星, 星级 Wars: Clone Wars Club
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posted by lovingflame
Sharp knocked on Ahsoka's door. "Come on 或者 we'll be late." Ahsoka leaned heavily on the door jamb as she opened up the door.
"Stang it.You're not going anywhere. Get back in there, I'm calling the doctor." Sharp helped her sit on the tub's edge as he put the call into the doctor. As Sharp went out to wait for the medics, Ahsoka grabbed a look at herself in the refresher's mirror.
"This doesn't look so good. What's going on with me?" She 说 as blood was starting to bead and her stomach turned.Turning her a very pale shade of green." Where's the patient private?" The resident doctor 说 making his enterance. "There sir." Sharp 说 concerned as he pointed to the open refresher.
The doctor eased the guinea pigs head back gently, having to miss being vomited on. "What's wrong with me doc?" Ahsoka strangled out as she held in another bout of unpleasentness."Nothing a few days of rest won't fix, but you've probably infected the private here. So you'll both be quarenteined until you're feeling better.Don't worry the lessons can be broadcast. We'll get enough 食物 staples in here to last the 5-7 days it should take to get 你 back on your feet again." With that the doctor helped Ahsoka to her 床, 床上 and made the padawan as comfortable as he could. After administering a shot to make her sleep, the private cornered the doctor. "Don't kriffing 公牛 shit me. Those symptoms are well known to all of us. How long have 你 been pushing that gene down her throat?" The doctor pushed him back."Its too late to do anything about it. In a couple of weeks her body will either welcome the change 或者 she'll die." The clone trooper throttled him."Then I'll go to Commander Flash 或者 the Order." The doctor lied out right."You think those up scaled freaks don't know. Why send her here in the first place.They want their padawan's at full potential, no matter the price." With that he brushed the trooper off.
"I'll be giving her a pain medication to help with the transition.The one I gave her should last a week, if she doesn't progress too swiftly." Sharp's anger came out as a strangled scream as the door was shut soundly behind the doctor.
The doctor entered the secret lab.Catching Koi-soli,as the cloner splayed its hands on the Tano clone. The doctor 说 nervously as he approached the two. " The padawan's 展示 some side-effects, one of her group knows." The creature turned to his assistant."It had to happen sooner 或者 later. Better now then out on the practice field." The doctor shook his head. "You don't understand, he's threatened to go to one of the commanders 或者 higher." The cloner approached his assistant.
"What did 你 tell him?" Gulping the doctor stammered the handful of lies he'd told the trooper. "Good, 你 did well. Come see how well our clone is doing. Soon she will be well enough to breath outside her pod." The doctor backed away."No thank-you sir. I have a schedual to keep." The clone nearly ran from the room. Koi-soli laught, as he tapped playfully on the glass."Soon my young one and then onto creating 你 some siblings. For everyone needs a family."
"Sir! Sir!" Sharp 说 as loudly as he dared, as he knocked on Commander Flashe's door.
"What?What is it? Is that 你 Private Sharpshot?" Commander Flash made out just as the boy came barralling into his room."Sorry sir but this is too important." Commander Flash rubbed his eyes and slapped his face to wake-up. "This better not be another, how can I get the padawan to fall for me bull." He'd had enough of those. All the shinnies had a good eye for beauties. Sharp's look 说 it was much 更多 then that. "Spill private. Before I call the doc and have him bind 你 to your 床, 床上 til your quarentien is called off."
"There's nothing wrong with her 或者 me. Except that the doctor has been giving her our growth hormone." That made Flash pale. "What did the doctor say when 你 confronted him about this?" The boy's face grew red and angery.
"He 说 that the Order knew all about it.That they were willing to risk a padawan's life to get the needed numbers." Flash shook his head. Sure some of the bastards didn't give a 链, 链轮 about the boys, but to risk one of their own. Never."He lied private.They maybe somewhat heartless critters,but they'd never take such chances with one of their own. Especially with who's padawan it is. General Skywalker wouldn't stand for it." The boy nodded."What do we do? The doctor 说 it was too late to stop the transformation."
Flash walked to the large window and thought.
"He wasn't wrong. She's far passed the point of return.Just watch her, be there for her. You're going to stay with her until the very end.
If it comes to that. Take a camera, document the changes, but do not tell her about it. Don't need her expanding her energies when the results are unknown. After, she can slice,splice and do whatever she feels she's earned the right to. If she doesn't make it. At least we'll have enough proof to take to the Order. Either way that kriffing cloner and his assistant are gonners. Dismissed private."
