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Well, I managed to be able to see the Broadway 显示 of The Little Mermaid, something I’ve dreamed of experiencing since the moment I heard about the Broadway 显示 years ago. Most of 你 know that Disney’s The Little Mermaid is both my 最喜爱的 迪士尼 movie and one of my 最喜爱的 电影院 of ALL TIME, so this was MAJOR for me! I also was lucky enough to see the original Broadway 显示 on youtube, starring Sierra Boggess as Ariel herself, that 显示 was amazing with many great new songs, capturing the characters I loved so much while giving them a new spin, and clever writing.

However, the 显示 I saw live was very different from that 显示 because for some reason 迪士尼 decided to make changes to that show. Some songs were taken out, some songs were replaced, and even the characters were changed quite a great deal. Was this 显示 charming in a new way like the original Broadway show? HELL NO! I kept in mind that with a different cast it wouldn’t be as good, but I felt the same when I saw Wicked and it was still amazing. This 显示 not only didn’t capture the amazingness of the movie 或者 the original Broadway show, but it was an absolute insult to both of them. These choices they made don’t work, take away a lot of depth the original 显示 and movie had, are watered down (No pun intended), and felt 更多 like a play ran 由 little kids than anything else.

 Diana Huey as Ariel
Diana Huey as Ariel

Lets start with The Little Mermaid herself, Ariel. First of all, the actress that played her was actually Asian, which I though was pretty cool and she did give a good performance. However, even the actress couldn’t save Ariel from the writing. This didn’t feel like Ariel to me AT ALL! The character here became so bland and one-dimensional. She even had a mini song where she 说 over and over that she hated her dad after he destroyed her stuff, which was really hitting the audience over the head. In the original 显示 she did say she hated him but only 说 it once and didn’t have to sing a sound where she 说 it over and over. Also, while it was kind of cute, I was bothered that she wasn’t paying attention to the fact that the Chef was serving dead sea creatures. She was too busy focusing on other things like looking out a window 或者 noticing one of the servant girl’s puffy skirts. In the original 显示 she was aware the whole time and was even freaking out when it was happening and Eric got her off of the 表 and comforted her. That was FAR 更多 interested than what this 显示 did. Plus Ariel isn’t this ignorant and flighty not to notice she’s being served dead sea creatures. She felt 更多 like furniture than the Ariel I knew. I don’t blame the actress for this, I blame bad 写作 and directing. She is a really talented actress and a pretty good singer. She's no Jodi Benson 或者 Sierra Boggess, but let's not compare apples and oranges.

 Jennifer Allen as Ursula, Fredrick Hagreen as Jetsam, and Brandon Roach as Flotsam
Jennifer Allen as Ursula, Fredrick Hagreen as Jetsam, and Brandon Roach as Flotsam

Then we have what I consider to be the biggest blunder of this show, the characterization of Ursula. First of all, the costume for Ursula in this 显示 looks absolutely AMAZING! Unfortunately, that’s the one thing they managed to truly capture about Ursula in this show. I don’t blame the actress for this because apparently with this new version of the Broadway 显示 they had every Ursula like this, so I blame the director. The actress didn’t feel like Ursula because she was so inconsistent. It felt like she couldn’t decide between being an angry child 或者 a serious and sinister villain. It felt 更多 like a little girl dressed up for 万圣节前夕 and kept shouting “I’M URSULA, THE SEA WITCH! I’M URSULA, THE SEA WITCH!” and was so obnoxious! This performance was really unfocused and over-the-top. I know Ursula was always an over-the-top character but this was taken to an exaggerated and extreme over-the-top level. When she’s trying to convince Ariel to take her deal and that she’s changed it doesn’t feel convincing. Ursula was never trustworthy but she talked with real charisma, kept a leveled head, and was pretty fast-talking like a lawyer 或者 a used car salesman. This Ursula just kept trying to do that half of the time and the other half kept shouting like an angry child. It makes Ariel look really stupid trusting someone who is obviously this mentally insane. Before it was just her taking a risk for 爱情 but still being hesitant. But with this, SHE SHOULD BE SAYING HELL NO AND GETTING THE HELL OUT OF THERE!

