TDI's Noah and Cody Club
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posted by nocofangirl218
So....part 14. Yep, I is living the dream. :D Anyway, I kinda don't feel like doing big opening intro's anymore so, after this part, I thonk I might just jump straight into the story and not do the opening speech. So....yeah.....hope ya'll enjoy!


*Noah's POV*

I had no idea what happened. Darkness had consumed my world, and all I could remember was Chef 斧头, 短柄小斧 goiving me CPR before I passed out. There's one 或者 two thing I also remember, but they are to fuzzy to make out. As I slowy drifted into conciousness, I could hear two voices talking.

"Don't worry dude, I'm sure he'll wake up soon." a voice says reassuringly. It took me a 分钟 to realize it, but the voice that was speaking belonged to the one and only Trent.

'Wait....who will wake up soon?' I wondered, drifting a little 更多 into conciousness.

"I know Trent." another familiar voice sighed sadly. "I just hope it's soon." that...Cody's voice? After I thought about it for a moment, I realized it was Cody's voice. I smiled subconsicouly and tried to bring myself back into full conciousness. Of course, it was easier 说 then done. As I was trying to wake up, I heard the 舱, 小木屋 door open and shut - indicating someone's either left 或者 entered. If course, when I didn't hear anyone speak, I assumed someone had left. Of course, that was until I heard someone breathing. At the same time I heard the breathing, I realized my shoulder was damp. As I drifted 更多 into conciousness, I realized that someone was crying on my shoulder.

'Who'd be crying on my shoulder?' I wondered. It then hit me; the only person who would be crying over me was....Cody. Sweet, kind, caring Cody.

"Noah....I miss you." Cody whispered into my ear. "I'm so sorry this happened. if I could change it so it was me lying on the bed....I would." at that moment, I wanted to wake up, and slap Cody for thinking such a terrible thing. I mean, if anyone deserved this, it was me. Then, I felt something very soft touch my lips. It took me only a 秒 to realize....Cody was 接吻 me. I tried my best to return the kiss, but my body simple wouldn't allow it. Cody soon detached our lips, and went back to lightly crying on my shoulder. "Noah....I 爱情 you." Cody whimpered out. I then felt my lips curl into a smile, and I could feel my eyes opening lightly.

"I 爱情 你 to Codester." I whispered, my eyes coming all the way open. The first thing I saw was Cody, looking at me with an expression that could only be defined as glee. He then captured me in a hug, and I wasn't hesitant to return it.

"I'm so glad your awake Noah." Cody whispered into my neck. I smiled, and a clever idea on how to repay Cody for his kindness popped into my mind. I then seperated me and Cody, causing 说 tech geek to get a confused look. I then fused our lips together, causing Cody to let out a squeal of surprise. Of course, in an instant, I could feel him meekly started to 吻乐队(Kiss) back. I licked his lips for permission to enter his mouth, and Cody opens his mouth slightly. My tounge slips into his mouth, and our tounges started wrestling for dominence. Although, I win the battle in mere seconds. Our tounges danced around eachother fo a long time, but we finally broke for air. "That" Cody whispered out - a goofy smile on his face. I was about to resond, but then the PA system clicked on.

"Listen up, 你 little cockrouches!" Chef's voice rang angrily through the PA. "I want all campers to 报道 to the dock of shame at 0900 hours!" wait....wouldn't "That means now soldiers, now!" Chef barked. Oh.....I guess it does mean know. Me and Cody quickly exchanged worried looks, and ran to the dock of shame. We filed into our teams line, and, as soon as we did, Chef 斧头, 短柄小斧 came in front of us. He had a faded green shirt, grey pants, a drill-instructor hat and glasses, and his hands behind his back. He then reveals a mega-phone from his right hand, and speaks loudly into it. “Line up, and stand at attention!” Chef commanded – revealing a pointer-like stick in his left hand. Everyoen did as they were told, and Chef got a scowl when we were all in a line. “You call this proper formation?!” Chef barked as he began to pace in front of us. He then picked out certain memebers of the group that were not on “proper” enough formation. Geoff got busted for not having his feet together, Duncan was yelled at for having his arms crossed, DJ got snapped at for not having his eyes forward, Heather earned a hiss because she had her head down, and Harold.....well.....the poor geek was hit with the stick so many times, I'm surpised he didn't get a concusion.

“Oh, this is gonna be a fun day.” I mumbled sarcastically to Cody.

