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How to throw the perfect 万圣节前夕 party!

Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Something wicKED this way comes....: 13 Steps to Throwing a wicKED 万圣节前夕 Party
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Don\'t be this guy! Read the guide to throw a great party!
    I think we have all been to a Halloween party that was thrown together at the last minute. Only half the people dressed up with a  paper skeleton and or pumpkin taped to the wall for decorations. Pizza and beer was served for snacks while some Ozzy song was droning on in the background. Sometimes they work out.... more often than not, they flop. This guide is here to save you from the curse of the paper skeleton and pizzas!
   For those that are thinking of throwing their first party or are feeling overwhelmed at the prospect, this guide will take you step by step to a successful and fun event. For those seasoned "Power Party People", I hope you find fresh ideas, new twists, and maybe an easier way of throwing a seriously wicKED bash!
   Timing is everything so when should you even start planning? Some people plan the week before. Some start planning in June or earlier. Do what you feel is best for you, but I highly recommend you have started planning your party by October 1st. This way you can get invites out (before others!) and you have time to adjust and recover should problems occur (and they will). In the end.. make sure you have ample time to PLAN!
   Most people hate to plan because it seems like so much work... in reality, planning can cut your total input time by half.
wicKED tip! Do yourself a favor and get a large dry erase board to assist you in planning. I have used one for years to help me stay on track, weigh options, and remind me of things. Laugh if you will, but this will be a great tool for you! (I also use spreadsheets and calendar reminders. If I didn\'t I would lose it).
   Since you are reading this, you obviously have the desire to throw a Halloween party so you have already crossed the first hurdle. Now to the good stuff.
    The most important part of a Halloween party is where to have it. the location can control :
What type of party (adult, children, mixed, to drink or not to drink).
How many people to invite (max capacity is very important)
   Ideally the party should be at your home, or the home of a very close relative or friend. This will take lots of stress away from decorating, prep work, storage etc. It is better to have weeks to decorate and prepare rather than 24-48 hours from a rental places (banquet hall etc).
   What if you don\'t have a house or your place is on the small side? Here are some options to think about :
: (make sure it is legal, don\'t trespass) Bonfires make party hubs, just make sure you are safe and have shelter in case of rain. Some of the best Halloween parties I can recall from youth were at a friends private home in the woods. Creepy forest, campfire, river, small swampy area. We had a blast.
: This is great for some but it does limit your prep time and enforces a hard start and stop for your party. Also you have a short clean up window and must be extra careful with the property. Not to mention hauling your decorations back and forth. If you have no other options, this can still be a wonderful place to party if you work at it.
wicKED tip! I always try to have my party at my residence. Less worry about prep and cleanup. No hauling of decorations and the house rules are yours. I set up a combination of indoor and outdoor areas for my guests. It can get claustrophobic after hours in any house. People need to stretch their legs, get a breath of fresh air, or smoke so outdoors it is. Fire pit, tiki torches, and the autumn night is a great mood enhancer. I always decorate my outdoor area for my guests as well.
   For the purposes of this guide, we will assume you are decorating a private property and have ample prep time.
Step 2. The basics (aka. the who, what, and whens):
   Now that you have the where, lets knock out the other basic questions of having a successful party:
 : Who are you planning to invite? Get a list together now (on your dry erase board) and see how many you will invite and how many you THINK will show.
 : What type of party is it? Children, adult, mixed? Will there be a theme? Costume required? Do guests need to bring anything? Will there be food and drink? Games or other entertainment?
 : Where you have your party and who you invite can effect this greatly. What time will it start? Will there be a hard stop?  What day?
   Speaking from experience, you do not want to have a ghoulish get together during the week. Most people work weekdays and it would effect their energy levels and time they can commit. There are exceptions to this. I knew a bunch of nurses that all worked weekends so they had the party on a Wednesday  (because they were off wed thur and most of the people they worked with were on this schedule as well).
   As to start time, adult parties seem to gravitate to night times, children parties start earlier.
   Will there be a hard stop? Hard stops can be awkward at adult parties so do what you feel is best.
 Halloween itself is a bad day for a party because often, your guests have kids that trick or treat and yard haunters haunt. As a rule of thumb in wicKED land, the wicKED weeKEnD party always falls on the Saturday before Halloween. This gives you Friday night for prep and Sunday for clean/recovery time. Also, invite your guests about an hour or two earlier than you plan for the party to be in full swing. People are notoriously late, especial when they have to dress up, so my start time is 7pm with a 9pm peak target. I do not enforce an hard stop. During the wicKED weeKEnD, the party stops when my guests do.
Step 3. To Theme or not to Theme (and lots of other questions):
   There seems to a be a modern trend for themed Halloween parties. I have been to my fair share of theme events and I am on the fence if one should theme or not. Let\'s weigh our options:
Fun time from "oneupsmanship" as people try to out do others with their individual interpretation of the theme.
A number of games and contest can easily come from themes.
Limits individual creativity of both host and guest.
Takes out some of the surprise factor of host\'s decor and guests costumes.
Can deter some guests that do not like the theme (can\'t please everybody).
Guests may not have the know how or means to dress for the theme.
   With that being said here are some themes that I have experienced :
: Everybody dresses as a ghost. This can be from a sheet with holes to a full on latex application. The decor was "haunted" and yard was grave yard.
 : You guessed it, you have to come as a famous person who has passed on. I saw 5 Elvis\'s at that party (3 fat, 1 skinny, 1 ghost of Elvis) and the house was done up in lots of glam and glitter from the skulls to the pumpkins.
: I actually liked this one. Jason , Freddy, and Mike were all in attendance. Also saw some Dracs and a few Franks. The banquet hall was done up in old movie posters and memorabilia as well as a healthy dose of jack-o-lanterns.
: Nuff said. Everybody comes as the walking dead. The yard and house were decorated as a graveyard with the kitchen looking like a mad scientist lab/morgue. Toxic waste symbols were everywhere as well as Zombie posters. This was lots of fun. There were no napkins or flat ware, just plates so everybody was eating with their hand. This prompted people to "eat like zombies". As I recall there were lots of red sauces and salsa as well as pasta and BBQ items... it was gruesomely great!
: Just clowns... the good, the bad, the ugly.... and the evil. Circus theme prevailed throughout. Circus music  was drifting eerily through the LARGE outdoor tent it was housed in. Coulrophobics beware!
: Real ones, not the shiny ones. The yard was a graveyard, lots of coffins and caskets. The house was old style Victorian Manor haunt. Lots of bats, candles, and spider/spider webs. Red wine, red sauce, red velvet cake, anything red or bloody was served.
: Never experienced this one, but I saw it on TV. Old black bandit style masks, plastic face masks held on with a rubber string. Classic old decorations everywhere. Apple bobbing, charades, and cake walks were in full force. Candy corns, caramel apples, and punch were treats.
: Everybody wears UV reactive costumes or makeup (almost like a modern day rave but for Halloween).
This was in a dark basement. Lots of UV reactive bottles, and pictures on the wall. Some UV reactive items as well.  This was before the time we knew about making glowing edibles and drinks. If only I could send my recipes back in time!
