Maya the Bee Club
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After I have done with the testing of characters' screen time in this episode, I decided to write an 文章 for this episode. This is one of the episodes that I think that many 粉丝 of the old 日本动漫 series will remember which is the episode where Maya and Willy met a baby 毛虫, 毛毛虫 who 迷失 her mother and is the fifteenth episode of the European version. In this episode, Maya met the 毛虫, 毛毛虫 when she went to a 花 to collect honey/nectar as a 食物 for Willy to eat 'cause he was very hungry at the beginning of the episode and when the 毛虫, 毛毛虫 suddenly went in front of Maya and saw her, Maya got startled and she even 说 to her that she was startled as she suddenly appeared in front of her and the 毛虫, 毛毛虫 found it funny which it made Maya upset and she told her that it was not funny, but that caused the 毛虫, 毛毛虫 to cry and she comforted her 由 making funny faces to make her laugh, but after that, Maya decided to go back to Willy to feed him. When Willy saw that Maya collected less honey/nectar for him to eat, he didn't mind it and and he promptly ate it in one gulp and that he liked it so much that he begged her to collect more, but she refused to do it as she told him that this is all he has to eat and nothing more, but still, he begged her for 更多 as he was not satisfied with so little 食物 until she yelled at him to stop it and then, the 毛虫, 毛毛虫 suddenly appeared again in front of them crying and Maya asked her why is she crying and she told her that she was crying for her mother and Maya asked her if something wrong has happened to her mother before she realized that she and Willy had to 搜索 for her mother. Willy asked her what is her name and what did her mother look like, but the 毛虫, 毛毛虫 was too young to remember and shook her head 由 saying "no!" as an answer to his 问题 which it surprises him that she didn't know her name 或者 what her mother looked like (but in the original Japanese version, the 毛虫, 毛毛虫 was actually 给 a name which it was "Jane", but the European version decides to leave her without a name), but Maya reminded him that he didn't remembered his name 或者 his mother when he was a baby bee either which it made him feel so pity about himself leaving the hive as he considered it as his 首页 and feeling so nostalgic to it that he ended up crying along with Jane and Maya told them to stop crying and deciding to help her to 搜索 for her mother together, but as they had encountered a female insect who was a rolypoly, they mistook her for a 毛虫, 毛毛虫 and Maya asked her if Jane was her child and she answered her that she never had a child and never got married either and left which it upsets Maya as she tried her best for her first try, but then she and Willy had encountered another 毛虫, 毛毛虫 who appears to be "older" than Jane, but they didn't knew that this 毛虫, 毛毛虫 was also a baby until Willy started yelling at her for not answering their 问题 about her being Jane's mother which it caused her to cry, but then she was comforted 由 her mother who was a 蝴蝶 which both Maya and Willy have realized that the other 毛虫, 毛毛虫 was as young as Jane is (which it was a scene that was cut in the European version, but it was not the only scene that have been censored in the episode and I will explain 更多 about the censorship of this episode when I'm going to finish the plot of the episode) and then Flip came along 由 telling them that most insect parents and children don't look too similar to each other as he pointed to them a family of beetles who took care of their child and several ant workers who were carrying baby ants on their backs and they were very surprised how different they looked from their parents which it caused Maya to imagine herself and Willy as baby bees with "caterpillar" type of bodies in a 幻想 sequence as she didn't remember what she actually looked like as a newborn bee before she hatched and came out of her 蜂窝, 蜂窝状 摇篮 during the events of the first episode though. Together with Flip, they continue trying to 搜索 for Jane's mother 由 asking various insects that they had encountered if they have seen her mother, but none of them knew where she went which it made Jane herself 更多 upset as she grew up into an older caterpillar. One day, Flip inform them that he found a vegetable garden where many caterpillars live in there, but as they went to the garden, they had encountered a 毛虫, 毛毛虫 (who was an oak processionary moth) who was coughing and Flip asked her what happened and the oak processionary 蛾 told him that some men came into the garden and sprayed insecticide on them which it shocked Maya and asked her if all of them have died and the oak processionary 蛾 had answered Maya's 问题 由 telling her that most of them have died except herself before she left at the end. Jane was still very upset that she doubted that she will ever meet her mother and Maya and Willy told her that she don't need to worry about it before they slept together at night. In the 下一个 day, Willy have found out that Jane have turned into a cocoon that scared him so much and he went quickly to wake up Maya 由 telling her that something bad has happened to Jane and that the cocoon "ate" her up which it caused Maya to believe in that until Flip showed up and told them that Jane will turn into a 蝴蝶 soon which they decided to wait until Jane came out of her cocoon as a 蝴蝶 which after that, they were so happy to see her as a 蝴蝶 despite they were a bit scared and worried at first which Flip reminded them that they don't need to be scared when seeing a 毛虫, 毛毛虫 turning into a cocoon before it turns into a 蝴蝶 which after that, they have learned about the life cycle of a 蝴蝶 before they flew together with Jane. Later, Jane gave birth to three caterpillars who wanted to meet their mother (just like Jane when she was a caterpillar) and she went to see them for a while before telling them that they must live on their own without her as she used to live without her mother 'cause she never met her as her 老友记 were trying their best to help her to find her mother, but they never did, unfortunately. Now, for the European version, they have cut a lot of scenes of Jane as a butterfly, 'cause in the Japanese version, she appears to have a very dark brown skin that they probably found it as "offensive" and "racist" which they decided to redesign her just for one scene 由 making her skin less darker and less "offensive" to them, but after that, they decided to 移动 into the scene where Maya and Willy had encountered Jane's children and were confused what should they do with them and Maya told Willy that they need to find their mother which it was never shown that they did, but in the link (which I have it on a cassette) have made one change that have Flip saying that he have already found their mother which Maya have answered back to Willy that she was tired of searching for mothers at the end which I found it to be a fine change that was made in the Greek audio play version since the European version of the episode have messed up its ending which it ended up to be so confusing when 你 look at it as they have cut so many scenes from the original Japanese version which it happened to be one of the most censored episodes that I have ever seen, but overall, I'm fine with the European version of this episode since this is the version that I saw as a child and grew up with it, so I don't mind its censorship that much. Here are the ranking results that I have gotten for each character who have appeared in the episode:

4. Flip (5 minutes, 9 seconds)
Unfortunately, he didn't got so many screen time for this episode and he have fallen out of the 最佳, 返回页首 3 again and coming out to the last place as not many important characters have appeared in this episode and also because he appeared in the middle of the episode which is why he didn't get that much screen time, but don't worry about it, he will be ranked higher in the future episodes.

3. Jane (9 minutes, 14 seconds)
Yes, Jane have managed to get so many screen time as a caterpillar, but not so much as a 蝴蝶 which she became one at the end of the episode, but I do also 列表 the parts where she was inside the cocoon as "screen time" which is why she made it 9 分钟 and came into the third place and earned her medal which I think she is one of the "one-shot" characters who got the most screen time despite only appearing in one episode, but for me, she deserves to enter the 最佳, 返回页首 3 because I like her and found her to be cute and that she played a good role in my opinion and view.

2. Willy (10 minutes, 51 seconds)
Now this is something that will make all Willy 粉丝 happy is that he have managed to enter the 最佳, 返回页首 3 for once again, but this time, he came into the 秒 place and earning his first silver medal for the first time ever which it made it the first episode to get it and now he has all 奖章 just like Maya, but unfortunately, Flip is the only main character who didn't have all 奖章 yet, but he may get his first 金牌 medal in a future episode that focused so much on him, but least, Willy is feeling lucky that he keep earning 奖章 and have managed to get his first silver medal for this episode and I hope he earns 更多 of them in the future episodes.

1. Maya (12 minutes, 36 seconds)
Just like the 前一个 episode, Maya have managed to come into the first place again and earning her tenth 金牌 medal and made it to 12 分钟 once again, but still 14 分钟 is her highest amount of screen time she got overall, but good thing she stayed on the 最佳, 返回页首 3 for so many episodes since she is the protagonist after all.

And that's all of the results that I got from this episode and I'm planning to test the screen time of characters in the thirteenth episode which is a Willy focused episode where he met the ant soldiers for the first time after he 迷失 his memories from some incident and they trained him to behave like an ant and is the eighth episode of the European version which I will explain 更多 about that episode in the 文章 that I will make soon.
added by CyNM
added by NectariaKiritsi