“What'd 你 say to me soldier?!” Chef asked through the mega-phone. I got a frightened look, but still manedged to keep his face of indefference.

“Uh......nothing.” I reply in a bland tone.

“And 你 will continue to say nothing, until I tell 你 that 你 can say something!” Chef hissed. He then turned around, and started to pace in front of us again. “Todays challenge will not be an easy one. In fact, I do not expect everyone to come out alive.” well.....thats reasuring. A few people down from me, Owen laughed absent-mindedly. Of course, Chef 斧头, 短柄小斧 swiftly hit him on the back with the stick, and the jolly teen gave a cry of pain.

“Daw, that hurst!” Owen protested, rubbing his back in pain.

“My orders are to make sure that all the 婴儿 in front of me drop out of my boot camp except one.” Chef explained, ignoring Owen's 前一个 statment. “The last one standing wins imunity for their team.” man.....Noah was right, today was gonna be fun.

“Uh....what happened to Chris?” Heather asked. I then realized I hadn't seen Chris the entire day. Of well....don't really miss him.

“Rule number one,” Chef began, ignoring Heather as he did Owen. “You will adress me as Master Cheif! Have 你 got that?!”

“Yes, master cheif!” everyone replied in unison.

“You will sleep when I tell 你 to sleep!” Chef continued to rant – walking up to Geoff. “And you'll eat only when I tell 你 to eat! Is that clear?!” the party boy got a scared look, and stood as straight as he could.

“Yes Master Cheif!” Geoff replied, keeing his eyes forward.

“Rule number two,” Chef continued, walking away from Geoff. “When 你 are ready to give up, you'll walk to the end of the dock and ring the bell!” Chef then pointed to the end of the dock. Everyone turned to see where he was pointing, and saw a old-looking 钟, 贝尔 handing from a poorly made post. “Which brings me to rule number three.” oh god, do we seriously need to have all these rules?! “Lets get one thing clear before the end of the first day! And that is, the 日 will not end till someone drops out!” wow....a multi-day challenge. Thats....actually kinda clever. Chef then turned to all of us, and glared. “Now get your butts down to the 海滩 soldiers! Now, now, now!” everyone then ran past Chef, and went to the saftey of the beach. When we got there, there were two canoes laying on the 海滩 – one green and one red. Seonds later, Chef came in front of the cones, and once again glared at us. “Listen up!” Chef commanded. “Each team will hold a 独木舟 over their heads.” thats all? “If I catch 你 takin' your hands off the canoe, then 你 will be eliminated!” still dosn't sound that hard. Chef then got this evil smile, and added: “And no one eats lunch, until someone drops out, hehe. Canoes up!” everyone then raced over, and got a canoe. The 低音 got the red one, while my team got the green canoe. We then hiosted the 独木舟 in the air, and stood there.

“This isn't that hard.” Owen announced happily.

“Peice of cake!” Geoff from the other team chimmed in. Because of the twos comments, Chef hopped onto the 低音 canoe, and got into a comfortable position. We all just stood there – like living dolls. After a whole three hours, no one had dropped out yet. Although, there was a few people whos arms were looking like they were slowly giving out. Then, of course, was the loud rumble from my stomach. I blushed, but refused to acknowledge it.

“Come on 你 sissys!” Chef commanded. “It's only been three hours!” just then, the ever humble Chris walked up, and gave a devious smile.

“Looks like they missed lunch today.” Chris pointed out – the smirk still on his face. He then strolled over to my teams canoe, and hopped onto it. The added weight threw everyone on my team off at first, but we soon got used to the weight, and helg Chris up with ease.

“Guess they weren't hungry!” Chef barked. “Unless someone wants to quiet know!” and miss out on all this fun? Yeah, like that'll happen. There was a huge rumble from Noah's stomach, and my whole team turned frantically toward him.

“Don't even think about it Owen!” Gwen hissed. Wait.....since when was she such a team player? We then all fell into a silence. Well....aside from a little commosion from the other team. Chef asked if there was a problem, and Harold meekly replied no. Then, we truly fell into a silence. We all just stood there like statues – none of us wanting to be the first one to drop out. In fact, we all stood there so long, the sun actually set, and night consumed the whole world. Chef then light a fire, and started to tell these stories from when he was in the war. I has to admit....I listened to soem of them – mostly because there was nothing else to really do. As Chef told his story, I heard Owen start to loudly snore.