: Mummies, Pharaohs, Cleopatras, Anubis, and archaeologist complete with pith helmets were costumes of choice. Excavations tents were erected in the front of the old three story house. Sarcophagi and hieroglyphs decoration everywhere. Even your mummy can come to this one.
: A week before the party, everybody draws a letter out of  a hat. You then come up with a costume that starts with that letter (ie. I draw B so I went as Big Bird). I did not like this theme much to be honest.
: If my name was Bill Gilley, my initials would be B.G. I would then need to come up with a costume that has my initials in it\'s name. Bill Gilley would go as big gorilla. Angie Mullins could go as angry man. This is another lame party them in the book of all things wicKED.
: Choose a specific movie and decorate and dress accordingly. Some ideas are Star Wars, Harry Potter, Twilight (vomit), and Friday the 13th just to name a few.
   Other ideas for theme parties include, witches, sexy, gender swap, profession swap, asylum, country (with hay rides and scarecrows), animals, angels/devils, 70\'s, gangster, and pirates just to name a few. For further information on themes, go to the Amazing Party Themes website. There is tons of great info an I am sure you will find something that will meet your needs. (Thanks to Pumpkinrot for posting the link!)
   This guide will assume you have chosen no theme and just a good old fashioned Halloween Party is on your roster.
wicKED tip: I personally do not throw themed parties. I very much enjoy leaving the artistic licensing of costumes to my guest. I decorate with an eclectic mix of Halloween. There is usually a graveyard in the front yard with Jack-o-lanterns and scarecrows leering through the shadows in back. A mad scientist lab takes over the kitchen table. Bathrooms  are the scenes of a bloody murder, and a nice mix of movie monster and zombies for good measure. I also want my guests to be surprised at my choice of costume, foods , and decor. The wicKED weeKEnD Party celebrates all things Halloween as the theme.
  :  People get hungry and thirsty. A good host provides. A great host provides wicKED Recipes tailored for Halloween. This would be a good time to decide if you are going to shoulder the entire cooking burden. Do you have a co host that is helping? Will you require your guests to bring items? How much time, effort and money will you be able/willing to put into the menu?
    At bare minimum, the host should provide a variety of drinks and a few standard snack.  At most, the host should see the menu from cradle to grave. As the host/hostess cups, plates, flatware and napkins are also your responsibility. The old adage of "If you want something done right..." comes to mind. A happy medium can be reached depending on your situation.
wicKED tip! I always make enough food and drinks for my guest so that if NOBODY else brings anything, we still have sufficient amounts of refreshments. I do, however, tell people they CAN bring anything they want. This is after I reveal to them what I plan on making, but it is not a requirment at all. This will allow another creative outlet for your guests. I have had people bring everything from a bag of dry ice for the cooler to a full on roasted pig! It\'s good clean fun to see what gross things your guests can come up with!
   Whatever you decide, the main thing is not to over extend your finances or time. With smart shopping and the right recipes, you can provide some really great food items for under $50 bucks. Some rules to followe are:
 (don\'t forget to budget in cups, plates etc)
Don\'t be afraid to ask for help.(just make sure if you ask for actual cooking assistance, you get it from a reliable person).
Ensure you have ample time to prepare the foods.
   I have had great luck with putting together Halloween pot lucks with my guests in the past. If you choose to go this route, it will require some further planning and logistics on your part. It does greatly lightens the load of cooking and cost to you, however you may run into issues of guest that don\'t show with a vital dish or "forget" so be prepared.
wicKED tip! Right before you make your food purchases for the party, clean out your fridge from head to toe (even though that green fuzzy thing in the back looks like a Halloween prop, dump it). This helps you in two ways, first it gives you a nice clean fridge to show off when your guests, inevitably, open up for a peek. Secondly, and most important, it makes sure you have room for any food and drinks you have to prep before hand AND it ensures you have sufficient storage space for any leftovers you may have. Don\'t neglect the freezer... having room for an extra bag of ice or sherbet is always a wicKED thing to have.
 : If you intend to serve alcohol at your party, be the responsible host/hostess and assume the role of bartender. This way you control the amount of happy juice going into your guest and help prevent party fouls, ghastly gagging, or other embarrassing moments (it also keeps your best friend from draining your top shelf vodka you got while visiting Russia).
   Be the best host/hostess by ensuring your beastly boozers have a designated driver, a place to crash at your place, a Hotel/Motel withing walking distance, or some other alternative mode of transportation (taxi, bus, a pre-arranged pickup). It\'s ok to get you and your guests to get their drink on, just do it responsibly.
   If you suck at bar tending, or you are unwilling to do so, find a level headed person willing to do it for you (or just have a dry party).
wicKED tip! Being the bartender lets you easily mingle with all your guests as the bar/food area tends to be a busy place at any party. Use big glasses and dispensers so you will have time to mingle elsewhere with your guest. Deciding on what mixed drinks you want ahead of time will allow you to pre-mix many of the ingredients and be ready to go in minutes when empty glasses appear!
   Every party waxes and wanes like the moon. During any lulls, do you plan to have entertainment? You don\'t have to plan any games or entertainment (I mean you are at a Halloween Party! what more could you want?) but I would suggest you at least have a small game or skit planned as an ice breaker. You can decide to schedule the entertainment and what time it starts (and put it on invites) or just let it roll and spring it when the mood seems right.
  What kind of entertainment can you provide to a Halloween party? I have complied a list of things that I have experienced that may work out well for you:
: This seems almost mandatory. You can have prizes, ribbons, trophies (all of these you can buy very cheaply at most Halloween outlets or mega retail store) or just have the honor of saying somebody won! Set up a central location and display voting rules.
 Provide a means to vote (pen and paper) and a suitable container for votes. You can make categories such as sexiest, scariest, most original, funniest, or just vote for the best costume  It\'s up to you, but it\'s a lot of fun for your guest.
: The best ice breakers involve everybody at the party. They are easy to come up with too. The best ones have a Halloween overtone. Some of the ones I have experimented with are:
Halloween Charades - easy to come up with a few index cards with Halloween things on them.
Halloween Pictionary - another easy game. Just use index cards with Halloween words on them and use your large dry erase board (the one you did all your planning on remember?) Split your guests into teams.
Horror Movie Trivia - again easily adapted.
Halloween Who am I - one at a time, each guest pulls an index card out of a hat. The card will have a suitable Halloween character on it (ie. Vampire, Black Cat, Jason). Without the player seeing it, the host then tapes it to that person\'s forehead so that the word is visible to the other guest. The player then has to ask, in turn, the other guests a question about what they are. The guests cannot say what the player is or hint at it, only answer direct questions (except what am I). Starting with 100 points, each question they ask subtracts 1 point. Each wrong guess also takes away a point until either the player hits 0 or they get it right and keep their remaining points.
Hide and seek - don\'t laugh as this was one of the best things I ever did at a Halloween party. It was in a big forested back yard.Very creepy and cool!
