Damon & Elena Club
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Thank 你 for 写作 me such a beautiful, kind email. Yes, I think epic is the word for the 爱情 Elena and Damon have for each other in Midnight. I mean, she completely destroys a moon for his sake. I wrote a lot about Damon and Elena—and Bonnie and Damon, too—to 显示 that Damon is finally discovering his deepest feelings. In the case of Elena, they amount to three simple words that makes Stefan think that Elena no longer loves him. He thinks that she simply wants to be with Damon now—and after all she does, it’s hard to blame him.

But authors don’t go free of consequences. This is still confidential, but In my case, the consequence is that I have been fired from 写作 the Vampire Diaries. Midnight is the last book 你 will ever see 由 L. J. Smith in this series. I even wrote the 下一个 book, Phantom, for the book packagers and my publishers, HarperCollins, but

Instead of sending me edits, they sent me a letter addressed to the anonymous ghostwriter who will be taking over the Vampire Diaries series. Because I wrote about Damon and Elena’s love—and Damon’s feelings for Bonnie, too, no doubt—I have been dropped from the series.

你 may wonder how they can go on 写作 图书 without me. It’s because when I was originally called 由 an agent to write the first trilogy, that agent was from a book packager (someone who puts together 图书 and sells them to publishers) and what I wrote, I wrote “for hire.” Although I didn’t even know what that meant back in 1990, when I wrote the first books, I found out soon enough. It meant that even though I wrote the series, Alloy Entertainment (the book packager) owns the series. I own nothing. And Alloy and HarperCollins wanted me to write straight Stelena, and doubtless less about Bonnie, and I wouldn’t do it. I had to follow the characters and what they were telling me in my heart. But it was a very expensive and reckless thing to do. Book packagers like meek, obedient authors who do exactly as they are told. I’m not that way. And so now the rest of the Vampire Diaries series, however long it lasts, will be written 由 an anonymous ghostwriter, and not 由 me. I have fought and fought until even my agent wouldn’t back me. But Harper (the publisher) and Alloy are in perfect agreement. They think that 你 readers won’t be able to tell the difference, 或者 won’t care. And since I wrote Phantom before they told me, that book may even sound a bit like my writing, because the ghostwriter can do anything she likes with it, all the while making every coming book strictly Stelena. I was told explicitly that I should have Elena realize that though she is fond of Damon her one true 爱情 is Stefan. I chose not to do that because it wasn’t what I felt in my heart. But that’s what the rest of the series will be because I won’t be around to say any differently.

I am very, very sad—sadder than I have ever been since my mother passed away—but there is absolutely nothing I can do. There will be no 更多 Delena in the series—although Elena may be fond 或者 physically attracted to Damon. I don’t know what it means for the Bamon faction. All I know is that I’m sad and hurt and horrified all at once.

由 the way, don’t feel guilty because Delena moments were undoubtedly a big part of the reason I was fired. I simply wrote about Elena, and Bonnie, too, what I chose to write. And I can’t bring myself to regret 写作 Shadow Souls and Midnight, even though I’m desolated now.


L. J. Smith
posted by HaleyDewit
Caroline was in her mom’s study room she used to do some paperwork, searching Amber Lindy’s file. After what Matt told her it was easy to put the pieces together. A girl she had never seen before and who could hear everything? A girl who could drink without having to 显示 her id? It was close to obvious who this chick was, but Caroline wanted proof before she informed Damon and Elena… and Katherine.
“What are 你 doing here?” Caroline turned around. Her mother was in the doorway, an austerely expression on her face. “Nothing” Caroline 说 fast, too fast. She raced to her mom...
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posted by DelenaLove1
Chapter 10 Heartache

Elena's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I slowly sat up in shock, looking around the room I was in and then at my body. I was fully clothed, wearing a 粉, 粉色 衬衫 with skinny jeans. I slowly climbed off the 床, 床上 I was on with surprising ease. All the pain I was feeling before had vanished and my strength has returned. Who saved me? Where was Delena? Was she safe? All these thoughts and 更多 ran through my head as I ran my hand lightly on the golden 最佳, 返回页首 of the huge dresser.

I snapped my head up as the closed door infront of me opened, revealing my savior. My breath got...
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posted by DelenaLove1
Delena Chapter 8 Torture Continues

Elena looked up into Damon's face, fear taking over her body. Damon just smirked sinisterly. "We're gonna have so much fun."

"Get out of my husband's head 你 MONSTER!" Elena screamed as she slapped Damon hard across the head.

