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嘿 guys! I know I have kind of established myself as the one with the feminist-y standpoint on things, but for today's article, I'm taking that vantage point completely out. Today, I want to talk about relatability. The truly establishing factor of how far a princess will go as far as popularity is her personality, and the 更多 people can relate to you, the better. This 文章 will attempt to examine each princess for her ability to reach an audience. (Note: These are not ranked in the order of the Princesses I personally relate to; it's 更多 the general public.) This is strictly an opinion; unlike my feminist articles, there haven't been any studies done. This is just my take on things, feel free to 评论 and agree 或者 disagree as 你 like. :)

10) Cinderella
I 爱情 Cinderella. I really do. A ridiculous amount, even. However, I believe that she is too good, almost ethereally good, to be relatable. I know what you're thinking; 灰姑娘 is the down and out, right? Who can't relate to that? Well, here's my point: Cinderella's CIRCUMSTANCES are relatable; everyone has felt misused 或者 taken for granted 或者 hopeless before, and many people have (unfortunately) been raised in abusive homes, and so would relate to Cindy on those notes. However, I can't imagine that there are that many people in the world who could endure what she's endured for years and still smile into the mirror and sing about dreams as they clean other peoples' filth. 灰姑娘 is ethereal, graceful, elegant, but almost inhuman as far as her ability to bounce back from things with a smile on her face. Her most relatable moment is definitely when she finally gives up, after the stepsisters destroy her 粉, 粉色 dress. Of course, Fate truly is kind to those who love, as the old song goes, and 灰姑娘 bounces back into her dreamy angelic-ness within a matter of minutes, but she has it. As much as I 爱情 this character, I definitely feel she's too good to be true.

9) Aurora
While many of the most hopeless of romantics in the world may find Aurora's plight of being sheltered, shy, and boy-crazy understandable, I can't imagine that she's that appealing to the general population. For one thing, she doesn't have enough time 或者 development to really give us anything to relate to her on, so she's very pigeonholed into a certain, small subset of the world.. If you've been homeschooled your whole life and want a boyfriend, 你 might relate to Aurora. However, to be truly relatable, a character needs 更多 depth than Aurora was given. Sorry, Aurora lovers, I'm just not buying this one.

8) Pocahontas
This one is a little tougher for me. Pocahontas is a bit of a blend of 灰姑娘 and Aurora, IMO: too good to be true, and not developed enough to be understandable. Pocahontas is noble, brave, spiritual, and family-oriented, but her personality runs just as shallow as that river she stepped into. Her name means "Little Mischief," but all we see of that is her brief episode of spitting water in her bff's face. The rest of the time, she's kind of serious and aloof. Now, I understand that she was enduring a potential war at the time, (no time for frolicking during battle, I suppose,) but for me, Pocahontas' character is a bit of a letdown. If I were 写作 one of my feminist articles, I'd praise her. As far as a relatable personality, I have no praises to sing.

7) Snow White
There was a time when I thought Snow White and I were like twins. I understood her, and I felt like she understood me. I thought like her and I loved her clothes and I related to her dreaminess and her naivete. I was four then. Now, as an adult, I find Snow White just as adorably sweet and cutesy as I did then, except now I don't understand it. That level of childlike innocence is impossible to maintain, which is why Snow White is so low. She's not as unearthly good as Cinderella, but she's good enough that her goodness is marked up to innocence, not adult grace. I think she has a very relatable personality, if you're a little girl who likes to pretend to play house with your 老友记 and you're always the one who plays the Mommy.

6) Jasmine
I don't know about 你 guys, but I didn't grow up rich. I grew up middle class, as I'm sure most of 你 阅读 this did. 茉莉, 茉莉花 has been planted toward the middle for the exact opposite reason 灰姑娘 is stuck at the bottom. Jasmine's personality is relatable; she's too smart and too fiesty for the situation she was born into, and yet, her situation is pretty nice. For most of us, being born in a place with no problems, lots of money, and tons of privileges sounds pretty good. I think Jasmine's predicament is one we all relate to, but she still had it pretty sweet and just lacked the insight to know it. 茉莉, 茉莉花 is one of my all time faves, and I'm disappointed to put her so low, but here she'll stay for now. I think most people can relate to feeling trapped; I DON'T think most people can relate to feeling trapped in the lap of luxury.

