布鲁克与卢卡斯(Brucas) Club
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 Biggest part of my world
Biggest part of my world
Ok so this is my entry to the 布鲁克与卢卡斯(Brucas) fanfic contest at othforums and its my ideal 布鲁克与卢卡斯(Brucas) contest it is a mainly a narration of what is leading up to it and then towards the end it will be them so enjoy 评论 are lovely please do if 你 like it.

Fade in to Lucas Scott house

Lucas was sitting their at his 台, 办公桌 写作 his newest book and thinking of the things that inspired him to get to this new flow of Creativity it came very simple to Lucas now that he found something that he loves in his life someone he thought he would never get another shot to 爱情 her again. Who is this person 你 ask her Name is Brooke Davis an elegant beauty he has been with before and has been in 爱情 with her but circumstances out of his control seemed to get in the way and it tore them a part from each other but now they are together and stronger than ever their were so strong in fact that Lucas thought today of all days was the perfect 日 to propose to her. Today is a very special 日 for myself and the 爱情 of my life Brooke Davis and no it’s not a conventional special 日 like an anniversary 或者 valentines 日 it is the 日 that Brooke and I first meant many years 以前 in 树 爬坡道, 小山 parking lot in the car I was in after hitting the game winning shot in my 秒 game as a raven. Just as Lucas finished typing that Brooke walked into the room and before she could see it Lucas shut his laptop so she could not see his plans for her.

“ What are 你 righting about.” Brooke asked with a curious look on her face as she walked into Lucas bedroom as where he was 写作 his last novel. “ Nothing” Lucas 说 with the broody look on his face. “ Lucas 你 have been sitting their for three hours and 你 have written nothing.” “ ok it wasn’t nothing it just something 你 can’t see until it’s finished.” Just as Lucas finished that sentence he noticed that Brooke was getting ready to give him the pouty Brooke look that she could usually get him to give into anything she wanted. “ Brooke I would 爱情 to tell 你 but that would ruin the surprise of what is it wouldn’t 你 rather be surprised than be spoiled 由 what’s in it.” I asked her after awhile Lucas noticed that Brooke was giving in and decided not push it any farther than that. “ Ok fine I will wait but this better be a great piece of writing.” Brooke 说 with a lot of emphasis and with that Brooke left the topic be and decided to let Lucas get back to whatever he was writing. Before Lucas decided to get back to 写作 his story that he was so inspired to do he wanted to know what Brooke’s plans were for the 日 so nothing would ruin his surprise for her later in the day. “ Brooke” Lucas 说 with lots of emphasis to get her attention as she as left the room when she could not figure out what Lucas was 写作 in his book.” “ Luke what” Brooke 说 in response. “ I just wanted to know what your plans were for today.” “ My plans I really don’t have any except going to Clothes over Bros to work on some things that’s about it why? Brooke wondered “ Oh I was just curious that’s all.” Lucas replied back as he did not want to give away that he had a surprise for her. Once Lucas heard the front door close and heard Brooke drive off in her car he decided it was time to get back to his writing.

All of 你 are probably wondering how I came to the decision to ask Brooke to marry me I know it seems to soon for us but I assure 你 it is not the timing could not be 更多 perfect. I know that Brooke and I have only been together for only about nine months but we have grown up so much as a couple we are nothing like we used to be in the past we are a matter of fact much better and a lot stronger. As most of 你 know Brooke and I have had some problems in the past but all of those problems have been resolved and neither myself 或者 Brooke will let anything this time get in the way of are 爱情 for each other that includes Parents who don’t improve 或者 老友记 who don’t improve of us together we are not going to let it happen again. I think it is now time to let 你 know how Brooke and I found are way back to each other it was a long time coming but it was worth the wait as we learned a lot about are selves as individuals and for are relationship.

It all started a 月 after the debacle of my wedding to Lindsey the person I thought I was going to marry but looking back on that I realize that I was just rushing into it and hiding from myself like I normally do. I was a real mess after she left me at the alter but I had some help to get me through my 心 break and it came in the form of my good friend Brooke Davis and yes this is the same Brooke that I am planning on proposing to later today. It all started the 日 I got back from my little impromptu trip that I took after the whole thing went down. About five 分钟 after I walked into the house and just as I was unpacking everything in my bedroom their was a knock at the door I was surprised someone was knocking at the door considering how late it was when I got 首页 so I opened the door to see Brooke standing their with a not to happy look on her face I have seen this look before this is the I am mad at 你 look.

