Awake Club
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posted by Starwarschick18
Sam Lockwood was getting extremely frustrated with her fiancée, Clay Beresford She was upset because he still hadn't told his mother of their six-month engagement . What she wanted 更多 than anything was for Mrs. Beresford to give their marriage her blessing and for Clay to stop having to obsess over what would be the right moment to finally tell her. It isn't good for his condition and he knows it! Sam thought with a twinge of anger but mostly with concern. Clay had a rare 心 condition and had been on the transplant 列表 for over a year. He had to take many different kinds of medication just to keep him functioning. Sam worried about him all the time and so did his mother. The main reason she knew why Clay hadn't told his mom of their relationship was that Sam was his mother's personal assistant . She didn't blame him for that. Both of them knew that when they started their relationship that it was going to be hard on both of them, but she had no idea that it would be so hard on Clay. He hated lying to his mother all the time and she knew it caused him 更多 stress then he was already under, but he had no idea on how to tell her the truth so he continued to lie to her. Now the only way they could be together was in secret meeting in her apartment which was in Brooklyn. He would call his mom saying he had to stay late at the office 或者 make up some other fake cover story, and he would drive over to her house. Where the two of them would usually spend the night together. Then they would both get up early in the morning so Sam could drive him to the townhouse he shared with his mom in Manhattan. Clay would change for work before his mother awakened so has not to rouse any suspicion about his relationship with her. Finally Sam got up out of 床, 床上 and went to the bathroom brushed her hair then she pulled it up with a clasp and went to over to the bath tub. She looked down into it and saw that Clay was submerged under the water his eyes open. She never really understood why he did this all the time but she knew that it was important to him. So as not to disturb him she just squatted 下一个 to the tub and waited for Clay to come up. Which he did a few 秒 later. She smiled warmly at him and gently stroked his hand, she looked in his eyes lovingly for a few 秒 glad for a 分钟 to truly bask in the sweet warmth that was her 爱情 for him as she knew that was what he was doing as well. Finally she 说 to him “Hey, so what were 你 doing under there, I was beginning to worry about you.” Clay smiled at her and 说 “ 嘿 ,I was just thinking, sorry Sam, I didn't mean to scare 你 .” Sam's smile turned into a playful grin she stood up sitting on the edge of the tub placing her hands on either side of it to steady herself leaning over him she replied seductively “That's all right 你 didn't scare me too much. So what were thinking about, no wait let me guess 你 were thinking about making 爱情 to me all morning and taking me out for a really big breakfast.” Clay sat up in the tub and 说 “Close.” they kissed Sam smiled and 说 “Yeah, now close was I ?” He didn't answer her they just kissed some more. Finally Clay 说 “Actually I was thinking of 你 soaking wet with all of your clothes on.” He wrapped his hands around her waist and started to pull her in. Immediately Sam grabbed onto the sides of the tub and tried with all of her might to stay out of it. She yelled at him “No, don't, Clay no!” Clay 说 happily “Yes come here you!”Sam finally relented to her fiancé's foreplay and allowed herself to be pulled into the tub. She laughed for a few 秒 then she turned her head and kissed him. He kissed her back and soon the 接吻 they were doing was turning into a heated make out session. Sam positioned herself so that she was straddling him and they continued to 吻乐队(Kiss) she wrapped her arms around his neck and they kissed for another five minutes. After they were finished, Sam grabbed a bottle of shampoo and washed her hair then she rinsed it. When she was done the two of them got out of the tub and went over to the sink. Clay applied shaving cream to his face and Sam got out her toothbrush and brushed her teeth. She heard him curse and knew that he must of cut himself. She 说 “Oh, hold on a sec honey.” Sam spit the last of the toothpaste that was in her mouth into the sink got a wet towel and held it up to him. “Tell me if it hurts all right?” As she went to clean out his cut, Clay screamed loudly at her. Sam jumped back and 说 “Jesus, your such a asshole, come here” Clay 说 “I didn't scare 你 too much