“Twenty-five of us went into the jungle that night.” Chef continued, his voice in a cold serious tone that gave the story it's appeal. “Only five came back out.” a few people down, I heard Gwen yawn loudly.

“What war were 你 in anyway?” Gwen asked.

“Did I ask 你 to speak?!” Chef barked. “Cause I don't remember asking 你 to speak!” Gwen roller her eyes, and mumbled something I didn't catch. Chef was about to start again, but then Trent gave a loud groan, and took his hands off the canoe.

“Sorry dude....I can't do this anymore.” Trent whimpered out – heading to the end of the dock. “It's just....I don't have anymore feeling left on my arms.” Chef then got a happy grin.

“Looks like we have ourselves a winner!” Chef announced, refering to the Bass.

“Don't do it Trent!” Owen called out. Of course, the plead was fruitless. Trent was already at the bell, and, since his arms were basically like noodles, he rang the 钟, 贝尔 using his head. At that exact moment, the 独木舟 became very heavy, and my whole team colapsed under it's weight. We then fell to the 海滩 while the 低音 gently tossed their 舱, 小木屋 back onto the beach. As we got up from the sand, Chef went over to Trent to say something. I didn't catch all of what he said, but....all I know is it wasn't a pitty talk.

“As for the rest of you,” Chef continued after his barking at Trent. “Head to the Mess Hall! 晚餐 is served!” I saw Owen's eyes widen in glee, and he practically charged to the Mess Hall. We all followed, and soon, we were all standing around the Mess Hall with Chris and Chef– waiting for Chef's commanded. “Alright maggotes, open your ears! You've got ten 分钟 before training begins, so get to it!” a few groans of complaints were heard, but, other than that, everyone stayed silent.

“Um, excuse me, master cheif.” Gwen interjected. “Wheres the food.” yeah....where is the food?

“You are looking at it.” Chef announced, guestering to some nearby trash cans., we're eating......freaking trash?! Okay, I'm not positive, but I think theres a law against this somewhere. Owen then went up to the trach can, and looks inside.

“This is left-over garbege from this mornings breakfast.” Owen stated. Wait....I missed breakfast because I was out....didn't I?

“Darn right!” Chef barked. “When your at war, 你 take what 你 can get!” wait...since when are we at war?! Owen dug through the trash, and pulled out this black wad of trash. He then eyes it for awhile, but he then threw it into his mouth. He starts to chew it, but he dosn't givr any specific emotion. Chris then came out from the background with a huge grin.

“Looks like 你 have things under control.” Chris announced happily to Chef. “I'm off to Craft Services. Coming?” Chris then walked away, and Chef shortly followed.

“Serve me up some of that!” Chef announced. We then all gathered around to garbage can, and started to poke through them. As I searched through the can I was at, all that seemed eatible was a few bananna peels that weren't totally covered in black spots.

“Ugh, I am NOT eating this!” Heather announced, getting everyones attention.

“I'm not either!” Courtnet chimmed in, letting her tray drop to the floor. Duncan, who was carrying a tray with looked like 橙子, 橙色 juice, rolled his eyes and continued to walk by. I rolled my eyes, and I went back to the trash can. Of course, as soon as I did, I felt another hand touch mine. I looked up, and realized the person on the other end was.....Cody. He smiled sweetly, and I returned the smile.

“Hey Codester.” I greeted, blushing deeply.

“Hello Noah.” Cody responded, blushing just as deep. We stayed like that for awhile, but had to seperate when other people started to come around the trash can to scavenger for food. We then tried to get close to eachother again, soon as we did, Chef saud it was time for training. We all groaned slightly, and followed Chef to the beach. He then told us to get in single-file rows. We all did, and Chef brought out a boom-box. He then pressed play, and the 音乐 from Michel Jackson's “Thriller” came out. Chef then 说 to follow his lead. We did, and in minutes, we were all dancing to thriller. I had to kinda was fun. Of course, only five 或者 six 分钟 of this, Duncan stopped dancing. He then snuck up to the boom-box, and turned it off. Everyone gasped, and Chef got an angry look.

“Duncan, what are 你 doing?” Gwen gasped out.

“If one of us drops out, we're done for the day.” Duncan reminded Chef. 说 hot head got an even 更多 angry look, and glared at Duncan.