“ Brooke what are 你 doing here.” Lucas 说 with a curious look on his face. “ I am seeing how 你 are doing that’s all do I need a reason to come 由 and see 你 we are 老友记 aren’t we.” Brooke 说 in her serious voice but she had this while having the cutest smile on her face. “ yes Brooke we are 老友记 I am just surprised that’s all that someone is actually seeing how I am doing considering its been a month.” Lucas 说 after answering Brooke’s comment. “ well its just that 你 have a tendency to cut people off sometimes when 你 are going through something and I thought I would just give 你 太空 this time so 你 could deal with it and if 你 want to be alone I can just go.” Brooke 说 in a joking manner waiting for some sort of response from him with the last part of that sentence. “ Brooke why don’t 你 come in and we can talk.” Lucas 说 before she walked all the way out the door. “ Ok Luke if that’s what 你 want.” Brooke 说 trying to play a little game with him just for some fun. “ Yes I do want 你 to come and stay for awhile.” Lucas replied back knowing exactly what she was trying to do. “ Ok Luke I will stay.” Brooke knew it work it always works and with that Brooke stayed for what seemed like days but in reality it was eight hours. It may seemed we talked all about me for those eight hours but we talked 更多 about her what she was going though in her life she really wanted to adopt a baby and really wanted to give a baby the opportunity she never had and that was to be raised 由 a parent that actually cared about them. “ Brooke that’s great 你 are doing this it gives some kid an amazing opportunity to be raised 由 such and an amazing and beautiful person.” After I told her this she was really caught off guard 由 评论 I guess she wasn’t expecting it at all I noticed that she had a look on her face that 说 I should not have 说 it but then shortly after that a smile was approaching so after all she didn’t mind my comment. “ thanks Lucas I know it is but unfortunately I will not get it because of my stupid mother she maid sure that it won’t happen.” Brooke 说 about the whole adoption situation as she 说 this Lucas was getting the curious Lucas look on his face as he wanted to know what she was talking about. “ Oh the adoption people called Victoria for a reference to my character and she pretty much destroyed it but I really don’t want to talk about it I want to know how was your trip.” Brooke 说 trying to change the subject rather quickly. “ my trip was quite fun I spent a lot of time with Andy and my sister and my mom of course that is pretty much it I would much rather talk about the adoption than my trip but if 你 don’t that is fine with me.” Lucas 说 as he complied with what Brooke wanted a change of subject. After that the time just flew 由 and before they both knew it was the 下一个 日 and they had both fallen asleep on the 长椅, 沙发 and what they didn’t know how they became cuddled together on the 长椅, 沙发 but they both seemed to like it and neither one of them seemed to complain about it.

That was the 日 that Brooke and Lucas began to rebuild their friendship they were good 老友记 before but this was the moment that they both realized that their friendship was stronger than before. At that point they both decided to stay 老友记 as they were just not ready to be 更多 than that as their were still dealing with issues in their personal life’s it wasn’t until the night that Lindsey returned his key and Brooke came over to get him to help her out with Angie that they realized that they were ready to rebuild their relationship to be stronger than ever. That was the night that they decided to start their relationship over to a new beginning but Lucas as usual wanted to just start their relationship right then and their but Brooke would no have that at all.
Once they knew Angie was fully asleep and would not wake up they spend the rest of the night discussing the problems they had in their relationship. They both agreed this time if they did give their relationship another try they would not let other forces to tear them apart like in the past and the big part of it on Brooke’s side were insecurities but she realized that she should not let those mess up a great thing with the 爱情 of your life. After talking all night and almost the 下一个 日 Brooke and Lucas both agreed that it wouldn’t hurt to try again but they were going to take things slow and not rush into anything at all. “ wow we have been up for two straight days talking that is a long time to talk Brooke.” Lucas 说 after glancing over at the clock and the calendar that was sitting on a 台, 办公桌 and on the wall. “ I know Lucas but we have a lot of things to talk about considering all the things that have gone wrong with us in the past.” Brooke 说 in response to Lucas little 评论 about the time they were spending talking. “ that’s true Brooke but I can guarantee 你 that I will not let anything get in the way this time.” Lucas made sure to put lots of emphasis with the end of his sentence. “ 你 better be right 或者 I might have to hurt you.” Brooke 说 in response to his last 评论 at first Lucas thought she was just joking and then he realized she was being serious.