Murder Mystery - one of your guests ends up murdered! Have clues throughout the house that lead to the killer (takes some pre-planning on you and your accomplices parts).
   Other ideas for games could be Name that Halloween tune, What scary movie is this clip from, Pin the tail on the werewolf, bobbing for apples (or brains if you are having a zombie theme) or blindfolded Marco Pollo in the back yard (known as ghost in the graveyard when I was little).
 : This would be great for large parties with lots of room. Try and find some Halloween songs for the band to play or have your DJ prepare Halloween music!
 : I actually did this back in my college days. You take a basic Walmart ghost costume ($15.98) and you entertain your guests by adding simple props to it Then make your guests guess what you have now evolved into (ie. paper sideburns for Ghost of Elvis, a pencil and paper for a ghost writer, a sailor hat and stomping motions for Staypuff Marshmellow Man, a bike tire for the Michelin Man, etc). This is huge fun, but the host (or other victim) has to be willing to be the center of attention for a bit and prepare the props ahead of time.
: A wicKED favorite. Choose at least 3 teams of 2 people each. One is the mummy, one is the embalmer. Blindfold both and give them three rolls of toilet paper. The first one to completely wrap their mummy wins! (This is a lot of fun especially after the bar has been open for a bit). You can do several groups of teams or brackets for the best of the best. The winning team gets......lots of toilet paper!
: Have a list of  Halloween items that everybody has to go out (into the dark backyard or creepy attic/basement) and gather. First one back wins! In this modern age, everybody has cell phones so it would be great to just to have the first person back with a picture of all items on list winning. That way you could include your decorations as hunt items without guests tearing them down and hauling them back to you.
 : For safety\'s sake, do this FIRST before the bar opens. You could make it a speed carving contest. If you do, I would suggest you use the much safer carving kits rather than sharp knifes. This will avoid attracting unwanted zombies with severed fingers.
I went to a party once that had a 6pm pumpkin carving contest prior to the actual party. Everybody had one hour to be as creative as possible. At the end of the night, the group all voted and a prize was given for best pumpkin. The plus here is your guest carve your pumpkins for you and they can then be added to the decor of the party.
 :  This involves passing one of those mini pumpkins (apple sized) around the room without using any hands. Best played by splitting your guests into two teams and forming two long rows. First to deposit the pumpkin across the finish line wins. A variation on this game is "Pass the Ghost Poo". Form two lines. Give each player a toothpick between their teeth. Now they have to pick up the ghost poo "marshmallow" and pass it to the next person without using anything other than the toothpick clenched in their teeth. The winning group is first to deposit the poop!
: Really good if you have an outdoor area with fire pit or a creepy basement/attic. Encourage your guests to tell their best! (For some ideas, read my blog archives)
 : You can try the real deal or, with some pre-planning and a couple of accomplices, stage a great fright fest. Dust off that crystal ball! Ouija Boards and Tarot Card reading play well here too if you or one of your guest is willing to lead!
   I am sure there are many more. Search for your own forms of entertainment at your party or come up with a brand new one!
wicKED tip! I always have at least three things planned to do at a party besides the mandatory costume contest. Some times I only get one in but they are there if I need them. I try not to schedule them, just let them happen as the normal flow of the party warrants it. I have scheduled bigger events in the past,  like a band or a DJ. I make sure to mention it on the invites. I would also give notice to  pumpkin carving contest, costume contest, or speaking to the dead to build anticipation and let guests know to be prepared.
 : Before your guests can get in the party, they have to get to the party. Do you have suitable parking at your place?  Is there a public area nearby that guests can walk and or be ferried to and from the party? 
   If you have great neighbors, you can ask them if you can use their drive way for parking (after you invite them to the party of course). If parking is tight and you have no other options, you may have to do some creative suggested car pooling among your guests. (Designated Drivers are great here by killing two birds with one stone).
: Setting up your home to ensure people are not lost, forgotten, or go roaming where they are not wanted is key. You will need to decide what parts of your house you want to declare party zones and what parts are better left unseen (such as that back bedroom you just piled high with empty Halloween totes). For those areas you do not want guests in, just close the door and use those "do not cross" police ribbons they sell at this time of year. You can also cover it up with cloth and hang a creepy picture on it as if it were a wall, or place a static prop in the way.
wicKED tip! I always use my life size Jeepers Creepers prop to keep people out of rooms they shouldn\'t be in. It works great plus he is shocking to see if you\'re not paying attention.
 : Decide where the gathering points for your party will be in your home. Logically, your house party should have three key gathering points. These being food/eating area, central party area itself, and an outdoor or transition area if possible. More designated gathering points than that and you run the risk of several small groups forming around your house (ie. Your friends hang in the Den where you set up the beer keg, her friends hang in the back bedroom watching Twilight where you set up the desserts, your co workers are in the kitchen looking for more booze at your bar, and your neighbors are in your backyard eating off one of 3 buffet tables you set up around the house). It is great to have theme rooms and decor but focus your entertainment efforts to loosely contain your party as a group as much as possible. This will help you be a good host/hostess as well as encourage mingling and camaraderie. It will also have the added benefit of  keeping your creepy co worker from going through your girlfriends underwear drawer.
   Keep your food and drink to one area such as kitchen, dinning room, outdoor patio. Focus your seating, and music to the living room, large dinning room or great room. Having a third party focal point is just icing on the cake. It\'s a good choice to keep your focal points adjoining each other, if possible, to avoid people getting lost in the transition. This will also help you easily gather the crowd for entertainment.
wicKED tip! I am lucky enough to have my kitchen and living room flow into each other. The outdoor area I set up has a bank of five large windows from the kitchen overlooking it. 
All of these are adjoining each other. That way, no matter where my guests go, they are in ear shot of one another. I went to a party a few years ago in a huge sprawling house. I was lucky to see the same person twice in one night due to poor logistics.
 : Do a sound check with a partner. Have them play some sample sound tracks and music you plan on having at the party. Make sure it is in the spot it will be played from during the event. Walk around the perimeter of your neighborhood with your friend on your cell phone.  This way you can gauge an acceptable level for your effects and music without being a neighborhood nuisance.
No! Not that kind. It is time to put your plan into action. By now, you should have who, what, when, and where all planned. Let\'s get some people up in your party! 
    I highly recommend you send some form of invite. This keeps your capacity and food (booze) cost manageable as well as prevents non desirables, party poopers, and stray zombies from crashing your shindig. Invitations should be sent to your guests with an RSVP request so you can better plan food and capacity.
   If you send your invites too soon, people will forget. Too late and people already commit to other things. You know your guest best so send them when you feel is the right time.
   There is a big debate on hand written(printed) invites and electronic. Both have merits and pitfalls. Let\'s weigh them out :
 : Very personal. There is great room for creativity and you can give your guests a keepsake.  They don\'t have to be on paper but if you use other media, you may have to hand deliver them and lose the conveinyance of the US Postal service. Crafty people have sent paper coffins, origami pumpkins, even skulls as an invitation. You don\'t have to be crafty to be cool. There are all kinds of invitation out there for sale as well as templates for downloading online. As far as RSVP, unless you are going to put a self addressed envelope in with the invite, don\'t expect many returns (even then they will be few and far between). 