did I?” Sam laughed and 说 “ Yeah 你 did.” She mopped up the rest of the cut until he wasn't bleeding anymore and he asked her “So how does it look?” Sam smiled at him and 说 “I think you'll live.” Clay replied “Thank you” Sam looked at him lovingly and replied “Your welcome ” She kissed him once on the lips then she kissed him again only this time it was a much 更多 deep passionate 吻乐队(Kiss) which lasted two minutes. It was four days after they had spent that wonderful night together in her apartment. Sam was still upset that Clay hadn't told his mother about them yet. Standing in the fore way outside of Lilith's bedroom she wasn't completely sure if she should barge in on them now, but she needed Mrs.Beresford to sign off on some last 分钟 forms and it couldn't wait. So without hesitating Sam knocked on the 墙 and made her presence known to the two of them “I'm sorry to disturb 你 Mrs.Beresford, uh the door was open.” As usual Mrs. Beresford pretended not to of heard her. Then she 说 “Oh Sam it's you, well is there something 你 want?” Used to being semi-ignored 由 her employer Sam took this all too familiar brush off in stride. Holding up the clipboard she replied “Yes, I just need your signature, I know it's late but I want to get these out tonight.” Smiling Lilith strode over to her and signed the papers when she was done she gave Sam a warm smile and 说 “You're too good to me Sam.” She gave Clay a miserable glance then putting on a false smile Sam replied “Well if that will be all I should be heading home, Goodnight Mrs.Beresford, Mr. Beresford.” Sam brushed past Clay and his mother and walked out of the house. It was raining but, she didn't care. Hopefully the cold rain would cool off the burning anger that she had inside of her. She started briskly walking to the subway, a fast gait that only people with incredible anger inside them as Sam had in her walked. Clay caught up with her and 说 “ Sam, I'm sorry Okay.” Frustrated beyond belief with not only the fact that he didn't tell his mother the truth again but was standing in the cold rain she replied angrily “ For Christ Sake Clay 你 know 你 can't be in the rain it isn't good for you!” He sighed and 说 “ Well why don't we go inside to get warm.” Sam stared at him with disbelief for a 秒 then she 说 “ But she'll see us.” Clay nodded at her. Sam stepped under the umbrella and replied “Are 你 sure ?” Clay nodded again and 说 “Yes I should of done this a long time ago, Come on.” He ushered her inside. Five 分钟 later she and Clay were walking out of his house. He had just told his mother of their relationship and as they predicated she was upset. Clay who was breathing heavily sat down on the front steps and replied “Sam wait.”

Sam looked at him with concern she immediately opened her 钱包 and rifled through it furiously looking for the bottles of his various medications that she kept inside. “Oh, Oh God. Okay, nope that isn't it.” Finally finding the right one she opened up the bottle and tapped a few pills into her hand “ Here we go look what we've got here, all right sweetie, all right open up honey.” Sam fed Clay his pills and replied anxiously “Are 你 Okay, 你 Okay?” Having swallowed the medication Clay nodded tiredly . Sam looked at him closely his breaths were coming out in short rapid intervals and he had a slight grayish tint to him. Putting her hand on his cheek Sam asked Clay again “Honey are 你 sure 你 're all right?” Clay took her hand off of his face he took it in his own taking a deep breath in he replied “Yeah baby I 'm fine, really I'm Okay.”Sam 说 “I'm so sorry I just wanted to be recognized that's all I'm gonna go away and leave 你 too alone okay.” Taking another deep breath Clay said”Marry me.” Sam stared at him in disbelief replied “What, honey what are 你 saying?” He replied again “I want to marry you, tonight right now, I want to marry 你 tonight.” Sam 说 “But it's the middle of the night.” Clay shook his head adamantly, taking her face between his palms he 说 “I don't want to wait any longer we've waited too long as it is. Baby, please will 你 marry me ?” Sam leaned into him she 说 happily “Yes, I'll marry you.” The two of them kissed and hugged. Sam was skeptical on how Clay was going to pull off a wedding for them in the middle of the night, but he somehow put it all together . He called his cardiologist and best friend Dr. Jack Harper, who in turn called in a few favors of his own and 由 the stroke of midnight she and Clay were preparing to get ready for their wedding. Since it was spur of the moment and she didn't have any time at all to buy a wedding dress, Sam improvised the