After those days of talking Brooke and I have been stronger than ever and never 更多 in 爱情 with each other and no it has not been easy but we stuck together and did not let Victoria get in are way even though she did her best in the end it did not work at all. That night was the night I asked Brooke to 移动 in with me and now 你 are probably thinking she 说 yes and we are living together but we are not she turned down moving in together when she first turned me down I thought it was because it was to soon but that’s not it at all Brooke just wanted to be on her own in her own place and did not want to be dependent on me at all. I remember that 日 like it was just yesterday. “ 嘿 Brooke why don’t 你 移动 in with me.” I 说 right after Her mom left her house. “ what.” Brooke 说 as she was completely caught of guard with what I asked her. “ I 说 why don’t 你 移动 in with me.” I repeated what I had 说 just moments earlier I was patiently waiting for her reply and then what seemed like hours she finally responded after the shock wore off. “ Lucas that is quite and offer and it is a lovely one and I do 爱情 你 but we don’t need to 移动 in together yet it just seems like if I did I would be really dependent on 你 and I do not want that I think we are just fine living in are own house’s but one 日 we will live together and before 你 ask Its not to early to 移动 in together.” Brooke explained in good detail as why she does not want to and even though we will not be living together I still loved her explanation as to why and that was good enough for me and I left this alone and from that point we just grew together even in are different places. I remember it so well because that was just over a 月 ago.

Now if 你 are 阅读 this 你 think it was to early to 移动 in together for only being together for Five months but not for me because I know the night we got back together that we would last together this time I don’t know if Brooke feels the same way but I am not afraid to admit the way I feel. I guess I was just hiding my true feelings about her and I was scared that I would hurt again and 你 heard her if I did it again she would hurt me . now we are to the 日 where I am getting ready to purpose to her I thought I had everything the way I wanted but I figured I needed another view on my proposal plans and know one is better for this than My best friend Haley who knows Brooke just as well as I do. “ Hales do 你 think 你 can come over here I need some help with this proposal it is noting going over very well at this moment.” Lucas 说 as he was calling his best friend to try and help him out. “ Yes Luke I can help 你 out I am on my way over and why is it not going over very well.” Haley asked as she left her house and headed out the door to his house. “ well I want it to be very special and I want it to be something that she will 爱情 and not be the typical proposal but it is not turning out the way I planned.” Lucas explained In the I need some serious help voice.” “ well that’s not good Lucas but I am sure she will 爱情 it anyway.” Haley 说 to try and ease her best friend’s nerves. After that last 评论 Haley hung up the phone ten 分钟 after that Hales arrived at Luke’s house to help him out.

“ so what is the problem 你 are having with the proposal Luke.” Haley asked as she walked in the front door to see a concerned Lucas on the couch. “ well I was planning on cooking her a romantic meal then after wards I would propose but I realized that’s to cliché and Brooke deserves 更多 than that.” Lucas 说 to try and get Haley to understand how much he cares and loves her and the she deserves something special for her. “ I have an idea of what 你 should do and just go with me on this.” Haley explained to him. “ Ok what is your idea.” Lucas asked as he was curious as to what she had in store for him. “ I think 你 need to do propose someone where that is special to the too of you.” Just as Haley finished this she noticed Lucas was a little lost. “ what I mean she what is one place that 你 two have shared important moments together that is just yours and no one else’s.” Haley explained in further detail. “ oh I know what 你 mean and I have the perfect place now thanks for the help hales but I still think I need your help with it.” Lucas stated as the idea of where to do it came to him. “ your welcome Lucas and what do 你 want me to help with.” Haley 说 as she was willing to help her Best friend with anything he needed. “ I need 你 to keep people away from the river court as I need it clear to set up for tonight can 你 do that and I also need 你 to keep Brooke preoccupied and away from their so she will not know what I am doing.” Lucas asked as the perfect place was coming to him the 更多 he thought about it their was no other place that was important to them than the rivercourt that was his world that he shared with Brooke. “ sure Luke I can do anything 你 need and I think that is the perfect place for 你 to.” Haley 说 agreeing with his choice to propose.

