
性与性取向 问题

Why is homophobia still so common?

I mean, racism has long since stopped being a dominant mindset among the majority of white people, and sexism is very much frowned upon these days. Why, then, do people still often harbor homophobic thoughts despite pretending to be open-minded on the surface? Times are changing, however.

Which brings me to my own problem. I know a few people who are what 你 might call fangirls. They tell me about how they like that there are now homosexual relationships in fiction, like 图书 and comics and games, and at this point I gladly agree. Then they go on and add: "Although in real life, gays are absolutely disgusting." Which just makes me wonder at the stupidity and judgmentality, and all-around makes me lose faith on mankind...

I would like for some people to share their examples of homophobic 评论 and behavior they have experienced. And just to clarify, I don't consider myself to be homosexual, I just want to support them and I want for them to be accepted and have a normal life. I also want to promote the idea that 你 don't have to be homosexual to support gay rights. We should go vote for same-sex marriage and do something for the sake of equality and human rights alone.
There are called anime/manga/comic fangirls...there ARE different kinds...
Lawli-gagger posted 一年多以前
I know right but that wasn't the point :d
Anikovis posted 一年多以前
If 你 were not being rude, then we're cool. I also indeed did not know that was the reason why 你 评论 - I dunno, maybe 你 should have clarified that. 或者 maybe I should've noticed. Ah, well. I'm just really tired for being awake for an entire 24 hours now and... yeah, I guess I overreacted. I bet I'll feel stupid for this tomorrow. Oh well.
Anikovis posted 一年多以前
 Anikovis posted 一年多以前
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性与性取向 答案

bri-marie said:
Homophobia, racism, and sexism are still big problems because there are still closed minded, ignorant people who chose to believe that putting other humans down is the right thing to do -whether it be because it's how they grew up, 或者 what their "religion" tells them, 或者 because it makes them feel better about themselves.

I think the example 你 gave about your 老友记 is a perfect example of how far homosexuality has come (there was a time where it wasn't tolerated at all) but also shows how far it still needs to go.

I think the most common experience I have is the people who claim "it's against God" and "it's a choice." Both, to me, just 显示 ignorance.
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posted 一年多以前 
nene72 said:
I'd say the main reason is religion. For example Christians in general like to preach tolerance and equal and fair treatment to all except for gays. I'm assuming 基督教 is the main religion where 你 live. The attitude is that gays are people too, but they are doing something wrong and sinful. I think that until that changes, there will always be homophobia.
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posted 一年多以前 
Cinders said:
I don't want to get into it right now, but heterosexism and homophobia are NOT the only prevalent prejudices in the Western World by a long shot. Sexism and racism still run rampant in our world. The only difference between now and fifty years 以前 is that sexism and racism is less overt and far 更多 insidious. It's also permeated our institutions. Haven't 你 wondered why, in our enlightened age, nursing and teaching are still seen as feminine careers and firefighting and policework is seen as male careers?

Have 你 ever asked yourself why African Americans comprise 更多 than 37% of people arrested for drug use, 59% of those convicted for drug use, and 74% of those sentenced to prison for drug use, but only 15% of American drug users?

Many people harbor many prejudicial thoughts, even when they believe themselves to be open-minded. Some don't even realize that they are doing it, but they do. A lot of the times, we can't help it. It's hard to conquer preformed prejudices. But this covers every possible kind of bias, including but not limited to sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and sectarianism.

Now that I've cleared that up - The LGBT movement began in the 1960s, and was probably the last real big civil rights movement to get any real momentum. It's also harder, for some people, to see how much sexuality is part of an individual. The convince themselves that they don't hate the person, just their "choices" 或者 their "behavior," not realizing that sexuality is not a choice, nor is it a behavior, it's an identity. This is difficult for several to 包, 换行 their minds around. But 你 would never say "I don't dislike black people, I just dislike their choices and their behavior," because being black is part of who they are as a human being. Being gay is no different, but people feel like it is, and because of this, they can rationalize their discomfort rather than face it and admit it for what it really is.