best she could 由 just taking her hair out of the bun that she had it in while still having the bulk of it pulled back at the 最佳, 返回页首 of her head 由 her 最喜爱的 hair clasp and taking off her 涂层, 外套 . She had on her best blue cashmere sweater. The only people at the wedding was the minister who was a patient of Jack's and had agreed on presiding over the ceremony because he owned him a favor, his wife was there as well to be a witness to the union, and Jack was their as Clay's best man. Sam was extremely happy she just couldn't believe after a 年 of waiting she was finally going to marry Clay the man of her dreams and the one person she could and would defiantly be spending the rest of her life with. As she spoke the vows happiness seemed to burst out an onward to the four other people in the church. After the minister announced them husband and wife the couple thanked Jack the minister and his wife and left the church. On the steps of the church Clay scooped her up in his arms and carried her over the threshold of the church and all the way to her apartment. As soon as Sam and Clay entered her apartment, they kissed relentlessly, Sam threw her 涂层, 外套 onto the floor and tossed her 钱包 and keys aside so that they made a loud clash when they hit the hard wood of the floor. They didn't even notice 或者 care as they were too engrossed in each other. 接吻 still Clay pushed her up against the 墙 then he picked her up and they went into the bedroom where they continued to kiss. From their the two began to disrobe. Sam took off her sweater and pants and tossed them aside now only in her bra and panties She laid down on the 床, 床上 and Clay laid on 最佳, 返回页首 of her,they continued to kiss. She ran her hands down his body. Sam then threw her legs up pushing them hard against his inner thighs. She then went about unbuttoning his 衬衫 which was still on. Clay then kissed Sam's neck very passionately she laughed a bit and 说 “Clay, Clay whoa, Whoa, what are 你 doing?" Clay looked at her intensely and 说 “What do 你 think I'm doing, I'm making 爱情 to my wife.” Sam moaned she was so overcome with erotic pleasure, she barely managed to get out her reply "God Clay that sounds so good, don't stop, please babe don't stop Ah, that feels so good!” He obeyed 由 接吻 her on her neck and started going down her body, just as they were getting into a good rhythm Sam heard a buzzing sound. She 说 “What is that noise?” Sam dug into Clay's pants pocket and pulled out his vibrating pager. She looked at it Clay was still 接吻 her but stopped at the sound of Sam's voice “Clay, Clay look.” He glanced at it for a moment and 说 “Their the only one's with the number.” Sam couldn't believe it it was the hospital they had found Clay a donor heart! She 说 “Holy shit, honey this is amazing!” She kissed him . Clay replied breathlessly to her “I 爱情 你 so much.” Sam 说 “I know I 爱情 你 here.” Sam helped Clay get his 衬衫 and pants off. The couple made 爱情 until two o' clock in the morning. At two they showered together got dressed and took a taxi to the hospital. Just as they were about to go inside Clay stopped and stared at Sam a bit perplexed she looked at him and asked “What, why are 你 staring at me like that?” He wrapped his arms her waist and held her for a few 分钟 just staring at her, taking a deep breath in he looked at her clearly and replied “You know I 爱情 you, right?”She looked at him quizzically and 说 “Yeah, I know I just married you, I already know how 你 feel about me. Clay, why are 你 saying this?” He kissed her and 说 “It's nothing I just want 你 to know, that if something goes wrong tonight, 你 have always been my first and true love.” Sam hugged and kissed him then 说 “Come on honey, don't talk like that, you're gonna be fine, Let's just go inside, All right Sweetie.” Clay kissed her again and replied “All right hon, let's go.” They held hands and went inside. There standing in the waiting room were two members of Clay's surgical team, Jack, and Dr. Putnam. Jack introduced Sam to Dr. Putnam and a few 秒 into their discussion Sam also met the surgical nurse and fourth member of the team, Penny Carver. Clay left to go see his mother and a man she had never seen before in the waiting room along with Jack. Sam didn't go with him, she just sat down in the waiting room and waited for him to come back. Through she did watch the foursome, and even through she was a considerable length away she could tell 由 their body language that Lilith was extremely frustrated with Clay and vice versa. Finally after a few 分钟 he came to where Sam was seated. She got up and asked him “Honey is everything all right?"

