and straining on his leash. The few people who were in the restaurant at that time of 日 looked round at them, most looking scandalized that this teenager had brought her dog inside such a fancy restaurant.
“What is it?” Karen was puzzled. “Does he see a clue?” Her dark blue eyes swept the table. It was freshly set and ready for new customers. She couldn’t see anything....
“No,” Jenna realized excitedly. “He smells Ringo!” Quickly, she explained to the other girls how she had set Butch on the Beatles when they had first arrived last week, and how Butch had briefly caught Ringo before he got away. “Butch still remembers Ringo’s scent, and he still thinks he should follow it!” She patted Butch eagerly on the head. “Good boy!”
Emma clapped her hands eagerly, brown curls bouncing. “What are we waiting for? Butch can lead us straight to Ringo, and the rest of the Beatles!”
Jenna loosened her grip on Butch’s leash. “Follow him, boy! Find Ringo!”
Sniffing the ground eagerly, Butch led them out of the restaurant and across the car park, making his way to a nearby side road. The girls followed excitedly. Susan glanced up at all the houses lining the nearby road. Butch was definitely heading that way. Were the Beatles inside one of those very houses right now? Was she almost with Paul again? But – what state was he in? Were May and her evil cohorts in there, too?
But Butch led the little group to a certain spot on the side of the road, and then stopped, looking up at Jenna and whimpering slightly as though asking her what they should do now he’d brought them this far.
“What’s the matter with him?” cried Jenna. “He can’t have 迷失 the scent!”
Karen looked up and down the street, where several cars were parked on the sides. “I know what happened. The Beatles and those – women got into a car here. Then they drove our poor boys to who-knows-where. I knew they couldn’t have been hiding them in any of these houses. I would have known if they were somewhere in town.”
Susan’s eyes swept up and down the street. “They started from here, and then they drove somewhere Karen doesn’t know about....”
“Has to be out of town,” Karen supplied. “I know everything that goes on round here. Probably not too far, though, as they were driving and I’d think the Beatles would notice something was wrong eventually.”
“So all we’ve got to do is find someplace secluded in driving distance of this side of town,” Emma concluded, somehow making it sound like the easiest thing in the world. “Let’s go look at a map.”
The girls went to a small convenience store and bought a map. Spreading it out on the grass, they examined the area. They weren’t too far from the edge of town, as Karen had already known, and there was only one way the Beatles and their erstwhile girlfriends could have driven that would have quickly taken them somewhere unpopulated. Every other direction simply led into other parts of the city.
“This area, here –” Karen traced a long red fingernail over the map – “it’s positively deserted! I should have guessed it; that’s the only way they could have gotten away without my knowing!”
Susan shivered. “They brought the Beatles somewhere with absolutely no one around? I don’t like this....”
“They think they can hide there as it’s so big,” Jenna speculated. “But we’ll find them. We’ll find them even if we have to burn the whole place down!”
“But...” Susan could hardly get the words out, her voice was trembling so much – “but what if they just brought them into the woods and... and....” Her voice broke, and she buried her head in her hands, shoulders shaking.
“Shh.” Emma put her arm round Susan’s shoulders. “They’ll be fine. They’re our Beatles; they’ve got to be! So,” she turned her head to consult the map, “they must’ve been going along this road here, right?” She traced her finger across a narrow lane that wound its way through the deserted area where the Beatles probably were.
Karen followed her finger. “Probably. They had to follow some road as they were driving, and there’s no other road round here.”
Emma nodded. “Then all we’ve got to do is follow this road, and we’ll find them! 或者 at least,” she paused to give Butch a little scratch behind his pointy ears, “Butch will. He’ll pick up Ringo’s scent if we keep following them.”
Susan lifted her head, tears still streaking her face, but she couldn’t help but smile. Emma’s enthusiasm was contagious. Susan could almost believe that the Beatles were really all right.
“Or we’ll spot their car,” Karen agreed, in answer to Emma’s remark. “But first...” She tapped her long fingernails against her chin thoughtfully. “I think I’d better make a call 或者 two,” she decided. “See if I can find out anything about this area at all. It’ll give us a place to start looking.”
“We don’t have time for that!” Jenna protested. “We need to get going! Ringo is in danger!”
“Not for long,” Karen said. “Once I find out what’s out there, we’ll know exactly where to start looking. We’ll find them much faster, and then....”
Jenna smiled, convinced. “And then those women will be sorry they ever touched our Beatles.”
Found At Last

By the time the Beatles had searched almost everywhere in the park for Laura, their legs nearly felt tired from all the walking. However, George was still persistent and wouldn't give up until she has been found. While checking the map again, he told his mates, "There's only one place where we haven't inspected yet: The hedge maze!" John replied, "Oh, you're right! Speaking of which, I've got a hunch that she might actually be there!" "Then it's off to the maze we go!", exclaimed Paul. As they neared the maze a few 分钟 later, Sparkie began to make some squealing noises like...
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Time For a Hike!