5) Tiana
Tiana definitely has her niche of relatability, and it's me. Tiana should be relatable to people in their 20s who are working harder than they ever thought, making a living on whatever they can, and yet feel like they aren't really getting anywhere. (Back me up on this, PPV and DreamyGal.) Once 你 reach the age where you're working full time, 你 have a lot of other stuff going on too. You're supposed to find a spouse, get a career, get a house, and do all kinds of societally (or personally) expected stuff.... but what happens when you're too busy for it, 或者 it's not what 你 want at all? Tiana is overworked, underpaid, and determined to have her cake and eat it all, but at what cost? This is the plight of young adults today, and if that's not relatable I don't know what is.

4) Mulan
花木兰 would be so much higher if I could convince myself she was a better candidate than the others. 花木兰 is so appealing, so understandable. Who amongst us has never felt that who we are is inherently wrong, that our families will be disappointed in us if we 显示 our true colors? It's an experience everyone endures, whether they admit it 或者 not, and 花木兰 is the first princess to have a legitimate identity crisis. 花木兰 is only, ONLY this low because she kind of loses her personality somewhere along the way. As she becomes stronger as Ping, she becomes weaker as Mulan; Mulan, of course, being the quirky, creative, and yet a little left-of-center character we 爱情 in the beginning of the film. She comes back briefly during the scene when she dresses the guys up like women, but as a general rule, being Ping suffocates Mulan's relatability, and she never really has the chance to come back. Once again, if this were one of my feminist articles, 花木兰 would be at the 最佳, 返回页首 of the pack. In this particular article, 花木兰 is a little lower than I would have liked.

3) Belle
Fanpop's perennial 最喜爱的 didn't get to where she is 由 being aloof. Belle is a bookworm, an oddball, the weird one, and the one who dreams of a life far beyond the expectations others have for her. She's also really good at calling 'bullshit' on people, which makes her a smarter heroine than many of the ones before her. Belle even makes the insanely stupid decision to ignore the giant monster with sharp teeth that is holding her captive and sneak into his private room (once again, a cataclysmically stupid idea.) She's flawed, she's weird, she's relatable, and just take a deep breath, because I know you're all going to kill me over the number 2 princess...

2) Rapunzel
Now before everyone starts launching rabid 猫 at me, just hold on a second. Those of 你 who are not on Team Tangled, stop sipping your Rapunzel-flavored Haterade for just a second. This princess is what Belle was too mature to be. Whereas Belle is worldly and innately sensible, Rapunzel is a true geek. She's socially awkward at times, she's creative, she's curious, and she's even downright dorky at moments. However, she's not a complete dumbass. She's clever enough to take the initiative when necessary. Rapunzel is like that dorky friend that 你 can't help but smile around, even as 你 wonder how on earth they've made it this far in life with such minimal life experience. Besides that, she's friendly, artistic, and has some legitimate psychological baggage (being trapped for years and begin called vague, chubby, and generally incapable 由 your own mother and your only social contact is bound to leave some scars.) If there isn't a SINGLE thing 你 can find that 你 relate to with Rapunzel, 你 might be a robot. I'm just sayin'. :)

1) Ariel
I know that Ariel is a 来源 of contention on this site (as is Rapunzel,) but even those of 你 who would never, EVER do something like what she did can't admit that 你 haven't had a reckless impulse once 或者 twice. Ariel is the most flawed princess in the bunch. She's impulsive, she's reckless, and she's entirely too romantic for her own good. However, she's also kind of overlooked and a bit of a "fish out of water," if you'll forgive the pun. If you've ever felt unappreciated, like 你 don't belong, 或者 like your family doesn't understand you, 你 can relate to Ariel. And if you've ever made a really stupid decision, ever fallen in 爱情 with someone too quickly and had it end (or know it could have potentially ended) disastrously, 你 can relate to Ariel. If 你 might be a hoarder, 你 can relate to Ariel. :) I'm playing now, but seriously, she is relatable on account of the things that make her divisive, and I think that is something we can all agree on. :)