He looked at her and 说 “Yeah every thing's fine Sam, look I have to go now I'll be back soon all right?” She kissed him softly then 说 “Sure baby, I'll be waiting for you.” Clay gave her one last 吻乐队(Kiss) and went with Jack to be prepped. When she 下一个 saw him Clay was in a stark green hospital 袍, 礼服 being wheeled on a gurney 由 Jack. She took his hand in hers and the three of them started to walk down the long corridor to the operating room. Stopping Jack 说 to Clay “All right I'm going to give 你 guys a 分钟 okay.” Clay replied “Thanks, Jack.” Sam knelt down so that she was at eye level with him. Clay took his hand in hers. Touching her wedding ring gently he asked her “It looks real nice hon, Does it fit all right?” She smiled and 说 “Yeah, it fits perfect.” They looked at each other for a 秒 then with a slight smile Clay 说 “I'm scared shitless.” Sam replied “Yeah, I am too. But 嘿 你 know what, as soon as 你 get out of here we're gonna start fresh. Get a little house on the beach. Do it right ya know. Chase sea gulls what do ya say? As soon as 你 get out, I'll be right here baby.” After a 分钟 Sam added her voice thick with emotion try as she might to conceal her fear form him "I 爱情 you.. so much." Clay looked at her for a long 秒 as if he wasn't ever going to see her again. He then tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear and 说 “I know I 爱情 你 too. Sam, do 你 think my new 心 will 爱情 你 as much as my old one does?” Sam looked at him for a 秒 then with misty eyes she bent down and gave him the softest most passionate 吻乐队(Kiss) she could muster. Jack then chimed in gently “Okay 你 lovebirds it's time to go.” Clay sighed and 说 “All right lead the way.” Jack chucked softly. He then went over to Sam put a hand on her shoulder looking at her with compassionate albeit serious eyes 说 “I promise Sam , I'm gonna take excellent care of him, all right” Sam gave Jack a warm hug and whispered to him “I know 你 will Jack, thank you.” Jack then went over to Clay to wheel him towards the O.R. Clay 说 “I'll see 你 soon, wife.” Sam 说 "Ah,say that again baby!” Clay obliged 由 shouting “Wife!” he waved slightly to her, wagging his left hand softly. Sam sighed hugging herself she thought, We can get through this I know we can. The strength of our 爱情 can get me and him through this it has too. Feeling tears coming again she thought, Jack please take good care of my Baby. Take good care of my husband. Sam then walked over to the waiting room and sat down. Holding her ring finger she braced herself for the long agonizing wait. Knowing that the strength of her 爱情 for Clayton Beresford Jr. would get her though it and his 爱情 for her would get him thorough it as well.

added by Gabri3la
Source: say-hi-2-perfection
added by Gabri3la
Source: say-hi-2-perfection
added by Gabri3la
Source: tumblr
posted by Starwarschick18
Awake: A Troubled Marriage

Sam Lockwood-Beresford looked at her clock on her nightstand. It read 4:20 it was the first time in two months that she was not up feeding her newborn baby. She was thrilled. It's about time. Sam thought with tired relief.

Still she wanted to make certain that her baby was all right. As quietly as she could Sam got up. She stretched for a 分钟 then she softly padded over to the nursery. After much deliberation Sam decided two months into her pregnancy that in order to make 更多 breathing room for their growing family they would have to 移动 out of Sam's modest Brooklyn...
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Source: say-hi-2-perfection
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Source: tumblr
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Source: say-hi-2-perfection
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Source: in-love-with-movies
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Source: in-love-with-movies
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Source: in-love-with-movies
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credit: yourfuckinghandsup
hayden christensen
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added by Starwarschick18
The Awake movie trailer in German!