“We're done when I say were done!” Chef barked. “Now drop and give me twenty!” Duncan rolled his eyes, and did as Chef commanded. “Anyone got anything else they wanna say?” everyone looked like they weren't gonna say anything, but then Gwen smirks and raises her hand.

“Uh.....yeah, can I go to the bathroom?” Gwen asked. Chef smirked, and escorted Gwen there. He then comes back, and tells everyone to follow him. Everyone does, and we all wind up at the Mess Hall. Everyone then takes a seat, and Chef comes in front of us – a devious smile on his face.

“For this challenge, 你 will complete a three-hundered word essay about how much 你” oh good god, this is mission impossible. “Anyone who falls asleep, 或者 fails to complete the challenge, will be eliminated! 你 may pick up your pencils, and begin.....NOW!” with that, everyone started to write like the wind. I had actually gotten two sentences in when I felt my eye lids get a little heavy. I shook it off, and continued writing. Of was a useless attempt. My eyes kept wanting to shut. I then looked over at Cody to stay awake, but....I then realized, he was already fast asleep.

'He looks so cute when he's asleep....' I thought before my eyes shut all the way. Then, what seemed like 秒 later, Chef banged his fist on the table, causing my eyes to fly open. Chef then glared at me, and then shifted his glare to Cody and DJ – who was also asleep.

“You three slackers are out!” Chef announced. “The rest of 你 get to the playing feild on 05-hundred!” I then shifted my gaze to Cody, and he smiled at me. I smiled back, and we both did as Chef instructed. Once the 舱, 小木屋 door was securly shut behind us, we both pulled eachother into a kiss. Our tounges were quickly added, and we made out until we were in desperate need of air.

“God....I 爱情 when we make-out.” Cody gasped out. “It's like....the whole world disapears for just the littlest time!” I couldn't help but smile at Cody, and 吻乐队(Kiss) him lightly on the 最佳, 返回页首 of his head.

“I know what 你 mean.” I then let out a loud yawn, and crawled into my bunk. Cody then got onto his bunk, and snuggled into it. Soon, he is fast asleep and is calmly breathing. I smile, and foucuse on the rythem of his breathing. My 心 slowed to the rythem of it, and, I as well, fell quickly asleep.

*Cody's POV*

I had no idea how long I slept, but, as soon as I closed my eyes, someone barged into the cabin. My eyes flew open, and I saw Duncan and Gwen with a huge tray of food.

“Hey there, dork and dorkier!” Duncan greeted, earning an eye roll from Gwen.

“Come on Duncan, there not that bad.” Gwen defended. She then looked down at Noah's bunk, and threw something on it. There was a groan from the high IQ, and I could tell he was sitting up because there was a squeaking from the bunk below.

“Ugh....whats going on?” Noah asked, sounding very groggy.

“We're throwing a party.” Duncan responded, smirking. “Now, just wait hear, and I'll get the rest of our guests.” Duncan then bolted out of the cabin, and Gwen gave a amused chuckel.

“God he's a brute sometimes.” Gwen sighed dreamily.

“ long have we been out?” I heard Noah ask. Gwen smiled, and filled us in on all that has happened. We were told after we were sent to bed, everyone went to this obstical course, and ran it repeatedly. She then 说 Duncan did something to tick off Chef bad (she was to busy running to see what happened) because he was sent to one night solitary confindment in the 船, 小船 house. He went, and when he did, everyone was sent to the Mess Hall to eat. Gwen explains that they were served this gross sludge, and, since she was worried for Duncan, she decided to take the bowl of her 食物 to Duncan. She saud they chatted for awhile, and then they both agreed they wanted to ditch the slop for some PB and J. They snuck into the tent, 偷了 the food, and ran here as fast as they could. “And, thats where we're at now.” Gwen announced as she finished her story.

“Thats cool Gwen.” I replied, yawning slightly. Gwen got this smile, and shifted her gaze from me to Noah. “What?” I asked as she continued to switch her gaze between us.

“So.....are 你 two dating yet?” Gwen asked, getting a devious smile. Me and Noah blushed deeply, and quickly looked at eachother. “Aw, come on! We're all alone here, and.....I think it'd be cool if 你 two were dating.” me and Noah exchanged another quick glance, and we both seemed to ask if we should tell her. After a 分钟 of holding a gaze....we both wanted to tell her. I looked back at Gwen, and when I opened my mouth to say something, Duncan with the other came bursting through the door.