Hope you've enjoyed it. :)
 ....Well this is awkward
....Well this is awkward
Get ready for the stupidest story ever......*If I were you, I'd leave now*

The two good faries had already 给 Aurora her gifts of Beauty and Song, but Merryweather still had hers to give. Merryweather was just about to give her gift, but then, out of no where, the evil and diabolical....wait where is she? "Cut. Where's Maleficent? We can't do this film without her, she is the only interesting character in this story *not my view, not my view, not my view*. Okay, change in plans, Merryweather give your gift now, andddd action." Merryweather then sprinkled her magic and 说 her words that...
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posted by Jayden-G
There are 10 迪士尼 Princes so far, and they are a unique group. Some barely have a personality, others are really full of themselves, insecure, and some are really cool. This is my 列表 of my 最喜爱的 迪士尼 Prince

10. Ferdinand
Snow White's prince is in last place because despite him being the first hero and prince, he's practically only a plot device. His only purpose in the movie is for Snow White to fall in 爱情 with him, so he can break the curse. He is in maximum 5 分钟 of an 小时 and twenty 分钟 movie (I've counted), so we do not get to see his character, and he appears the least...
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posted by hajirah4
 "And now a message, from your future president of america"
"And now a message, from your future president of america"
Sorry I haven't made an 文章 in a while... I promised i'd make ya'll a count-down before New Years, but I was depressed after I found no gifts under the 圣诞节 树 u.u

...JUST KIDDING!...Christmas is like that every year... NOW ONTO THE ARTICLE.

Second of all, let me just say that I think Ariel has a TON of haters. She's like Justin Beiber in the 迪士尼 World, (except she's a 更多 decent thing to argue over) but when really...the ones who disagree AND the 粉丝 are making a big deal. And the big 问题 is always "Is Ariel the most irresponsible princess...
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I'm excited to do this one! Yay. Hopefully people will read it...
Let's get started!

10. Pocahontas

I really don't think she's pretty. Her hair looks so thin and strange. Her hair is the thing most people 爱情 about her appearance, but I really don't like it. 你 know how Jasmine's hair looks so thick and soft, like 你 run your fingers through it and play with it forever? Yeah. Poca's looks like black paper. No volume! Also her lips, they look like she got botox 或者 something. The only thing I like is her skin color, very pretty.

9. Mulan

Mulan is very ethnic looking. I'm just not a 粉丝 of Chinese...
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I’m new to Fanopo, and I thought, What better first 文章 than my 最喜爱的 Princess countdown? Please 评论 and give your opinion. Please, no swearing 或者 rude comments, but constructive criticism is welcomed. So, without further ado, here is my 最喜爱的 Princess countdown!

10. Jasmine
Now, there is no denying 茉莉, 茉莉花 is awesome. She is tired of her pampered life, where every decision is made for her and she has no freedom, and so she takes charge of her own life and dresses up as a peasant in order to live a life of freedom where she makes her own choices. She makes her way through the...
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posted by hajirah4
 Thank 你 Deviant Art!!!
Thank you Deviant Art!!!
Now first of all, why don't we all give applause to 灰姑娘 and Walt 迪士尼 (hey there my idol, and my man!) for creating the best childhood we've all ever had!!! (applause)

Now, let's document on "The Damsels In Distress" thing, first off- if 你 REALLY think she's a damsel in distress, then your a disgrace to the the 迪士尼 Princesses. Why? 灰姑娘 believed in herself...
BUT SHE DID IT SO- STOP SPREADING HOGWASH!!! SNOW WHITE, is the damsel in distress people!!! Aurora never intended to go to her prince, and 灰姑娘 WENT TO THE BALL, KISSED THE PRINCE, BUT SHE WAS SCARED OF HER USELESS...
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---> link

“According to director Frank Nissen, Drizella was going to be the stepsister to reform in 灰姑娘 III: A Twist in Time, but the filmmakers decided to make it 真假公主 as she already began the process of reformation in 灰姑娘 II: Dreams Come True.”