 : Not as personal, but with today\'s tech, you can sure make it that way. Use any number of E-Card sites to send an invite. You can also use your favorite social networking tool like FACEBOOK to set up an event and invite your peeps. Try making  a short movie or slideshow and email them. Even a Media Text to your group can do it. There are just as many creative venues to use as with paper invites, but this gives you greater control over tracking. With Electronic invites, you can track when a person has read the invite and even send reminders every now and then with any updates. 
   Whichever way you decide to go, just make it memorable and fun!
   Also, consider inviting your adjoining neighbors, even if you know they will not come. Why you may ask? If your party gets loud, or people park close to their driveways, they will remember you invited them and, hopefully, not contact the authorities ;)
wicKED tip! I always send out invites October 1st so people have time to prepare, schedule time off, get a sitter, etc. I make an event on Facebook and invite from there. I add pics from past years parties and put all relevant info pertaining to the upcoming one that is needed. For those guests that do not use Facebook (gasp! there are a few) I use the option to email that event to their personal email account (yep Facebook is that cool). RSVP is a click away and you soon will have a pretty good idea of how many people will be at your bash. I send a follow up to the event group every week to build the suspense and to keep people excited.
Step 8. If clothes make the man....then decor makes the party :
     Decorating for your party is crucial for a good time. Whether you go minimalist or overboard, make sure you do something to signify the Holiday. If you are a yard haunter, or like to decorate for you trick or treaters, then you are already halfway there. If you went with a theme, then your have a pretty good outline of what your looking for.
 : People tend to appreciate details, especially Halloween fans. I would recommend you decorate all rooms that your guest will have access to as well as any outdoor areas such as patio, backyard, or deck that you will want your guests to mingle around. First impressions are key so make sure they get a vibe for the party as they walk in (who doesn\'t turn their front yard into a grave yard for their guests?). Some ideas for great decor are below:
Swap out normal pictures for lenticular or other scary printed pics.
Use your newly emptied Halloween totes for your every day what-nots, flower arrangements, vases, candy dishes etc. Replace them with Halloween equivalents.    
Place a variety of rubber snakes, rats, and bugs in among your food. Even in your fridge, medicine cabinet and kitchen cubbards for nosy guests ;)
Motion Sensor props. Great for a scare as your guest move about. Dropping spiders, screaming paintings, lunging rats or zombies.... a few of these are sure to be a hit. (I always put a Haunted Hedge in my philodendron that sits in my kitchen) 
Bloody hand prints on mirrors in bathrooms are great or write out in fake blood "HELP ME" or "BEHIND YOU"
Lighting. Lights set the mood, black lights, red, orange, and green. Even a dark room with a few well placed candles and jacko\'s would be great.
Use a fog machine to set the mood as your guests enter your party. Add a fog chiller for a super creep factor! (use outdoors only please)
Throw a skeleton in your pond or outdoor fountain. Make it look like it\'s escaping. (In fact, sprinkle as many skeletons as you can throughout)
Put a full standing prop or skeleton in your guest bath tub. Add a thin translucent shower curtain for added effect!
Creepy Cloth makes great replacements for your standard curtains. It looks good thrown over lamps too. If you have extra (or other black material) cover your furniture.
If you have hardwood floors, bring in some real dry leaves for a haunted mansion type feel (they sweep up easily and, trust me,  you will have worse on your floors by morning)
Candles are great. Just be careful as they can cause fires with long flowing costumes and spider webs everywhere. I recommend using LED or flicker bulb candles for safety. 
Spider webs. Use them anywhere you would imagine a spider putting a web if your house was abandoned for a year. Use the pull kind in a bag or get a really cool Webcaster for realism. 
Place a tape body outline anywhere in the house for conversation. 
Scary DVD on repeat. The average home has 3 TV sets. Put in a horror flick ,set it on repeat, and let it go.
Sound effect and or music. Midnight Syndicate is great for this. There are tons of Halloween CD\'s available in retail stores or you can go to Scary Sounds of Halloween and download hundreds of  Halloween sound track for free! There is also Halloween Radio that is 24/7 Halloween related tunes and they even take requests!  I recommend having some form of sound effects at your entrance and some good music in your central party area. You can go above and beyond by providing specific effects for your various themes around the house (if you wish). 
wicKED tip!  Check with your cable or dish provider for music stations. Comcast provides a music channel called "Sounds of the Season". This channel has thousands of great Halloween songs of all genre accompanied by a Halloween slideshow. You can use some of those TVs you own to pump pure Haunted goodness into any room that has one.
 : Room themes can be used unless you are going for an overall party theme. Room themes give your guests a variety of atmospheres to enjoy. Every room (or area) does not have to have it\'s own theme, but it is cool to have one or two to show off. Some of the best room themes I have encountered are as follows:
Go crazy with some fake blood in your glass shower or tub for a murder scene. Add some body parts and a chainsaw for an over the top effect.
Make a spare bedroom into a wake complete with skeletal corpse on the bead. 
Turn your den into a movie monster room as you play some classics scary movies. 
 I did this one year in my home office. I played the classic NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD on an old floor model TV. Set the DVD to repeat and then places several zombie props around as they "watched TV".
Turn your kitchen into a mad scientist lab complete with test tubes, glow in the dark beakers, and other concoctions (especially if they are edible). 
   Don\'t neglect your designated outdoor party areas. Make a crazy (pretend) ritual area in your back yard with a fire pit and some skull torches. Or just another graveyard, the point being make it an interesting place for your guests to visit. 
wicKED tip! I turned my back yard into Camp Crystal Lake. Complete with campfire, picnic area, tent, wooden sign and, of course my chicken wire Jason. I had him stand just out of range of the firelight. I also had a CD player on repeat playing the theme from Friday the 13th.
 I could write pages and pages of other ideas but the point is DECORATE. Halloween comes around once a year. Make the most out of it!
   I don\'t think you can go overboard with your creativity, but you can go overboard on time. If you do plan to go all out, make sure you have have time, and help,  to do everything you envision. It does you no good to stay up all night before the party trying to finish stuff. You will pay for it during your party. This is why many Halloween enthusiast, myself included, start decorating the last week in September!
wicKED tip! While you are putting out your Halloween, this is a perfect opportunity to put up you valuables and breakables in preparation for your party. Anything you do not want out where it could be "party fouled" ,broken, or stolen should be wrapped safety away in your Halloween totes where they can await their eminent return in November. If you are like me, you will have several totes filled with everyday items. I stack them in my back office in a vaguely coffin shape, and cover them with a black sheet . Put a skeleton on top and you have another cool decor item that is really just you hiding your junk!
   It\'s party time! Put your plan into action and have fun!
 :  The smart party host/hostess will have all electronics, music, sound effects, fog machines, animatronics, and battery operated nightmares ready to go 30 minutes before your designated party start time. Now go and greet your guests.