“We're back!” Duncan announced proudly. I then closed my mouth, and let the conversation drop through. Gwen had a momentary sad look, but was soon having fun with Duncan. Everyone dug into the 食物 Duncan and Gwen stole, and in minutes, we were all standing around – eating the 破烂, 垃圾 food.

“Uh....I think I have jungle rot from that obstacle course.” Owen – with a mouth full of rasberry 果酱 – announced, shoving his foot into Noah's face.

“Charming.” Noah scoffed. Owen then took his feet from Noah's face, and went back to scooping the 果酱 with his hands. I then slid over to sit 由 Noah, and I offered him some of the chips I snagged before anyone else saw them. Noah smiled, and obediantly took a few from the bag. We then watched as everyone continued to chat happily, but I hardly took notice. Noah and me had once again manedged to lock our hands without anyone noticing, and.....I loved it. I then saw Courtey run out the door with Trent trailing her closley.

“She we go check on them?” I asked. Noah shruged, and we both snuck to the door. When we peacked out, and all we saw was Trent and Courtney sharing a kiss.

“Well....looks like their having fun.” Noah scoffed. I snickered, and tugged at his sleeve.

“Come on, lets give them a little privousy.” I whispered. Me and Noah crawled back into the cabin, and, as soon as we got back in our spot, the intercom went off.

“Attention remaining camp recruts.” Chef's voice rang through the intercom. “The 下一个 evolution of your training begins tommorow at 07-hundred hours. And if I catch the suckers that took my deserts yur butt is mine!” with that, the intercom clicks off. Duncan and Gwen then went into a series of laughter, and soon shooed everyone from the cabin. All but the Gopher boys left. Trent (who was smiling like an idiot) and Owen hopped into their beds. Once I was sure they were asleep, I quickly captured Noah into a kiss. We then shortly made-out, but it quickly ended, and we went to bed. After a restfull night, we were woken up 由 Chef (via intercom) and instructed to come to a specific tree. We all got there, and when we did, the remaining people were instructed to climb the tree, and hang upside from it. They all did as he instructed, and he soon started to pace in front of the tree.

“What you're experiencing, is an ancient form of torture.” Chef announced. “By know the blood has begun to rushin' to you're head. The 下一个 stage is nazia, followed 由 dizzy-ness and flushed appearence as the blood begins to pool in your eyes.” okay.....I seriously dould that happens. “You may experience fainting spells.” amd with that, Duncan fell from the tree. Everyone then put their hands on the trunk, and continued to hang there. The 下一个 one to fall was Heather, followed 由 Owen. Then Courtney came tumbling down, and it was all up to Geoff and Gwen now.

“You got this Gwen!” Owen cheered enthusiastically.

“Oh yeah.....I could hang here all day.” the goth replied. Geoff smiled, and nodded gave Gwen a semi-thumbs up.

“Rock on sister!” Geoff exclaimed. He then started to say something else, but it soon turned to slurs, and the party boy came crashing to earth. Everyone on my team raced over to Gwen, picked her up, and started to carry her off. Of course, Chef 斧头, 短柄小斧 had to stop us.

“Gwen!” Chef called out. We all put Gwen down, and she catiously approuched Chef. “Congradulations soldier.” Chef says as he salutes Gwen. “I'd go to war with 你 anytime.”, that dosn't sound creepy.

“Thanks, I'll keep that in mind when choosing my future career.” Gwen replies. She then runs back to us, we pick her up again, and we all carry her around till we finally got wore out. The rest of the 日 went normally after that. All of the Gophers just hanged around, and....I got to spend even 更多 time with Noah. After a 日 of relaxation, me and Noah was time to tell Gwen. As everyone (including Noah) went inside the cabins to sleep, I cleverly waited in front of the girls cabin. It seemed like hours, but the goth finally came. “Uh...aren't 你 supposed to be on the boys side?” Gwen asked.

“Well.....yeah, but.....I never answered your 问题 你 asked me ealier.” I replied. Gwens eyes widened, and she got a small smile.

“Oh...alright then.” Gwen chuckled. “So....yes 或者 no?” I looked he in the eyes – still depating if it was 安全 to tell her. Even though I was over the goth, something about her just gave off this vibe that said.....I could trust her. I smiled, and quickly scanned to see if anyone was looking.

“Well.....yes.” I replied happily. Gwen smiled, and gave me a short hug.