Also with the way this Ursula would have a line that was a play-on words like “squid pro quo” and would just 移动 on like in the original show, she makes a big deal out it. She laughs loudly like it was the funniest thing ever and nudges her eels asking them if they got it. That was just SO GRAITING and made me CRINGE SO MUCH! This was such horrible characterization that it seems like something that AWFUL Descendants franchise would do to the character!

Her backstory was also changed to where she was the youngest of seven little princesses and all of them were beautiful 《美人鱼》 except her. How the hell would that work? Why was she born different? With the original 显示 having her be Triton’s sister I just thought maybe when she was banished she was also turned into a squid lady 或者 when she got deep into the black magic she accidentally turned into what she is. But no, she was born this way in a family of mermaids. Her dad hated her because of this and felt guilty because of it so he gave her the magic shell. Yeah, give an emotionally unstable child that 你 neglected an all-powerful weapon! That sure as hell won’t come back to bite 你 in the ass! She one-by-one killed off her sisters to make herself the heir and became 皇后乐队 of the Sea after her father “mysteriously” developed a rare and incurable disease! GEE! I WONDER WHAT THE HELL CAUSED IT! And she seemed to forget that her father also had a son that was only a year-old at the time she became queen. So when he came of age he took the 王座, 宝座 and banished her for tormenting everyone. How could she forget that she had a brother? You’d think that ONE THING that would take away her power would be an important thing to remember! Why not kill him when he was small and helpless before he could take the throne? Don’t tell me she didn’t remember until that exact moment when he came of age! I should think she’d realize LONG before then! It makes her look REALLY STUPID, on 最佳, 返回页首 of her painfully terrible convincing skills that only this version of Ariel would fall for.

Speaking of stupid, you’ll never believe this, but the way she died was actually HER FAULT! Why? When Ariel got her magic shell from her and point that she’ll die if it was destroyed, she couldn’t look 更多 like an obvious liar (Including when Ariel first brought the subject up during Poor Unfortunate Souls) if she even tried. In the original 显示 she was very natural in her lying, again, like a lawyer 或者 a used car salesman. Anyway, when she tried telling Ariel that what her father told her about her shell was a lie, she 说 he lied that her mother died because of humans and Triton realized it must’ve been Ursula that killed his wife (Yeah, we’ll get to Triton in later on here) and she couldn’t look 更多 fake in her lying! She tried to say she wouldn’t hurt a mino (Right after she attacked Triton with the trident, ruined Ariel’s chance to be with Eric, and was going to force her to be her servant FOREVER unless her father gave up the throne) and is SO FAKE about it! Ariel crushes the shell shouting “LIAR,” so which I must say, NO SH*T, STUPID! This also ruins Ariel’s development she had in the original show. She had a choice to either give Ursula the shell back and become human again but with her voice back again 或者 trust her father that she had a strained relationship with. There was nothing about Ursula killing her mother, just Ariel realizing that she can’t make another mistake again, let others suffer, 或者 turn her back on her father after everything he just did for her. This version of the 显示 takes away her growth and development and makes her defeating Ursula be 更多 out of spite and revenge. Not only did they ruin Ursula and make her stupid but also ruined Ariel’s development and she had such GREAT development in the original show.