This web site is practically a petition site for 迪士尼 to make a 灰姑娘 IV in order to change Drizella’s fate. Drizella is my 最喜爱的 character from all three movies; however, I think that she needs to become good as 真假公主 did. Drizella may be very selfish and spoiled but I don’t think that she will be as evil...
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House of 老鼠, 鼠标 theater
Burbank, CA

Rodger and Hammerstein's The Sound of Music


Directors: Mickey 老鼠, 鼠标 and Donald Duck
Producer: Minnie Mouse
Costume design: 雏菊, 黛西 Duck
Stage Technician: Horace Horsecollar
Props: Goofy
Stage Production: Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and Ortensia
Stage Make-up: Clarabelle Cow
Lyrics and Songs written by: Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II

Story based on: The autobiography of Maria Von Trapp, the German 1955 film, the 1957 play, and the 1965 film.


Belle............................................Fraulein Maria
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posted by Jessikaroo
 Is it weird I think some of them look really good as villains?
Is it weird I think some of them look really good as villains?
Okay, so I'm bored and hopped up on five mochas. I'm going to be up for awhile, so it hit me: Why not write another article? I've been meaning to write another one for awhile, but never really got a solid idea. Then it finally came to me: I like villains, why not write about the villains? So here it is, my 迪士尼 Princess villain line-up.

10. The Evil 皇后乐队
For some reason, this villain always fell flat to me. She just never seemed.. Something enough. Other villains have comedy 或者 drama 或者 just memorable character design. The Evil Queen, she just never hit it with me. I never thought she...
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Snow White feels worry about Dee Dee's wheareabout, "I hope the spirit of despair doesn't kill her!". Tiana comforts her saying that there is no time to despair, but they must find a way to rescue her!
Luckily, with the help of new princess 老友记 from 6 new countries. They set out on a long a perilous journey to find Dee Dee before she faces death, and to stop the Spirit of Despair from making the world a depressing place.
As for Dee Dee, she is being ridiculed 由 the Spirit of Despair's henchman in her cell. Then, the evil spirit came in and tells her that her 老友记 will never come. "I wouldn't let 你 do this, I wouldn't let you!" replied Dee Dee angrily.
"Oh, 你 really think so?" the spirit asked her spitefully. "They will never come because my headquaters is far away from here and it's dangerous too!"
She vanishes again and her evil laughter sends cold spine into Dee Dee's blood, she worries that princesses may not make it in time to save her from being killed.
posted by Flutey_Girl96
I keep 阅读 heaps of opinion-based 文章 about the 迪士尼 Princesses, so I decided that I'll do my own series of them, one for each princess.

This 文章 is about how I view Snow White - my opinion on her appearance, clothing and accessories, voice (both 唱歌 and speaking), relationship with her prince, and friendships.

Appearance: Her face is a little weirdly shaped because of her low cheek bones. I have always disliked her hair style, and I think that's because I associate princesses with long hair, at least shoulder length. Her eyes are a nice colour and shape, and really suit her....
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Well I hope you'll enjoy this 文章 :)

Snow White: Red bow

I've already explained why I 爱情 the bow in 2 other articles, but as I've 说 before I've always loved this bow ever since I was a child and I will always have this as my 最喜爱的 accessory, it's so cute and I have the same hairstyle so I suit in bows perfectly well.

Cinderella: Blue headband

As 你 know I really hate the bun, but the headband is very lovely and of course it 《金装律师》 the dress perfectly. I also 爱情 how sparkly the headband is and I would 爱情 to wear this headband someday.

Aurora: Golden tiara

I would...
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I decided to take a break from my fan-fiction writning and write something else. I 爱情 listening to 音乐 so I decided to 列表 10 songs, one for each princess that I think 《金装律师》 them the best and why so here we go!