"Rise and shine, Laura, darling!", exclaimed George as he woke her up. She soon opened her eyes and replied, "Morning, daddy George!" He smiled and responded, "Morning, my sweet little girl! Did 你 sleep well?" Laura said, "Mm-hmm! I did. How about you?" George replied, "I did, too, love. Thanks!" She responded, "You're welcome. That's great! Now, is breakfast ready?" He said, "It certainly is!" "Jolly good!", exclaimed Laura. She then got up and proceeded to the bathroom to freshen herself up and brush her teeth while George waited at the dining table. As they ate, Laura saw...
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added by ktichenor
posted by 80smusiclover1
That's a Wrap!

For the last 日 of their vacation, everyone decided to go to Pleasure 海滩 amusement park after checking-out of the hotel. While there, they also bought some 更多 Blackpool Rock. They had an amazing time overall. Laura said, "This was such a fabulous road trip, daddy George! We should have another one 下一个 time." George replied, "You took the words right out of me mouth, Laura, darling! Yes, I'd 爱情 to do that too." John, Paul, and Ringo nodded in agreement. The group then had a smooth ride back to 伦敦 and to their homes. On the following day, George and Laura went to have...
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The Best Father Ever

Shortly after the fair had closed for the night, Laura, George, and Ringo decided to take a little walk to neighboring Knightsbridge. Laura said, "I can't wait to hear what uncle John and uncle Paul will say now that 你 have Sparkie as your pet when they return from their vacation, uncle Ringo!" He replied, "Oh, I'm looking 前锋, 期待 to that too, Laura! I bet they'll be surprised. What do 你 think, Geo?" He responded, "Yeah. That's for sure, mate!" Sparkie, who was now back inside his case, nodded in agreement. George remarked, "I can sense that he's excited to meet them...
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Shopping Spree

Laura had been enjoying her new life as George's adopted daughter, and he had been such a wonderful, caring, and nurturing father to her. One Saturday, they decided to do some shopping in Regent Street. Their first stop here was of course, Hamleys. Laura 说 as they went inside, "Oh, George. I'm so happy to have finally come here with you. This has been one of my dream places to visit ever since I was a toddler." George smiled and replied, "Your dream is a reality now, Laura, darling. I know you'll have plenty of fun in this place. If 你 see a toy that you'd like to take home,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
We're Off To Oxford!

It was time for the tour to continue on to the 下一个 stop. After eating breakfast, the Beatles started packing their things up. George said, "You're going to have a blast on this tour with us, Laura." She replied excitedly, "Yes, I sure will! It's gonna be a splendid one!" He remarked, "Indeed, darling!" Soon, they checked-out of the hotel and boarded their bus for the ride to Oxford. However, somewhere near the hotel's vicinity, Laura's paternal grandparents have been eavesdropping and spying on her and the conversations while preparing to do a sinister act. Back at the...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The First 音乐会 Experience

George and Laura decided to sit at one of the benches near the 鸭 pond for a while. As they admired the view, he wrapped his arm around her in a protective manner and smiled lovingly. His dark brown eyes even sparkled under the sun. She held his hand, smiled back, and said, "I want to stay with 你 forever, George." He replied, "You can, Laura, darling. I'll take good care of you." They then hugged each other once again. Later at around 1:30, the other Beatles went to the park and eventually found them. Ringo said, "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" George replied,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Saying Hello To the Other Beatles

The father and daughter-like bond between George and Laura had become stronger as they woke up feeling rested and ready for breakfast. While they were getting ready, George told her, "Once we go to the restaurant at the lobby, I'll be introducing 你 to my three mates." Laura replied, "Ooh, lovely! I'm excited to meet them." He replied, "Jolly good!" Soon, they went downstairs and proceeded to the restaurant. John, Paul, and Ringo had already gotten a 表 and were just waiting for George. When they arrived, John said, "Good morning, George! Well, what have...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Laura Escapes the Orphanage

By the time George made it back to his house, he had already thought of a plan on how he could help Laura. He said, "I think it's best for my sweet little girl to leave that place since the other children might insult her again while I'm away. And since me and my mates' upcoming tour around the country will be starting in London, I can write down the directions to our hotel for her to follow and meet me there." With that, he got to work on this and tore the page with the written directions from his notebook. He then placed it under his 枕头 as he went to sleep....
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Best Friends

George came to 爱情 Laura dearly, and in turn, she felt 安全 with his presence. Even despite the fact that she didn't know he was a Beatle yet, she was amazed 由 how talented he was when he brought his 吉他 to serenade her during one of his visits. As he finished playing it, Laura remarked, "That was great, George! I really like your 唱歌 voice." George replied, "Thank you, Laura! I'm glad 你 enjoyed it. Say, why don't we have a little walk together outside?" She said, "Certainly! I'd 爱情 that." And so, they went out of the orphanage and took a stroll around the area. He...
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posted by 80smusiclover1

For the first five years of her life, Laura was a carefree and energetic young girl. She had parents who loved her tremendously and often got excellent marks at her school. Overall, a promising future seemed to lie ahead of her. Then, one day, her life changed forever. As they were driving back 首页 from a family outing, a runaway lorry suddenly came speeding towards them. Her father tried to steer away, but it was too late. Both vehicles had collided with each other. While she survived the crash, her parents sadly didn't make it as they were severely wounded and died from their injuries...
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