   After that, you can pretty much put yourself in cruise control and let your carefully planned pieces fall into place. Just be prepared for something to go wrong. A light will pop. Fog machine run out of juice. Somebody party fouls the punch bowl. It happens, just roll with the punches and be ready.
   A few things to have on hand during the party to ensure smooth sailing are:
Ice...get an extra cooler full just in case
Spare bag of chips hidden away. If you need it, it\'s there. If not, you will eat it during the next football game.
Stockpile paper towels and old rags. Be ready with stain lifter spray especial if you have red sauce and drinks around light carpet.
Set up some personal reminders on your cell to remember specific events. 
wicKED tip! I set up reminders for me to check my fog machine every 2 hours. This is so it  does\'t run out of ice or fog juice and run the risk of damaging the unit. The same reminder goes for my tiki torches and fire pit.
Spare batteries. Especially if you have a bunch of battery operated decor.
Have a few designated "go to" people in case of trouble (ie, drunken argument, fight, major cleanup, Zombie Apocalypse). These will be the people you turn to for assistance and you can trust in a pinch.
Have buckets of water around any fire sources such as fire pits or torches. (also have extra torch oil and wood for the fire).
Extra seats on hand. Spare lawn chairs close by etc.
Ensure all bathrooms are OVER stocked with toilet paper and air freshener. Your guests, who just tried your Hell Fire Chili with Demon Sauce, will thank you.
Duct Tape. It fixes anything from a broken lawn chair to your life size scarecrow that just lost an arm.
Spare costumes. It never of your guests or their +1 comes without wearing a costume. Have your spares ready to keep them from becoming a sore thumb in the crowd. wicKED tip! I always buy up tons of costumes after Halloween just for occasions like this. I get complete sets for $2.50. Keep your eye out for simple things for your undressed guests such as pirate hats, plastic sword, and vest for a fast pirate. Flowing black robes have endless possibilities with any cheap accessory. 
   As the host/hostess, make sure you do your best to keep the party at optimal levels. Involve shy or quiet people in the entertainment. Introduce people to one another. Offer food and drink to those that have none and encourage all to let loose and have a good time. On that same note try to keep it below riot levels. Be the cooler head and the voice of reason when needed. The biggest thing to do now is enjoy the fruits of your labors and celebrate!
 : Of special note to pet owners. Take precautions for your four legged friends. If you have inside cats or dogs that are prone to running away every time the door is open, they may have to spend the night in a back room, kennel, or with a family member. This may also be the way to go if your furry friend is sensitive to strangers or large crowds. The same precautions should be taken for your finned, feathered, and scaled family members. Usually a posted sign warning against opening cages and tanks is sufficient.
wicKED tip! We are lucky in that our two feline family members just head to the back office and curl up in the lap of one of our zombies during The wicKED weeKEnD. As for our large fish tank, I just put a few nice Halloween decorations on the lid to help avert any guests who may want to drop a treat in.
   Make sure you document your party with lots of pictures and videos! With all your hard work you will want to remember it. Take before, during, and after pictures. That way you can share with others, reflect and remissness, and use them to help plan out next years party. I know I am always trying to remember where I put this item or how I had such and such posed. Take close ups of your food before the hordes dig in. Get those nice stills of the front entrance before cousin George backs into it. make sure you get candid shots of your party in full swing to make cherished memories last a life time.
   Taking pictures and shooting videos may seem a daunting task with all the other duties you have assumed as the host/hostess. Hopefully your guests will take their fair share of pictures and video to share with you. I have  used a few tactics in the past to ensure really cool photo and videos at my parties. Listed below are a few ideas you may want to employ to help you :
 : This is an old wedding tactic. Put a few disposable cameras around with  a note attached encouraging your guests to take lots of pics! I have seen Halloween disposable cameras in the past you could use if your lucky. If you have the extra digital cameras (or the money to spring for them)  they can be used as well.
 : These are motion activated digital cameras you can bolt/Velcro in place. They will grab candid photos as your guests pass by them. Make sure to place them away from the main hub of action to avoid having a thousand pictures of your tipsy neighbor doing the Cha Cha.
wicKED tip! I once used 2 of these at a party. I placed one by a motion activated prop and got some GREAT pictures of my guests being caught off guard. The other I put at the entrance to get an action shot of my guests entering. 
 : Another old wedding tactic. Start a video camera up with a fresh tape and start passing it off. Have your guests state their name, what they are dressed as and wish everybody a Happy Halloween. This is a great way to get some great candid videos to share.
 : In a spare room, set up a video camera on a tripod. Have it aimed in on a seat with instructions how to start and stop it. Decorate the room to looks like a funeral parlor, crypt, or mad scientist lair. Invite your guests to drop in and have a chat like they do on most reality TV shows.
wicKED tip! I saw this done once and it was a lot of fun. The hostess had the camera hooked into a computer so it ran non stop. That way her guests did not have to fool with turning it on or off. 
 : Create a scene that requires your guest to take part in. You can use wooden figures with face holes like you see at many carnivals, dummies with no heads so your guests can stand behind them, or just a creepy scene that your guests can pose for pictures in front of.
wicKED tip! The best I have seen was a fake guillotine scene. There was room for one guest in the stock awaiting the blade as another guest took the rope as executioner. Made for great photos. 
 : Just set a video camera up and let it rip. Set it up high on a bookshelf over looking your party or your buffet. Just make sure your guests know it is there (don\'t be too creepy!).
 : What better way to document your party than a shot of the whole motley crew of misfits. It takes less than 5 minutes to gather the crowd and set up a camera with a timer.
   I am guilty myself of not taking enough pictures. I find myself often wishing I had a picture of some cool food item or decoration. Don\'t add regret to your list of party items ;)
Step 11. To all good things must come an end:
   It\'s sad, but true. Your party will eventually draw to a close. If you have been smart with your planning, your guests will be safe and sound with a designated driver, secondary ride, or a place to crash for the night (or morning if it was a truly wicKED event). There are a few things you need to be conscious of at the end of your bash. The life of a Haunted Host hangs on a for a few hours after the fun stops.
 : You will have all manner of battery operated and electrical things to see to. As your last guests are on their way, you need to do a full sweep to flip switches, pop batteries, and pull plugs.
 : If you used torches, fire pit, or candles, extinguish them safely.  Go through and dip your candles in some water and pour out that pit with a bucket of water. See that your torches are sufficiently smothered and out before storage!
 : Those hot wings may be haunting your stomach, but unless you want to find some haunted odors and supernatural flies, better stow away the ghoulish goodies. Anything perishable needs to hit the fridge or freezer (you cleaned it out like I suggested right?). Make sure your pop and other adult beverages have their screw caps on tight. Ensure any containers of ice are disposed of to avoid condensation and ruining nearby items.
 : If you put any of your higher end props outside for show, you may want to retrieve them. Unless you have video surveillance or live in the perfect neighborhood they could be targets for theft. If you have any concerns don\'t forget to retrieve your reapers. Just pile them in your out building or laundry room. There will be plenty of time to finesse them in the morning.