And I think that is why prejudice against the LGBT (I would not necessarily go so far as to call it homophobia) is so prevalent and accepted.
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posted 一年多以前 
As for your "fan girls" example, I think that displays how people can be prejudiced and not even realize it.
Cinders posted 一年多以前
It's strange how 你 used '' Western World ''. I personally think this applies to every nation.
GaGaBoi posted 一年多以前
I agree with GaGaBoi. Until two years ago, homosexual intercourse was considered a criminal offense where I'm from.
Kiniko90 posted 一年多以前
I specified Western World because there is an illusion that racism and sexism are no longer a problem in developed nations. This is a huge misconception. People complain about a lack of equal rights in less developed nations, but never take a 秒 glance at the own injustices inherrent in, for example, European and American laws and societies.
Cinders posted 一年多以前
Vixie79 said:
Ignorance isn't as bad as stupidity, I believe. Ignorance is merely not knowing something and then finally being aware of why it is 或者 isn't 由 facts, and doing your own research to come to the same conclusion. No opinions 或者 personal swaying is involved. Stupidty is far worse. Once 你 have laid out the reasons/facts why one thing is 或者 isn't and individuals STILL do not except it, 你 are dealing with complete stupidity. Everyone has their opinion, but when people actually avoid facts, you're dealing with something far 更多 idiotic. As long as people continue to do this, it will remain this way. Not saying it hasn't gotten better, but it has taken ALOT of time to just chip away at the ice berg that is homophobia. It's funny too. Every anti gay site 或者 论坛 I have ever been to never have a good reason on hating gays. It's almost like they don't have a mind of their own, they just follow each other blindly with broken facts and word of mouth.
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posted 一年多以前 
I agree completely. Well stated. :)
Lawli-gagger posted 一年多以前
Lawli-gagger said:
"I mean, racism has long since stopped being a dominant mindset among the majority of white people,"


Go back into society and then come back. Open your eyes,honey. Open your eyes. AND ITS ALL PEOPLE not just whites...(not to be rude 或者 anything)

Homophobia is still a problem because there is still hate-period.
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posted 一年多以前 
maybe it's cause i'm not american?
Anikovis posted 一年多以前
What does THAT have to do with anything? Homophobia is only in America? Its everywhere. Just because 你 don't OPENLY see it, doesn't mean its not there.
Lawli-gagger posted 一年多以前
???????? HUH????
nene72 posted 一年多以前
-sapherequeen- said:
Because idiocy has always been common.
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posted 一年多以前 
GaGaBoi said:
People are scared of what they don't know.
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posted 一年多以前 
dreamfields said:
I think it's wrong to blame homophobia completely on Christians.
I think why people are so homophobic and mean is prejudice. Some people feel superior to other's based on race, sex, sexual oriantation, economic status 或者 whatever. Prejudice is usually a learned trait.
Some may be afraid. Most of the gay and lesbian people I know are nice and good hearted people. The problem comes when a entire group is judge 由 an extreme minority which are not as nice as the rest. I believe the Muslims would know what I mean. I believe every person deserves to be treated with respect untill they prove different. Even then there is still there is a level of fairness that everyone should receive.
I am a Christian. I do not believe that God 或者 the Bible teaches hatred towards gays 或者 lesbians. God loves the person, but does not condone the sin. It is a sin to practice homosexuality, but it is not the only one. It just happens to be one that's targeted more. That's sad because it gives the wrong impression of Christians in general.
As I have stated I am a caring person,and I do not condone mistreatment 或者 bullying.
I believe, whether it be criminal, additions, 或者 sexual, that God is 更多 than willing to heal the past, forgive any sin and give a new life.
I know that my beliefs may be offensive to some. But I tried to explain my position with respect and caring. I do not put down 或者 intentionally hurt anyone. I will accept your comments, I just ask that they be made with the same respect I have tried to show.

发布 1 日 以前 报道

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posted 一年多以前 
No, it's not just Christians who do it. I'm just assuming that that's the predominant religion where Anikovis lives is. Christians' attitude is that homosexuality is a choice. That is not so. One doesn't chose their sexual orientation. 由 stating that homosexuals are sinful people simply because of who they are, 你 are in effect singling them out, and in a negative way. I know some other religions hold the same view on homosexuality as Christian, but as a Christian myself I find that I prefer to 评论 on the religion that I actually know about.
nene72 posted 一年多以前
The Bilbe teaches that homesexual acts are sinfull. I don't see myself as singling them out. The Bible also calls adultry, fornification, lying, greed and others sin. Paul says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." That "all" would include 你 and me. Therefore, if it were not for God's mercy, grace and forgiveness through Christ death on the cross, I would be headed for the same hell as all the other sinners. I have yet to see any medical evidence that people are born homosexual. Would 你 say that people are born alcohlics 或者 to murder. We all are born with the sin nature. That sin nature also gives us a leaning to be 更多 suseptable to certain sins than others. Christian theology teaches that Christ offers salvation and the power to live a life pleasing to God. Thank 你 for your comments.
dreamfields posted 一年多以前
If 你 look at my response, 你 will see that I point out that there are other sins and that every single person needs forgiveness. A person calling themself a Christian, does not really mean he 或者 she is. Yes it is pot meet kettle 或者 the blind leading the blind. I am a follower of Christ, I am not perfect just I am forgiven. I don't think that I've 说 anything judgemental. If 你 have interpreted something I've 说 as such, I am sorry. All I have tried to do is point people to God. In the end, it won't matter what kind of relationship 你 had with those fake Christians 或者 even me. What matters is between 你 and God. Thank 你 for sharing your point of view. I am always willing to exchange thoughts.
dreamfields posted 一年多以前
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