“Awesome for 你 Cody.” Gwen says in a serious be happy manner. “I had a feeling 你 two liked eachother. Don't worry, I promise to let 你 guys be the ones to tell the world. Anyway, see 你 tommorow...I guess.” She then waves good bye, and goes into the girls cabin. I then smiled, and went back to my cabin. Owen and Trent were fast asleep, but Noah – who had his eyes slightly open – was still awake.

“So.....she knows?” Noah asked, sitting up.

“Yep.” I reply, sitting at the edge of his bed.

“Do 你 think....we can trust her not to tell?” Noah asks in concern. I nod my head yes, and Noah gives a hard, thinking look before sighing in defeat. “Okay....if 你 can trust her....that so can I.” I smiled, and gave my great boyfriend a hug. We then seperated, and gave a good night 吻乐队(Kiss) before I hopped onto mu bunk, and fell into a deep sleep.


Till 下一个 time folks! :D
posted by Liepe
Disclaimer: Don't own Total Drama Island. End of Story.

A/N: This story is right after Duncan arrives to Playa Des Losers.

This belongs to WillowWitch on, not mine.

Izzy, the crazy wanted girl of Playa Des Losers, had been sneaking around ALL DAY, making sure to stay out of everyone's sight. Why? No one would know. Being a contestant on the famous hit 显示 Total Drama Island, no one really cared about what she did as long as it brought RATINGS! … Well, only Chris cared about the ratings. His producers...
continue reading...
PART 7!!!! So, I 爱情 making these! ^u^ I kinda think that school might not keep me from updating this after all! Then again....I could be terribly wrong. o_o Anyway, I'm gonna stick with Noah's P.O.V. sor a bit, but then I'm gonna switch to Cody's....maybe. Anyway, please enjoy!

Warning: This has mention of drug abuse. It may frighten the kiddes, so please be careful.


*Noah's P.O.V.*

I actually stayed asleep in the quiet cabin, that is, until I heard the 舱, 小木屋 door open and close. I opened my eyes slightly to see only...
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added by rockzsanders
Source: Me :D
added by rockzsanders
Source: deviantART
added by rockzsanders
Source: deviantART
added by rockzsanders
Source: Me
posted by neonwalflower
~after the season ended at Noah's apartment~

-Noah and Cody are watching BrokeBack Mountain-
tv:"..Jack...I Swear..." ~sad music~

Cody: Oh Noah that was sooo sad!!!!
-gets teary eyed and lies body over Noah's lap-

-Noah holds 爆米花 bowl over Cody so it won't spill-
Noah: Hold yourself together. It's not even over yet.

Cody: But Noah the 爱情 of his life is dead and he's crying! Isn't that sad a little bit to you?

Noah: Mmmm... no. Now can we atleast finish a movie for once without your whining?

~a couple 分钟 later~

Noah: Finally that movie is over....

Cody: Aww come on dude 你 didn't like it at...
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posted by Raven9087
Codys Prov:

I was so glad I was off that island and Im glad Noah lived right down the 街, 街道 from me cuz we were really close and all and we gaved each other our addresses and cell numbers. Now tht school was starting I could call him to ask him wat classes he got
Cody:Hey Noah its Cody did u get ur classes yet??
Noah:Yah My homeroom teacher is Mr.Martenez
Cody:Me to
Noah:So tht must mean were in the same classes then huh
Cody:Yepp I g2g cloths shopping txt u l8er
Noah:K bye

Noah Prov:

Im so glad me and Cody are in the same classes cuz I like him but I couldnt tell him tht 或者 else he will...
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added by sexybaby9087
posted by Animetama
I opened my eyes as they chased across the pitch black room. But of course, I knew exactally where I was~ ♥

Holding my 爱情 tightly to my chest as he slept like a baby in my arms~!

But he wasn't there, we had won the last challenge back in Japan, but I....I began to freak out!

Oh my only true love! My litte adorable Cody! Where did 你 go?! Why aren't 你 here?!

I was chocking on the air around me, my throat tightend and a tear droplet escaped my right eye. But then I stopped at thought to myself, that maybe he was somewhere else wondering around the airplane? It's not like he got kiddnaped!...
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posted by nocofangirl218
Part 8!! OMG, we're so close to the.......well, I can't exactly tell you. That'd spoil the suprise! ;D Anyway, this may be a dull part, but....I tried. :P Also, I decided to just start with Noah's P.O.V. instead of Cody's. Anyway....hope ya'll enjoy!


