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House - Watch With Kirstin =(



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I don't bother watching it. Judging by your description I say whatever is in the video is a bad thing and I don't want to ruin my Cuddy-hyped moment just because of what she says.

KJ always jerk us around, nothing new. No wonder half the fandom 'hates' her
posted 一年多以前.
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Ausanny said:
I hope that you're right. Really coz I'm really crush
posted 一年多以前.
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WHat do the say? I can't watch it :(
posted 一年多以前.
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Kristin tells us that Katie Jacobs says that Lucas will be around for a while...


The first scene of the episode made me crack up and go like "Haha..." and the last scene made me go "Poor House. Stupid Lucas."
posted 一年多以前.
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This sucks. It sucks for many reasons. Here are mine:

1. serious Luddy for a long time means it's unlikely that Huddy will get together asap after the breakup, so... it's just gonna be longer and longer and longer.

2. serious Luddy for a long time also means that if House does address his feelings for Cuddy, it's gonna be like with Stacy all over again - and i hate it. It's stupid and unfair for a relationship such as theirs to go through the "i'm not sure whom i really want" and "oh, i feel guilty 'cause i have a boyfriend" bullshit.

3. serious Luddy for a long time most probably means House does NOT address his feelings in any open way. So the Huddy friendship grows deeper, but the romantic side is never mentioned, so it will be even more frustrating than ever.

4. serious Luddy for a long time means that they will probably be tempted to get House a new sexual or romantic interest too. It's just stupid and demeaning for a man like House to sit around drooling after an unavailable woman for so long, so TPTB will probably try to make him look more macho by getting him some too. And that just sucks.

Lucas, go away, man! Just go away.
posted 一年多以前.
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Belle0308 said:
DB, I am not disagreeing with you, but I think the same could be said for Cuddy too. I mean, how many relationshiips has House had to Cuddy's 1 ? I mean, the one date they showed her on House came and interrupted and the guy left.

Shipping Huddy seems to be an exercise in frustration. TPTB have been gambling that after last season, the Huddy fans would'nt get too frustrated with this season to stop watching. KJ just alerted the Huddy fanbase that it won't get better soon. Of course, I tend to think that the only reason I am not going bonkers is because I go back and remember the lean times before.

: (
...still hopeful.
posted 一年多以前.
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You guys are so dramatic :)

Luckily for us, theres several more seasons in which Huddy could plausibly happen. Just cause were having a bad stretch HERE AND NOW doesn't mean Huddy is over and done with. Don't worry about it so much, you'll give yourself a heart attack.
posted 一年多以前.
last edited 一年多以前
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wendus92 said:
Anyway, I just found out that this video is a few weeks, maybe months old..which is good news.. :)
posted 一年多以前.
last edited 一年多以前
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Belle0308 said:
Drama...yeppers...thats me. ; )

I am not freaking out, just trying to not get all overly hopeful quite yet.
posted 一年多以前.
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There's still a great deal of hope around, but we should all kept in mind the main reason we love House for it's not really Huddy at all: we love the greatness of the script, the acting and the directing which all allow us to experience a wide wonderful range of emotions we hardly are able to feel with other shows....don't we? :-S

That doens't mean of course I am gonna forgive anyone who will get in the my Happy-Huddy-end way....I would be forced to pray for them to suffer painfully with their favorite ships ;) Measure for measure
posted 一年多以前.
last edited 一年多以前
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bluehue said:
It’s natural to get our Huddy hopes up after some of the eps & scenes we have seen. Our frustration is there because we choose to care as active viewers though are passive to do anything (but share our joy & pain)...kind of like the tension on the show itself. We each must identify in some way with the characters or we wouldn’t bother. I don't like sports metaphors, but your team or ship doesn’t always win..doesn’t mean you stop rooting. In the meanwhile..yes, Bea - it is the quality of the writing, and Delia mentioned (elsewhere) the interpretive richness of the show will keep the faithful forever engaged to the sweet or bitter end.

(I gather my sense of things from the comments here, & not view the vid).
posted 一年多以前.
last edited 一年多以前