With that the wheels were set in motion for Lucas to propose to the 爱情 of his life they have been through so much and nothing would get in the way of this special night for them at all. It was special in two ways the first one was he was propose that was special for anyone and the 秒 one was that on this night several years 以前 the first met in his car in the parking lot in the 树 爬坡道, 小山 high parking lot the night Lucas hit the game winning shot the night he began the amazing journey of being with all of his great 老友记 and this was the point he met an amazing person known as Brooke Davis and he knows it does seem a little cheesy to be proposing on this anniversary but he did not care at all he loved her and wants to spend the rest of his life with her and this is just the perfect time and place to do it now all he has to do now is set it up. Now that Lucas had the location he needed to get the things he need for the proposal he was just waiting for his Brother Nathan to 显示 up the reason he was waiting on his brother to 显示 up was because he was helping him set up the rivercourt. “ 嘿 Nate thank 你 for helping me out I really appreciate little brother.” Lucas 说 just as Nathan was arriving at the river court.
“ Anytime Big brother so what is your plan now that 你 have the ideal location for proposing to Brooke.” asked his brother as he was getting all the supplies Lucas need out of his car and setting them up on the table. “ So do 你 think the two of us get all of these lights hung up before it gets dark and we lose are light.” Lucas asked his brother so they would not run out of light and so that nothing can go wrong on this night. “ Yes Luke we can there is not that much to hang and if we work fast enough we can do it.” Nathan 说 as he answered Luke’s Question. “ Ok good and once we are done I will fill 你 in on what I have planned.” Lucas 说 he also thought about Haley and how she is doing trying to keep Brooke from leaving clothes over bros and heading over to Lucas house . “ 嘿 Brooke where 你 going” Haley 说 as she walked through Clothes over bros to help Luke’s plan. “ oh I was going getting ready to close up for the 日 and head over to Luke’s.” Brooke answered Haley’s 问题 Brooke was wondering why at this time Haley was their she usually isn’t over in this part of town at this time of the day.

“ Oh Ok I was just wondering what 你 were doing.” Haley answered hoping Brooke would believe that answer but knowing Brooke the way she does she knows she doesn’t. “ Haley what are 你 doing here not that I mind 你 being here I am just curious as to why 你 are coming to see me.” Brooke stated she knew Haley was up to something but she didn’t know what and she was going to find out why if it killed her. “ I just wanted to see 你 since we really haven’t talked lately.” Haley 说 this hoping Brooke would believe her and they could 移动 on and stay their until Lucas was done at the rivercourt Haley thought. “ That’s fine Hales just wondering so 你 want to have a seat.” Brooke asked Haley but she noticed she really wasn’t paying attention to her. “ Haley” Brooke yelled to try and get her attention. “ Sorry Brooke I kind of zoned out for a 分钟 and I will be right back I have to make a call outside I will be back shortly.” Haley 说 so she could go outside and see how much longer she was to distract Brooke so Lucas could come pick her up. “ Hello” Lucas 说 as his phone began to ring. “ Lucas how much longer do I need to watch Brooke because she is getting very suspicious as to why I am here.” Haley asked Lucas on how much longer he will be at the rivercourt. “ Don’t worry I am done I am just waiting for it to get dark then I will be over their to get her.” Lucas explained. “ Ok Luke anything 你 want me to do before 你 get here.” Haley asked. “ Yes try and find some sort of blindfold so she can’t see anything I am doing I want her to be so surprised.” Lucas 说 as he was explaining his plan. “ Ok I will try and find something so 你 will be here in about 30 minute’s right.” Haley asked so she could plan it so nothing could go wrong with this plan.”
“ that sounds about right.” Lucas 说 to answer Haley’s final 问题 before leaving to go get Brooke.

“ 嘿 who were talking with outside.” Brooke asked as Haley walked back into the store. “ No one Brooke it was not a really important person.” Haley 说 so she would not become 更多 suspicious than she already is. “ So Brooke 你 know what today is right.” Haley asked as she was trying to create a conversation to the pass the time. “ what do 你 mean like the 日 of the week.” Brooke answered. “ no not the 日 of the week it is an important 日 for 你 and Lucas.” Haley replied back. “ well it’s not are anniversary if that’s what 你 mean.” Brooke 说 she was no wondering what Haley was getting at. “ I mean on this 日 about four years 以前 你 and Lucas meant for the first time.” Haley 说 and she could tell 由 the look on her face she never knew that. “ Really it is I knew realized that.” Brooke 说 in general wonderment. The thirty 分钟 came and went just like that the time just flew 由 as Brooke and Haley were talking about things like the good ole days and before she knew it was the time that Lucas was going to drop 由 the store to come and get Brooke for her surprise. “ well this was fun Brooke this has been fun but I need to get 首页 but before I go I have been told 由 someone who knows 你 to have 你 put this blindfold on 你 and take 你 to a car to take 你 somewhere.” Haley 说 as she was doing what Lucas told her to do as he was pulling up right outside. “ Ok Haley it’s a little weird but whatever floats your boat.” Brooke 说 agree to do what Haley said.

