
Naomi & Emily 问题

are emily and naomi really gay and if not how do tthey feel about playing gay peopkle

 amy85 posted 一年多以前
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Naomi & Emily 答案

n88m8em8ly said:
Well in an interview on E4 Kathryn Prescott (emily) did say she enjoyed doing the 接吻 scenes, but that doesn't mean she's gay, just she's telling the truth. lol
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posted 一年多以前 
sophialover said:
你 mean the 女演员 who play Naomi and Emily?
Well..they're not gay in real life and i don't really know how they must be feeling but i bet they're feeling somehow unconfortable while filming some of their scenes.
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posted 一年多以前 
skinsis said:
kathyrn prestcott who plays emily is bisexual lily may loveless who play noami is not bi
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posted 一年多以前 
foulon_rouge said:
Despite the fact I wish they were, I doubt either of them are gay, however I reckon there's a good chance Kat (Emily) is bisexual. In one interview she mentions having a boyfriend but says that Naomi's kisses are a close 秒 to that of her boyfriend. Moreover, in interviews she makes several 评论 about it not mattering to her whether she kissed a guy 或者 a girl, and that it is about the person, not the gender.
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posted 一年多以前 
skins said:
lily who plays noami is not gay but kathyrn who plays emily can be gay that what she 说 in a interview she like 接吻 girls i leave it up to you
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posted 一年多以前 
SkinsFan18 said:
okay so im just gonna shout this out here!
As it was 说 above Emily played bt Kat Prescott is however none of the less Bisexual. Naomi Played 由 Lily Loveless is also Bisexual. I Found this out as i met her in a club in Dublin and me and my 老友记 were talking to her and my friend 西亚拉 Asked her was she gay and she 说 that she was Bisexual but 更多 into guys.
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posted 一年多以前 
naomilyfan12 said:
well personally i think both are bi. watch their interviews on youtube
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posted 一年多以前 
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