In the folds of her dreams Ahsoka felt herself standing on a floating wooden porch. Looking up, the sun coming through the large leaves made everything come away with a hint of green. A child's laughter and heavy footsteps drew her attention forward.
Rex came walking,tickling a child in his arms. The little girl ducking her head sheepishly as he kissed the 最佳, 返回页首 of her dark wavy hair. Then he looked at Ahsoka and her 心 jumped into her throat. He'd never looked at her with such heat and gentlness on his face before. As the two of them came closer, he let the little girl down. Who bashfully stepped out of the way for him. Rex kissed her passionately, as his arms tucked her into his body. Then slid to 接吻 her neck and shoulder,as she clung to him desperately. "Moma?" The little girl fussed as she pushed up between their bodies. Rex pulled slightly away.Looking down between the both of them, smiling. "Moma?" The child pouted."When's my lil brother coming?" The child asked laying her white tattooed cheek up against Ahsoka's lean body. With that revelation Ahsoka woke up shivering, still hearing the child's 问题 and feeling Rex's throaty chuckle. A light went on and Sharp came with a damp cloth to wipe away the beading blood sweats. Ahsoka tried to push him away but Sharp was having none of it. Giving up she let him help her sit up."Some dream huh? They say jedi dreams are anything but." Ahsoka bit into the 水果 Sharp had 给 her and bit into her cheek."Ow." Sharp started to sweat.The shots had so far staved off the pain. But at the rate Ahsoka was going he feared her body would over come the medication. Already her skin was sagging and stretching and she was banned from making an appearance in her classes. Which she hadn't taken well. Forcing him to have Commander Flash order her to stay put. Which only worked, because the commander had threatened to bring in Captain Rex.
"Why aren't we reporting this to the Council?"
Anakin asked Obi-wan. He knew he should,but the master felt it would be the wrong path for some reason."Do 你 really want to let everyone know that one lone girl got the drop on the two of us? That and we don't want to make her run." Anakin nodded he saw the logic behind his jedi brother's words. Snorting he said."Who would've thought, that such a scrawny rag doll could pack such a punch." Folding his arms he let a lopsided grin come through."I think I'd like to meet her again. When she's not so emotional." Obi-wan shook his head, Anakin would play with 火, 消防 wouldn't he. "Women like her are never not. Arcane must walk on egg shells around her."
Anakin responded."Then I take it you'll be attending Arcane's test tommorrow night."
Obi-wan hadn't actually decided on going,but now that his interest was truely peeked.
"Yes, if she is a messenger. She should be there. I hear you're in charge of the protection detail for Lady Reaya." Anakin nodded, there was no way he was letting Padme go off to Pira without him.Obi-wan pulled up to the senator's apartment."Give the senator and Lady Reaya my condolences."
"It would mean 更多 if 你 came in." The master shook his head. "I'm afraid I wouldn't be very attentive. This messenger's strange powers are comendearing all my attention."
Anakin gripped his arm as he got out of the speeder."Don't get too close. If that clone hadn't dropped when he did, who can say what would've happened." Obi-wan realized that Anakin was indeed right."Yes, it appears she has a soft spot for the clone. Now weather its just the one 或者 any is the question." Anakin could see his old master's mind working already."Be careful."
Obi-wan smiled. "I am always at my most careful when 你 are gone." Anakin snorted, he'd heard that one before.He watched as the man drove away.
Hours went 由 with no trouble. Reaya had made sure of it, she didn't need anyone to suspect what she was up to. All she could see were the flames that had engolfed the only 首页 she had ever known. No one had survived.Guilt pulled Reaya up from the bed,changing quickly into a non-descript out fit she opened up the door to the balcony.
A cool breeze combed through her long blond tresses as tears blurred her vision. Wiping her tears away, she laught as her hand grew long and deadly. Her mother's worst fears had come to pass, Reaya sliced through the box that kept the protection shield in place.
Never noticing the trooper that was quickly advancing on her position. Reaya stepped off the ledge just as the clone reached out to her. Joker swore as he followed down. His heavy armour giving him an edge. Passing her up, he glanced at her face. It was eerily calm, resolved in the actions of the woman who wore it. Blasting out his armour's grappler, he grabbed onto the woman who became a fighter as she realized his intent. Both of their actions swung them precariously out, he swore again as she was beginning to slip. Timing it right, he tossed her onto another balcony.Detaching the cable just in time to roll mere feet away from the attempted suicide.
He groaned as both his shoulder's were out of joint. Reaya somewhat in shock and disbelief edged herself up and tried to scoot around him. Joker weakly captured her ankle.