   Congratulations! You just pulled off a great party! Pat yourself on the back and hit the hay! You got another big day tomorrow. There are spills to soak, trash to tether, and stuff to stow. All that can wait till morning. Time to drift off into dream land while you reflect on your success.
   If you are very fortunate, you have some close friends that will come over and help in the recovery process. Be prepared to form a small "lost and found" bin for costume parts, cameras, cell phones, keys etc. It\'s now time to take back your home with some good old fashioned elbow grease.
wicKED tip! If you used fake blood on any glass or plastic, clean that up within 24 hours to avoid staining.    If you chose to throw your party before Halloween (most yard haunters do), then you will want to do some maintenance checks on your gear if you plan on making a show for trick or treaters.  Fog machines, strobes, animatronics, and lighting will all need to be tested for functionality before show time and now is as good a time as any. Make repairs or replacements as needed. Batteries will most likely need changing before showtime also.
   While I am sure luck plays a part in a great Halloween Party, don\'t let your success hinge on it. This will  most likely not be your last Boo Bash so learn from your mistakes and your triumphs. You probably  had a few things happen that were just GREAT and a few that were.... not so great. If you are like me, you probably had a few flashes of inspiration during your party and may have even been inspired by the creativity of your guests. Don\'t loose these nuggets of knowledge to the sands of time (a year is a long time to trust your aging brain to keep details). Sit down and jot some notes on what you would do exactly the same and what you would do differently. Shoot yourself an email or print it out and drop it in with your party supplies as you box them up for next year. By doing this, you will ensure your future parties evolve, improve, and run smother than ever.
   Now it is time to reward yourself for a job well done. Sit back, relax, look through your party pictures and videos, and start finishing off those party leftovers sitting in your fridge.
   I hope you found this guide helpful in pulling off a great party. At the least, I may have inspired you to try something new. This guide has been a labor of love spanning years with hours of work to bring it to life. If you reproduce it in any way, (or link it) please give credit where credit is due. Feedback is always welcomed and with help, this document will continue to grow with new insight and ideas as the years go by. Check back often for new entries!
2014 Haunted Attractions Near Wise County VA
2013 Haunted Attractions Near Wise County VA.
Truly wicKED and Haunted Places in Wise County
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"but his horror was still more increased on observ...
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My name is Ked and I am one of the biggest fans of all things Halloween, a Halloween enthusiast if you will. Looking to learn, share, and celebrate all wicKED things. You will find fact, fiction, reviews, rankings, humor, and horror in these pages. I hope to bring the spirit of Halloween to all, especially those that live locally. I have over 20 years experience in the commercial haunted house industry, running haunts for various non profits and charities. I have also worked at the advisory level for two nationally operating Haunted Houses as well as a subject matter expert for a syndicated talk show. I live with my wonderfully supportive wife, M, and our troop of enigmatic feline companions in a valley of the beautiful mountains of South West Virginia. I hope you find my blog as entertaining as I do writing it. Have a wicKED time!
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Artwork By Living Dead Girl Nicole\'s News Blog
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kaos bola clothing real madrid - jual kaos kaki bola real madrid tidak sedikit jejaka anak anak yg mungkin saja mempunyai bisbol rendah t shirt angan angan potensial ditujukan utk akibat...
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Monsters book and 2015 calendar - A book full of monster artwork! Buy it here - Monsters is a collaborative effort between illustrator Emily Hare and I. The book is ...
Halloween Set Pics and Video - I estimated we had about 100 trick or treaters that night. Great weather!. I will probably do the same set next year, may just add a few things. People ...
Until next year - [image: Day of the Dead] A good weekend for remembrance. The Day of the Dead altar will be empty tomorrow. Still finding Halloween things I meant to put ...
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THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR ANOTHER GREAT YEAR!!! - Halloween 2014 is in the grave and we had a BLAST! Thank you to everyone who braved the cold and stopped by the Abbey, we have the BEST neighbors EVER!!! W...
the day after - Lazy rainy day on the couch. Fighting a headache with last night\'s Halloween photos.
Cold and Clammy night at a Haunted House! - *Almost Perfect!* Cold, clammy, overcast, dark, rainy - the kind of night that Halloween Spirits just love. You will probably see them out tonight all ove...
Happy Hallowe'en, dear S&P-brains! - It has happened again --* HALLOWE\'EN!!!* I hope every one of you are enjoying this, our favorite day and night of the year, in any and every way that is im...
Happy Halloween to all from the Deadwood Cemetery 2014! - Wishing everyone a holiday filled with the smell of woodsmoke and burning leaves, laughter, screams and fun! Hope all your haunts stay dry and filled with ...
Shadow of the Hunter - Walking the forests of Western Pennsylvania might provide you with a glimpse of a long-tailed weasel or a plump groundhog. You might spot a coyote or a bla...
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Face Off at Universal Studios Florida HHN - In just over an hour, I will be hiding behind a pillow, mortified to see myself on *Innerspace*. The experience with the team who came to the house was ...
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Frightful Skull Fountains SOLD OUT until 2015! - That's it! Frightful Skull Fountain Kit lucky number 7 just shipped to New York, with kits 5 & 6 going to Australia and England, so I am now sold out for ...
Countdown - 9 Days!!! (the Pinterest Edition) - There have been two things that have been a catalyst to upping my Hallowe\'en game in the past year. *1. SoCal Valley Haunters.* A group of nutty Hallowe\'en...
Contests! - Cat over at Spooky Moon has been crafting a lot of Halloween goodies and she wants to give them away. She\'s asking everyone who\'d like to potentially ta...
Yard of the Living Dead 2014 Part 1 - Preparations are under way for 2014\'s Yard of the Living Dead home haunt. I didn\'t have time to make any new tombstones this year, but I needed to repair a...
More Hollywood Haunter - Just beautiful. I am in AWE. In Glendale and it\'s lit up every night this entire month of October. Hollywood Haunter site: http://www.hollyw...
WEIRD HOLLOW LIVES AGAIN IN THE FORM OF TWITTER - Now you can follow Weird Hollow on Twitter! That\'s right all the weirdness can be found on the Weird Hollow Twitter page. Now go awaaaaaaaaaaay!
Welcome October! - Well, thank God October is here at last! Now, if the Texas weather would start to actually behave like Autumn, all would be well! It\'s been a busy, rough...
Cauldron Creep 3.0 - Frame and Neck Motor Diagrams - One of the biggest improvements over the Cauldron Creep 1.0 was the new neck mechanism I created in Cauldron Creep 2.0. The new design is easy to build, fa...
Well Hells Bells... I forgot this place was here? - * -----------------------------------* *The Walking Dead - Season 5 - Episode 01* *------------------------------- * *How the heck are you, world been treat...
Just so everyone that follows me during Countdown to Halloween knows... - ...I will NOT be using my old Blogger account anymore for the Countdown. Any and all new CtH posts will be on my Tumblr page. Thanks for the memories on he...
Bath and Body Works 2014 Fall Scents - I am so excited for Bath and Body Works 2014 Fall scents! I love this time of year when I can surround myself in everything pumpkin! Bath and Body Works ha...
