迷失 Club
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posted by Domilie4ever
Charlie to Claire
"I could be your friend. We don't have to do each other's hair on anything like that."

(from Aurora not IMDB)
Charlie: [singing] 你 all, everybody!
Charlie: It's French! The French are coming! I've never been so happy to hear the French!
Jack: 你 can do this, I'm telling you... If 你 don't mind.
Kate: 你 don't seem afraid at all.
Kate: I don't understand that.
Charlie: That was weird, right?
Charlie: Kate, there's a certain gargantuan quality about this thing!
Charlie: 你 couldn't tell from that but she's actually very nice!
Locke: You're having a bad month.
Charlie: Well aren't 你 the pessimist?
Sayid: Basic 摄影 - point and shoot.
Sayid: Satellites can shoot but they must be told where to point.
Charlie: Oh... bollocks.
Sayid: Hope is a very dangerous thing to lose.
Charlie: [as a rainstorm pours down around them] Guys, is this normal? 日 turning into night? 你 know? End of the world type weather? Is this... Guys?
Charlie: If I can kick drugs, I can deliver a baby.
Charlie: 你 guys are done verbally copulating, we should get a 移动 on. There's a whole 海滩 of people waiting for us to get some drinking water for them, and the great white hunter's getting restless.
Jack: Okay, let's do this.
Kate: 嘿 Charlie, ask Jack about his tattoos.
Charlie: [sarcastic] Oh, 你 guys have an inside joke. How absolutely wonderful for 你 both.
Charlie: [standing on the beehive] This is the most crap idea ever. It's never gonna work.
Locke: Now, pull yourself together, son.
Charlie: It wouldn't be an irrational fear of bees if I could just pull myself together, would it?
Charlie: 你 two ran away fantastically. I'm glad my diversion spared you. I was only stung several hundred times.
[Charlie hands Kate the 衬衫 she took off]
Kate: It was full of bees.
Charlie: I'd have thought C's, actually.
Locke: Our very own Adam and Eve.
Charlie: [referring to the psychic possibly knowing about the crash] Maybe he knew Claire... I mean, if he had the gift, which I believe some people do, maybe he knew.
Claire: There was no couple in L.A... He knew... He knew the plane was going to crash...
Charlie: [as Jack fiddles with the transceiver] Anything?
Jack: [with a slight chuckle] 你 keep asking if there's "anything."
Charlie: Pardon me for appearing desperate, but before the pilot was RIPPED FROM THE COCKPIT, he did say that no one's going to find us unless we get that transceiver working. So... is there anything?
Charlie: [to the pregnant Claire] So your husband, was he on the flight?
Claire: Oh no, I'm not married.
Charlie: Oh.
Claire: I know, how modern of me.
Charlie: Well, who needs men, right? Bloody useless.
[repeated line]
Locke: Don't tell me what I can't do.
Kate: Somebody's in there.
Jack: Sawyer.
Sawyer: Right behind ya, jackass.
Charlie: Guys, where are we?
Charlie: Does anyone have any sunblock?
Kate: Does anyone know how to use a gun?
Charlie: I think 你 just pull the trigger.
Boone: [about a polar 熊 Sawyer just killed] 你 think that's what killed the pilot?
Charlie: No. No, that's the tiny, teeny version compared to that one.
Sayid: Does anyone speak French?
Boone: [Motions towards his sister] She does.
Shannon: No, I don't! What?
Boone: What the hell are 你 talking about? 你 spent a 年 in Paris!
Shannon: DRINKING, not studying!
Charlie: What are 你 making?
Locke: A whistle.
Charlie: I once played some tribal flutes in a recording studio... I'm in a band...
Kate: How do 你 know that he was an air marshall?
Sawyer: He had a badge. I thought it was cool, so I took that too.
[to Kate]
Jack: Three days ago, we all died.
Jack: We should all be able to start over.
[Claire stumbles as she is talking to Kate]
Kate: 你 allright?
Claire: Yeah... it's just the heat. And I'm pregnant.
Sawyer: You're just not looking at the big picture, Doc. You're still back in civilization.
Jack: Yeah? And where are you?
Sawyer: Me? I'm in the wild.
Hurley: Um, I'm not so good around blood.
Jack: Just close your eyes.
Hurley: Dude... dude... oh dude...
Hurley: .
Locke: You're not going crazy, Jack. Crazy people don't think they're getting crazy. They think they're getting saner.
Jack: Look, we don't have time to sort out everybody's god.
Charlie: Really? Because last time I checked we were positively made of time.
Rose: My husband's not dead.
Jack: Everyone in the tail end of the plane is gone. They all died.
Rose: They're probably thinking the same thing about us.
Hurley: I mean, 狗 can find pot and bombs, so I'm sure they can find water.
Sawyer: [to Shannon] You're in my light, Sticks.
Claire: Great. Our only hunter's going to get EATEN just so he can get the pregnant girl some 更多 water.
