
Kim Jaejoong (Hero) 问题

Is hero gay?

i've heard that hero and yunho are going gay with eachother.
all the interviews i always see him and changmin touching each other, but if he did go gay i would drop dead faint
luv2sing10000 posted 一年多以前
EvaJasMin posted 一年多以前
noooo,they are just a close friends,but...i really 更多 prefer if they really a couple...they are hot together...
AnaAsyura28 posted 一年多以前
 crazyforHERO posted 一年多以前
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Kim Jaejoong (Hero) 答案

squallZ said:
hehehe.. no my friend dont worry they r not gay.. i've been so into all dbsk's stories for long... hero n U-know are close 老友记 since 2001.. they feel comfort since they understand each other a lot.. n hero actually is a play boy (just like me XD) so they like playing around.. but each one already has an idol girlfriend thet he is dreaming of.. and they talked about that a lot.. just when he starts talking about it he keeps imagining n smiling (yep that's how we all go X)) plus, he 说 that he wanna get married to one of his 粉丝 before he become 30.. and yunho wants a women who can gives him instructions.. ^_^
hope that i helped u..
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posted 一年多以前 
at least 你 know what you're talking about! :)
YongSeoNO posted 一年多以前
"plus, he 说 that he wanna get married to one of his 粉丝 before he become 30.." where did he say that?? O_O
JadeAzveri posted 一年多以前
misany said:
Hero and Yunho are, as far as we know, not together. Although, Jaejoong could of course be gay.

This seems to be a very sensitive topic to some, and a lot of people usually say things like: "NO!!! DBSK IS NOT GAY!". I think these violent protests are very unnecessery, and a bit homophobic.

We don't know if Hero is gay, and we have no right to know. He wouldn't tell the world if he was gay, because there are too many homophobes out there who would turn there backs on him if he came out. But if he would ever come out as gay, it wouldn't change anything. He'd still be the Hero we love.

I am not saying that Hero is gay, just that he could be. And that it doesn't matter. 粉丝 should 爱情 him for his talent and personality, not his sexuality.
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posted 一年多以前 
Kthewalkingdead said:
Kim Jaejoong is gay. :)) Umma is gay, no doubt about that. But Yunho appa......Maybe he is bi sexual. We'll never know. :)) YJ 4ever!
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posted 一年多以前 
Rivergoddess said:
i'm sad that i have to say this but he is. with yunho too. i know they are close 老友记 but there is already enough proof that he is gay. sorry.
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posted 一年多以前 
I totally don't agree with 你
pancherry posted 一年多以前
that's only a kind of brotherly love......
JYJ_cassie posted 一年多以前
jungyuna said:
of course not!!!
but unjae is real!!!
哈哈 quite contradicting!!!
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posted 一年多以前 
she was just asking a 问题 no ned to get up like you're gonna die
KpopLuver posted 一年多以前
haniluvdbsktvxq said:
Jaejoong only friend with Yunho..
Remember 爱情 Letter that Yunho 加入 in with Yoochun?
That's means Yunho is not gay..
Remember in Come To Play?
Hero 老友记 with BoA?
That's means Hero is not gay..
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posted 一年多以前 
younadesu said:
It is not true at all.I've been seeing this kind of 表演 in jrock world as well.
Do 你 know what fanservice means? They do that for plubicity.It is just fooling around.If he was gay we wouldn't hear about his ex's,is it?
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posted 一年多以前 
Naomiyoga said:
Both are not!
the company make the news deliberately .
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posted 一年多以前 
AryaDNamikaze said:
Unfortunately they aint gay... (ehm, yeah that would be cute)...
Not only they feel comfortable with each other but the major reason for "spreading" all this stuff (pics kissing, hugging ect) are for commercial reasons because of the fangirls...
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posted 一年多以前 
shiv_1994 said:
haizz..You shouldn't make it big, since they have been training with each other for a long time so they're close.
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posted 一年多以前 
we know that
KpopLuver posted 一年多以前
lovetvxq said:
Jaejoong and Yunho are called a "pairing". its when some of the public think they look good together. They aren't gay & I dont think Jaejoong has any idea of becoming, but they are very close friends. They joke around a lot like 你 would with your best friend of all time. -aktf! <3
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posted 一年多以前 
Minami-zan said:
No, of course not!....., that 问题 was trying to put him down!.., I belive he's not...
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posted 一年多以前 
GingerPark said:
jaejoong not gay. he turn gay just for yunho ^^ YUNJAE! FIGHT UR LOVE!!
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posted 一年多以前 
Ashoftime said:
well... i know that jaejoong ssi isnt gay..

though im a yunjae shipper my self..xDD
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posted 一年多以前 
JYJ_cassie said:
when 你 see them yeah i wouldn't be so shock if 你 ask are they gay 或者 not.... actually they're not.... that's just Jae being a big brother....
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posted 一年多以前 
JaeMar said:
offcourse they are not!!!! they are just very a loving friends..:)
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posted 一年多以前 
gee_for_yesung said:
No! It's common for Korean men to do that if they are close. Take Jongkey (SHINee's Jonghyun and Key) for example, they are basically a couple! And also, look at SUJU members, they've practically all kissed each other before, and their not gay.
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posted 一年多以前 
Skrapkan said:
It may be difficult to determine if Hero is gay. Very often during the association between Hero, and especially Changmin, there is much touching, holding hands, putting his hand on Changmin's leg, carefully wiping each other's faces, holding each other, and so forth. When one watches the interaction between the original five, and now the duo, the interplay and physicality between each other is very clear. (Even in the video "Why (Keep Your Head Down)" there is a moment when Changmin pushes Hero away. The action, while part of the dance, is done with carefully with respectful delivery, for the effect, and to be believable.)

My best guess, is that is culturally acceptable for 老友记 to be very physical with each other (one sees the same type of interaction in Russia, between friends.

With an American view, it can seem that a whole country has definite gay tendencies.

From a Russian viewpoint, these lads are just very good friends--and it is heart-warming that they are so very close after all these years together (quite often such professional demands can cause difficulties).
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posted 一年多以前 
nanmijaejoong said:
It is impossible .hero is so sexy and lady killer.some people think like this because they did not know exactly about him.they say that possible only base on his unique cute and perfect face.
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posted 一年多以前 
yes, i agree with 你
jungyeonhee posted 一年多以前
selenajyp said:
why not is gay people not human and let's face it jae lived with 8 sisters so it's not impossible for him to be gay 或者 bi sexual
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posted 一年多以前 
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