Akane sucks (In my opinion)

Authored by AliHam

Akane is annoying. She over-reacts to almost everything Ranma does. She doesn't let Ranma explain and hits him. Whether if it when one of Ranma's love interest explicitly showing full affection, Akane will just hit him out of pure jealously. She is also such a hypocrite. She says one thing to Ranma and then decides to contradict to what the hell she just proposed. For example: When Nabiki was about to fall alongside with Akane and Ranma decides to save Nabiki instead of Akane. Because if he saved Akane instead of Nabiki, Nabiki would have injured herself and Ranma knew that Akane can take care of her fall because Ranma knew she was capable. BUT, Akane being a jerk just slapped Ranma when he just stated why he saved Nabiki instead of Akane (In episode 110). And in episode 8, Akane was complaining how Ranma was holding onto Akane when they were both falling. She was yelling at him and told him to let go. Ugh, going back to the situation where Nabiki and Akane was falling. If Ranma saved Akane, Nabiki would have definitely injured herself and Akane would get angry on why he didn't save Nabiki instead of her. Also in the 39th episode when Akane and Ranma were doing a Romeo and Juliet play. Ranma pretended to kiss Kuno just to go China and get rid of his curse. He clearly showed Akane that he duct-taped Kuno's mouth and didn't actually kiss him. But Akane just yelled at him. Later on, she does the SAME thing to Ranma. When it comes to martial arts, she is so annoying. She is definitely better than the average person but when she says 'I'm also a martial artist', I die even more on the inside. She just drags Ranma down when they fight together. Okay, Ranma can win his fights without Akane. Akane is so unreasonable.