Charlie: [about Locke] I mean, 你 tell me, who would 你 rather meet in a dark alley? Whatever's out there 或者 that geezer with his FOUR HUNDRED knives? I mean, who packs four hundred knives? Personally, I can only have 太空 for two hundred, THREE hundred at most.
Claire: [wearily] When are they going to rescue us?
Charlie: [soft but firm] Soon.
Charlie: [to Claire, as comfort] 你 don't scare me.
Sawyer: So how's it feel?
Boone: How's what feel?
Sawyer: Taking my place on 最佳, 返回页首 of everyone's Most Hated list.
[after a cheeky pause]
Sawyer: Sucks, don't it?
[having no knowledge of Charlie's rock 音乐 background, but impressed that Charlie saved Jack's life]
Hurley: Dude, 你 rock!
Charlie: [about his herion that Locke took] : I want my stash, Locke. I can't stand feeling like this!
Jack: Get up!
Sawyer: Why? 你 wanna see who's taller?
Jack: We're not savages, Kate. Not yet.
[Charlie drops a not-so-subtle hint that Hurley might have 食物 stashed somewhere]
Hurley: For the record, my 带, 皮带 HAS dropped a notch. I'm a big guy. It's gonna be a while before you're going to want to give me a piggy back ride.
Jack: Things could be worse.
Hurley [loudly]: How?
[Sayid and Jack are going to get asthma medicine from Sawyer]
Sayid: We have to make Sawyer give it to us.
Jack: Yeah, that's what I'm going to do.
Sayid: No, not you. Me. I served five years in the Republican Guard.
Jack: I thought 你 were a communications officer.
Sayid: Part of my training entailed getting the enemy to communicate. Just give me ten 分钟 with him. He'll give us the medicine.
Sayid: You'll find me in the 下一个 life, if not in this one.
Danielle Rousseau: What?
Sayid: The 写作 on the back of Nadia's photograph.
Jack: This is a big problem.
Michael:* Well, I know what I'd do, but...
Jack: Give me a seven iron.
Hurley: Whoa, that was like a... Jedi moment.
Hurley: [Hurley has built a golf course] Welcome to the first and... hopefully last Island Open! It's two holes, for now, three par, and no waiting!
Jack: Hurley, 你 built... a golf course?
Hurley: Rich idiots fly to tropical islands all the time to whack balls around!
Michael: [incredulous] All the stuff we gotta deal with, man... THIS is what you've been wasting your time on?
Hurley: Dudes... listen. Our lives suck! Everyone's nerves are stretched to the max! We're 迷失 on an island, running from boars and monsters... freakin' polar bears!
Michael: Polar bears?
Charlie: [to Michael] 你 didn't hear about the polar bear?
Charlie: Bless me Father for I have sinned, my last confession was two weeks ago.
Priest: Go on.
Charlie: Last night, I had... physical relations with a girl i didn't even know.
Priest: Is that all?
Charlie: No. Then, directly after that i had... relations with a different woman.
Priest: Is that all?
Charlie: No... then I watched... as... they... had... physical relations with... each other.
(Hurley laughs helplessly as Jin continues to talk.)
HURLEY: (interrupts) Dude, dude, I'm starving ...
(Jin motions to the tray.)
JIN: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
HURLEY: (declines) But I'm nowhere near that hungry.
(Hurley looks at the cups of raw seafood, then looks at Jin.)
HURLEY: No. No. No, thank you! (Hurley shakes his head as he squeezes the water out of his wet shirt.) No way. No.
(Hurley laughs helplessly. Jin takes the tray of 食物 and leaves.)
SAWYER: I know your type.
KATE: I'm not so sure.
SAWYER: Yeah ... I've been with girls like you.
KATE: No girl's exactly like me.
HURLEY: So, I was just looking inside the fuselage. It's pretty grim in there.
Do 你 think we should do something about the, uh ... (He glances at Walt.) B-
MICHAEL: What are 你 spelling, man, "bodies"?
(The bodies fall past Kate and past Charlie who is hunched, his back braced up
against the 舱, 小木屋 partition. The bodies fall past him.)
(Jack checks on them.)
JACK: 你 okay?
KATE: Yeah. You?
JACK: Yeah.
(Jack turns to reach for the cockpit door.)
CHARLIE: (calls out) I'm fine. Charlie's fine, 由 the way. Okay.
Charlie: I heard 你 yelling. I heard 你 yelling "Jack". I'm Charlie, 由 the way.
Charlie: Don't worry, I'm fine. Charlie's fine 由 the way.
SAWYER: Guess what? I JUST SHOT A BEAR! KATE: (about the gun) Where did that come from?
SAWYER: Probably 熊 village. How the hell do I know?
KATE: Not the 熊 -- the gun.
Hurley: "Gotta go to a meeting"
Walt: "A meeting?!?"
Hurley: "yeah."
Walt: "Come on, 你 owe me 20,000 dollars!"
Charlie (About Claire's diary): "'Dear Diary ,still on the bloody island. Today I swallowed a bug. 爱情 ,Claire."
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