 Matthew Kacergis as Eric
Matthew Kacergis as Eric

Prince Eric became so bland and generic in this 显示 and much like Ariel is basically like furniture, even 更多 so than her. He does must less than the movie Eric did and didn’t even make an appearance during the climax like in the original 显示 where he tried to get Ariel back from Ursula but failed. In this 显示 after Ariel is taken he isn’t seen until the end being all like “We have to look for her.” WHAT THE HELL? Plus I hate what this version did in transitioning to the One Step Closer song. He just says that him and Ariel are both outcasts because he wants to sail the seas and she’s a quiet girl in a noisy world. Yeah, apparently that was enough for him to feel bad about mentioning she’s mute and then dancing. First of all, something that was amazing that helped with their chemistry was how Ariel was 表演 crazy before and he said, “Grimsby has invited so many princesses to 晚餐 before. They’re all so prim, so proper, and SO BORING! But you… 你 were practically swinging from the chandelier!” and he joked about maybe goblins 偷了 her voice in the night. That was SO MUCH BETTER because it showed him falling for her because of how different she is from other girls he met and was fun every moment he was with her. Plus him realizing that a joke in poor taste was 更多 offensive and decided to make up for it 由 using dance as a way of communicating instead. This was the moment that brought them so close to each other, showed so much chemistry, both were different from the norm of both of their societies but didn’t care, and weren’t always graceful and would be goofy as well. The version of the 显示 I saw in terms of that dance moment didn’t capture that at all. It was kind of awkward and I didn’t feel the connection between these two at all, especially compared to Sierra Boggess and Sean Palmer. It was like a if a singer was speaking the notes instead of 唱歌 them. Again, I don’t blame the actors because I think all of the actors are talented, they just were dealt a bad hand. In fact, I'd say the actor who played Eric was the most talented and had an amazing voice. Not as good as Sean Palmer but again apples and oranges.

 Steve Blanchard as King Triton
Steve Blanchard as King Triton

King Triton, first of all his costume looked absolutely TERRIBLE! He no longer has his long grey hair like the original 显示 and looks like a completely different character. His 最佳, 返回页首 half (not his tail) is apparently now pale green to go with his 金牌 and green tail. Secondly, they stripped him of all the depth, likability, realism, and good development that he had in both the movie and the show. Every time this version of Triton gets even a little mad he will shoot his trident up in the air telling people to shut up. It doesn’t even take very much, just his other daughters saying he doesn’t pay attention to them like he does Ariel. He says he loves them all equally but I don’t believe him AT ALL, at least no this version of Triton, and he eve 说 “One son! Was that too much to ask?” Really? This 显示 is resorting to jokes that 迪士尼 粉丝 make? PATHETIC! Plus, his reason for hating humans is because they killed his wife (Much like in the original 显示 and the lame prequel movie) but had NO PROOF! He just says he had a gut feeling 或者 something and that was all he needed! WHAT THE HELL! THIS 显示 HAD HIM HATE HUMANS BECAUSE HE HAD A GUT FEELING? Anyway, when he destroyed Ariel’s things, there is not even a hint of regret like in the movie 或者 the original show. He just does it and leaves without looking back at his daughter crying 或者 even a hint of regret. He was made to be just a one-dimensional MONSTER! I defend Triton when he’s called abusive, but here there is absolutely NO DEFENDING this version AT ALL! Plus when he hears about how Ariel made a deal with Ursula the night before Ariel’s third 日 as human, he 说 he was going to have a talk with Ursula and yet he isn’t seen again until the climax, aside from to sing his part of If Only. What, was his daughter being in danger not important enough to keep him from stopping to sing a song? Is that why during ALL THAT TIME he didn’t get to Ursula’s lair until it was too late? Did he stop to sing every five minutes? IN MAKES NO SENSE! Plus the actor gave a dull and lifeless performance, which I think I might blame 更多 on how badly written Triton is in this version. Let's just say if 你 weren't a 粉丝 of Triton before, he will look REALLY GOOD 由 comparison to this one.

 Melvin Abston as Sebastian
Melvin Abston as Sebastian

Then we have Sebastian, who honestly doesn’t do too much in the 显示 like he did before. He wasn’t even the one to reveal that Ariel was in 爱情 with a human, it was Flounder, and we’ll get to that disaster after this. The “betrayal” he does was tell Triton where Ariel was after one of her sisters told him Ariel was in 爱情 with a human. Honestly, he would’ve yelled at her even if Sebastian didn’t know where she was. He mainly is just there to complain, do some comedy, and the most helpful thing he does is 吻乐队(Kiss) the Girl. He’s not as enjoyable and developed as he was in the original 显示 或者 in the movie. He’s just a whiny little stick in the mud here. They also for some reason took away the hat that was supposed to look like it had eyes on it and made him look 更多 like a 螃蟹 that was there in the original show. What did they replace it with? George Washington’s hairstyle that was dyed red…. I kid 你 not! That doesn’t make him look like a crap, it makes him look like some black guy that used ketchup to dye his hair. The original costume didn’t look completely like an actual crap (obviously) but it was convincing enough for a stage show. So when his head pops out of the 晚餐 plate it doesn’t look like a 螃蟹 but just a black guy whose George Washington costume went HORRIBLY WRONG!