"Don't push your luck lady. I'm not in the mood to play hero for a 秒 time tonight." Reaya shook her head. "No one asked 你 to the first time." Joker grit his teeth as he tightened his hold on her ankle even more. Letting another groan escape passed his teeth. Reaya looked down at the clone.He was in pain all due to her moment of weakness.She easily broke his hold on her, like her father had taught her. Finding that the clone was in far worse shape then she'd thought. His hands made to grab again for her, but she merely stepped over them. Taking his closest arm in her hands. "This is going to hurt like hell,but I'll try and be quick about it." Reaya 说 as she snapped the shoulder back into place. Joker shouted as he felt the joint lock back into place. Easing the arm down Reaya gently removed the clone's helmet."My father always taught me to make an apology face to face. I'm sorry to have caused 你 so much pain,but I wasn't expecting to be rescued." Joker looked up into the honest face. "I know I seen your face.Its not your fault, 你 weren't there." The woman reacted as if he'd slapped her.He reached out with his weakened arm,fearing she would jump.Instead she quickly recovered and brought her skills to 熊 on his other arm.This time though it was done without any warning 或者 care.The pain was so immense that Joker 迷失 consciousness.Lights blazed on from the interior of the apartment, blinding Reaya.
Heavy booted feet and the clicking of safeties going off,told her enough. Captain Rex came forward, his men surrounding the senator's cousin and his trooper. The clone lay slumped against the balconies cemented barrier, pale and unresponsive. Grabbing her 衬衫 front he thrashed her. Only to feel an impossibly large hand encircle his throat and gently start to squeeze. He tried to reach his blasters, but she had brought him in to close to be of any use. His eyes began to dim slightly as her voice came in loud in clear. "I like 你 Captain. I really do.You care for your men and they for you." Reaya eased the preasure on his throat to keep him conscious. She smiled,but it never reached her eyes."If I may offer a bit of advice. Never ever thrash a woman, of any kind unless 你 have a death wish.Today 你 were lucky. Your man's actions have tempered my own, so instead I will give 你 what 你 need most. A nice long nap." Reaya's voice drifted out collapsing the men like rag 玩偶 where they stood. Reaya relaxed her hold on the captain's neck,and eased him down 下一个 to her hero of the night. Making sure that the only thing that hurt 由 tommorrow morning, besides their aching muscles was their pride. Kneeling 下一个 to her savior,she gently kissed him.Touching his face, she rose with his 头盔 in hand. As she made her way through the apartment, she left a small broach as payment for taking a warm hooded 长袍 from the hallway closet.It was time to go home.
"I wanted them all dispatched, 或者 wasn't I clear enough." Sideous hissed as he pounded on his desk.
"She should have been 首页 already.How were we supposed to know that she'd been delayed." One of the men's 图片 responded. "You're bounty hunter's from the most successful and notorious families in the galaxy. I would have thought you'd be 更多 through." The only woman survivor from the six stepped in. "The mayor proved to be a much harder target then 你 led us to believe. We 迷失 1/2 our group." Sideous growled, he'd had enough of the exiled despots from Sota's family."Unacceptable.General Grievous 你 may now dispatch the riff-raff." The dark lord watched as his mechanical pet slaughtered the remaining assassins. As the last one fell, Sideous asked."How goes our progress abroad?" General Grievous coughed as he put away his collected lightsabers."The facilities are well guarded, but our spies have reported that the creator behind the gernades comes from Kamino." Sideous fingered his chin."Is this clone still in residence 或者 in the field?" Angerily gagging the general informed his dark master.
"The scum hasn't even graduated."Sideous nodded."Do nothing. Perhaps we can convince this trooper to be coopertive.The cure for their aging problem for an alliance with us. I shall give it some 更多 thought." Clicking off, Sideous frowned. Why hadn't he been informed of such developements on Kamino? To find out 3rd hand was not to be tolerated.
Obi-wan sat accessing the archieve's cams. Most of it was boring 查看 of enterances and the crowds of master's and padawan's alike. He sped to the moment he needed.There she was, just as dirty and scrawny as he remembered seeing her. With no hint of warning what lay beneath. Obi-wan brought to 熊 the burnt and ragged hole now disturbing his neat and well cleaned robe. Looking back up to the screen, he saw her climb the ladder. The mop strapped across her back, while the bucket crawled up the side of it 由 way of magnetic bracelet. The master couldn't help but smile. Speeding up the vid he stopped at another spot. This time, she had 迷失 the jacket.