The New Home of HalloweenOverkill! - It has been far too long my little ghouls and ghosts but finally HalloweenOverkill has found itself a new home right here on weebly (click the giant banner...
Ghost Popper - Hi everyone. Latest take on Ghosts is a ghost tombstone popper. In the video below I show the ghost popper under black light and in action, and I detail ...
See No Evil 2 - Official Trailer - Looks like Jacob Goodnight will be terrorizing a morgue in the sequel film See No Evil 2. Just when we thought Mr. Goodnight died at the end of the ...
Bowflex Diet Rencana Detail - Apakah Anda bingung tentang cara memakai ukuran otot sementara shedding lemak tubuh? Apakah Anda ingin membangun bahwa Tubuh Bowflex? Kemudian Anda perlu ...
Taking it Back: Disney\'s ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter - Opened: June 20th, 1995 Closed: October 12th, 2003 If you visited Disney World\'s Magic Kingdom anywhere between 95\' and 03\' you might remember this ride...
Roswell Tourist - PURCHASE CARDS Remember, if you like any design on the site, but don\'t find it available in the product you want on cafepress, let me know and...
Asus Transformer Pad TF103 Harga Dan Spek Nya - Asus Transformer Pad TF103 dalah tablet deengan kualita tinggi harganya cuma 4 jutann saja loh , ga percaya yu kita simka kelanjutanya beriktu ini : Asus ...
Top 6 Ways to Eliminate Your Credit - If you want to harm your financial situation, these 6 options should be easy enough to look at into any budget. They set your likes you into the wind and p...
Jeffrey Dahmer\'s Childhood Home For Sale - Over the past couple of days, I\'ve come across an article about Jeffrey Dahmer\'s childhood home for sale. Of course I jumped at that article. Jeffrey Da...
#34 Lord Of The Rings? - One of my favorite things about spring here in Arizona is the Renaissance Festival! It\'s always more fun if you can dress up. I sometimes like dressing a...
Be Cool - [image: Be Cool] Be Cool by suicidalblonde featuring a mini coffee pot
Signing Off - It\'s time to brush off the dust and try something new. I will be taking a break to pursue other aspects of my art. Thanks so much for all your comments...
Creepy Christmas 2013 - Creepy Christmas 2013 Because there will be a mess to clean after the murder Yeah, hurry the fuck up with this picture. We ...
- Until Further Notice. I will be back but it will be quite some time yet. Thank you to all for hanging in there! Your continued support helps uplift me and f...
Costume Report 2013 - Hi everyone! I hope all of you had a wonderful Halloween! I can\'t believe it\'s come and gone and Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away. It seems like las...
While You Were Sleeping - So, this is what happened while I was gone My beautiful granddaughter went from this to this Awwwwwww
Pumpkin Prop - Found this somewhere on interent, can\'t give credit cause I\'m unsure where, it\'s not mine but I would love to make one like it next year. I think this dude...
Halloween Night - We couldn\'t have asked for nicer weather and everything went off pretty much without a hitch. All in all, a perfect Halloween evening. Exhausted, but elate...
Preview: The Haunt on Hollywood Park Ave. - Guys, it\'s a haunters dream. They close the street, there are thousands of people, and it\'s all put together by a couple of neighbors for the good of the c...
Halloween Night - Happy Halloween everybody. A perfect Halloween evening. Dressed as my shadow, I filled a bowl with Halloween candy and spent the night on the porch, dead ...
Happy Halloween! - Today is the big day! Hope you have a great day filled with fun, scares, tricks and treats! Enjoy! Thanks to FearNet for posting this one. ~~~~~~~~~~~...
October in Sleepy Hollow - *"There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October." * ~ Natha...
Same Old Story - Extremely busy right now. More so than usual this time of year. Have to keep priorities in order, and I\'m sure you all understand that. I\'ll do my best to ...
Book Review: A Deed Without A Name - Book found here. *A Deed Without A Name: Unearthing the Legacy of Traditional Witchcraft *by *Lee Morgan* is one of the best books on witchcraft that I...
The wind strikes again. - Where I live it gets windy. During October it gets really windy. I had my scarecrow and 2 corpse sentinels set up in the front yard. When I woke up this mo...
I could live here... - ...except that it\'s entirely computer generated. :(
October - It\'s here, it\'s here! It\'s finally here!!! I\'ve been waiting since December (when I got this calendar) to change over to this month. Not only is it my favo...
Back to Brighton Asylum - It\'s been two years since I attended and reviewed *Brighton Asylum*, the haunt in located in the gritty, industrial section of Passaic, NJ, and this time I...
Happy 8th Second Wedding Anniversary to us! - *Yeah, I know, sounds odd. But my dear hubby and I spent this special day together and it was the best day EVER!!!* *Well what a day it was! * *First, wak...
It\'s Either... - ....the makings of a huge pumpkin head or the largest infected cyst in the world.
Farewell Blogger!!! - I\'ve been leaning on blogger as a crutch for a little too long. Time to bite the bullet. My new site will go live in a few short days, depending on how lon...
Moving and the MS Clinic - Hello everyone! Man it\'s been a long time since I have been able to update. That\'s about to change though. Things have gotten a little more stable around ...
Career Counseling - Unemployed? Looking for a new job? Or, maybe you just need some extra cash?
Pervert Doily - Pervert on the blocking board Beautiful Lace Work Detail of lace edging Fabulous Because Perverts want to be classy too. Brand new custom demented doily.
- I now have several items on ebay with prices varying so everyone can afford something! Brightest Blessings, Vikki
“oh shit it\'s shit” ― Stephen King, Different Seasons - You know how you run and run and run and you\'re always doing and when you finally stop to catch your breath, things around you are all different? No? Ju...
Halloween 2012 Weather Network - Thanks to my fellow Home Haunter friend Hector Turner from Blackstone Cemetery for sharing this link with me. Both Hector and I were featured on the Weath...
- Wow. I cannot believe I have not blogged anything in almost a year. sheesh. its 2013 baby! Woot! A lot of things have happened since last time. Got a job....
Eaten by Mountain Rats - In 1876, Pike’s Peak Signal Station attendant Private John O’Keefe told tall tales of life in the station to lawyer, newspaper man and drinking friend, E...
Horror Films Coming to Tribeca 2013 - In it\'s 12th year the Tribeca Film Festival in New York is doing good things for horror. Along with several world premieres, the festival will also be h...
90 Days+ - I made it....3 months not smoking...sorry I haven\'t posted my progress... I did start the no-nicotine liquid the second week of no more inta...
Haunted London 2012 - Hey all, I think I\'m back...we moved the end of December and while I\'m still unpacking boxes and have had one HELLUVA time with the internet (we now live w...
I do believe I need a jet pack - to get myself the hell off this planet. Did you know that there are spiders that can bury themselves......I wish I didn\'t. I used to be able to sleep at ...
Dropping Evil teaser - I\'m not sure what it\'s like in a lot of other cities but here in Tucson the degrees of separation are as thin as the blood of the cold intolerant natives....