Snow White (Walking on Sunshine 由 Katrina & The Waves):

Well 标题 says it all, when I first heard the song I instantly thought of Snow White because well it feels like she's walking on sunshine during the whole movie, it's mainly the refrain that makes me think of her.
Here's the link to the song: link

Cinderella (Never Had A Dream Come True 由 S Club 7):

It took me...
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Well I am happy to say I was able to finally get an interview with the characters from Disney’s Princess and the Frog! We had some 粉丝 问题 for Dr. Facilier so we decided to hold the interview at Mamma Odie’s house in order for her to summon him and control him. Tiana, Naveen, and 夏洛特 agreed to meet me there.

(When I arrived Naveen greeted me and helped me inside. Tiana was handing out snacks and Mama Odie…well..She looked to be sleeping. And 夏洛特 actually came up and gave me a huge hug…I about suffocated in all the flounces she was wearing…guess she thought there...
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posted by TheCrystalRing
WARNING!!!! The following story may be disturbing to both Snow White 爱人 and haters. Reader discursion is advised…
Now I present my sneak peek Dark Endings version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Enjoy…

    One song, I have but one song. One song, only for you…Snow White quietly hummed the beautiful song her mystery prince sang to her earlier that day. She was picking wildflowers in the meadow near her 城堡 home. Her stepmother, the Queen, had allowed her to pick the newly bloomed daisies in the field, as long as her best (and only) huntsman, Humbert, accompanied...
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I am so excited to get to do my 下一个 interview with the Characters from Disney’s Sleeping Beauty! The Major characters have consented to come and Purgatory is even allowing Maleficent to come (with a heavy guard of course) . All the 问题 are from 粉丝 and this shall be an interesting interview. (the first to arrive is Aurora and Phillip, but they seem a little uncomfortable with the fact that Maleficent is coming. The three good 精灵 come in 下一个 and make sure they are in the middle so that Aurora does not have to be near her enemy….Maleficent Ghost shows up late, but she is bound...
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I recently got to sit down with the characters of Disney’s Snow White and interviewed them using 问题 from their fans. The Evil 皇后乐队 and the Huntsman ghosts were even allowed to leave Purgatory for this grand event. Doc came as the spokesman of the Dwarfs so that the others could stay in the mines and work. Please enjoy this raw and in-depth look into their interesting lives.

(We all settled down in our chairs….the 皇后乐队 and huntsman were on one side in chains with a purgatory guard behind them….the Prince and Snow were on the other side with Doc in the middle….I noticed right...
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花木兰 led Chun 由 holding her reins and began the time she was younger. 花木兰 说 " Well I was above your age when I first learned the Huns were attacking..." Leah loved listening to her mother's story about when she was younger. Mushu was sitting on a 树 branch not saying a word. Leah looked at him and 说 "Hello Mushu." Mushu 说 " Hello." 花木兰 led Chun all around their 首页 and even out of the area. They reached as far Leah 说 " Stop" the whole time however for Leah it felt they where begin watched 由 someone, but someone Leah didn't know but 花木兰 and Shang would. That night Leah...
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posted by JaimeRay
I'm reworking my origional "Top 5" 文章 to incorporate my changes of 心 and new found 爱情 for a couple of characters, as well as include ALL of the Princes, not just those I found really attractive.

10. Prince Charming

I'm not even going to waste my time giving him a summary - he looks like a plastic Ken doll. Period.

 Con: Misleading Name...
Con: Misleading Name...

9. The Prince

Hmm…nice pearly whites, thick brown locks… I guess 你 could call him good-looking, but personally, I don’t see it.

 Con: Too much chin for one man.
Con: Too much chin for one man.

8. John Smith
I know alot of people tend to like John Smith, but I am...
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New people are coming in this spot everyday, and then they want to write their own 文章 & I think it's about time someone wrote a detailed tutorial on how to write one, because it's no easy task. So I decided to do it. This 文章 is mainly for people who want to learn, but if the experienced can think of any other tips, please comment.

Step 1: Think of a topic
Most of the 文章 on this site are opinion articles, like "My 最喜爱的 Princesses" 或者 "My 最喜爱的 Princess Movies". These are fun to do, but be careful when choosing the 列表 你 want to write. The best ideas for opinion articles...
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