It irritated him that though she had attacked him, he hadn't thought to get her name. Other then what the clone had called her,sis. Obi-wan eyed the girl, taking in her form. It wasn't as pathetic as they'd first thought. She was just all muscle, as she turned her back to him he gasped. Though the 衬衫 hide well many things, it could not hide the tell tale signs of the various puckered scars. How many 更多 lay beneath and why had Arcane not allowed his messenger to be healed? How much did any of them truely know about this arms supplier? Obi-wan shook his head. He could not fathom that Master Yoda would ally them with such a monster. He was almost tempted to shut off the vid feed. But instead he watched her pull out the re-breather as motes of dust covered her from head to toe. How old was she? Anakin's age? He frowned perhaps even younger. Forwarding it even more. He saw her clip the bucket onto the ladder, before leaning it away onto the 书柜, 书架 across from her. Sis, sat wipping the multitudes of dust off the bottoms of her boots. He leaned back, seeing no sense in the idea. Until he saw her walk back to the opposite edge and run, leaping out to catch onto the ladder. Roughly but safely she landed. If Anakin would have seen this.He may have postponed leaving for Pira, until he'd had time to 匡威 with Arcane. Obi-wan now found himself determined to find this child, if nothing 更多 then to save her from such a brutish task master.
With the boy's getting over the shock and her the guilt. 摩根 got a very late start on scrubbing off the mountain's of dust, dirt, bugs, and blood off. Her mind now reeling from having met up with the two she'd sworn never to meet again after leaving the temple. She shivered in the near scalding cascade of water. Why had she blamed them? When all it had been was her over worked mind playing tricks on her. 摩根 sighed heavily, as she went over those events. Her anger had been so immense, it had been drawing energies from not only the jedi but Dead Eye. Which scared her beyond reason. Breathing deeply she calmed herself. Getting panicky wouldn't solve a damn thing, but now that she knew. 摩根 felt confident she could stop herself from making the same mistake again. A loud knock came at the refresher door. Shutting off the shower, 摩根 tied on one of the jedi robes she'd been given. Opening the door, stood a healthy and young Dead Eye."Master Yoda's on the com."
摩根 nodded.Sure didn't take long for her 'lil' green frog to know all about her little adventures. 摩根 eyed him."He didn't see you, did he?" The boy paled. "No. Skrew-Ball patched it through after I was in your room. I think it'll be awhile before things are back to normal." 摩根 snorted."You're telling me." 摩根 left Dead Eye in her room while she proceeded to the attached room which now held Arcane's comquarters. Yoda's image waited patiently. "How may I help my little green friend at such a late 小时 as this?" 摩根 说 coming into view of the image. "Relieved and troubled I am to see 你 Morgan." Flopping down into a chair, she brushed her hair back with a hand. "Then 你 heard all about it." Yoda nodded."Hard it is not to, but what of this clone.Hear I did of the miracle 你 have performed." 摩根 stood and eyed the jedi with narrowed eyes. "Miracle? What I did was no miracle? I nearly killed him with the anger I unleashed." The master nodded his head listening intently. "Master it 你 did and killed him 你 did not." He smiled as he saw the clone come within sight. 15 years was middle aged for such troopers. The boy was a boy of 15, reaching out he pulled back slowly. Evidently 摩根 had no idea of what she had passed onto the trooper. For he was now like her, undectable 由 jedi senses. What other gifts he wondered had she passed on unwittingly."Morgan its not your fault. 你 got scared, then angery. If I would've been you, I would have reacted just the same."
"That's sweet of 你 to say,but sooner 或者 later these things get out.When they do, the public along with the rest of the clone army will want answers. 答案 I can't guarentee, I'll have."
Dead Eye gripped her tensed shoulders. "We'll think of something 或者 do a little tampering with the records. Jango wasn't the only Fett in the galaxy." He saw her smile weakly come through.
"So will 你 be attending tommorrow nights festivites, 或者 should I settle on another time?"
"In attendence will I be with others who are free." 摩根 bowed deeply to cover the yawn escaping her. "Sleep we need.Til tommorrow sleep well my friend." Master Yoda bowed to the two 图片 in his viewer.
I saw the new Clone Wars episode, 'Voyage of Temptation' and fell very strongly on my opinion and need to share it. I 爱情 the episode! But there's one thing that bugged me even before I saw the episode. Someone told me what the episode was like. It had romance that I loved. But, Obi-Wan doesn't 爱情 the Duchess, she isn't in any 图书 I know of. He loves Siri Tache!!!! 你 have to read the book, it's 'Secrets of the Jedi' 由 Jude Watson. I 爱情 the book, and Siri. But the Clone Wars should have Siri!!!! I know she dies during the Clone Wars, when Anakin is still a padawan, but Siri is awesome!!!!!!!!
added by xSHOCKYx