“ Just a 分钟 Haley before I get in that car 你 are going to tell me who’s car it is because I am not getting in some strangers car just to get chopped to pieces.” Brooke 说 as she was not about to get in a car with someone who could be a crazy lunatic and do away with her. “ ok Brooke all I will say is that Luke is in the car so 你 have nothing to worry about but that’s all I will tell you.” Haley 说 as to not ruin everything Lucas has planned. “ Lucas where are 你 taking me.” Brooke 说 with in a few 分钟 of getting into the car. “ I am not telling 你 anything until we get to where we need to be so 你 are just going to have to wait.” Lucas answered her 问题 but he made sure not to reveal anything at all. After that the rest of the car ride was silent until they pulled up to the 草 near the rivercourt. “ ok Brooke we are here unless 你 want to keep that on.” Lucas 说 with a goofy smile on his face. “You think that’s funny don’t you.” Brooke 说 as she was taking off her blindfold. “ Lucas what is this.” Brooke asked in amazement as she saw what was in front of her three rows of the white icicle lights along with Gerber 花 the 花 he gave her the 日 she came back from California. “ well to answer your 问题 Brooke this is for a very special occasion and this will explain it.” Lucas 说 as he answered Brooke’s 问题 and as he finished that sentence the sky began to light up with writing. “ Brooke why don’t 你 look up.” Lucas stated as he was instructing Brooke to see what he planned for the night. “ What does that say Luke I can’t see it.” Brooke asked as she was having a hard time 阅读 the sky 写作 in the dark sky. “ Why don’t 你 移动 closer so 你 can see it better.” Lucas 说 to get her attention away from him so he could pull out the ring with out her noticing it.

“ Lucas all I can see is that it says the biggest part.” Brooke 说 she was really curious as what it said. “ Ok Brooke I will tell 你 what it is says” Lucas complied to all of her 问题 to ease her curiosity. “ It Says Brooke Davis 你 are the biggest part of my world and I want to start that part of my life with 你 today Brooke will 你 marry me.” Lucas 说 not really 阅读 what it 说 in the dark sky as he remembered it 由 心 and spoke the truth. Lucas could tell that Brooke was completely caught off guard 由 this as she was not expecting this at all now all that was left was for Brooke to say yes 由 the look on her face 你 could tell she was really thinking about this. “ Lucas that is something a person usually has to think about and it’s a big 评论 but it’s not like we are going to rush into it at all so my answer is yes to your question.” Brooke finally spoke. “ Not the answer 你 were expecting.” Brooke 说 as she noticed that Lucas was now quite. “ No it’s I didn’t think 你 would make that decision that quickly but I 爱情 the answer” Lucas 说 as he leaned in to passionately 吻乐队(Kiss) Brooke. That was a special night for Brooke and Lucas as it was the night that they both decided that they were ready to start their life journey together that was the beginning of the new part of their life. That was the point in both of their life’s where no one could ever take it away from them.
 The right one: my ideal 布鲁克与卢卡斯(Brucas) proposal
The right one: my ideal Brucas proposal
added by brucas4ever
Source: brooke-lucas.org gallery
added by BlairChuckFan
Source: http://fuckyeahbrucas.tumblr.com/
cute moments
added by imprizonedbelle
This is a video of the good and bad moments of 布鲁克与卢卡斯(Brucas) throughout the first 3 seasons. The songs are My Valentine 由 Martina McBride and What Hurts the Most 由 Rascal
brooke davis
lucas scott
added by BlairChuckFan
Source: tumblr
added by mcewen_girl
added by Jessica4695
Source: Meee
added by OMGitsBrooke
added by sophialover
cute moments
added by Dean-girlx
Source: Mine!
added by brucas4ever
Source: photobucket
added by sophialover
cute moments
added by Janni