 Connor Russell as 比目鱼
Connor Russell as Flounder

Now we have another big disaster, Flounder! Not as bad as what they did to Triton and Ursula, but he’s right up there! What the hell were they thinking? First of all, he’s not played 由 a little kid in this reinvented version of the show. Okay, there are child labor laws and restrictions, so I guess the logical thing would be to get a woman to play him like plays usually do when they can’t use a little boy. Well, the director of this 显示 wasn’t smart enough to think of that, they have an adult man play his role. He was probably in his early twenties but MAN that just didn’t fit AT ALL! 比目鱼 is meant to be a cute little kid and this was just a really BAD casting choice!

However, the bad casting isn’t what was ruined about Flounder. They made him a whiny character that has an obvious and painfully awkward crush on Ariel! That’s right! This version of 比目鱼 has a crush on Ariel! What the hell were they thinking? 比目鱼 NEVER had a crush on Ariel, despite what those dumbass 粉丝 theories say. In the movie it was clear he didn’t have a crush on her because I don’t know many guys who would give a statue to the girl he likes of another guy that she likes. 比目鱼 had always just been a close and loyal friend to Ariel. They balanced each other out with her being reckless and 《勇敢传说》 and him being cautious and a coward. In this 显示 anytime he was on the stage it was always him being awkward about his crush on Ariel and always blurting out that he has a crush on her like it’s a big secret when he does it in EVERY SINGLE SCENE HE’S IN! We know she’s going to end up with Eric, so why would they want us to feel bad for 比目鱼 about Ariel not feeling the same way about him? 比目鱼 would do anything to help Ariel but in a brother and sister way.

He was apparently with Ariel when she rescued Eric but in the song She’s in Love, he’s completely unaware why she was 表演 weird, despite being seeing her 讨好, 小鹿 all over Eric, save him, and say she was going to be part of his world someday. That made NO SENSE AT ALL! That is just LAZY and STUPID! Plus during that song he 迷失 all the fun energy the original 比目鱼 had in that song and just sung it in a whiny way! That was just grating! And that he was the one who revealed to Ariel’s Sisters (Who later tell their father) and Sebastian that Ariel was in 爱情 with a human is an absolute INSULT to Flounder! Even the Ariel’s Beginning version of Flounder, who was the polar opposite of the original Flounder, is 更多 like the original 比目鱼 than this version! 比目鱼 always kept Ariel’s secrets no matter what. But this version accidentally told that secret in very little time. 比目鱼 was always there to defend and help Ariel no matter what, even if he was scared, but this version was absolutely NOTHING like 比目鱼 AT ALL!

Scuttle has very little to do here. He also apparently buys human things to make a profit 或者 something. If that were the case, why doesn’t he know their REAL names 或者 what they’re REALLY used for? He’s not bad, but isn’t fun like he was originally. Flotsam and Jetsam are done fine and their costumes look amazing. Grimsby is pretty much the same except that he takes over the parts Carlotta had in the show, which doesn’t work in some cases. Grimsby is too reserved and old fashioned to check on Ariel when she’s in the bathtub. Plus I like how Carlotta had a SLIGHTLY bigger role in the original Broadway 显示 and 表演 like a warm and caring mother figure to Ariel. How she was defending her when the other servant girls were talking bad about Ariel was a very sweet moment that was replaced with Grimsby. He was like a far less developed but still kind of enjoyable version of Mrs. Potts. Plus it gave Ariel a female besides Ursula to interact with. Chef Louis remains the same as before.