Damon slowly moved his head into upright position, glaring daggers at Elena. "That wasn't very nice." He grabbed Elena and started chaining her up to the wall.

Elena screamed as she thrashed and kicked at him, trying to get away but to no avail. Damon successfully chained her to the 墙 and let an evil smile 交叉, 十字架 his face.

Klaus let a joyous...
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PG-13 ( K+  T ) Rating :

1- Lying to herself 由 John Reed - Summary : Missing scenes from Season 2 and 3 - surely they ran out of time, 或者 they would have made these official. 或者 maybe these 显示 the truth and they just aren't ready to reveal all yet. Season 3 begins with Chapter 23... link
2- Never be the same 由 tukct81 – summary : This is a post 3x17 story with reference to spoilers for 3x18. Elena attempts to mend bridges with Damon after a near fatal run in with Rebekah, but angry feelings force them to confront what they are really mad about link

3- Shadowdancing...
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added by bea93delena
added by laurik2007
Source: http://nina-dobrev.us
added by vanszerelem
I'm new here and I just wanted to share my 查看 on why Damon and Elena NEED to be together. I wrote this for a friend to persuade her to 加入 Delena, and this speech worked. I hope 你 like it.

​ Okay, so my speech consists of many parts. My first part is how they first met. Damon was just lying in the road, looking for his 下一个 meal, when Elena comes and talks and he hears her voice. He goes up to and say “Katherine?”  “No, I’m Elena.” She replies. With that it takes him three 秒 to find out that Elena is indeed Elena and not Katherine. (Even though he probably could have...
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I can say with absolute certainty, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Delena are 100 percent ON this season. They. Are. HAPPENING. I always believed they were before, and I believe it even 更多 now that I've watched their scenes in 3x02. To anybody who's seriously doubted whether Delena will ever happen, all I have to say to them is: do 你 believe me now??

3x02 was a huge, amazing, epic episode for Delena. It surpasses every episode they've had except for maybe 2x08, 2x22 and 1x19.

Damon agrees to help Elena even though it could bring him into a potentially life-threatening situation. I can't...
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How many 爱情 stories begin with hatred? Maybe 更多 than 你 think...

"...I had not known 你 a 月 before I felt that 你 were the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry."
(Elizabeth Bennett's rejection of Darcy's proposal in 'Pride and Prejudice'.)

"I peeked up at him one 更多 time, and regretted it. He was glaring down at me again, his black eyes full of revulsion.
(Bella's first encounter with Edward in 'Twilight')

"He doesn't want to feel, he wants to be hated, it's just easier that way. He got his wish. I hate him Stefan."
(Elena, 2x01 'The Return')

It might seem odd...
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I'm sure you're aware that there are many arguments against Delena; why they shouldn't be together, why it wouldn't work out, why Elena will choose Stefan in the end. These arguments have been bothering me for a long time, especially when I realised that there was no factual basis to back them up, relying instead on what would probably happen. I came up with nine 答案 to the nine arguments I thought were commonly used. They are all arguments I've heard used 由 people, I did not make them up. If 你 爱情 SE and BD and are here 由 some accident (I know it can happen), 或者 if 你 don't ship...
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 Image credit: ILoveYouDelena
Image credit: ILoveYouDelena
Let me cut right to the chase here: I'm growing weary of constantly having to defend my reasons for loving Delena from attacks 由 people who ship Stelena and Bamon. I'm also growing increasingly weary of hearing pessismism from within the Delena fanbase and always persuading them not to give up hope. The truth is, people will see what they want to see, and they will believe what they want to believe. What I find discouraging as a DE 粉丝 is how easily people feel like giving up, and I wonder why this is. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that people don't really believe this triangle...
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posted by Delenafan2
This is the follow up to my last story. This is some adult content.

Elena and Damon 淋浴 Scene
This story has some adult content to it which I’ll have to say it’s rated MA for some content.

The house was quiet when Elena came in. She wanted desperately to talk to Damon about their 吻乐队(Kiss) last night.

“Damon? Are 你 here?”, she called out. Hearing no response she headed upstairs towards his bedroom.

“Damon?” she 说 before entering his room. She heard water running in the bathroom. Was he in the shower? She grimaced hoping to not find him in there with Andie. Her curiosity eating away...
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added by Irenenew
added by mah00_de
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Source: http://holdingonmyheart.tumblr.com
added by EllieLupin91
Source: http://jomorgasm.tumblr.com/
added by _Chryso_
Source: tumblr.
added by RubyRing
Source: tumblr