Australia- A Baz Luhrmann film Updates

a link 增加: Australia Give me 爱情 一年多以前 by SarenKF
a video 增加: Interview with Catherine Martin (Costume Designer Great Gatsby) 一年多以前 by rosieflore
a comment was made to the poll: What do 你 爱情 the most about this movie? 一年多以前 by JessopKatherine
a comment was made to the poll: Drover: Sexier with 或者 without facial hair? 一年多以前 by JessopKatherine
a comment was made to the icon: 图标 一年多以前 by jessowey
a comment was made to the icon: 图标 一年多以前 by jessowey
a comment was made to the icon: Australia 一年多以前 by jessowey
a video 增加: Australia || Hugh Jackman & Nicole Kidman 一年多以前 by fanfly
a poll 增加: 最喜爱的 Character? 一年多以前 by Smiley25
a comment was made to the answer: its not based off a true story its based off of facts like the japanese attack that island in australia 或者 the racism twards the aborigones (black... 一年多以前 by ameron20
a comment was made to the answer: Richard and Martin Flabagan gave the true life 作者 artist shearer Aboriginal activist Donald "Scorp" Stuart as the base for the drover Donald was... 一年多以前 by ameron20
a comment was made to the answer: Richard and Martin Flabagan gave the true life 作者 artist shearer Aboriginal activist Donald "Scorp" Stuart as the base for the drover Donald was... 一年多以前 by ameron20
an answer was added to this question: Does anyone know if the character 'Sarah Ashley' and 'The Drover' actually existed? 'cause isn't this based on a true story?? 一年多以前 by ameron20
a photo 增加: baz 一年多以前 by glezps
a comment was made to the poll: Dont 你 just want to gather Nullah up in your arms and cuddle him forever? 一年多以前 by Jesus-Freak101
an answer was added to this question: Does anyone know if the character 'Sarah Ashley' and 'The Drover' actually existed? 'cause isn't this based on a true story?? 一年多以前 by AnimeFreak98
an answer was added to this question: Does anyone know if the character 'Sarah Ashley' and 'The Drover' actually existed? 'cause isn't this based on a true story?? 一年多以前 by 1861rem
a comment was made to the wallpaper: Mr Drover 一年多以前 by verakissyou15
a link 增加: Lady Sarah Ashley Fanspot! 一年多以前 by AcidBanter
a comment was made to the poll: Are 你 Australian? 一年多以前 by ObiWan_Lover
an answer was added to this question: Does anyone know if the character 'Sarah Ashley' and 'The Drover' actually existed? 'cause isn't this based on a true story?? 一年多以前 by MelBelle2
a question 增加: Does anyone know if the character 'Sarah Ashley' and 'The Drover' actually existed? 'cause isn't this based on a true story?? 一年多以前 by McDreamyluva