 Too many names to 列表 and only so much I'm able to type in the caption
Too many names to 列表 and only so much I'm able to type in the caption

Ariel’s Sisters in the Broadway 显示 usually had at least two women of color playing some of the sisters, who were would also be the maids and the princesses 唱歌 for Eric, but not here. Despite that Ariel is played 由 an Asian actress and they continued to tradition of Sebastian being played 由 a black guy, everyone else is white (Except for one of the chefs), even the sisters. Not too major but giving people of color a chance to shine, even if it doesn’t make sense, is something that is important. Plus it gave the 显示 a charm to is that the 灰姑娘 movie with 白兰地 Norwood and Whitney Houston had. However, even with that aside, they really made the sisters pretty annoying. They were so bratty and wanted Ariel’s solo. Even when she’s missing one of the sisters 说 they would take Ariel’s solo. That is just HORRIBLE! In the original 显示 the worst they did was yell as Ariel for missing the concert, which is completely understandable, but they were never mean 或者 bratty. They just acted like regular sisters to Ariel, worried about her when she was 表演 strange, and were happy for her when they realized she was in love. In this shows version of She’s in Love, it’s just like the snobby girls in high school that 爱情 to know all the gossip and stick their noses where their not wanted.

Plus when they get mad at Ariel for missing the 音乐会 its not really that big a deal here. After she’s not there to sing, the girls complain for a minute, and LITERALLY just a few 秒 laters Ariel arrives. Why not just start over now that she was there? It wasn’t like how she was gone for like an 小时 或者 so. She was only a few 分钟 late.

 Admittedly pretty good visuals
Admittedly pretty good visuals

Yeah, they apparently messed with the songs here to. Such as their placement, some being taken out, and some even being replaced. The World Above was the first song played instead of the third, which doesn’t work. It takes away the build up of out protagonist and her mischievous nature. Plus it doesn’t make her missing the 音乐会 a big deal because she ends up just being less than five 分钟 late. The World Above Reprise was taken out, Scuttle’s song about human things was taken out and replaced with him trying to buy Ariel’s dinglehopper, the Sweet Child Reprise was taken out, there a two extra versions of the song If Only that are less than a 分钟 and really add nothing but Triton being concerned and Ariel hating her dad, and replacing I Want The Good Times Back with a stupid new song called Daddy’s Little Angel. They couldn’t even leave the 音乐 alone! None of it makes any sense and these choices they make end up turning the musical into a HUGE MESS! Here's a link to that stupid new song if you're interested.


 Being able to fly on stage was really awesome!
Being able to fly on stage was really awesome!

I will say that while the costumes don’t look as good as they did in the original show, I did think it was cool that they did have the merpeople characters flying in the air to look like they were swimming. Their tails are replaced with skirts so it looks like they’re floating in the water. That was actually pretty impressive. The sets don’t look as good as they originally did but were nice to look at, and both the lighting and visual effects were great. However, the atmosphere wasn’t as big and fun as the original production was. There was so much going on but also didn’t take away from what was happening. It had amazing energy to it. But this 显示 didn’t have as much of that aspect to it. It felt pretty cheap, even if it was nice to look at.

 F*CK 你 GLENN CASALE!!!!!!!!!
F*CK 你 GLENN CASALE!!!!!!!!!

My gosh! I mean, MY GOSH! How the hell could they mess up such an amazing movie and such an amazing Broadway show? All of this was thanks to the terrible directing of Glenn Casale! Even if 你 take away the original Broadway show, NONE of this works for a Broadway 显示 of The Little Mermaid! It fails to be faithful to the original movie and be a good 显示 on its own! It’s not just because I saw the original 显示 on youtobe because I had also done the same with Wicked but when I saw it live with a new cast it still captured the magic. It didn’t make huge and unnecessary changes to the 显示 because they didn’t need to. Even as a Wizard of Oz 粉丝 I still found Wicked to be entertaining and thought of it as an alternative universe than made the characters I loved charming in a new way while still a well-made 显示 on its own. This reinvented version of The Little Mermaid on Broadway didn’t do ANY of that AT ALL! It’s like the writers of Maleficent and Descendants got together and wouldn’t let the people who originally worked on the movie and original Broadway 显示 get much (if any) input. This 显示 was PAINFUL! I suggest just watching the original movie and look for the original 显示 on youtube! This reinvented version is an EMBARRASSMENT! It also wastes the time of actors that are talented with such a butchard script and awful directing. To end on a better note, here are some pictures of the original Broadway 显示 that REALLY shows 你 how it's done!
added by cruella
Source: me
added by PrincessFairy
Source: 迪士尼
added by PrincessFairy
Source: 迪士尼
added by PrincessFairy
Source: 迪士尼
added by PrincessFairy
Source: 迪士尼
added by abcjkl
added by JaDangerz
Source: Disney/Pixar
 Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
I am fairly confident with my appearance.
That doesn't mean I don't want to look like a DP. If I was on this list, I would be 14th, and miles behind the others. They are stunningly pretty in most cases. Who is the MOST beautiful imo though? Well READ 老友记 READ and all will be revealed!:D
13) Merida
 I think she actually looks really cute in this picture!
I think she actually looks really cute in this picture!