*Noahs P.O.V.*

After Trent and Owen finally finished their almost endless talking fest, all the Gopher boys went to bed. Everyone, it seemed, went to sleep fairly quickly. I - of course - was still awake, but this time, out of pure glee.

'I can't believe I actually did...
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posted by nocofangirl218
Okay, this is part 4! Man, I really need to stop letting the time fly 由 like this. .3.' Anyway, I know I usually give 支持 in this part of the story, but....I kinda just wanna jump right into the it.

Hope you'll like it! x3


*Codys P.O.V.*

I was sleeping peacefully until Chris announce through the speaker that we all needed to get up, and 报道 in the mess hall. I sat up, streached a bit, and hopped out of bed. Despite my late night last night, I felt suprisingly awake.

"Hey dude." Trent greeted, just getting out of...
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posted by xxXsk8trXxx
Noah: *getting on the 船, 小船 of losers* NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T TAKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I 爱情 你 CODY AND I ALWAYS HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *boat floating away* I LOOOOOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cody: ...
Chris: Today we're doing Total Drama Rent! The couples will be Gwen and Heather, Trent and Courtney, Duncan and Sadie, and Noah and Cody!
Noah: Does this mean I get to be with Cody for the movie cover?
Chris: Yes!
Noah: Okay
Noah (on the inside): WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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added by luz-anwar-light
i don´t make this video but i really hope 你 like it.
posted by nocofangirl218
So, since part one did so well, I've decided to go alond and do part two! I hope 你 all enjoy! :3 Also, this was inspired 由 a DxG series, so please check out the awesome story 由 starburst-rock, and blah, blah, blah! Again, hope 你 like part two!
So, on with the story!_________________________________________________________________________________

*Noah's P.O.V.*

"Okay, todays challenge is three-fold." Chris announced as almost everone crowded around the edge of the cliff. Yeah, crowding around the edge of a huge cliff is always a good idea guys. "Your first task is to jump off this one-thousand...
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Not mine but its so cute.
posted by nocofangirl218
Okay, so this is something I decided to randomly do one day. This is basically how Total Drama Island would've happened if NoCo was one of the canon couples. Also: there is no TxG, 或者 DxC in this story, so please don't read it if 你 don't like the couple. One last thing: this was inspired 由 a DxG series titled: “Secrets”. If 你 like DxG, please go check out the awesome story 由 starburst-rock. :3

Also, I don't own the TD series, so please don't think I do.

*Noah's P.O.V*

As the 船, 小船 slowly approached an island...
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After Izzy had 说 the immature thing she 说 and after Noah and Cody blushed and all that
Izzy said: “Anyway’s! 你 guy’s need to come see this! I caught a squirrle! “
Noah was pissed now: “Get out Izzy!!!”
Izzy: “Bu-“
Noah and Cody yelled: “Get out!!!”
Izzy: “Fine! You’re loss!” Izzy then closed the door and ran out.
Noah sighed and kept looking at the ground: “Well…you want some music?”
Cody: “Noah. Answer my question, who was the person that 你 were in 爱情 with?”
Noah paused: “…Like 你 care…” He stood up but Cody grabbed his wrist making Noah look...
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posted by Dramatic-Teller
Noah finally woke up from A LOT of hours of sleep, he looked at the clock: 3:04 P.M.
He looked to his left…Cody was still sleeping…Noah thought: “I should wake him up…neh. I’m gonna take a shower.”
Noah got up and passed Cody’s 床, 床上 then walked into the bathroom which was attached to his room.
About 24 分钟 later Cody was rested enough to hear the 淋浴 running, Cody yawned and sat up on his 床, 床上 then stretched. Then the 淋浴 shut off. Cody stood up from his 床, 床上 in his ice-blue pajamas and walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth and gargled. After he was done he looked...
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posted by nocolover4evr
“Then, we’re all gonna party,” Geoff told all of the ex-contestants, and Sierra.
“I’ll go with 你 Geoff,” Justin 说 to him.
“Are 你 going to go?” Cody asked his best friend (and boyfriend) Noah, but everyone was focused on Katie, Sadie, and Geoff asking Bridgette to come with him, so they didn’t hear Cody’s question, and better, Noah’s response.
“No, are you?”
“I was thinking about it-,” but he was cut off 由 Noah grabbing his arm, as if he was afraid that Cody would leave him.
“Don’t go Cody. Don’t leave,” Noah stared Cody right in the eyes, and 你 could...
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