
童话镇 问题

this is how i see snow's intentions were when she told cora about regina and daniel. let me know if 你 agree.

snow told cora about regina and daniel because she didn't want regina to go through the same thing snow went through when she 迷失 her mother. snow has 说 that losing her mother was hard so she didnt want regina to go through the same thing. people keep saying that snow just wanted regina to be her new mother so she herself can be happy that she gained a new mother. the way i see it, like i said, snow only wanted regina to not have to go through the same thing she went through. its not like snow knew cora was gonna go and kill daniel. i personally think snow is a good person with good intentions. i blame everything on cora 100%. i dont blame snow, i dont blame regina, i blame everything on cora. the obvious point is that cora caused regina to change. well i also blame rumple dr frank and jefferson as well but mostly cora.
 beekee404 posted 一年多以前
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童话镇 答案

rere14 said:
Did someone blame snow for what happen with daniel? Really? She just a kid not to mention cora manipulated her, I don't get how once upon a time fandom can be so forgivable with some character(rumple, regina, hook) and unforgivable to other character (august, snow, neal)

I honestly don't know who to blame for what happen in once upon a time, let see:

- the curse happen because of regina - but regina won't put that curse if cora didn't kill daniel
- but cora got that power from rumple
- who manipulate everyone so he can go to the land without magic
- but he won't do that if bae didn't get that magic 豆 from blue

So what, blame blue 或者 bae? Bae only want his father back to what he was before magic make him bad and blue want the dark one to disappeared so he won't hurt another people, it's for the greater good, I honestly don't know who to blame
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posted 一年多以前 
PotterLambert93 said:
I personally believe that Cora used some type of mind magic to make Snow admit Regina's love.
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posted 一年多以前 
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