I feel kind of bad for Merida, as she does have some beautiful features. I 爱情 her hair, who wouldn't? It's so wild and free, yet perfect. I 爱情 the color. Orangey red. Her eyes also have a lovely color. the blue is similar to my eye...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: 迪士尼
added by PrincessFairy
Source: 迪士尼
added by angelbarbie20
Hello sweeties! So, I was sitting at my computer, looking at gorgeous gifs of the princesses on tumblr, when I had an idea. What better way to procrastinate essays that are due tomorrow than 由 写作 an article! So, that's exactly what I'm going to do. And the 文章 I'm going to be writing, 你 lovely reader you, is a prettiest princess article! Yeah, it's probably one of the most over done 文章 on this spot, but it's like a right of passage that 你 have to complete to be a "true fan". Just a heads up, all of the princesses are beautiful, so don't scream at me for having *insert princess...
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posted by jacksfrost
Hello! I've decided to start up a new series titled "Character In Review" where I will be making 文章 for each of the 迪士尼 Princesses "reviewing" them and giving my opinions on them and their movie. I plan on going in chronological order which is why Snow White is first, but it just so happens that I'm starting with my 最喜爱的 princess ^^ Anyway, I hope 你 enjoy, onto the article!

Opening Thoughts:

Snow White hasn't always been one of my 最喜爱的 princesses, in fact she was once rather low on my list. I just dismissed her for being traditional and personality-less, but just in this last...
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posted by avatar_tla_fan
 An 文章 Made 由 Silverrose1991.
An Article Made By Silverrose1991.
The reason why I am publishing this 文章 is because the formatting would not work when Silverrose tried to post it. So I have been asked to 发布 this 文章 for him.

Snow White is mostly regarded as a surface-deep character, but to me she is one of the most layered princesses. With that in mind, I felt compelled to write my analysis on her.

I'll divide this analysis in three topics, 或者 three Snow Whites: the Spirited Young Lady, the Team Mother and the Damsel. These layers blend into each other, so at times it was hard to decide where to classify a trait, which is good, after all we're...
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added by Isabelle_P
Source: http://storybrooke.tumblr.com/
added by KataraLover
posted by cruella
 A picture I made for the conest. "Your 最喜爱的 hero with a DP
A picture I made for the conest. "Your favorite hero with a DP
In the years I've been on Fanpop, I've noticed that Ariel is one of those characters that people either 'love' 或者 'hate'. Honestly I'm the only person I know of who doesn't feel very strongly toward her either way. I guess I lean a tiny bit 更多 toward the 'Ariel lovers' side because like her just fine, but I don't 'adore' her. But oh well no one is complete neutral. Anyway speaking from the perspective of semi-neutral party here is my opinion about Ariel's controversial behavior.

1. Is Ariel Stupid?
No, I don't think she's stupid. I think she made some reeeeeeeeally bad dissensions like going...
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I did an 文章 similar to this a few months ago, however it was 最佳, 返回页首 ten heroines instead of the princesses. However, since my opinions have changed, I decided to write one that was about all of the princesses, so, no Meg 或者 Esmeralda this time. :(. Anyway, feel free to disagree with my opinion but please remember it is my opinion; please don't call my reasons shallow 或者 illegitimate because (that's not really very nice, and) I'm not trying to get anybody to like them 或者 anything, all I'm trying to say is good things about each one, and why I like them. I'm not good at seeing flaws,...
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