Pumpkin Brigade\'s Stormy Sea Voyage - Battered Jack O\'Lantern in Hurricane Sandy\'s Wake Photo © Mia Aquino Well, it\'s 16 days Post-Halloween now! Is anyone suffering from the ...
Halloween 2012 -  One of the new tombstones. Sandy blew that one away and is lost!  Our very own Coraline!  Embraced my inner Flo! A Clockwork Progressive!
Decorating for the Season Pt. 2 - Inside - I did most of the inside myself, with a little help from the hubby of course. I forgot to take pictures of everything, but oh well... Living room ready f...
Severed Thumb - I have been asked kindly by Team Pixie if I would like to post on my blog some make-up how-tos. I found the idea great as it will give my reader and I so...
Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) - Cary Grant, Peter Lorre IMDB
Day 9, still behin...d - Almost back on track with the countdown. Yesterday was a fun-filled day involving paint. And an activity I entitled... sPiDeR hAnD pRiNt CrAfT! This one is ...
- *OCTOBER* *by Paul Laurence Dunbar * October is the treasurer of the year, And all the months pay bounty to her store; The fields and orchards still their t...
Glen Tavern Inn: Where the Past Comes Alive - This elegant, historic inn located in California has served as a gambling parlor, brothel, speakeasy and was a favored place among early Hollywood celebri...
More Pumpkin Topiaries - I\'m back to pander to the people who love the pumpkin topiaries from my previous post. Here are a few more inspiring ideas. photo: I like the ea...
- Been awhile since I\'ve done any sort of Google search on the Headless Horseman. Came across this absolute beauty today. LOVE the detail on this exclusiv...
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins - Happy Autumn! Here\'s some chocolate and pumpkin deliciousness. *Ingredients:* 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup whole wheat flour 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa po...
wicKED Blog Giveaway - Then scurry your little skelley fingers over to SOMETHING wicKID THIS WAY COMES. There is one super fantastic giveaway going on over there. 3 Different...
OMG LEGO Haunted House - Saw this Last Night....broke down after seeing this Exclusive Set and bought it! Perhaps the greatest Lego set of all Time. Ohhhhh Free shipping and a Bon...
Hallowdean Hollow: Halloween and Haunted Attraction Information, Interviews, and More.
Thrift Shopping and Sneers - I decided to check out a few stores on my way home today, including Walgreens and a few thrift stores. Walgreens has a few new items and select overstock f...
Halloween Hot Sauce: Moans from Moonlit Hill Mortuary
Zombie mask SCORE at Kroger! - Went to the local Kroger (grocery store) to buy some coarse ground black pepper...scored this great zombie mask for $15.00!
ScareFX Animated Spiders Mechanism - I\'ve had a number of emails asking how I animated the spiders in our Spinning Spider Web Victim scene. I\'ve put together a short video of the setup. Check ...
A Ghoulie Girl Goes Shopping - This morning I found a bit of free time on my hands which is ubber rare. I decided it was the perfect time to drop in on one of my favorite local boutiques...
- *Good Morning! Has anyone here read Deborah Harkness\' first book, *Discovery Of Witches? *Anyone want to read the second installment of her trilogy?* *I...
Autumn on Pinterest - If you don\'t already use Pinterest, or don\'t know what it is, your missing out! Here\'s the bumpf from the ever reliable Wikipedia: *"Pinterest* is a pinboa...
Fall, 2012 - It\'s been a great while since I last posted, so I figured since we are halfway (or more) through summer, it was time for a new blog. I am already beginning...
The 2012 Bastille Day Festival Returns To Eastern State Penitentiary Saturday, July 14 With A Street Fair, Real Guillotine, 3,000 Tastykakes Flung From The Tower Walls And Brand New Theatrical Cabaret - The 2012 Bastille Day Festival Returns To Eastern State Penitentiary Saturday, July 14 With A Street Fair, Real Guillotine, 3,000 Tastykakes Flung From Th...
Zombie Mom's Undead Household Tips & Recipes
Pink Eclectic Spaces.... - My shabby chic dining room...I adore this space! Everything in the room has a story and a history. I stenciled a frame for some great old family photos and...
A Couple Bugs Bunny Halloween Specials - 1963 1959
Transworld or Bust - Hauntseeker will be in Transworld on March 9th 2012. I will post pictures.
R.I.P. William Hinzman - Me, with Bill Hinzman at the Spooky Empire\'s Ultimate Horror Weekend It\'s with deep sadness that we bring to you the news of the passing of Bill Hin...
Days of the Dead Horror Convention in Atlanta, Georgia - So this morning I wake up, do my daily routine which in part consists of a cigarette and a cup of coffee (always in a halloween inspired mug). I take my ni...
Last year\'s Christmas - Above: Jane asks Zombie Santa about returning a severed head, while watching out for the grabby hands of Hermie the Horny Undead Elf. I have a few last...
Ein Liebster Award fur mich?! - It\'s so deeply humbling to get recognition from someone you admire, and The Deadwood Cemetary falls squarely into that category for me. I can always count ...
Halloween night brings BIG changes to MSC - Happy Halloween!!! A fitting day to change the name of my shop to Madsylvania. Yes, you heard right. I won\'t be shutting down the Mad Science Creations b...
Danse Macabre Camille Saint-Saëns 1980s cartoon, PBS, Halloween, Music - cool find and just in time.
It\'s beginning to look a lot like Halloween! - It\'s true. It\'s a fact. I am a Halloween freak-a-zoid. The only thing wrong with Halloween is it only comes once a year. If I could keep my spider webs,...
Day 4: Dexter - LOVE this show. Yet to be disappointed. Did you catch the first episode? New favorite swear words: \'Holy Frankenfuck!\' Easily made giddy by bad words, Mama F.
Hello And Welcome! - Hello this is my new blog "Halloween Home Haunts" Its bassicly made for tip and tricks on how to make your home haunt scary! :)
The reason that I started this blog - was to have a home for the footnotes in my other blog. Just like Terry does in his books. So here we go. BTW - if you have not read the Frog on the Pump...
A Rose by Any Other Name... - I\'ve picked up an interesting trait when working on my Halloween props. Each of them (that are vaguely humanoid at least) has to be named. I\'m not sure why...
I found with a little research - that there are spiders that eat frogs....yes...the world is that messed up :D I need therapy (more therapy) now! :D That is my, very, very, very lame excu...
The Diary of the Dead - This is another of Romero\'s, the king of the zombie movie, films. I was very excited about seeing this movie as there really has been nothing Romero has...
Witch Name - [IMG][/IMG] [B]Your Witch Name is[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Annika the Geeky Witch[/COLOR][/B] ...
Crazy Diamond - We\'ve driven by this amazing shrine on our way to the Outer Banks, and finally had to stop. Though there are several graves, it appears to be in memory of...
Fare thee well to our neighbors - *Just found out that our neighbors in nearby Kingston Springs, the Twists, are moving out West. This makes me feel so sad!* *Ronnie Lee Twist is a rockabi...
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